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    U.S 結果共494筆

  • Michael Green: Taiwan’s defense commitment under scrutiny

    Former Senior Director for Asian Affairs at the National Security Council and CEO of the United States Studies Centre, Michael Jonathan Green, emphasizes that Taiwan’s recent extension of military service to one year is a significant indication of its commitment to defense. Green warns that any reversal of this decision would raise concerns in both the United States and Japan. As tensions rise across the Taiwan Strait, the main concern for the U.S. is Taiwan’s vulnerability to Chinese pressure or military action. By extending military conscription, Taiwan is demonstrating its political will to counter Beijing’s intimidation. The United States, Japan, and Australia believe that Taiwan’s efforts to stabilize the situation and prevent war are commendable. Green highlights that any threat posed by China to Taiwan could jeopardize security across the entire First Island Chain, impacting nations like the US, Canada, Japan, the Philippines, Australia, and New Zealand. Green, who has served in the Bush Administration and was part of the U.S. bipartisan delegation that visited Taiwan in March, stresses the critical importance of Taiwan’s resolve for self-defense.
    2023/12/11 12:05
  • 不敵百億誘惑!曾批沙國聯賽 西班牙高球名將被油王挖角

    全球最高薪資的球員人選即將換人,不再是你我熟悉的C羅(Cristiano Ronaldo)、梅西或姆巴佩,而可能是來自西班牙的高爾夫球名將喬恩・拉姆(Jon Rahm),根據《ESPN》(The Telegraph)報導,這位剛剛拿下今年美國大師賽(U.S. Masters)冠軍的運動員,在各種傳聞滿天飛後,8日正式宣佈接受沙烏地阿拉伯挖角,從PGA美巡賽跳槽加盟沙國主導的LIV職業聯賽,甚至能擁有自己的專屬球隊,而傳聞中能讓拉姆躍居最高薪現役球員,一紙高達4.5億英鎊(約新台幣177億4400萬元)的合約,以及3.02億英鎊(約新台幣119億元)預付款,也持續成為粉絲討論的話題。
    2023/12/09 11:58
  • U.S. House backs Taiwan military training in defense bill

    The U.S. House Armed Services Committee has agreed to include provisions in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24 NDAA) to assist in the training of Taiwan’s armed forces. The bill, with a budget of USUS$876.8 billion, requires the U.S. Department of Defense to develop a comprehensive training and advisory program for Taiwan’s military. The program will only proceed with the consent of the Secretary of State and after consultations with Taiwanese officials. The legislation aims to enhance Taiwan’s multilayered defense capabilities, including asymmetric defense strategies and interoperability with U.S. forces. It also promotes cybersecurity cooperation and the protection of military networks. The NDAA mandates biannual reporting on China’s military developments in Taiwan, Southeast Asia, and the South China Sea. Additionally, a classified report will evaluate the absorption of U.S.-provided military capabilities by Taiwan’s armed forces. After approval by Congress, President Joe Biden is expected to sign the bill into law, strengthening U.S.-Taiwan defense relations.
    2023/12/08 17:19
  • Hou Yu-ih proposes balanced U.S.-China diplomatic ties

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih proposes a pro-US and China diplomatic stance, diverging from incumbent President Tsai Ing-wen’s approach. Hou criticizes Tsai’s foreign affairs and cross-strait policies, blaming the Tsai administration for Taiwan’s diplomatic isolation, failure to join regional economic bodies, and lack of communication with China. Hou emphasizes adhering to the Constitution of the Republic of China, affirming the nation’s sovereignty, and proposing a balanced stance between fostering solid ties with the United States and engaging with Mainland China. He also highlights the importance of Taiwan being prepared and realistic about its defense, suggesting that the island’s security should not rely solely on promises from the US but on its efforts and pragmatic relations with democratic allies. Political commentator Jaw Shau-kong fiercely criticizes the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for being pro-US and anti-China, deeming Tsai’s policies on cross-strait relations and international diplomacy a complete failure. Jaw points out that despite Taiwan’s willingness to import American pork, the support has yet to translate into the U.S. helping with Taiwan’s entry into international organizations.
    2023/12/07 19:13
  • TSMC, AZBTC resolve dispute with training, safety deal

    Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) and the Arizona Building and Construction Trades Council (AZBTC) have reached an agreement to resolve a labor dispute at TSMC’s Phoenix semiconductor manufacturing facility. The collaboration includes employee training programs and a commitment to transparency on workplace safety issues. This agreement is seen as a critical step for TSMC, which is expected to benefit from the US$100 billion in subsidies provided by the U.S. Chips Act. TSMC has agreed to prioritize local hiring but can employ foreign workers with "specialist experience" if needed. TSMC’s investment in Arizona amounts to US$40 billion, with construction starting in 2021. Mass production is now scheduled to begin in the first half of 2025. This resolution not only facilitates smoother progress in the construction of TSMC’s plant but also highlights the company’s role in increasing semiconductor production capabilities in the United States.
    2023/12/07 18:06
  • Ko Wen-je vows to continue Tsai’s ’Taiwan Strait policy’

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je expresses his commitment to maintaining President Tsai Ing-wen’s foreign policy trajectory in an exclusive interview. Ko advocates for friendly communication across the Taiwan Strait and emphasizes Taiwan’s opportunity to normalize its country status on the world stage. While Ko criticizes the Democratic Progressive Party’s mindset towards China, he believes Taiwan should not consider China an enemy. He emphasizes the need for Taiwan to maintain its self-defense capabilities and proposes a pragmatic approach to military strategy and international challenges. Ko compares his neutrality to his experience in emergency medicine and prioritizes care over political affiliations. He asserts the necessity for balance among the outcomes acceptable to the U.S. and China in navigating Taiwan’s international relations.
    2023/12/07 16:15
  • Hsiao Bi-khim hit by disinformation in Taiwan election: RFA

    Taiwan’s 2024 presidential election countdown has begun, and Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) vice presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim has become the target of disinformation campaigns from China, where she is being portrayed as an "American agent." Hsiao, who has a European mother, previously held dual citizenship with both Taiwan and the United States, which has attracted significant attention. Chinese social media platforms are echoing voices questioning Hsiao’s ethnic background and citizenship, aiming to shape the perception of her and the presidential candidate as being too friendly to the U.S. and betraying Taiwan. However, these narratives are based on false information. Hsiao clarified that she does not hold dual citizenship and reaffirmed her commitment to Taiwan, having renounced her American citizenship in 2002 to emphasize her allegiance to the Republic of China, Taiwan.
    2023/12/07 14:27
  • McDonald’s to open 10,000 new outlets by 2027

    McDonald’s plans to open 10,000 new restaurants by the end of 2027, aiming to attract 100 million additional members. This expansion includes 900 new outlets in the U.S., 1,900 in International Operated Markets (IOM), and around 7,000 in International Developmental Licensed (IDL) markets. The company expects its membership to increase from 150 million to 250 million, driven by the success of its "MyMcDonald’s Rewards" program, which generated over US$20 billion in sales last year. Currently, McDonald’s operates 41,198 restaurants worldwide, according to its latest quarterly financial report.
    2023/12/07 14:07
  • Taiwan stocks waver, TSMC rises amid U.S. market downturn

    Taipei stock market remains steady around 17,360 points following a downturn in the US stock market. TSMC, the leading semiconductor foundry service provider, sees a rise of NT$3 to reach NT$573. Other semiconductor companies like UMC, PSMC, and VIS also experience modest gains. Additionally, electronic stocks like MediaTek show strength with a 1.4% increase to NT$940. Cable stocks outperform, while other sectors show slight fluctuations.
    2023/12/07 11:35
  • DPP’s Hsiao: Taiwan treated with dignity in U.S. role

    During her tenure as Taiwan’s representative to the U.S., DPP vice presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim emphasized that Taiwanese people were treated with dignity and respect, rejecting any notion of subservience. She acknowledged the need for a flexible approach to diplomacy given Taiwan’s unique situation, which can range from soft to firm. Hsiao candidly admitted to setbacks and grievances, but highlighted her team’s tireless efforts to overcome obstacles and gain widespread support and respect. Despite the challenges, the confidence, encouragement, and backing from Taiwanese people made her role worthwhile. Hsiao also emphasized the importance of Taiwan’s foreign policy objectives, such as garnering international support and promoting democratic and economic achievements.
    2023/12/07 10:58
  • Italy ends BRI Deal, citing unmet expectations with China

    Italy has confirmed its decision to withdraw from China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), with formal notification given to Chinese authorities. This strategic move by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s government will see Italy cease its participation in the BRI by the end of this year. Italy’s initial decision to join the initiative in 2019 made it the only major Western country to take part, drawing severe criticism from the U.S. and other nations. Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani stated that the agreement "has not produced the expected results" and is no longer a "priority." Despite the withdrawal, the Italian government still intends to strengthen bilateral relations with China.
    2023/12/07 10:55
  • Tsai thanks overseas Chinese for backing Taiwan globally

    President Tsai Ing-wen expresses gratitude to the overseas Chinese community for their unwavering support and efforts in advocating for Taiwan’s inclusion in international organizations and expanding its global presence. During a reception for the "2023 North American Taiwanese Associations Delegation," President Tsai acknowledges the vital role of Taiwanese compatriots in forging connections between Taiwan, the U.S., and Canada. Despite challenges such as the pandemic and shifts in the international landscape, Taiwan has persistently promoted its policies, overcoming obstacles and strengthening the nation. President Tsai encourages the visiting delegation to frequently return to Taiwan, share their experiences with friends and family abroad, and enhance their understanding and support for Taiwan. Vice President Lai Ching-te also attends the event, joining President Tsai in greeting the delegation team members.
    2023/12/07 10:50
  • TPP’s Ko Wen-je admits poor handling of KMT split in intw.

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je admitted in a livestream interview that his handling of the split with the Kuomintang (KMT) was not managed well, leading to his lagging position in multiple polls. Facing a widening gap with his second-ranked rival, Ko expressed his determination to "reset and restart" his campaign. He confessed to living with regret every day since his decision to run for Taipei mayor in 2014. Ko emphasized that the key outcome will be determined on election day and voiced frustration over unjust accusations linking him to the negative impacts of Terry Gou’s influence. Ko seeks to secure a total of 10 seats for the TPP and highlighted the necessity of obtaining at least 5.5 million votes to win the presidency. He likened Taiwan’s position in U.S.-China relations to navigating a delicate mother-in-law relationship, underscoring the need for effective communication. Despite fierce competition from the KMT and Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), Ko pledges to continue his fight for the presidency until the end.
    2023/12/07 10:03
  • 魚鷹機沖繩墜毀釀8死 美海空軍下令全面停飛

    身為美軍重要運補工具的魚鷹機(V-22 Osprey),不久前再次發生墜機死亡事故,一架隸屬駐日美軍(U.S. Forces Japan)的魚鷹機,11月29日在九州南部的屋久島(Yakushima)海域墜毀,目前已確認機上8名官兵全數罹難殉職。《英國廣播公司》(BBC)報導,美軍7日正式下令,海、空軍麾下所有魚鷹機機隊,即日起全面停飛進行調查,以此確保美軍官兵與盟國人員的安全。
    2023/12/07 09:33
  • Hsiao defends U.S. diplomacy effort amid KMT criticism

    DPP Vice Presidential Candidate Hsiao Bi-khim has stated that her diplomatic efforts in the United States have enhanced Taiwanese dignity. Responding to criticism from KMT legislator candidate Hsu Chiao-hsin, Hsiao defended her "battle cat diplomacy" approach, emphasizing the need for flexibility in Taiwan’s unique diplomatic situation. Despite setbacks, Hsiao believes Taiwan has gained increased support, trust, and respect from the international community. She also emphasized the importance of leveraging Taiwan’s democratic values, the kindness of its people, and its economic achievements to garner international support.
    2023/12/06 20:37
  • DPP refutes KMT’s pro-U.S. allegations against Hsiao

    The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) responded to allegations from the Kuomintang (KMT) that DPP vice presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim was excessively pro-American. Chen Shi-kai, spokesperson for DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te’s campaign office, criticized the KMT for its lack of understanding of economic trade issues and Taiwan-U.S. relations. The KMT, led by legislator candidate Hsu Chiao-hsin, accused Hsiao of being subservient to the U.S. during her time in Washington, citing a classified communication log documenting a bilateral meeting discussing the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity proposed by U.S. President Joe Biden. Chen defended Hsiao by highlighting recent milestones in Taiwan-U.S. cooperation, such as the signing of the Taiwan-U.S. 21st Century Trade Initiative and efforts to resolve double taxation issues. Chen criticized the KMT candidate for illegally disclosing classified documents for political gain and called for an explanation of the motives and authenticity of the disclosure. This defense by the DPP spokesperson reflects the tensions leading up to Taiwan’s presidential elections, with U.S.-Taiwan relations remaining a significant political issue. The political drama highlights the intensity of Taiwan’s electioneering, where U.S. ties and Taiwan’s global economic positioning are crucial issues for voters. The impact of these debates on public opinion remains to be seen as Taiwan prepares for the polls.
    2023/12/06 20:33
  • Ko dismisses ’92 consensus’ in Taiwan election bid

    Taiwan People’s Party candidate Ko Wen-je distinguishes himself in the Taiwan presidential race, emphasizing his lack of political burden and absence of constraints from the "1992 Consensus." Ko aligns with President Tsai Ing-wen’s peaceful solutions stance, advocating for dignity in peace. He highlights the importance of an "implied guarantee" for genuine deterrence and references the U.S.’s position on Taiwan’s independence and dialogue. Ko pledges to neither lean towards independence nor accept forceful unification if elected. Positioned as a moderate candidate, he seeks a balanced approach to Taiwan’s complex cross-strait and international relations, appealing to voters who prioritize stability and peace.
    2023/12/06 20:29
  • FSC head touts domestic impact on Taiwan stock market

    The Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) Chairman, Huang Tien-mu, addressed questions from Kuomintang Legislator Lin Te-fu about Taiwan’s stock market. Huang emphasized the significant role of domestic funds and corporations in driving market momentum, despite the heavy presence of foreign capital. While foreign capital makes up around 40% of the market value, it accounts for only 30% of regular stock volume. Huang stated that this indicates the considerable impact of internal funds and corporations on the market. Huang also highlighted a record inflow of foreign investment in November 2022, with overseas investors injecting over NTD $350 billion into the Taiwanese market. He attributed this surge in foreign investment to cooling inflation rates in the United States and a retreat from the highs of U.S. national debt yields. Huang argued that confidence in Taiwan’s robust economic fundamentals and attractive yield rates has led to increased foreign investment trust in Taiwan’s stocks. He further emphasized that the sustained influx of ’hot money’ into Taiwan indicates substantial interest from both foreign and local investors. This interaction underscores the FSC’s recognition of diverse investment sources in strengthening the Taiwanese stock market and suggests a cautiously optimistic outlook for continued investment in the island’s economic landscape.
    2023/12/06 20:26
  • AIT not taking sides in Taiwan’s 2024 election: Oudkirk

    AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk emphasized the U.S.’s neutral stance in Taiwan’s upcoming presidential election, expressing confidence in Taiwan’s democracy and addressing cybersecurity and the danger of disinformation.
    2023/12/04 20:52
  • DPP’s Hsiao Bi-khim affirms unwavering R.O.C. citizenship

    Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) vice-presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim has clarified that she has never renounced her Republic of China (R.O.C., Taiwan) citizenship, addressing speculations about her nationality status. While she once held U.S. citizenship due to her American mother, she renounced it in 2002 and has documentation to prove it. Hsiao, who has served multiple terms as a legislator, believes that her background has been thoroughly vetted. The discussion about her nationality arose from her time working in the Presidential Office in 2000, where confusion arose due to differing regulations under the Nationality Act and the Household Registration Act. Hsiao emphasized the importance of having a household registration in Taiwan, as it affects immigration, employment, and treatment. However, she assured the public that on the day she assumed her position as an "overseas compatriot legislator," she obtained her R.O.C. identification card. Hsiao expressed confidence in her and her presidential running mate Lai Ching-te’s candidature, stating that everything has been meticulously checked, instilling great confidence as they head into the election.
    2023/12/04 14:29
  • Fatal falls, drownings in selfie craze, study warns

    Learn about a new study from the University of New South Wales that reveals a grim trend: 400 people worldwide have lost their lives while taking selfies between 2008 and 2021, with young women aged 22 being the most affected demographic. The research classifies selfie-related incidents as a "public health hazard," a sentiment echoed by Samuel Cornell of the University of Sydney. Falls from elevated locations and accidents at waterfronts are the leading causes of selfie-related injuries and fatalities. Smartphones are identified as a prime contributor to these risks, with 80% of selfie-related deaths being tourists, predominantly female. Instances of drowning and fatal falls have been reported in India, the U.S., and Australia. This data serves as a cautionary reminder of the unintended consequences of our increasingly digital lives.
    2023/12/04 14:01
  • 駐日美軍魚鷹機尋獲主要殘骸 海中發現「疑似5名人影」

    駐日美軍(U.S. Forces Japan)的一架魚鷹機(V-22 Osprey)11月29日在九州南部的屋久島海域墜毀,當局已經展開殘骸回收,目前已知機上1人死亡、其餘7人失蹤不明。《共同社》報導,搜索團隊表示,已經發現疑似是魚鷹機機體的主要殘骸,且傳出在殘骸附近發現多個「人形物體」,有可能是其餘失聯的美軍,目前日本海上保安廳、自衛隊正在加速調查進度。
    2023/12/04 13:31
  • China’s coercion tactics in Taiwan under the spotlight

    In a recent discussion with TVBS commentator Wenchi Yu, former AIT Chair Richard Bush delves into the complexities of Taiwan’s political landscape amidst rising cross-strait tensions and the upcoming 2024 presidential elections. He addresses China’s evolving coercion tactics and the U.S.’s readiness for any developments following Taiwan’s elections.
    2023/12/04 11:13
  • 魚鷹機墜日本外海釀一死七失蹤 日要求美軍停飛卻遭拒絕

    造型獨特卻命運多舛的魚鷹機(V-22 Osprey),不久前再次發生墜機死亡事故,一架隸屬駐日美軍(U.S. Forces Japan)的魚鷹機,11月29日在九州南部的屋久島(Yakushima)海域墜毀,目前已知機上一人死亡、其餘7人失蹤不明。《路透》報導,事發後第一時間,日本政府就向美軍提出全面停飛魚鷹機的要求,但這個基於安全的請求並沒有被採納,五角大廈(The Pentagon)30日向媒體表示,目前並無停飛魚鷹機的打算。
    2023/12/01 10:47
  • Nvidia chief: U.S. chip self-sufficiency a decade away

    Nvidia’s President, Jensen Huang, stated at the New York Times’ DealBook Summit that achieving U.S. independence in the chip supply chain and reducing reliance on overseas manufacturing could take 10 to 20 years. President Joe Biden’s administration has imposed a ban on chip exports to China, citing national security concerns and the need to maintain the U.S.’s lead in the semiconductor industry. Nvidia, among other companies, is impacted by these export control measures, leading to concerns about negative impacts on the company’s revenue. However, Huang revealed that Nvidia is developing chips compliant with U.S. regulations for the Chinese market and plans to re-enter once they are ready. He also warned that the export ban could accelerate China’s domestic chip development, with numerous Chinese companies already working on competing technologies. Huang emphasized that Nvidia is already a decade ahead in artificial intelligence technology and that AI and deep learning innovation involve more than just designing new chips.
    2023/11/30 23:18
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