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    THE SHOW 結果共147筆

  • KMT-TPP coalition gains traction amid political debate

    The potential KMT-TPP coalition is shaping Taiwan’s political dialogue, with Ko Wen-je advocating for public coalition talks. Polls show strong support for the KMT-TPP alliance over DPP candidates, with the political landscape poised for change based on Terry Gou’s decision.
    2023/11/14 20:54
  • Ukraine-born actress rumored to run for DPP candidacy

    Get the latest updates on the 2024 presidential elections in Taiwan, as Foxconn billionaire Terry Gou and former music show presenter Belle Yu enter the political arena. Ukrainian-born actress Larisa Angela Bakurova, who became a Taiwanese citizen, is rumored to be a candidate for the Democratic Progressive Party. Discover her inspiring journey in promoting gymnastics in Taiwan and her potential inclusion in the upcoming elections. Stay tuned for more information as factional variations within the DPP could influence the final candidate list.
    2023/11/06 20:52
  • 70 percent will fight if China attacks, study shows

    A paper published by the Washington-based think tank Global Taiwanese Institute reveals findings of mainstream public opinion on Taiwanese defense. The paper, titled "Conversations with the Taiwanese about Taiwan’s Defense," shows that 70 percent of Taiwanese are willing to fight in the event of a Chinese invasion, while 20 percent would leave and 10 percent would choose to surrender. The results are based on conversations conducted by Taiwanese-American U.S. Air Force captain Jimmy Chien during his six-week stay in Taiwan, which included discussions with university students and retirees. Chien’s research challenges the perception that increased military strength and pressure from China could lead to military action, as most Taiwanese do not consider this a likely scenario. He argues that Taiwanese people believe China must first address its domestic affairs before resorting to force against Taiwan. Chien also notes that Taiwanese people are aware that the U.S. military is unlikely to deploy troops in the event of a war, and therefore hope to receive non-combat aid, such as supplies and maintenance, from the U.S. as a show of support in battling enemy forces.
    2023/11/06 19:32
  • Poll show Taiwanese support for diverse leadership

    Over half of Taiwan’s residents believe that the country’s president and majority of legislators should come from different political parties, according to a poll conducted by Shih Hsin University’s Institute of Knowledge Economy Development. The poll showed that 51.8% of respondents held this view. Additionally, the poll found that 77.7% of participants supported the president giving a State of the Nation address to the Legislative Yuan. However, only 28.8% of participants were aware that an annual report to the legislature was a presidential responsibility. In terms of party cooperation, 53.5% of respondents backed the idea of the Kuomintang and the Taiwan People’s Party taking turns in the Presidential or Premier posts. Within this group, 36.1% were "somewhat supportive" and 17.4% were "strongly supportive," while 30.2% opposed such a proposal. Furthermore, 34.5% of participants believed it would be best if the president and the majority of the Legislative Yuan were from the same party. This opinion was more prevalent among university graduates (59.3%) and those with postgraduate degrees (52.3%). The poll also revealed that 36.8% of respondents support the current government led by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), while 45.8% oppose it, and 17.4% did not express an opinion.
    2023/11/04 16:53
  • Sky Dragon military drills show joint operational skills

    Taiwan’s annual Air Force Tien Lung military drills, also known as "Sky Dragon," have commenced and will run from October 30 to November 3. The exercise involves key fighter aircraft such as the F-16V, Mirage 2000, and IDF, collaborating with other units to evaluate joint operational effectiveness. The drills encompass various airborne force-on-force scenarios, including air-to-air, air-to-sea, and air-to-ground warfare competitions. In addition, the exercise involves the participation of Air Force infantry and special forces units, engaging in activities like small arms firing, ammunition loading, and mobile defense operations. Outstanding pilots, including champions in air combat, target shooting, and bombardment, will be selected by the Air Force. This significant military exercise follows the "Chang Ching17 Exercise" conducted by the army from October 23 to 27, marking its first occurrence in six years.
    2023/10/30 16:36
  • NIA disputes reports of surging growth in emigration

    Recent media reports claiming a tripling growth in emigration businesses in Taiwan due to war fears have raised public concerns. However, statistics from emigration companies show no increase in approved applications over the past five years, with annual numbers ranging from 1,077 to 704. The National Immigration Agency (NIA) states that the overall migration level, currently around 20,000 people, may fluctuate significantly in the event of major events such as pandemics or wars. The NIA also notes that the pandemic has caused an increase in citizens unable to return to Taiwan, rising from 180,000 to 220,000 between 2021 and 2022. The agency emphasizes that immigration consultancy firms represent only one channel of advisory services and do not reflect the total number of emigrants. They request that the public avoid generalizations that could lead to societal instability. The NIA further highlights that exaggerated media portrayals of war-evading migration risk can cause unnecessary social anxiety and emphasizes that population mobility is part of the freedom of migration.
    2023/10/30 14:27
  • Newborns to be enrolled in nationwide healthcare project

    The Ministry of Health and Welfare in Taiwan has announced the enrollment of all newborn babies in the nationwide "Project of Holistic Physicians for Young Children." Parents with children under the age of three are also encouraged to participate in the project at no additional cost. The project has seen positive results since its launch, treating cases of prolonged jaundice and tracking patients for fluoride treatment and developmental delays. Enrollment numbers show that 37.6% of the nation’s population has participated, with an increase in participation from vulnerable families and groups. The project aims to identify developmental delays and provide integrated systems for health and social care services, particularly for children in high-risk families. The Ministry is working to increase accessibility by engaging hospitals at all levels and allowing parents to choose their preferred medical institutions registered for the project.
    2023/10/25 17:33
  • Mayor Chiang wows at fashion show with monochrome suit

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an makes a fashionable statement at Taipei Fashion Week, sparking excitement among attendees and online followers with his monochrome suit. Interestingly, Chiang revealed that his son played a key role in choosing his eye-catching outfits, highlighting the significance of family involvement in personal style.
    2023/10/23 16:44
  • 被市長耽誤的模特兒?蔣萬安黑白西裝亮相時裝週:兒子選的

    為行銷台北時裝週活動,台北市長蔣萬安先前他在臉書發出兩張「潮男照」,要網友告訴他哪套好看,一度引發熱議,有網友稱蔣是「被市長耽誤的模特兒」。蔣萬安今(22)日出席台北時裝週 THE SHOW 閉幕大秀,以一身黑白相間的西裝亮相,被問及服裝是不是太太幫忙選的?他說,最後是由兒子蔣得立幫忙他決定的。
    2023/10/22 18:23
  • Household spending on fitness and pets soar in Taiwan

    Despite facing economic challenges like inflation and stagnant wages, Taiwanese households are ramping up spending in two unexpected categories: fitness and pet care. With an annual growth rate of over 15% in fitness spending and a 36.2% increase in pet-related expenses over the past decade, these sectors show strong resilience and growth.
    2023/10/19 13:24
  • Lai Ching-te lauds Taiwan’s textile sector at TITAS 2023

    Vice President Lai Ching-te praises Taiwan’s textile industry for its resilience and innovation in smart manufacturing at the 2023 Taipei Innovative Textile Application Show. The industry shows strong economic contributions, with a focus on functional textiles worn by global athletes, and aims for a future of digital transformation.
    2023/10/17 17:37
  • Mayor promotes Taipei Fashion Week finale with attire poll

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an took to Facebook to showcase two different outfits by designers Bob Chien and Kuan Chen, asking the public to vote for his attire for the closing show of Taipei Fashion Week 2023.
    2023/10/16 12:37
  • 李泳知台北唱〈玫瑰少年〉! 曝參演《SMTM》心境「狂飆F字眼」

    韓國歌手李泳知榮獲競演節目《Show me the money》第11季冠軍,也在綜藝《Biong Biong地球娛樂室》中有著讓人噴飯的爆笑表現,這幾年歌壇、綜藝兩把抓,可說是目前最夯歌手。昨(26)日她在台灣開唱,沒想到竟演唱蔡依林的〈玫瑰少年〉,加上演唱會上許多親民可愛的表現,被認為果真是「MZ世代」的文化大總統。
    2023/09/27 11:09
  • Taiwan gears up for National Day show with air rehearsals

    Get ready for Taiwan’s National Day celebrations with air rehearsals above the Presidential Office Building. Mark your calendars for Sept. 26, Sept. 28, and Oct. 4 between 5:50 a.m. and 7:15 a.m. The grand rehearsal will take place on Oct. 7 at 1:20 p.m. in front of the Presidential Office Building.
    2023/09/25 17:25
  • Taiwan’s manufacturing sector struggles amid economic slump

    Amid economic challenges, Taiwan’s manufacturing sector grapples with reduced work shifts due to declining foreign orders. Labor violations surge in New Taipei, with the sector eyeing revival as export orders show promise.
    2023/09/12 18:53
  • 被爆料常動怒、抨擊員工 吉米A咖秀主持「人設崩壞」

    美國知名深夜脫口秀「吉米A咖秀」(The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon)深受觀眾歡迎,不過王牌主持人吉米法隆(Jimmy Fallon)日前被多名現任及前任員工爆料「職場環境有毒」,且螢幕前貼心暖男的形象與幕後大相逕庭,吉米法隆也於美國時間7日晚間致歉。
    2023/09/08 17:10
  • 新生代全能女王李泳知9月開唱! 回歸歌手本業「亞巡首站在台灣」

    韓國大勢饒舌歌手李泳知(Lee YoungJi)要來了!曾在《Show Me The Money》拿下冠,更靠軍韓網熱搜《雖然沒準備什麼菜》迅速成為MZ世代最紅的全方位新星,不論是綜藝還是唱跳都能輕鬆駕馭,全新巡迴「LEE YOUNGJI 1st ASIA TOUR ’THE MAIN CHARACTER’」9月27日首站就選定台北登場。
    2023/08/21 12:37
  • Data show value of creating positive working environment

    Taiwan’s new hire retention rate has been declining recently while the country faces a talent shortage. In response, companies are now focusing more on creating positive work environments.
    2023/07/24 16:12
  • 還記得嗎?英夫妻因「藍黑白金裙」爆紅 男今涉殺妻被捕

    還記得多年前引爆全球討論的「藍黑白金裙」爭議嗎?2015年時,一名網友把她朋友的媽媽要在婚禮上穿的衣服分享給親友們看,結果發現大家竟然看到兩種不同的顏色,因此把照片PO上網跟網友們求助,引發各界爭論那件洋裝到底是「藍黑」還是「白金」色。當時這對夫婦及原PO還受邀上美國知名談話節目「艾倫秀」(The Ellen Show)公布解答,沒想到如今卻傳出當年的新郎倌竟然變成家暴慣犯,因涉嫌「謀殺妻子未遂」被警方逮捕。  
    2023/07/15 11:10
  • 擺脫行人地獄!借鏡紀錄片「街頭安全計劃」

    全球每年有超過一百萬人死於交通事故,其中一半是自行車、行人等相對脆弱的用路人。《公視主題之夜SHOW》本週五選播的紀錄片《街頭安全計劃》(The Street Project),講述一場全球爭取改造「街道」的大規模運動,片中點出美國紐約市和鳳凰城等地「以車為本」道路設計的危險性,並以哥本哈根打造出行人、單車友善的城市為例,重新聚焦人類與街道的關係。
    2023/06/15 19:59
  • MOHW: 28 preschoolers show negative drug test results

    The Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) confirmed Thursday (June 15) that 28 children have negative results when testing for barbiturate phenobarbital, while one’s testing result is still pending.
    2023/06/15 18:19
  • 睽違6年!2NE1隊長CL無預警宣布來台 時間地點曝光

    將於 7月1日舉辦以韓國嘻哈音樂為主題的嘉年華「太空港:遊戲開始」,繼續推廣音樂與藝術的永續發展,同時掀起嘻哈熱潮,這次以韓國嘻哈音樂為主題的音樂節,先前宣布南韓天團2NE1隊長CL擔任領銜藝人,將帶來50分鐘的專場級表演,這同時也是CL睽違6年再度來台,驚喜公布造成一片轟動。
    2023/06/15 16:20
  • 歌手唱到一半神隱「竟回後台喇機女友」 再被挖慣性遲到黑歷史

    韓國饒舌歌手BIG Naughty(徐東鉉)曾參與許多嘻哈音樂的競演節目,包含《高等Rapper 4》、《Show Me The Money8》等,2019年則被朴載範簽下,目前屬於H1ghr music,然而4日他在戶外演出時,居然沒有先跟主辦單位商量好,表演到一半就神隱,原來是跑回舞台後方跟女友接吻,更被挖出過去工作常遲到的黑歷史。
    2023/06/07 18:27
  • Major trends for consumer electronics show IFA 2023 unveiled

    The world’s largest trade show for consumer electronics and home appliances, IFA (Internationale Funkausstellung Berlin), is set to take place in Berlin, Germany from Sept. 1-5. With travel picking up, this nearly century-old expo expects to draw around 200,000 visitors and has designated Taipei as the premier promotional city in Asia.
    2023/06/01 17:47
  • Taiwan’s tech steals show with new innovations at COMPUTEX

    HTC introduced an impressive advancement in its extended reality (XR) solution called VIVE Mars at COMPUTEX 2023. Collaborating with Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. (MSI), a Taiwanese computer manufacturer, HTC has enhanced the capabilities of its renowned VIVE platform.
    2023/05/31 17:23
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