
Kaohsiung travel agents demand end to China tour ban

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/24 17:44
Last update time:2024/05/24 17:44
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Industry calls for end to China tour ban (TVBS News) Kaohsiung travel agents demand end to China tour ban
Industry calls for end to China tour ban (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Kaohsiung Association Of Travel Agents (高雄市旅行公會) launched its international travel fair on Friday (May 24), seizing the opportunity to call on the administration of President Lai Ching-te (賴清德) to lift the ban on group tours to China by June 1.

Tsai Tsung-yu (蔡宗佑), the chairman of the agents, expressed the industry's frustration over the continued suspension of group tours to China, saying, "The ban on group tours to China remains in place, which means our travel agencies are only halfway to reopening."


"We urge the government, especially with the new administration just taking office, to show more goodwill towards cross-strait relations," he added.

The industry's plea comes after plans to resume group tours to China were abruptly canceled before the Lunar New Year in 2024, leading to widespread dissatisfaction among travel agencies.

With President Lai Ching-te now in office, the new Minister of Transportation and Communications, Lee Meng-yen (李孟諺), hinted at the possibility of Taiwan making the first move to thaw relations.

"We do not rule out the possibility of our side showing goodwill first," Lee stated. As both sides continue to call for the reopening of travel, industry players are growing increasingly impatient for the return of Chinese tour groups.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan#Travel#China Tour Ban#Cross Strait#China
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