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    Speed 結果共90筆

  • THSR non-reserved seats extend beyond cars 10-12

    Taiwan High-Speed Rail (THSR) introduces a new policy, extending non-reserved seating availability beyond cars 10-12, effective Sept. 1. Passengers can now access non-reserved seats more conveniently, optimizing space utilization and reducing congestion during peak hours.
    2023/08/31 17:03
  • Tainan mulls halting businesses, schools as typhoon nears

    Tainan City Mayor Huang Wei-che will announce work and class cancellation on Wednesday night the earliest if Typhoon Saol’s wind speed and rainfall meets the criteria for such a declaration.
    2023/08/29 13:53
  • Typhoon Saola approaches Taiwan, expected to strengthen

    Typhoon Saola was approximately 430 kilometers southwest of Cape Eluanbi as of 8 a.m. on Friday (Aug. 25), moving at a speed of 3 kilometers per hour in a northwesterly direction, according to the Central Weather Bureau (CWB).
    2023/08/25 15:06
  • THSR unveils new train adorned with Kanahei’s illustrations

    Taiwan High-Speed Rail (THSR) teams up with Japanese illustrator Kanahei for the second time to introduce a vibrant themed train adorned with beloved characters. The train features Kanahei’s famous Piske and Usagi characters amid colorful flower themes, promising an enjoyable journey. Learn about the co-branded items and exclusive travel packages, as THSR aims to drive rail tourism and profit.
    2023/08/18 22:32
  • 刪光子瑜合照被罵翻! 莊錠欣來台首發聲「閨密情內幕全說了」

    2023/08/17 15:06
  • CLC隊友驚喜助陣前團員中文舞曲 Elkie化身女車手炫車技

    韓團CLC前成員Elkie(莊錠欣)在中華圈發展活躍,本周將發行首張個人中文舞曲《SPEED UP》,找來韓國知名作曲家Siixk Jun的共同創作。原來這首歌是要寫給CLC演唱,Elkie透露「Demo是我們一起錄的韓文版,後來因為要變成中文歌,有再重新編曲跟寫中文詞」。令人驚喜的是,CLC前隊友承延協力編舞,Elkie也親自參與詞曲創作外,展現才華。
    2023/08/08 15:50
  • Typhoon Doksuri: Taiwan to face strong winds and heavy rain

    Typhoon Doksuri, classified as a moderate typhoon, was reported approximately 170 kilometers southwest of Cape Eluanbi as of 8 a.m. on Thursday (July 27), moving at a speed of 15 to 22 kilometers per hour in a north-northwesterly direction, according to the Central Weather Bureau (CWB).
    2023/07/27 11:57
  • 出軌害死首任尪!日女星再爆婚變 疑「不倫小鮮肉」遭丈夫痛毆

    2023/07/07 10:10
  • THSR introduces mobile ticketing for non-reserved seats

    Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) has introduced a new mobile ticketing service, allowing passengers to purchase free seating tickets through the "T-EX Mobile Ticketing" app. Starting today, you can conveniently buy your tickets via the app and scan the QR code to access the platforms directly.
    2023/07/03 13:12
  • Police riding tiny scooter on a highway won’t face fines

    The National Highway Police Bureau confirmed on Tuesday(June 6) that a policewoman from the Linyuan precinct of the Kaohsiung City Police Department will not face fines or penalties following an incident a day earlier, where she rode a police scooter on the highway during a high-speed pursuit.
    2023/06/06 17:34
  • Typhoon Mawar gains strength, threatens Taiwan next week

    Typhoon Mawar, the second typhoon of the year, regained strength on Thursday (May 25) as it escalated to a severe typhoon at 8 a.m., according to the Central Weather Bureau (CWB). Moving west-northwest at a speed of 18 kilometers per hour, the typhoon is expected to impact Taiwan next week.
    2023/05/25 17:35
  • First look at intensive THSR safety training program

    The high-speed rail company unveils on Thursday (May 11) its intensive safety training for new recruits, which includes challenging tasks such as climbing trains and installing 15kg emergency ladders within a limited time frame. The training program is rigorous and applies to all new service personnel regardless of their gender.
    2023/05/15 19:08
  • 「黏膠帶」修飛機乘客看傻! 美廉航解釋:是超強大神物

    美國一名TikTok用戶近日分享一段影片,只見一名廉航「精神航空」(Spirit Airlines)維修人員正賣力修補機身,不過竟是使用簡易的銀色膠帶,影片在網路上引起熱烈討論;不過航空公司解釋,這是「快速維修膠帶」(Speed Tape),專門修護飛機與賽車的輕微損傷,能抵禦極端環境,是相當常見與標準的維修神物。
    2023/04/30 16:28
  • Ma Ying-jeou travels to Hunan with TAO Director Song Tao

    Former President Ma Ying-jeou and China’s Taiwan Affairs Office Director Song Tao traveled together by high-speed rail to Hunan on Friday (March 31).
    2023/04/01 09:05
  • DUI pilot crashed container ship into Kaohsiung Harbor pier

    A Cyprus-flagged container ship, the Hyundai Tokyo, crashed into Pier 77 at Kaohsiung Harbor at a high speed and a 90-degree angle on Monday (March 20). 
    2023/03/22 18:42
  • 情斷大12歲妻!男星離婚不到半月密會辣模 直奔香閨過夜

    2023/02/16 14:01
  • BMW新車款有望下個月速度嘉年華登場!性能碗公搶先看

    ​​​​​​​在M4 CSL華麗登場之後,M3 Touring很可能會在下個月於英國Goodwood Festival of Speed速度嘉年華上發表!在新車正式登場前,這輛性能碗公被我們捕獲到最後的測試身影,除了已經確認了會採用IDrive 8的雙曲面螢幕數位座艙之外,動力系統則是會沿用現行M3 Competition的510匹最大馬力設定,滿足熱血好爸爸跟好媽媽們能夠同時兼顧家庭與性能的想像。
    2022/05/24 11:33
  • Bentley歐陸GT Speed台灣首度亮相 賓利最強跑車報價1,680萬元起

    今年3月於國外發表的Bentley Continental GT Speed頂級性能車型,於今日(10/21)透過「ART TAIPEI台北國際藝術博覽會」首度在台公開亮相,地球黃金線網站聞訊後,搶先赴世貿一館展場直擊該車。
    2021/10/21 17:57
  • Continental GT Speed助威 賓利聯手Art Taipei共演

    台北國際藝術博覽會,是每年10月藝文界共襄盛舉的藝術盛會,迄今已舉辦27屆。今年第28屆Art Taipei有賴台灣疫情控制得宜,也得以讓Bentley Taiwan再度參與此藝術饗宴,結合駕馭科技與百年造車美學的最新車款-Continental GT Speed。
    2021/10/18 18:41
  • 凱旋復古賽車Speed Triple 1200RR登場 經典子彈頭造型超搶眼!

    Triumph日前發表了全新Speed Triple 1200RR,這款車採用了新世代造車技術,同時也具備更多復古元素,創造出古今交融的特殊感受。從外觀上可以見到包含有分離式把手、子彈頭造型整流罩以及圓形頭燈。這或許跟車迷心目中所想像的RR車型有點落差,不過如此的搭配確實挺有個性,甚至還有點咖啡味。建議售價方面Speed Triple RR的售價為20,950美元,約合新台幣58萬元。
    2021/09/24 16:43
  • 海神中置引擎超跑MC20首度亮相 預計年底登台

    Maserati首次採用中置引擎的雙座超跑MC20,在第27屆Goodwood Festival of Speed速度嘉年華中首度公開亮相,並且參與著名的Hill Climb爬山計時賽超級跑車組別,在全長約1.86公里的Hill Climb爬山計時賽賽道中,首次在車迷面前「動態」演出。根據Maserati台灣總代理蒙地拿表示,MC20預計將在年底導入台灣市場。
    2021/07/13 19:43
  • Well Vertige年產量僅25台 新創小廠想幹掉保時捷Boxster!

    號稱全世界車迷此生必訪的Goodwood Festival of Speed速度嘉年華,隨著英國當地疫情趨緩,今年終能如期展開。而因疫情蟄伏這麼長一段時間後,更蓄積滿滿的能量,引來各大車廠推出新作競相爭妍。有趣的是,Goodwood速度嘉年華的規模與地位不僅家喻戶曉的名家大廠重視,同時也吸引不少手工小廠或新創公司藉此嶄露頭角,希望獲得到訪伯樂的慧眼青睞!
    2021/07/12 11:21
  • 900匹性能猛獸不用新台幣100萬! 手工超跑比CR-V更便宜

    2021/07/06 11:46
  • Genesis G70旅行車預約Goodwood速度節亮相 電動概念車將同步登場

    對於汽車沒那麼熟悉的朋友可能對Genesis沒什麼印象,這個來自Hyundai集團的豪華品牌近年來積極拓展市場,尤其對於歐洲地區更加重視,今年五月份無預警公布的G70 Shooting Brake,預計將會在今年七月的Goodwood Festival of Speed賽道嘉年華上正式發表,未來也將會在歐洲率先上市。
    2021/06/24 14:05
  • 凱旋2022年式Speed Twin亮相 動力、操控一次補強!

    英國機車品牌Triumph日前發表全新2022年式Speed Twin車款,這是一款融入現代設計與英式古典元素的車型,具有濃厚的個性風格,無論是用來通勤或者是享受性能都相當適合。為了進一步提升Speed Twin的產品魅力,Triumph也替這款車進行升級,透過細節上的雕琢,預計將帶來更勝以往的騎乘體驗。
    2021/06/10 13:03
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