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    Spirit 結果共43筆

  • Adam Bobrow shares insights on table tennis in Taiwan

    Explore Adam Bobrow’s vision for table tennis in Taiwan, his views on sports culture, and the potential for growth in an exclusive interview with TVBS News.
    2024/04/28 08:30
  • 為保留現金 美廉航推遲空巴訂單、260名機師放無薪假

    美國廉航「精神航空」(Spirit Airlines)8日表示,已經與空中巴士(Airbus)達成新採購飛機訂單延期交付,並計畫讓旗下約260名機師放「無薪假」,藉此節省開銷和保留更多現金。執行長克里斯蒂(Ted Christie)在員工內部信中指出,「我們雖不想採取這類措施,但為了確保公司有更好的獲利未來,現在必須進行這些改變。」隨著延遲交機與無薪假實施,精神航空未來兩年內,可節省約3.4億美元(約新台幣109億1500萬元)的現金支出。
    2024/04/09 12:32
  • Taiwan’s Premier urges cross-party unity on national issues

    Taiwan Premier Chen Chien-jen emphasizes bipartisan cooperation on key national issues, such as labor insurance and arms procurement, during a legislative inquiry. President Tsai Ing-wen’s meeting with Taiwan People’s Party Chairman Ko Wen-je highlights the importance of unity among political parties. Chen underscores the government’s commitment to cross-party dialogue, showcasing Taiwan’s democratic maturity.
    2024/03/15 17:28
  • Jackie Chan’s new look shocks fans ahead of 70th birthday

    Internationally acclaimed action star Jackie Chan’s shocking appearance as he approaches his 70th birthday has fans abuzz. Recent photos reveal Chan sporting white hair and visible signs of aging, sparking speculation about his upcoming role in the film ’Mo Sheng Jia Ting’ (陌生家庭), where he portrays a man with Alzheimer’s. Despite his aging appearance, Chan’s professionalism and vibrant spirit remain intact as he continues his illustrious career spanning over six decades.
    2024/03/14 16:22
  • Lunar New Year dishes’ popularity adds to festive atmosphere

    Kaohsiung’s catering chefs witness a 10% surge in Lunar New Year orders as pandemic restrictions ease, reflecting the festive spirit of the season.
    2024/02/09 12:30
  • 緋聞同性女網紅現身Twins演唱會?阿嬌親回應2人關係

    Twins一連14場《TWINS SPIRIT 2024 紅館演唱會》昨晚(6日)在紅館圓滿落幕,Twins結束後接受媒體訪問。講到這次連開14場感受,蔡卓妍 (阿Sa) 與鍾欣潼 (阿嬌) 都表示:「累唄,明天放假啦!這個啊做得好開心。」阿Sa坦言十分開心,因為今次演唱會前曾有不少質疑聲音,令她們也懷疑自己能力,但最終她們仍是可以順利完成了這14場表演。阿Sa說:「因為我之前聲帶受傷,這次演唱會找到一個好一點的發聲位,之前的發聲位已經廢了。」阿嬌日前由於身體不適,故未有再做側手翻,她表示現在連咬東西也沒力:「現在身體亂得上廁所都去不了,所以要放假休養。」
    2024/02/07 13:20
  • Taiwanese debate the waning festive spirit of Lunar New Year

    Discover the changing "festive spirit" of the Lunar New Year in Taiwan as smaller families and evolving traditions impact the celebrations. From nostalgic memories of firecrackers and street shopping to the rise of phone distractions and travel abroad, the discussion revolves around the meaning of the "memory of festive spirit." Join the debate on the declining vibrancy of family reunion dinners and the overall change in the Lunar New Year atmosphere.
    2024/01/30 15:13
  • Twins演唱會周邊秒售罄!全買比iPad Air還貴

    Twins昨日(21日)在香港紅館舉行《TWINS SPIRIT SINCE 2001 LIVE IN HONG KONG》首場演唱會。Twins演唱會周邊商品在昨天下午4點開始在會場外販售。商品包括有:連帽T恤、貼紙、演唱會海報、水壺、充電器,以及新專輯等,而眾多周邊商品最大的賣點是新專輯「WE ARE TWINS」限定黑膠,此商品只限定發售1000套。演唱會門外還有販賣演唱會官方螢光棒的機器,在晚上六點半左右,已經吸引有200多名粉絲排隊購買不同商品。現場可見周邊商品展覽版顯示,三款黑色鴨舌帽同某件T恤款式已經全部售罄。根據統計如果每款商品買齊,金額高達$5000港幣(約1萬9千元台幣),比買一部Apple所出的iPad Air還貴。
    2024/01/22 11:45
  • Twins 14場香港巡演開跑 阿Sa率粉絲慶祝阿嬌生日 

    Twins一連14場的《TWINS SPIRIT SINCE 2001 LIVE IN HONG KONG》演唱會在今日(21日)於紅館舉行首場。Twins在演唱會唱出多數經典作品,演唱會期間當唱完《下一站天后》後,蔡卓妍(阿Sa)說:「出道22年還可以開演唱會真是奇蹟。」鍾欣潼(阿嬌)表示:「作為組合還可以一起好難得,不知道什麼時候是最後一次演唱會。」阿Sa繼續說:「我們不是少女了,會不會是最後一次演唱會。」阿嬌感性表示:「好多人說我們是你的青春,其實你們才代表我們整個青春。」之後她們又唱《拍住上》,瞬間吸引全場歌迷大合唱。
    2024/01/22 11:29
  • Lai Ching-te urges Taiwan to vote despite Chinese meddling

    Taiwanese presidential candidate Lai Ching-te of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has called on the Taiwanese people to use their votes as a defense against what he considers the most serious Chinese interference in the upcoming elections. Lai emphasized that while China has interfered in Taiwan’s elections before, the current situation is the worst. He believes that the best way to counter this interference is to ensure that the candidate supported by China does not win. Lai urged citizens to stand up against this interference by using their ballots to continue Taiwan’s progress and guarantee societal stability, economic growth, and the well-being of its people. He positioned the DPP’s battle not only against opposition parties but also against the Chinese Communist Party, underscoring the importance of maintaining a majority in the legislative yuan to prevent potential government functioning disputes. Lai kicked off his election campaign across 22 counties and cities, stating that this election is crucial for Taiwan’s future and Indo-Pacific peace stability. He encouraged the people to maintain the spirit of the past, choose the right person, and follow the right path.
    2024/01/03 15:45
  • 《小鬼當家》真人版!6歲童獨搭機「上錯航班」 嬤沒接到人崩潰

    美國一名6歲男童近日獨自搭乘廉航精神航空(Spirit Airlines),從費城(Philadelphia)飛到佛州(Florida)邁爾斯堡(Fort Myers)找祖母,未料疑似被「放錯航班」,雖然行李到達正確機場,但人竟飛到距離目的地167英里(約268公里)遠的奧蘭多(Orlando),故事宛如電影《小鬼當家》(Home Alone)現實版。對此,航空公司表達歉意,表示已展開內部調查。
    2023/12/26 11:39
  • Hou Yu-ih pledges to reinstate Constitution Day if elected

    Presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih pledges to reinstate Constitution Day as a public holiday in Taiwan if elected. He argues that the Constitution carries the founding spirit of the Republic of China (ROC) and forms the foundation of the rule of law. Hou criticizes his rival, Lai Ching-te, for suggesting that the ROC constitution hinders Taiwan’s unity, calling it a myth. He also accuses Lai of attempting to erase the spirit of the nation’s founding and the rule of law by cutting Constitution Day and other public holidays. Hou promises to protect the spirit of the country and uphold workers’ rights by restoring Constitution Day as a public holiday.
    2023/12/25 18:54
  • Farewell celebration marks end of an era for Eslite Xinyi

    Taipei’s Eslite Xinyi bookstore, a cultural and literary landmark, is closing its doors after 18 years, marking the end of an era. A grand farewell event celebrates its legacy, while the spirit of Eslite’s 24-hour bookstore continues at the Songyan store.
    2023/12/24 18:59
  • Pets join owners at Christmas charity event for stray dogs

    The Family Dog center in Taipei organized a heartwarming charity event, uniting pet owners and their furry companions in the festive season. The event, aimed at supporting stray animals, featured shared meals and a "Promise Tree" initiative, highlighting community spirit and pet-owner bonding.
    2023/12/24 15:01
  • DPP’s Hsiao Bi-khim touts ’Taiwanese Spirit’ in Yunlin

    DPP vice presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim emphasizes the importance of embracing the "Taiwanese spirit" for effective foreign policies, understanding Taiwan’s strengths and needs, and bolstering defense forces to foster international friendships. Hsiao rallies support for the DPP during her campaign stop in Yunlin, reaffirming the commitment of the "Lai-Hsiao ticket" to continue President Tsai Ing-wen’s policies. She engages in a multilingual question-and-answer session with students at National Formosa University, highlighting Taiwan’s kindness and contributions and emphasizing the country’s commitment to equity, justice, and democratic peace.
    2023/12/20 10:58
  • Festive German Market warms New Taipei spirits

    Discover the festive cheer of the German Christmas Market in New Taipei City. Experience culinary delights, unique decorations, and cultural exchange between Taiwan and Germany. Join in the holiday spirit as 2023 comes to a close.
    2023/12/17 17:17
  • Jessi, Jay Park dispel split rumors, confirm solid ties

    South Korean rap star Jessi and Jay Park address rumors of a fallout, affirming their strong relationship and urging fans not to worry. Speculation arose that Jessi had terminated her contract with Park’s company, MORE VISION, but the artists clarified that there is no discord between them. Jessi, who previously left P Nation in 2022, joined MORE VISION in April 2023. During a performance in Taiwan, she engaged with her Taiwanese fans, showcasing her connection with the audience. Taking to social media, Jessi expressed gratitude for her fans’ support and emphasized that the gossip has not affected her spirit. This public statement demonstrates their commitment to maintaining a professional relationship and clarifying the situation for their supporters.
    2023/12/07 21:01
  • Wayward piglet leads police on chase in Pingtung County

    A wayward piglet named "A-Tsai" caused excitement in Pingtung County’s Gongyuan Rd. as it led locals and police on a chase. Videos of the six-month-old black piglet evading capture have gone viral, drawing laughter from social media users. The piglet was eventually apprehended and taken to the local police station. Its owner, surnamed Chang, expressed gratitude to the officers and reclaimed the adventurous piglet. The incident showcases the community’s spirit of looking out for one another, regardless of species.
    2023/12/07 11:04
  • Taipei launches Christmas festivities in Xinyi District

    Experience the festive spirit at the "2023 Taipei Xmas" event in Xinyi District! With a record-breaking 55 large-scale Christmas decorations and 12 pedestrian overpass illuminations, this year’s event is bigger than ever. The Taipei City Office of Commerce has collaborated with 15 major department store operators to create a dazzling display of over 80 Christmas decorations. Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an hopes that this event will become an iconic celebration in the future. Don’t miss the novel pop-up Christmas event, held every Friday through Sunday, and be sure to snap a photo with the stunning golden Christmas tree that has become a popular backdrop for photos and social media check-ins.
    2023/12/02 18:32
  • Terry Gou supporters shocked, disappointed by withdrawal

    Foxconn founder Terry Gou has withdrawn from the race for the 2024 Taiwan presidential election, surprising his supporters. Gou had previously secured enough signatures to make a bid for the presidency. The announcement came just as the registration for the presidential and legislative elections closed. Despite expressing disappointment, supporters respected Gou’s decision for the greater good. Gou’s withdrawal followed a request from Taiwan People’s Party candidate Ko Wen-je, which caused discontent among his supporters. Gou had campaigned in Chiayi City, where he had support from the "Friends of A-Ming" group. The group had successfully reached the petition threshold, but were not forewarned about Gou’s decision. In his withdrawal statement, Gou emphasized his unwavering spirit on the global business stage and his love for Taiwan’s people. He highlighted the importance of victory and regime change for Taiwan, stating that an unwillingness to compromise is unacceptable for those seeking political turnover.
    2023/11/25 10:59
  • Ex-president Ma supports public polling for KMT, TPP merger

    Former Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou supports the idea of Kuomintang (KMT) presidential hopeful Hou Yu-ih and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential hopeful Ko Wen-je deciding on a merger through public polling. This suggestion comes amidst rumors that Representative to the US Hsiao Bi-khim could potentially be the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) Lai Ching-te’s running mate. Former Kaohsiung Mayor Han Kuo-yu also supports Ma’s proposal, emphasizing that unity is crucial for strength. Ko has expressed willingness to resume cross-party discussions if Hou and the KMT agree to decide their merger through public polling. However, the KMT has stressed that public polling must align with the opinions of individuals and the party to maintain the spirit of the KMT-TPP alliance. These differences have led to difficulties in negotiations, which are at risk of collapsing. Hsu-tsen Hsiao, the director of the Ma Ying-jeou Foundation, has conveyed Ma’s views to Hou and the KMT central committee, highlighting the potential losses the KMT could face in the upcoming elections if they fail to unite against the DPP.
    2023/11/13 15:05
  • KMT Chair emphasizes collective democratic reform

    Kuomintang (KMT) Chairman Eric Chu emphasizes the need for collective negotiation in the third wave of democratic reform, amidst a potential "blue-white party alliance" for the 2024 presidential election in Taiwan. Chu’s comments follow Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je’s openness to using nationwide polling, a method favored by former President Ma Ying-jeou, to determine the final candidate combination. While the KMT and TPP agree on implementing a national poll, differences remain in the content and rules. Chu is committed to upholding the spirit of democratic reform and negotiation, and ongoing talks with Ko have not been interrupted.
    2023/11/12 11:46
  • 郵輪穿越暴風雨遇「9米高大浪」百人傷 遊客嚇壞急寫遺書

    英國郵輪公司「Saga Cruises」營運的探索精神號(Spirit of Discovery),近日橫越北大西洋的比斯開灣時遭遇風暴。9公尺大浪撞擊窗戶,導致自動安全系統啟動,郵輪突然急轉彎,釀約百人受傷。餘悸猶存的乘客透露,當時船艙各處傳來尖叫聲,許多人都以為會沒命,急忙用手機留下「最後訊息」
    2023/11/08 17:25
  • New Taipei’s Christmasland to light up skies with sculptures

    New Taipei’s annual Christmasland, opening on November 17, will feature stunning light sculptures and kick off a series of festive activities. Deputy Mayor Liu Ho-jan expects a record-breaking turnout of 7.7 million visitors this year. A pop concert on December 9 and 10 will further enhance the holiday spirit. The New Taipei Christmas Market, themed the "Santa gift box," will delight attendees with local gourmet foods and tourism factories from December 1 to 3. Additionally, the German Trade Office Taipei will host a Christmas party from December 15 to 17, showcasing an authentic German Christmas village in the downtown area.
    2023/10/30 13:53
  • Terry Gou urges support for presidential race on Facebook

    Terry Gou, an independent presidential candidate in Taiwan, is calling for public support in the upcoming election. With only six days left to collect enough signatures to secure a spot on the ballot, Gou has been absent from the public eye for six consecutive days. In a Facebook post, he outlined his political philosophy centered on "peace," "prosperity," and "integrity," claiming to embody the spirit of a venture entrepreneur who values professionalism, organization, and fearlessness. Gou aims to build a Republic of China representing these principles and warns of potential chaos if no changes are made to the current power structure. He has set up signature collection stations across Taiwan and encourages the public to share his posts and invite friends to endorse his campaign.
    2023/10/28 17:53
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