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    TAKE 結果共230筆

  • Andy Lau’s 2024 Taipei tour ignites fan excitement

    Andy Lau announces his "Today...is the Day Andy Lau Tour Concert 2024 - Taipei Station" to take place in October and November 2024, sparking excitement among fans. The tour will also reach eight Chinese cities, Singapore, and Malaysia, with rumors of a Hong Kong performance in December. The theme emphasizes the importance of cherishing the present, eliciting an overwhelming response from fans online.
  • Quake in Hualien leads to higher fruit and vegetable costs

    Following a recent earthquake in Hualien, transportation costs for fruits and vegetables have surged, as reported by Chang Te-chi, secretary-general of the Ji-an Township Farmers’ Association. The damage has forced trucks to take a longer route, doubling travel time and causing frost damage to produce. Despite stable prices due to government efforts, concerns grow over rising expenses if the Suhua Highway remains closed. The Agriculture Development Department of Hualien County and the Taipei Agricultural Products Marketing Corporation highlight the financial strain on farmers and the logistics challenges faced, including increased labor costs and the impracticality of using refrigerated trucks on alternative transport modes.
    2024/04/24 15:26
  • Wang Mei-hua endorses successor ahead of cabinet change

    Outgoing Economic Affairs Minister Wang Mei-hua praises successor J.W. Kuo for his international perspective as he prepares to take over the ministerial role, emphasizing his commitment to public service. The transition comes as President-elect Lai Ching-te prepares to take office, drawing public attention to the new cabinet selection.
    2024/04/19 14:04
  • William Lai among TIME’s 100 most influential

    William Lai, Taiwan’s President-elect, and Jensen Huang, Nvidia CEO, have been named among Time magazine’s 100 Most Influential People of 2024. Lai, set to take office in May, is recognized in the Leaders category, while Huang is honored as an Innovator. The selections affirm Taiwan’s democratic achievements and Lai’s future role in defending the nation’s democracy and maintaining regional stability.
    2024/04/18 11:04
  • A-Lin二登「THE FIRST TAKE」 揭緊張苦練內幕:很不安

    金曲歌后A-Lin二度登上日本知名音樂YouTube頻道「THE FIRST TAKE」,選唱收錄在2022年專輯《LINK》中的歌曲〈摯友〉,將於今(17)晚9點首播。談及自己的表現,若是滿分10分,她笑說給了引以為傲的7分,「能夠出演『THE FIRST TAKE』,本身就是對我實力的肯定,扣除的3分,有2分是覺得還有進步的空間,剩下的1分是希望觀眾們也可以為我評分。」
    2024/04/17 17:38
  • EA後又一遊戲商裁員 《俠盜獵車手》發行商600人工作沒了

    讓全球鐵粉苦等十年、去年12月剛公告,即將在2025年發行第六代的《俠盜獵車手》(Grand Theft Auto),其發行商T2(Take-Two Interactive Software)突然在16日宣佈公司大裁員,要縮編5%員工編制,至少超過600人面臨失業,成為繼美商藝電(EA)之後,又一家大型遊戲發行商進行裁員。
    2024/04/17 11:08
  • 阻擋以色列第一時間回擊伊朗 拜登要納坦雅胡「接受勝利就好」

    當伊朗對以色列發動一系列攻擊後,美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)隨即打電話向該國總理納坦雅胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)表明,倘若以色列日後對伊朗進行報復性攻擊,美國將不會參與其中。美媒報導稱,拜登及其顧問擔心以軍真的對伊朗反擊,才會在第一時間致電試圖阻攔。報導中還提到,拜登對納坦雅胡表示,「(這次)你們已經贏了,接受這個勝利就好!」(You got a win. Take the win)。
    2024/04/15 13:40
  • 出道18年!A-Lin前進日本挑戰「這件事」 嘆:沒有機會重來

    金曲歌后A-Lin日前受邀參與日本最受歡迎的音樂YouTube頻道「THE FIRST TAKE」,獻唱全新編曲版的經典代表作〈有一種悲傷〉,她表示這是一場非常刺激、緊張的演出,儘管她經常被稱為是實力派歌手,仍然難掩緊張情緒,直說:「這真的是我18年的音樂生涯中首次只有一次機會不能重來的錄音,(用日語)「すごく緊張しました〜(真的好緊張啊〜)。不過,這次的錄製真的非常充實豐富。」
    2024/04/10 18:18
  • Lai Ching-te unveils new cabinet ahead of Taiwan presidency

    Lai Ching-te announces new cabinet appointments as he prepares to take office as Taiwan’s president, with Cho Jung-tai as premier and Cheng Li-chiun as vice premier. Key positions in defense, culture, and national security are filled by experienced leaders, signaling a blend of continuity and change in Taiwan’s government.
    2024/04/10 10:01
  • 王淨遭張榕容狠打巴掌 崩潰「跳樓」竟展開全新體驗

    2024/04/01 17:17
  • MOFA thanks global allies for helping Taiwanese leave Haiti

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs expresses gratitude to friendly nations for evacuating Taiwanese citizens from Haiti amidst escalating gang violence. Five individuals have been safely evacuated to the Dominican Republic, coordinated by Ambassador Ku Wen-jiann. The Embassy of Taiwan in Haiti remains operational, with 18 individuals still in the country. MOFA pledges to monitor the situation and take diplomatic actions to ensure the safety of Taiwanese citizens.
    2024/03/27 12:08
  • Taichung battles rising costs amid electricity price hikes

    Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen addresses the impact of rising electricity prices on the city’s annual costs, emphasizing the need to safeguard public transportation and essential services from the effects of the 11% price hike set to take effect in April. The Taichung Metro company plans to mitigate the anticipated 14% increase through cost-saving and energy-efficient measures.
    2024/03/25 13:47
  • 米可白「病床上吐血」缺氧險窒息 自曝煎熬狀態:超出身心負荷

    東森戲劇台醫療生活劇《生命捕手》第二季持續熱播中,眾多驚喜卡司接連登場,為劇情帶來更多意想不到的轉折。金鐘女配角黃瀞怡(小薰)加入客串行列,化身霸氣律師,與劇中「前夫」柯叔元對戲默契十足,超長台詞「one take」就過關。新科金鐘女配角米可白挑戰詮釋罹患紅斑性狼瘡的病人,坦言「吐血戲」讓她最難熬,超出身心負荷。
    2024/03/23 13:07
  • Taiwan braces for summer-like heat with highs of 34°C

    Stay informed about the upcoming weather in Taiwan as temperatures are expected to rise significantly in the coming days. Meteorologists predict a warming trend with highs reaching up to 34 degrees Celsius. Take precautions against sun exposure and stay updated on the latest forecasts.
    2024/03/22 16:45
  • 演唱《神劍闖江湖》!Reol來台算命驚呼好準 2歲就會背《心經》

    日本女歌手Reol原先在動畫網站Nicinico上發跡,不過這幾年被唱片公司簽下並正式主流出道,雖然僅有145公分,但嬌小身材卻蘊藏著強大的爆發力,也曾在YouTube音樂節目《The First Take》上演唱〈第六感〉、《神劍闖江湖-明治劍客浪漫譚-》片尾曲〈刀尖〉(切っ先)等曲。首度來台的Reol昨(15)天抵台後除了逛夜市,還特別跑去算命,居然還從算命老師身上獲得「髮型」建議?
    2024/03/16 20:13
  • Fire EX. announces first northern Taiwan concert in 8 years

    Fire EX. announces "One Life, One Shot" concert at Taipei Music Center on June 15, marking their first major northern Taiwan performance in eight years. The band, known for their punk music, gained fame with their hit "Island’s Sunrise" during the 2014 Sunflower Student Movement. Join them for a unique musical experience showcasing life as "a film shot in one take." Don’t miss their upcoming North American tour and participation in South by Southwest festival.
    2024/02/27 13:44
  • Chiang Wan-an responds to factory fire fallout

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an addresses public concerns over a fire’s cause and environmental effects at an electronics factory in Shenkeng, leading to thick smoke blanketing Taipei and New Taipei. Public outcry on Facebook prompts Mayor Chiang to propose measures to manage the crisis, including monitoring air quality, providing real-time updates, and advising citizens in affected areas to take precautions.
    2024/02/21 13:38
  • Taipei expands free health checks for 66K seniors

    Stay updated on the latest news from Taipei City Government’s Department of Health regarding the expansion of free senior health checks in 2024. Online registration for special groups of elderly citizens begins on Feb. 22, with additional scheduling available on March 4. Director Chen Yen-yuan introduces a redesigned health check-up regimen, including new packages for bone density and muscle strength. Take advantage of services offered by 61 health care institutions and subsidized preventive health services for citizens aged 65 and over.
    2024/02/19 15:20
  • Wang Yi urges US action against Taiwan independence

    China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi urges the U.S. to take concrete action against Taiwan’s independence during a meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken at the Munich Security Conference. Wang emphasizes that Taiwan is an inseparable part of Chinese territory and attributes any attempt to alter this status quo to Taiwan separatist activities and external forces. He calls for the U.S. to lift unilateral sanctions on Chinese companies and individuals and cease baseless harassment of Chinese citizens. Both parties agree to retain dialogue and communication and explore further exchanges between the two nations. Discussions also cover geopolitical flashpoints such as the Ukraine crisis, the Israel-Hamas conflict, and issues on the Korean Peninsula.
    2024/02/17 12:01
  • HeySong Sarsaparilla price hike: First in over a decade

    HeySong Corporation, a Taiwanese company, has announced price adjustments for some of its products after 10-20 years of unchanged prices. The adjustments, set to take effect in March, will see prices increase by 10-20%. The most notable increase will be for the popular 330-milliliter HeySong Sarsaparilla, which will surge by up to 25%. The company attributes the price adjustments to rising costs of raw materials, packaging, transportation, and personnel. The recommended retail price adjustments will mainly affect packages less than one liter, with some increasing by NT$4 and others by NT$5-6. Other beverage brands, such as Taisun Enterprise, have also indicated rising drink prices due to increased international raw material costs. The King Car Group had already adjusted the price of its Pocari Sweat drink in November 2020, marking the first price adjustment in 17 years. Public opinion on the price changes seems to be accepting, with many stating that they understand most products are experiencing price increases as long as the surge isn’t too high.
    2024/02/17 11:21
  • Dine on a new career: Din Tai Fung offers high-paying jobs

    Renowned restaurant Din Tai Fung and the Taipei City Government are partnering for a massive recruitment event, offering 150 vacancies with salaries up to NT$57,000. The job fair will take place on Feb. 24 at the Taipei Youth Salon. Over 90% of the positions are open to applicants without prior work experience, as part of Din Tai Fung’s efforts to invest in talent recruitment, salary welfare, and training. The available positions include catering service specialists, cashiers, restaurant tidying staff, pastry apprentices, chefs, dish quality inspectors, dishwashers, and in-store timing staff. Part-time workers can earn up to NT$240 an hour on weekends. Salaries start at NT$48,000 for waitstaff, with the potential to reach NT$55,000 after assessments. Chefs have the opportunity to make up to NT$57,000. The average monthly salary from previous recruitment drives with Din Tai Fung is NT$40,000, and many companies have increased salaries due to labor shortages caused by the pandemic. The catering industry has seen a rising salary trend, with Din Tai Fung increasing salaries by 3% to 6% in 2023, totaling a 16% increase over three years. This recruitment drive is open to talents in Taipei, New Taipei, Hsinchu, Taichung, and Kaohsiung.
    2024/02/15 13:51
  • K-pop icon Yoona charms fans at Taipei fanmeet

    South Korean star Yoona from the popular K-pop group "Girls’ Generation" held a fan meet in Taipei, where she impressed the audience with her Mandarin-language performance. The event attracted 3,000 fans, and Yoona delighted them with her fluent Mandarin skills. She also sang the theme song from the popular Taiwanese drama "Someday or One Day," receiving enthusiastic applause. Lucky fans had the opportunity to interact with Yoona and take photos with her. During the fan meet, Yoona expressed her desire to try different roles, including playing a "beautiful villain." Additionally, she enjoyed trying Taiwanese delicacies such as sausage with sticky rice and sweet potato balls.
    2024/02/05 11:56
  • Taipei Mayor to ride revamped gondola during LNY

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an plans to take his family on a ride on the newly renovated Maokong Gondola during the Lunar New Year holidays to visit the zoo. The gondola cabins have been redesigned in collaboration with "Animal Rescue Team Taiwan" and the popular "Maji Meow" (cat) to promote animal conservation, rescue efforts, and life education. From Feb. 3 to Feb. 14, customers who purchase three one-day passes will receive a limited edition New Year magnet set. Each one-day pass purchase also includes a single limited edition magnet. The cabins feature images of the gondola’s mascots, including the "Landlord" (a sloth), the Maji Cat, EMMA, and a calf. QR codes inside the cabins provide access to real conservation stories, promoting respect for all life and equality among creatures. Visitors to the Camphor Tree Trail during the New Year period can enjoy blooming lupines, the "Maokong Light Halo" at night, and sporadic God of Wealth blessings at various gondola stations. Limited quantities of sweets and cookies will be given away at the gondola stations from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Feb. 10 to Feb. 12.
    2024/02/02 16:03
  • Former speaker You Si-kun resigns, sparks political shuffle

    Former Legislative Speaker You Si-kun has resigned from his at-large legislator position, citing personal plans. This decision was reported to President-elect Lai Ching-te on January 19. Former Democratic Progressive Party legislator Julian Kuo disclosed that Lai had selected two departing Taiwan People’s Party legislators for his cabinet and arranged for You to assume another high-level position. The vacant at-large legislator position will be filled by Dr. Wang Cheng-hsu, Chairman of HOPE Foundation for Cancer Care. Additionally, DPP policy head Wang Yi-chuan may potentially take on the at-large legislator role if more vacancies arise. DPP legislator Chuang Jui-hsiung, who is rumored to be appointed as the Minister of Agriculture, has not yet received any official appointment.
    2024/02/02 10:33
  • Legislative speaker vote heads to second round in Taiwan

    The initial round of voting for the Legislative speaker in Taipei has concluded, with Han Kuo-yu from the Kuomintang (KMT) and You Si-kun from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) advancing to the second round with 54 and 51 votes respectively. The KMT nominated Han Kuo-yu and Johnny Chiang, while the DPP put forward You Si-kun and Tsai Chi-chang. The Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) proposed Huang Shan-shan as their candidate. KMT lawmakers used open balloting to prevent defection, resulting in Han Kuo-yu receiving 54 votes, You Si-kun receiving 51 votes, and Huang Shan-shan receiving seven votes. One vote was invalidated due to ink stains. The KMT’s open ticket strategy proved successful. A second round of voting will take place in the afternoon, with the TPP not participating.
    2024/02/01 12:30
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