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    THE SHOW 結果共147筆

  • Statistics show rising domestic violence in Taiwan

    Foreign spouses in Taiwan face a tough choice between reporting domestic abuse and fearing deportation. The Garden of Hope Foundation offers support and employment to help rebuild their lives.
    2024/05/27 19:10
  • 柳俊烈風波後主演「The 8 Show」 求生存「眼睛被硬撐」超痛

    驚悚韓劇「The 8 Show」,堪稱魷魚遊戲後最緊張的生存影集,上線至今登上串流平台台灣排行前五,主演的柳俊烈,是在與韓韶禧感情風波後,首度回歸戲劇。
    2024/05/21 19:20
  • 跨海訪問/《The 8 Show》撐眼30秒喊痛! 柳俊烈:我眼睛太小

    《The 8 Show》的規則就是「留下來的時數越長、錢就賺得越多」,然而留下來的時數則由「觀眾」打賞,為了能獲得青睞,8名參賽者想盡各種方式討好觀眾,首先是才藝表演,再來是火辣床事,甚至還有格鬥秀、電擊懲罰,參賽者們最後則走火入魔開始用各種方式折磨彼此。其中最讓人印象深刻的就是「撐眼拷問戲」,導演韓在林親自說明幕後拍攝方式,然而柳俊烈居然因為「眼睛太小」而痛到哭!
    2024/05/20 12:00
  • 跨海訪問/柳俊烈自招真實人格! 「拒扛壓力」龜在劇組好快樂

    Netflix韓劇《The 8 Show》由柳俊烈、千瑀嬉主演,韓在林執導,劇中被帶到神祕建築物8名參賽者要想辦法「用時間換取金錢」,卻也面臨精神、肉體上的殘酷考驗,上線後立刻引發話題,柳俊烈、千瑀嬉也接受台灣媒體訪問,原來本作拍攝了整整10個月,讓千瑀嬉簡直快扛不住,柳俊烈也在訪談之間分享自己與角色的共通人格。
    2024/05/20 12:00
  • 韓媒現場質問「分手韓韶禧」! 柳俊烈茫然又尷尬:可以別聊嗎?

    韓國男星柳俊烈今(2024)年爆出與前女友惠利、韓韶禧之間牽扯不清的戀情關係,由於他自始至終都沒有正式對外發言,招致外界批評。今(10)天他的新作品《The 8 Show》進行記者會,韓國記者立刻「靈魂拷問」相關爭議, 聽到提問時他也露出慌張表情。
    2024/05/10 15:52
  • 「跟我同齡的都死了」!77歲奧斯卡影后偏愛鮮肉:年輕大膽

    大齡女子也能擁有甜蜜的戀情!77歲的奧斯卡影后雪兒(Cher)和小38歲男友亞歷山大愛德華茲(Alexander Edwards)熱戀中,近日上《The Jennifer Hudson Show》節目首度談到自己跟年輕男子交往的原因,連主持人Jennifer Hudson聽完也拍手叫好。
    2024/05/04 15:28
  • Taitung to feature drones, fireworks at balloon festival

    Experience the magic of the Taiwan International Balloon Festival from July 6 to August 19 at Luye Highland, Taitung. Celebrate Hello Kitty’s 50th birthday with Sanrio characters, stunning drone shows, and exciting musical performances. Don’t miss this spectacular summer event!
    2024/05/03 17:45
  • 【2024韓劇推薦】5月《The 8 Show》《逆貧大叔》開播,40部韓劇必看榜

    2024/04/25 15:17
  • 首爾直擊/台女團現蹤韓國電視台被拍!破天荒計畫曝光 月燒千萬還不夠

    GENBLUE幻藍小熊從《未來少女》出道後,所屬的天空娛樂積極為女孩鋪路,先推出冠軍專輯《FOR YOU》,接著在今年送她們到韓國受訓,希望能夠打造成國際女團,並且可望在7月站上《THE SHOW》的打歌舞台,天空娛樂執行長于傳勇(于哥)就透露:「韓國演藝圈目前經營的大方向正是積極與海外市場合作,幻藍小熊很幸運的與目前趨勢接軌,在跟SBS談合作也因此一拍即合!」他透露光是一個月幻藍小熊來當地的吃住、訓練及與SBD Medianet合作所需要的人力等就燒掉九億韓幣(約台幣兩千多萬),目前花費預算更是持續往上增加中。
    2024/04/17 11:17
  • 韓國直擊/最美國中生女團無預警淘汰3人 驚人內幕曝:絕不回歸

    《未來少女》冠軍團GENBLUE幻藍小熊,所屬的天空娛樂不惜砸下上億台幣巨資,送9位成員到韓國受訓,積極打造成國際女團,也成功讓韓國電視台三大龍頭之一的SBS決定點頭合作,將以實境真人秀節目拍攝方式,為幻藍小熊在韓拚出道的過程做全紀錄!更期望能夠在7月站上《THE SHOWN》的打歌舞台,不過幻藍小熊在韓國受訓2個月,就祭出淘汰賽,直接淘汰掉原本的隊長容容、成員Vicky,而BIDO則自認能力不足,自願退團並轉往幕後,對此,天空娛樂執行長于傳勇(于哥)跟營運長大剛(王維皓)接受訪問時,就透露背後內幕。
    2024/04/17 11:01
  • 柳俊烈淪美國球童!不顧環保議題歡樂開球 被問爭議:我想少說點

    2024/04/11 13:00
  • Ma meets with China’s TAO Director in historic visit

    Former President Ma Ying-jeou met with Song Tao, Director of the Taiwan Affairs Office, in Shenzhen, emphasizing cross-strait relations and the 1992 Consensus. The meeting was followed by a drone show, showcasing ongoing dialogue and cultural exchange between Taiwan and China.
    2024/04/02 10:47
  • Taiwan aims for global leadership in machine tool industry

    Vice President Lai Ching-te commends Taiwan’s machine tool industry for its technological innovation and commitment to net-zero and digital transformation at the 2024 Taiwan International Machine Tool Show. Taiwan stands out globally for its high-end machine tool production and comprehensive industry showcased at the annual event. The government aims to strengthen Taiwan’s position as a high-end machine tool manufacturing country and rebuild a reliable supply chain with democratic allies amidst global changes. Vice President Lai also advocates for AI industrialization to attract international investment and drive innovation across all industries in Taiwan.
    2024/03/28 16:55
  • Accusefive concert draws 40K fans, boosts Yilan tourism

    Experience the electrifying concert that made history in Yilan as Accusefive’s ’Around the New World’ tour drew over 40,000 fans, boosting local tourism and setting records. Witness the spectacle of 8,000 fireworks and the band’s unforgettable performances, including their chart-topping hits.
    2024/03/18 13:50
  • Taipei Cycle Show 2024 drives innovation in bicycle industry

    The Taipei Cycle Show 2024 showcased the bicycle industry’s leap towards innovation, emphasizing e-mobility, smart technologies, and sustainability as keys to overcoming the post-pandemic slowdown.
    2024/03/11 22:36
  • 不知道吧!鳳小岳「同父異母」妹妹高顏值罕見曝 竟是這位女歌手

    鳳小岳去年推出個人首張創作專輯《柒》,獲得業界一致好評,在迎接36歲生日前夕,他選擇以音樂與樂迷慶生同歡,昨(9)日於Legacy Taipei舉辦個人首場專場「After the show」,吸引近千樂迷朝聖,鳳小岳興奮表示:「歡迎大家來到我的和你們的專場,我以為今天是個很寒冷的日子,沒想到這麼溫暖,讚啦!相信會有滿奇幻的旅程,我真的超級感動!有這麼多人來,先受我一拜。」
    2024/03/10 12:47
  • Over 3M attendees light up New Taipei lantern festival

    The 2024 New Taipei Lantern Festival, with a record-breaking three million attendees, featured nine main lantern areas and a special ’golden lantern’ from Kotonocho, Japan. The festival concluded on March 3, with all lantern decorations relocated to local offices for future use.
    2024/03/06 11:41
  • Taiwan’s economic shows stability: NDC

    Stay updated on Taiwan’s economic progress as the National Development Council reports a stable outlook for January 2024. Economic indicators show positive trends in production, investment, sales, and finance, signaling continued recovery. Follow the transition from recession to a transitional economy in key sectors, reflecting a promising shift in Taiwan’s economic landscape.
    2024/03/04 18:06
  • IVE林口開唱炸翻1.8萬人 隊長嬌喊「我是你的小狗」超萌

    南韓大勢女團IVE由隊員包括隊長Yujin、Wonyoung、Gaeul、Liz、Leeseo、Rei組成,帶來生涯首次的世界巡迴「IVE THE 1ST WORLD TOUR ‘SHOW WHAT I HAVE’ IN TAIPEI」,台北站在國立體育大學綜合體育館連續兩天秒殺開唱,吸引近18,000人名粉絲瘋狂朝聖,愛上在地美食的IVE在福利Sound check時開心喜悅藏不住,不時電眼甜笑回應對DIVE(IVE粉絲名稱)的愛,還透露愛上「蓮霧」還用中文回覆「蓮霧好吃」接著許願想嘗試「鳳梨酥」。
    2024/03/04 10:15
  • Taiwan calls for goodwill from China to resume tourism

    Taipei (TVBS News) - Taiwan’s Minister of Transportation and Communications, Wang Kuo-tsai, urges China to show goodwill towards resuming tourism and travel between the two countries. The Ministry of Transport and Communications banned local travel agencies from arranging tours to China in early 2024, leading to backlash from the tourism sector. Wang emphasized the government’s commitment to healthy interactions with China and hopes for the return of Chinese tourists to Taiwan. The goal of attracting 12 million international tourists to Taiwan this year remains unchanged, with the potential for two million visits from China, depending on pandemic control. The MOTC will evaluate the impact of the ban on travel agencies and work on solutions. Discussions with airlines will ensure affected travel agencies can refund their clients for booking issues.
    2024/02/22 12:01
  • Hou Yu-ih confirms no toxic chemicals in air after fire

    New Taipei City Mayor Hou Yu-ih assures public safety following a warehouse fire in Shenkeng District. Air quality tests show no hydrogen fluoride or heavy metals. Environmental agencies monitor PM2.5, carbon monoxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide levels. Safety measures include avoiding the area, keeping doors and windows shut, wearing masks, and seeking medical advice if needed. Shenkeng District’s Health Center prepares for potential medical demands, while hospitals provide emergency treatment and care for respiratory symptoms. The city government continues to oversee air and water quality examinations to ensure public safety.
    2024/02/22 10:38
  • Growing number of plastic bags in Taiwan sparks concern

    A joint survey reveals Taiwan’s staggering plastic waste production, prompting concerns over packaging in supermarkets. Despite efforts to reduce plastic bag usage, statistics show high consumption rates, leading to questions about policy effectiveness. Environmental groups urge the government to implement stronger measures amid rising global environmental awareness.
    2024/02/20 15:49
  • 為癌末歌迷打氣!鳳小岳獻唱訴複雜心聲 「減少一點痛苦」

    鳳小岳2023年推出首張個人創作專輯《柒》,以不羈靈魂透過音樂詮釋對生命的領悟與正能量,農曆年後,他3月9日將在台北Legacy 舉辦首場個唱「After the show」,近期作客吳建恆電台節目《娛樂e世代》與「小賴」賴晏駒的YouTube節目《賴在一起》為宣傳造勢,鳳小岳和小賴更是一見如故,聊得相當開心。
    2024/02/10 15:37
  • Taiwanese unaware of carbon reduction policies: survey

    Eugene Chien, president of the Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy, discusses the challenges and opportunities of Taiwan’s planned carbon fee by 2025, aimed at achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. Insights from a recent survey show public unawareness and dissatisfaction with current climate change efforts, stressing the need for alignment with global carbon taxation trends and the integration of AI with ESG initiatives.
    2024/02/01 15:52
  • Jacky Cheung sets record with nine Taipei Arena concerts

    Famed Hong Kong singer Jacky Cheung announces a historic run of nine concerts at Taipei Arena starting May 31, sparking excitement among fans. Cheung, one of Hong Kong’s "Four Heavenly Kings" of Cantopop, last performed in Taiwan in 2018, making his return highly anticipated. The ambitious nine-show stint in Taipei surpasses his previous record of six shows at the same venue. Despite being over 60, Cheung, known for his marathon of 24 consecutive shows in Hong Kong, believes that with adequate preparation, practice, and passion, a demanding performance schedule is manageable. Cheung’s illustrious career dates back to 1992, and he has been named Asia’s most popular singer by Billboard.
    2024/02/01 15:13
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