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  • 韓國史上最貴離婚 法院勒令SK會長支付前妻325億

    韓國財閥SK集團董事長崔泰源(Chey Tae-won)和前總統盧泰愚之女的前妻盧素英(Roh Soh-yeong),因為離婚官司,引起當地媒體高度關注。身為大財閥會長的崔泰源,因為承認在外偷吃而有私生子,遭到盧素英提起離婚並提告求償。經過數年審理後,首爾高等法院30日做出裁定,要求崔泰源進行財產分割,支付前妻1.38兆韓元(約新台幣325億元),外加20億韓元(約新台幣4700萬元)的額外贍養費,新裁決的金額遠遠大於地方法院一審結果。
    2024/05/30 15:55
  • Taiwanese marmalade won gold, shines on world stage

    Tainan’s young farmer, Lin Wei-hsun, wins a gold medal at the Marmalade Awards in the UK, showcasing Taiwan’s agricultural prowess on the global stage with a uniquely crafted marmalade that competed against nearly 4,000 entries worldwide.
    2024/04/30 17:57
  • Taiwan’s gender equality achievements praised by Hsiao

    Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim praised Taiwan’s achievements in gender equality at the Taiwan Women Impact Summit, highlighting progress in political representation and resilience in the face of geopolitical challenges, which have won international support.
    2024/04/11 10:16
  • K-pop star Hyewon charms fans at Taipei meet-and-greet

    South Korean actress and singer Kang Hye-won, known as Hyewon, delights fans in Taipei with a fan meet-and-greet event at Clapper Studio. Enjoy her serenading fans with popular K-pop songs and her humorous interactions, as she shares her love for food and local delicacies during her first personal visit to Taiwan. Experience the charm of this rising star as she crafts a memorable connection with her Taiwanese fans.
    2024/02/19 14:38
  • 曾救逾百名脫北者被譽「亞洲辛德勒」 南韓牧師性侵學生判關五年

    南韓牧師千碁元(Chun Ki-won,音譯)曾拯救逾百名脫北者免於遭人口販賣的命運,被外界譽為「亞洲版辛德勒」,去(2023)年9月遭指控有多名脫北青少年受其性侵而被逮捕,震驚全韓國。近期判決結果出爐,首爾地方法院判決千碁元五年有期徒刑,並需接受80小時的性犯罪者治療。然而,該判決結果引發民眾不滿,認為千碁元被「輕判」了。
    2024/02/16 18:09
  • You Si-kun resigns after defeat in Taiwan speaker election

    Following his defeat in the bid for the role of Legislative Yuan speaker, You Si-kun of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has announced his resignation from legislative duties. The Kuomintang’s (KMT) Han Kuo-yu won the 11th Legislative Yuan speaker election by a slim margin of 54 votes to 51. The election for the deputy speaker is set to be a heated competition between Johnny Chiang of the KMT and Tsai Chi-chang of the DPP. You Si-kun’s resignation poses an additional challenge for the DPP in their quest for the deputy speaker role.
    2024/02/01 14:41
  • Hsieh Su-wei triumphs at Australian Open

    Taiwanese tennis player Hsieh Su-wei and Belgium’s Elise Mertens won the Australian Open women’s doubles championship on Jan. 28. This victory is notable as Hsieh is only the third player in the past 24 years to win both the women’s and mixed doubles titles at the Australian Open. At 38 years and 24 days old, Hsieh is the second-oldest women’s doubles champion in Grand Slam history, just eight days younger than U.S. record holder Lisa Raymond. After an 18-month break due to injury, Hsieh made a triumphant return in 2023, winning the Australian Open, French Open, and Wimbledon. Hsieh and Mertens defeated Lyudmyla Kichenok from Ukraine and Jelena Ostapenko from Latvia in the women’s doubles final with a score of 6-1, 7-5. Hsieh has a total of eight Grand Slam trophies, including seven titles in women’s doubles, but is yet to win a title at the U.S. Open.
    2024/01/29 14:38
  • Poll: majority of Taiwan supports coalition government

    A citizens’ preference poll conducted by the Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation (TPOF) revealed that 47.3% of respondents were generally pleased with the outcome of the elections, in which the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) candidate won the presidency but failed to secure a majority in the legislature. The poll results, announced by TPOF on Jan. 23, showed a mixed outlook, with 15.3% very pleased, 32% somewhat pleased, 23.4% slightly displeased, and 9.1% not pleased. Additionally, nearly 60% of respondents agreed with the idea of forming a coalition government in the absence of a single party gaining a majority. The survey, conducted from Jan. 15-17 by Focus Survey Research on behalf of TPOF, utilized a dual-frame random sampling design, targeting Taiwanese residents aged 20 and above through 70% landline and 30% mobile calls. The margin of error is 2.98 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.
    2024/01/23 13:20
  • DPP win may prompt escalated activities from Beijing

    Following the victory of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in Taiwan’s presidential election, a report by the Asia Society Policy Institute (ASPI) suggests that Beijing might escalate activities in gray zone areas. The report highlights Taiwan’s increased geopolitical prominence and its pivotal role in semiconductor manufacturing, making the stability of the Taiwan Strait a key concern for the U.S. and other Western nations. The report also notes that Vice President Lai Ching-te won the election by over 40% of votes, breaking the trend of switching ruling parties every eight years since direct presidential elections were implemented in 1996. The victorious DPP aims to strengthen Taiwan’s defenses and relations with like-minded nations while resisting negotiations with Beijing. Additionally, the party seeks to reduce Taiwan’s trade dependency on China and strengthen ties with significant partners such as Australia, Europe, and Japan. With no party securing a majority in the legislative assembly, the DPP faces a "minority government and majority opposition" scenario, which could hinder the government’s legislative and budgeting process and impact Taiwan-U.S. ties. Despite the election, cross-strait relations and regional tensions are unlikely to undergo fundamental changes. Taiwan’s vital position in semiconductor manufacturing and geopolitics ensures its continued rise in importance, with the U.S. and Western nations playing a crucial role in maintaining stability in the Taiwan Strait. The upcoming U.S. presidential election in November is expected to significantly impact the U.S.-China-Taiwan triangle, and a potential return of former President Trump to the White House might please Beijing, according to the report.
    2024/01/18 10:27
  • Lai Ching-te pledges NT$160M in election funds to charity

    DPP Chairman Lai Ching-te announced that the NT$160 million in election subsidies won by the party will be donated to charitable causes and used to care for founding members and further the education of young party workers. Lai expressed gratitude to the citizens for their support, noting that each vote contributed NT$30 to the subsidy. The subsidies will be distributed in three equal parts, with one part going back to the central party, another part assisting founding members and providing scholarships or grants for young DPP members, and the final part being donated to charitable causes, following the tradition of past legislators and representatives.
    2024/01/17 18:42
  • Taiwan’s allies voice support as China ramps up intimidation

    China’s military intimidation of Taiwan ahead of the presidential election has been warned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA). A joint statement by the US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Daniel Kritenbrink, Japanese Deputy Minister and Director-General, Kobe Yasuhiro, and Republic of Korea Deputy Minister, Chung Byung-won, expressed support for Taiwan during a three-way dialogue in Washington. China’s recent military threats towards Taiwan, including deploying balloons across the Taiwan strait, violating airspace, and suspending parts of the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA), have raised concerns among the international community. MOFA has raised suspicions of attempts to influence the election and emphasized Taiwan’s commitment to cooperation with the US, Japan, and South Korea to promote peace, stability, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region.
    2024/01/07 14:56
  • ’Parasite’ actor dies in apparent suicide amid drug scandals

    Acclaimed South Korean actor Lee Sun-kyun, known for his roles in popular films and television dramas such as ’Coffee Prince,’ ’My Mister,’ and ’Parasite,’ was found dead in his car in a suspected suicide. Lee had gained extensive popularity across Asia, including Taiwan, where he had visited in 2019 to promote his film ’Take Point.’ His performance in ’My Mister’ had received rave reviews, and ’Parasite’ had won both the Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film and the Academy Award for Best Picture. Despite his success, Lee’s career was overshadowed by suspicion of drug involvement, ultimately leading to his tragic end, deeply saddening fans worldwide.
    2023/12/27 18:31
  • LE SSERAFIM to make Taiwan debut at 2024 concert

    LE SSERAFIM, a South Korean girl group, will be the special guest at the 2024 Red White Superstar Concert in Taipei, Taiwan. This will be their first performance in Taiwan as a group. Leader Kim Chae-won expressed honor at the invitation and promised a spectacular stage performance. Member Kazuha also shared a warm message to fans, expressing excitement to meet FEARNOT from different regions and hoping to transmit positive energy through their performance. The group members, Sakura and Kazuha, also expressed anticipation for Taiwanese cuisine, with Sakura loving bubble milk tea and Kazuha eager to try the famous mango ice. The concert will be broadcast on Taiwan Television and MyVideo on Lunar New Year’s Eve, and audiences can participate in a ticket lottery for a chance of admission by downloading the TTV app.
    2023/12/26 20:27
  • Taiwan tops South Korea in 2022’s GDP per capita

    Taiwan’s GDP per capita has surpassed South Korea’s for the first time since 2003, reaching US$32,625 in 2022 compared to South Korea’s US$32,410, according to the Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics (DGBAS). This economic victory can be attributed to Taiwan’s higher growth rate in recent years and the greater depreciation of South Korea’s won. Taiwan had been trailing behind South Korea in terms of GDP per capita since 2003, but the gap between the two has been consistently shrinking. Additionally, in financial market news, Taiwan’s stock index has also advanced beyond Hong Kong’s for the first time in nearly 31 years, with the Taiwan Stock Exchange index closing at 17,370 points, outpacing the Hang Seng Index, which was weighed down by China’s low-earning equities and closed at 16,993.
    2023/12/26 17:05
  • 韓千萬YTR爆性侵酒醉女!案發經過曝光 她睡一半「聽到這聲音」 

    知名韓國男網紅Won Jeong Man(원정맨)在YouTube、TikTok等平台擁有破千萬訂閱,極具人氣,還曾被《富比士》列入「30 位30 歲以下精英」(Forbes 30 under 30 Asia)亞洲榜。怎料,看似人畜無害的他,竟疑似和友人涉嫌性侵酒醉女子,警訪透露已依特殊準強姦罪名移送檢方偵辦,恐面臨最高7年有期徒刑,如今受害者的供詞曝光,還原了整起案發經過。
    2023/12/26 16:31
  • 千萬網紅爆性侵遭逮!9身分線索曝光 涉染指女友人挨轟

    2023/12/24 17:00
  • Taiwan firms set to revive year-end party with cash prizes

    A survey conducted by online job bank Yes123 revealed that 88.4 percent of Taiwan’s companies plan to hold year-end parties before the Lunar New Year, with employees most eager to receive cash prizes. The survey also found that 60.3 percent of companies with year-end party plans will host lucky draw events. Among the preferred prizes, cash ranked as the top choice with 66.2 percent of employees, followed by smartphones (43.3 percent), cars (42.5 percent), department store vouchers (34.3 percent), and convenience store coupons (33.2 percent). The survey also showed that 73.6 percent of office workers have previously won a prize at year-end parties, with the average value of the biggest prize being NT$11,833. The spokesperson for Yes123, Yang Tsung-pin, stated that the willingness of companies to hold year-end events has returned to normal, indicating the recovery and stabilization of the economy following the disruptions caused by Covid-19. The survey was conducted online from Dec. 1 to Dec. 14, with 1,366 valid responses and a confidence level of 95 percent and a margin of error of plus or minus 2.65 percent.
    2023/12/19 20:17
  • Tsai meets World Baker of Year, praises Taiwan’s creativity

    President Tsai Ing-wen met with Justin Wu, the 2023 World Baker of the Year, to recognize his contribution in promoting Taiwan’s baking industry globally. The government is actively supporting the industry’s growth and international engagement. Wu, who won the group competition at the Coupe du Monde de la Boulangerie last year, was honored with the World Baker of the Year title by the Unibread Bread Baking Championships this year. He has showcased his creativity by creating an art bread piece inspired by the Seediq tribe and coaching the Taiwanese team to victory at the UIBC Junior World Championship. President Tsai highlighted the value of Taiwan’s baking industry, which exceeds NT$100 billion, and praised the diverse and exquisite styles of Taiwanese bakers at global competitions. She also expressed gratitude to the Taipei Bakery Association for their efforts in passing down experience and hosting international contests in Taiwan. President Tsai expects the bakery sector to continue delivering high quality and innovative products as it expands its market and introduces Taiwan’s delicious baked goods to the world.
    2023/12/19 16:46
  • Eslite Xinyi store sets new visitor record ahead of closure

    Eslite Xinyi Store, an iconic cultural institution in Taipei, set a new record with 53,000 visitors in a single day, surpassing New Year’s Eve crowds. The 18-year-old bookstore is closing its doors on December 24th, prompting a "Farewell Tour" exhibition showcasing its most-sold books and precious images. A final celebration on the closing day will feature a dance act by Billy Chang, an outdoor farewell concert with renowned artists, and a countdown with Chairman Wu Min-chieh. The legacy of the 24-hour bookstore will continue at Eslite Songyan Store, tripling its book volume, offering over 100,000 products, and introducing cultural spaces like a record store, cinema, performance hall, art gallery, and wine cellar.
    2023/12/19 15:13
  • Record 28,000 runners brave cold at Taipei Marathon

    The Taipei Marathon took place on a chilly morning with a record-breaking turnout of around 28,000 runners, including an 80-year-old man. Ethiopian runners, Dechasa Alemu Moreda and Obse Abdeta Deme, won the men’s and women’s marathon categories with impressive times of 2:11:56 and 2:27:12, respectively. Taiwanese runners, Chiang Chieh-wen and Chen I-ning, claimed the national titles with finishing times of 2:22:29 and 2:56:37. This year’s marathon set records for the highest number of participating countries, with runners from 62 nations, and the largest ever runner participation, nearing 30,000 entrants. Kenyan athlete, Lani Kiplagat Rutto, who narrowly missed the championship last year, returned but fell short once again.
    2023/12/18 20:06
  • Lee optimistic despite not advancing to badminton finale

    Taiwan’s badminton "golden duo," Lee Yang and Wang Chi-lin, will not compete in the season-ending finale, despite their successful season which included a championship win at the Super 750 Japan Open. They also finished as runners-up in the Hylo Open and the 2023 Korea Masters. In addition, they won a bronze medal at the Asian Games, the only medal for Taiwan’s badminton team. Lee and Wang are now focused on a comeback in January 2023, aiming to defend their Olympic title at the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris.
    2023/12/07 15:25
  • Hsieh Su-wei wins 3rd women’s doubles title at Wimbledon

    Hsieh Su-wei of Taiwan and Barbora Strycova of the Czech Republic won their second Wimbledon doubles title as a pairing by beating Elise Mertens of Belgium and Storm Hunter of Australia 7-5, 6-4 on Sunday (July 16) on Centre Court.
    2023/07/17 17:14
  • Bank system glitch multiplies receipt lottery prizes by 100

    The recent announcement of winning numbers for Taiwan’s receipt lottery turned into an unexpected windfall for some lucky individuals who discovered they had received 100 times the amount they had won. 
    2023/06/08 18:06
  • Taiwan’s energetic cheerleaders garner international praise

    Chinese Taipei’s baseball cheerleading squad has won over sports fans worldwide with their friendly demeanor, perky smiles, and perfectly synchronized moves. 
    2023/03/15 15:36
  • KMT wins big in Taiwan local elections as ruling DPP stumbes

    Taiwan’s main opposition party Kuomintang won big in the local elections on Saturday (Nov. 26), dominating 13 cities and counties in Taiwan.
    2022/11/27 23:26
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