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    TVBS��������������������������� 結果共10,000筆

  • Soldier deserts camp, carjacks friend in Taiwan

    Discover the latest on the soldier who fled Chenggongling Camp in Taiwan, marking the second desertion this year amid concerns over military pressures and security.
    2024/05/27 11:09
  • Poll: Majority of Taiwanese oppose death penalty abolition

    Discover the latest findings from a TPOF poll revealing strong opposition among Taiwanese citizens against the abolition of the death penalty, with insights across demographics and political lines.
    2024/05/27 11:06
  • Taiwan’s military faces recruitment challenge

    Explore how Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense is tackling the challenges of declining conscription and volunteer numbers due to lower birth rates and COVID-19, with strategies for improvement.
    2024/05/27 11:04
  • Lai Ching-te comments on Taiwanese artists pressure in China

    Explore how Taiwan’s President Lai Ching-te addresses the pressure on Taiwanese artists in China to make political statements, amid CCP influence and cross-strait relations.
    2024/05/27 10:50
  • Taiwanese president to discuss peace with U.S. delegation

    Discover the details of Taiwanese President Lai Ching-te’s upcoming meeting with a U.S. delegation led by Michael McCaul to discuss peace, stability in the Indo-Pacific, and Taiwan-U.S. economic ties.
    2024/05/27 10:36
  • Taiwan seeks WHO inclusion with Geneva diplomatic reception

    Discover how Taiwan is advocating for its inclusion in WHO activities by hosting a diplomatic reception in Geneva, highlighting its top-ranked public health system and garnering international support.
    2024/05/27 09:55
  • 70萬YTR斜槓電視圈收視屢創新高!曾因「這件事」收入直接歸零

    網紅Sandra和好友Eko一同主持YouTube頻道《驚奇玩起來》,與名人逗趣的互動,創造了許多網路經典片段。從小熱愛英文的她,除了在網路世界大放異彩外,更是一位英文老師、口譯員,甚至是滾石唱片簽約樂團妮可醬的主唱,日前還接下與綜藝大哥胡瓜搭檔主持TVBS 8點益智綜藝節目《拜託ATM》的重大任務,踏入了電視圈的新領域。Sandra先前在訪問中提到,她與Eko在台中補習班稱霸近7年,沒想到有天自己的聲帶卻無預警中風,足足2週沒聲音,但補習班為了正常運作,僅等她3天,Sandra經濟來源瞬間歸零。
    2024/05/26 12:46
  • 攜世新學生辦研習營 探討永續發展議題

    2024/05/25 22:26
  • 國會戰火!韓國瑜如何應對? TVBS《新聞幕後》解析背後角力

    立法院上演「國會改革法案」攻防戰,朝野陣營沒有共識,爆發數次激烈衝突,多位立委掛彩,爭議持續延燒,甚至立法院場外,也集結大批抗議人潮,立法院長韓國瑜如何化解各黨紛爭,各界高度關注。立法院過去多次上演全武行,委員之間,真的都是仇人相見,分外眼紅嗎? TVBS Podcast《新聞幕後》邀請TVBS新聞部副理樊啓明,分享親身採訪立法院的經驗與個人觀察。除了邀請來賓一起聊新聞,《新聞幕後》本周推出新單元,主持人夏嘉璐精選一周重點新聞,讓聽眾只要用15分鐘,就能掌握天下事。
    2024/05/25 21:45
  • TVBS攜手世新大學首辦研習營 探索永續報導未來

    身為媒體領導品牌,TVBS 肩負起媒體傳遞正向影響力的使命,積極實踐永續理念。長期深耕「生態文明」與「建設性新聞學」的TVBS信望愛永續基金會,舉辦的「永續報導研習營」深受各方好評,繼東海大學後,今(25)日與世新大學聯合舉辦,運用「建設性新聞學」的方式,帶領學員深入探討永續議題,使閱聽大眾能深刻反思,進而共同參與,並宣告第八屆《全球華文永續報導獎》即將於6月1日開始徵件。
    2024/05/25 21:28
  • 陸實體經濟困境!大賣場開7個月就倒 員工:不賺錢

    2024/05/25 18:45
  • 立法院曾是「巴掌院」!《新聞幕後》揭台灣史上第1位打架委員

    立法院藍、白兩黨為拚國會改革法案通過,本(5)月17日與民進黨在議場中爆發肢體衝突,許多立委皆掛彩送醫。夏嘉璐主持的TVBS Podcast節目《新聞幕後》,找來TVBS新聞部副理樊啓明,談論立委在場內衝鋒陷陣的同時,場外大眾又是如何傻眼無奈。
    2024/05/25 15:15
  • 獨/大倉忠義打造新男團!AmBitious添15歲嫩弟 連唱10場好吃驚

    日本STARTO娛樂(原傑尼斯事務所)這陣子可說是動作頻頻,尤其以SUPER EIGHT(原關8)為首的「關西幫」,除了「Aぇ! group」(音近「欸欸group」)已經在5月中出道,首張單曲〈《A》BEGINNING〉賣破62萬張,還跨團組成「KAMIGATA BOYZ」。目前仍為Jr.(練習生)的AmBitious則在5月1日新添一位新成員山中一輝,剛結束巡迴的他們,也獨家透過《TVBS新聞網》分享這次活動的心情。
    2024/05/25 09:00
  • 省荷包又滿足味蕾! 星級餐廳推出超值餐券優惠

    2024/05/25 01:20
  • Clark: China aims to showcase leadership via France visit

    Duncan Clark discusses France-China relations post Xi Jinping’s Europe visit on TVBS, highlighting trade, technology, and global power dynamics.
    2024/05/24 18:07
  • Kaohsiung travel agents demand end to China tour ban

    Discover how the Kaohsiung Association of Travel Agents is urging President Lai Ching-te’s administration to lift the ban on group tours to China by June 1, amid industry frustrations and hopes for improved cross-strait relations.
    2024/05/24 17:44
  • 獨/賀軍翔遭黑道施壓!酒店妹「私下約談判」和解條件曝光

    2024/05/24 17:28
  • Delivery market faces shake-up as Uber Eats buys foodpanda

    Uber Eats’ acquisition of foodpanda for US$950 million is set to reshape Taiwan’s delivery market, potentially monopolizing it by 2025. How will this affect Taiwan’s delivery, dining, and retail industries?
    2024/05/24 16:57
  • Taiwan premier addresses safety at Legislative Yuan protests

    Discover how Taiwan’s Premier Cho Jung-tai addresses public safety concerns amid gatherings outside the Legislative Yuan, and learn about the success of the "165 anti-fraud hotline" in 2023, preventing billions in fraud.
    2024/05/24 15:02
  • Keelung hospital fined NT$90K for late escape report

    Discover how the Keelung City Health Bureau fined Nankung Psychiatric Hospital NT$90,000 for a delayed report of a patient’s escape, highlighting issues in psychiatric care and security.
    2024/05/24 14:51
  • Nvidia CEO sees AI-based videos as the next AI frontier

    Discover how Nvidia’s CEO, Jensen Huang, sees generative AI and advanced video technologies shaping the future, driving demand for GPUs. Learn about the company’s growth and its role in AI advancements.
    2024/05/24 14:48
  • 賀軍翔爆被酒店妹告 昔揭他喇舌傳接到「威脅電話」!葛斯齊回應了

    2024/05/24 13:53
  • Energy announces first concerts at Taipei, Kaohsiung arenas

    Discover the iconic boy band Energy’s electrifying comeback with their first-ever concerts in Taipei and Kaohsiung, inspired by a Mayday concert. Tickets go on sale June 2.
    2024/05/24 13:51
  • 金門備戰「中共軍演」! 海龍蛙兵登艇演練

    2024/05/24 13:29
  • 韓吹環保風 無標籤水瓶回收再生製成涼蓆  

    2024/05/24 12:55
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