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  • 河水暴漲痛失懷孕女友!山下智久改當氣象宅男 粉絲驚呼太帥了

    Hami Video最新日劇《BLUE MOMENT 暮色氣象英雄》由日本男神山下智久主演,也是他睽違7年再度詮釋救難英雄。他在劇中飾演氣象學天才,帶領救難團隊在第一線判讀天氣變化,搶救人命。該劇集結出口夏希、水上恆司、夏帆等人氣演員,開播前就話題不斷,還拿下日本知名戲劇情報網站「2024最想看春季日劇」第1名!24日在日本首播,收視率為8.6%,創下該黃金時段兩年來最高紀錄!
  • 中職/大雨延賽!不只中信兄弟和統一獅 今3場比賽都沒打

  • Pets overtake newborns: Taiwan’s shifting family dynamics

    In Taiwan, pet registrations have surpassed the number of newborns, highlighting a shift towards pet ownership and an increasing demand for pet healthcare. Veterinarians are now more common than pediatricians, with pets often treated as family members.
  • Fu Kun-chi heads to Beijing to promote cross-strait peace

    Kuomintang caucus whip Fu Kun-chi plans to lead a delegation to Beijing aiming to ease cross-strait tensions and foster peace. The visit, scheduled after the legislative session ends, seeks to reconnect ties and encourage Chinese tourism to Taiwan, amidst criticism of Fu’s close ties with the Chinese government.
  • Bilingual anchors to host inauguration ceremony

    Discover the prestigious announcement of hosts for Taiwan’s 16th presidential and vice-presidential inauguration ceremony and state banquet. Anchors Ethan Liu and Jasmine Liu will lead the ceremony in Taipei, while Kuo Ya-hui and mixed-race model Kevin Tai will charm guests in Tainan, highlighting Taiwan’s diversity and democracy.
  • Lai Ching-te unveils cross-strait team appointments

    President-elect Lai Ching-te announces key national security appointments, naming Chiu Chui-cheng as head of the Mainland Affairs Council and Vice Premier Cheng Wen-tsan as chairman of the Straits Exchange Foundation, emphasizing the importance of cross-strait relations and the anticipation for China to engage with Taiwan’s democratically elected government.
  • Taiwan’s defense minister vows to expand military counselors

    Taiwan’s military vows to increase counselors amid rising suicides among personnel, with 16 cases reported in 2023 and 14 fatalities.
  • 去年剛訪台!比利時國會領袖稱遭中國間諜網攻 北京當局回應了

    比利時聯邦眾議院外交委員會主席范荷芙(Els Van Hoof)今天告訴媒體,中國間諜在2021年駭入她的筆記型電腦。這是中國被控在歐洲從事間諜行為的最新一起案例。
  • 普欽稱計劃5月前往中國大陸 連任成功後首度出訪

    俄羅斯總統普欽(Vladimir Putin)今天表示,計劃在5月訪問中國大陸,這是他成功連任後的第一個出訪計畫。值此之際,俄羅斯正尋求與中國大陸深化關係。
  • 江宏傑傳離婚官司花百萬全說了! 隔20個月「一家團聚」:就為了這一刻

  • 地球解方 永續設計行動年會 世界地球日共同關注全球塑膠公約 縮短價值行動差是永續溝通的最大挑戰

    《地球解方 2024永續設計行動年會》由主辦單位5% Design Action,聯合跨領域的五大策略夥伴:電通傳播行銷集團、Kantar凱度集團、聯合線上、TVBS、DreamVok意集設計,已連續四年於世界地球日4月22日舉行。世界地球日辦公室也連續四屆錄影支持年會,世界地球日活動經理Evan Raskin 再次強調今年的主題「多一塑不如少一塑」(Planet vs. Plastics),舉例說明塑膠汙染帶來的全球性影響,包含有毒的塑膠垃圾幾乎存在於地球上的每個角落,從地表最高處珠穆朗瑪峰頂到馬里亞納海溝無處不在。據估計,每年有多達1億隻海洋生物因塑膠汙染而死亡。且塑膠微粒已進入人類食物鏈,平均每人每週攝取約5克的塑膠微粒。研究顯示,長期暴露於塑膠化學物質中,可能導致荷爾蒙失調、神經系統損傷、糖尿病、肥胖,甚至癌症等健康問題。因此世界地球日呼籲到2040年將塑膠生產減少60%,減少使用一次性塑膠用品已經刻不容緩!
  • President-elect Lai unveils sixth wave of cabinet reshuffle

    President-elect Lai Ching-te unveils the sixth wave of cabinet and national security appointments, featuring Joseph Wu as Secretary-General of the National Security Council and Lin Chia-lung as Minister of Foreign Affairs. The team, praised for its professionalism and commitment, includes a total of 34 appointments with an average age of 62.5.
  • Indonesia eyes Taiwan’s excellent earthquake response

    Indonesian Vice President Ma’ruf Amin commends Taiwan’s disaster management, urging Indonesia to adopt similar strategies and technology for improved disaster response and prevention.
  • Joseph Wu: From top diplomat to national security chief

    Joseph Wu Jaushieh, with over six years as Taiwan’s foreign minister, is set to become the National Security Council’s secretary-general. Known for his "unconventional" approach and handling of crises like the China-US trade war and COVID-19, Wu significantly enhanced Taiwan-US relations and worked on expanding ties with Central and Eastern Europe. Despite losing eight diplomatic allies under China’s pressure, his extensive international experience is seen as a valuable asset in his new role.
  • Taiwan to toughen penalties on illegal migrant worker hiring

    Taiwan’s Minister of Labor, Hsu Ming-chun, proposes stricter penalties for illegal employment of migrant workers to curb the rising number of missing cases, including banning employers with violations from hiring and increasing application process duration.
  • Taiwan inches closer to China, debunking drift rumors: CWA

    The Central Weather Administration of Taiwan corrects misconceptions about the island drifting away from China due to earthquakes, clarifying that Taiwan is moving closer to China at a rate of 4 to 8 centimeters annually. This adjustment is based on the movement of tectonic plates, with Taiwan’s position at the Eurasian and Philippine Sea plates’ junction contributing to its gradual shift towards China.
  • 安海瑟薇爆業界秘辛! 曾被要求「與10男車輪戰」崩潰:真的很噁

    好萊塢女星安海瑟薇(Anne Hathaway)因《麻雀變鳳凰》、《穿著PRADA的惡魔》等經典電影走紅,深耕多年靠演技證明自己,曾獲奧斯卡最佳女配角,不過早期的她也碰過非常噁心的遭遇,近日她接受《V》雜誌訪問,透露曾在2000年接拍某部電影時,獲選為女主角後,被要求一天與10個男生車輪戰熱吻,讓她崩潰直呼「真的很噁」,但怕被貼上難搞標籤只好配合。
  • 笨賊挖地道越獄 逃跑路線盡頭卻是「警察訓練場」

    委內瑞拉第二大城馬拉開波市(Maracaibo, Venezuela)一座監獄,日前發生離譜的越獄事件,當地有20名囚犯費盡心思、嘗試靠著挖掘地道和坑洞策劃越獄,卻沒想到逃跑路線盡頭,竟直接挖進警察訓練場地,在敲破牆面的那一刻,即刻被現場等待多時的警方逮個正著。根據外媒報導,這群囚犯精心策畫挖洞路線,意圖藉此重獲自由,沒想到卻陰錯陽差地誤闖警察地盤。大批警察在牆壁另一邊將他們攔下,協助這些囚犯從狹窄洞口爬出後,隨即就將他們抓回監獄繼續關押。
  • 4.7 magnitude earthquake shakes Hualien, felt across Taiwan

    Discover the latest on the significant earthquake off Hualien County’s coast, as reported by the Central Weather Administration. With a magnitude of 4.7, this quake impacted various regions across Taiwan, prompting alerts for potential aftershocks. Stay informed on the seismic activity affecting Hualien, Nantou, Taichung, and beyond.
  • 壽司1配料「沒熟竄劇毒」!美婦送醫命危 肝、腎毀損2週亡

    美國去(2023)年曾發生一起食物中毒事件,64歲婦女唐娜(Donna Ventura)在食用壽司過後,出現身體不適的症狀,緊急送醫後馬上就被安排進了加護病房,無奈搶救近2週仍不幸去世,事後檢查出是因為內餡中的「羊肚菌」沒有煮熟所導致。
  • Taiwan reduces exams for students, emphasizes life skills

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Education reduces the maximum number of regular exams for first and second graders to two per semester, emphasizing life habits and moral cultivation. The amendment aims to boost confidence and study abilities, suggesting schools use diverse assessments for a more flexible education approach, including digital learning for those unable to attend in-person classes due to various reasons.
  • Foxconn’s climate goals approved by SBTi

    Foxconn Technology Group achieves a significant milestone in environmental sustainability by receiving approval from the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) for its net-zero emissions goal, making it a leader in Taiwan’s high-tech hardware industry. This commitment aligns with the Paris Agreement, aiming to limit global warming to 1.5˚C by reducing greenhouse gas emissions across its value chain by 2050.
  • 全球塑膠公約拚年底定案 地球解方2024永續設計行動年會 跨領域對談激盪企業創新

    4月22日世界地球日,今年倡議主題訂為「多一塑不如少一塑」(Planet vs. Plastics),呼應預計年底定案的「全球塑膠公約」,面對繼巴黎協定後最重要的國際環境公約,《地球解方 2024永續設計行動年會》邀請民間團體、包裝企業與跨領域專家精彩對談,看企業機會與創新。
  • President-elect Lai clarifies Rolex watch allegations

    Taipei’s President-elect and DPP Chairman Lai Ching-te dismisses allegations of undeclared Rolex watches, clarifying he owns two, each valued at NT$100,000. Amidst KMT’s scrutiny over his assets, Lai explains the origins of his watches and addresses the accusations at a DPP meeting.
  • China demands U.S. halt arms to Taiwan amid new bill

    China’s Taiwan Affairs Office demands the U.S. to halt military support for Taiwan, citing the issue as China’s internal affair and a violation of the "One China principle." The call comes in response to a U.S. Senate bill providing military aid to Taiwan, among others.
    2024/04/24 16:48
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