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    Sky 結果共123筆

  • 吊掛擦窗墜落29樓!2條安全繩全斷 美男重砸「撞毀護牆亡」

    美國波士頓市40歲的清潔工人馬克斯(Nicholas J. Marks)在清潔摩天大樓「100 Summer Street」的窗戶時,不幸因為兩次安全繩斷裂的意外,從29樓高處墜落身亡。這起事故發生於去(2023)年,引起了社會各界對於工作場所安全的關注。
    2024/05/08 11:42
  • 和家馨187公分「天菜帥兒」曝光! 何柏廷爆她控制狂行徑

    2024/04/24 17:48
  • 韓劇「爸爸專業戶」猝逝!4度罹癌苦撐病體 享壽70歲

    韓國資深演員宋閔亨出道超過半個世紀,1966年在兒童劇《駝嘴老人》中飾演妖精,以第一代童星身分踏入演藝圈,出演過無數電視劇,代表作有《沒禮貌的英愛小姐》、《SKY Castle》、《哲仁王后》等,不只是稱職的綠葉,也扮演過許多大咖韓星的爸爸,可說是萬年父親擔當。不料日前突傳噩耗,接受膽囊癌手術卻不敵病魔,病逝於醫院,享壽70歲。
    2024/04/07 09:58
  • 花蓮強震全球關注 TVBS即時提供外媒最新災情報導

    TVBS長期深耕國際新聞,深化全球媒體合作,4月3日花蓮大地震,震撼全台,外媒高度關注台灣最新災情,包括NHK、美國ABC、Sky 等全球重要新聞媒體,立刻啟動合作機制,透過TVBS提供最新地震畫面。TVBS英語新聞記者也越洋連線,報導花蓮地震災情,並持續處理來自ENEX和德國公共電視RTL地震新聞需求。TVBS英語新聞組龔向華表示,「TVBS長期深耕國際新聞佈局,遇到重大突發事件,因此能透過國際媒體合作夥伴,迅速提供全世界媒體準確而專業的新聞內容。」
    2024/04/04 16:23
  • 青春校園韓劇《背著善宰跑》將開播!「劇情、卡司、亮點」一次看

    韓國電視台tvN將在四月推出的奇幻愛情韓劇《背著善宰跑》,因《Sky Castle》爆紅的金惠奫,搭配《大力女子姜南順》最帥反派邊佑錫,兩人超萌身高差,加上原著小說的高人氣,讓這部劇未播先火。2024韓劇《背著善宰跑》劇情、演員陣容、亮點、開播日期懶人包。
    2024/03/19 14:45
  • Chilly winds hit northern Taiwan as temperatures drop

    Stay updated on the weather forecast for Northern Taiwan as temperatures are set to drop due to an approaching front. Learn from Daniel Wu, an expert in Atmospheric Sciences, about the cold air mass expected to arrive mid-week and the improving weather conditions thereafter. Experience a mix of cloudy and clear skies, along with occasional rain showers, as the region transitions from chilly weather to gradually warming temperatures over the weekend.
    2024/03/18 10:45
  • 馬力竟然破百!改裝電動自行車 炸路狂飆

    2024/03/17 13:35
  • 改編人氣小說!全新校園韓劇《背著善宰跑》 金惠奫穿越遇偶像

    韓國電視台tvN將在四月推出的奇幻愛情韓劇《背著善宰跑》,因《Sky Castle》爆紅的金惠奫,搭配《大力女子姜南順》最帥反派邊佑錫,兩人超萌身高差,加上原著小說的高人氣,讓這部劇未播先火。2024韓劇《背著善宰跑》劇情、演員陣容、亮點、開播日期懶人包。
    2024/03/17 12:41
  • 快訊/韓女星無預警宣布閃婚!男方身分曝光 震驚演藝圈

    28歲韓國女星金寶羅(又譯金寶拉),2018年以夯劇《Sky Castle天空之城》優等生「金慧娜」一角爆紅,曾與同劇演員趙炳圭交往1年半分手,今(5)日韓媒驚爆金寶羅即將於6月結婚,男方身分曝光,震撼演藝圈。所屬公司已向韓媒證實此消息。
    2024/03/05 10:00
  • New Taipei collects 160kg of litter post-Lantern Festival

    Join over a hundred volunteers in New Taipei City as they collaborate to clean up mountains, removing 160 kilograms of litter, including sky lanterns. Demonstrating a commitment to environmental protection, these efforts aim to balance tourism and natural preservation.
    2024/02/26 11:19
  • 捲台北天空塔掏空案 港富豪爆「欠債上億美元」被聲請破產

    2024/02/20 12:47
  • 韓劇收視率TOP 10!梨泰院僅排第5 「毀三觀19禁」竟奪冠

    2024/02/18 17:07
  • Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival set to dazzle in two sessions

    Experience the enchanting 2024 Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival in New Taipei City! Join us on Feb. 17 and Feb. 24 for two sessions filled with the mesmerizing sight of lanterns illuminating the night sky. The first event, held at Ping Xi Junior High School, features nine launches of 100 lanterns each, totaling 900 lanterns. The second event, taking place at Shihfen Square, showcases nine launches of 150 lanterns, totaling 1,350 lanterns. Lantern vouchers will be distributed from 10:30 a.m. until they run out, allowing two to four people to launch a lantern. Don’t miss this unforgettable celebration, where artist Hu Min-shu’s stunning lantern designs, including a dragon and a tiger, will be on display.
    2024/02/16 13:35
  • Award-winning actress Alyssia Chia shines on ELLE cover

    Golden Horse Award-winning actress Alyssia Chia, known for her breakthrough role in Taiwan’s first-generation family comedy "A Happy Family," graces the cover of lifestyle magazine ELLE. From period dramas like "Flying Dragon in The Sky" to "The Heaven Sword and the Dragon Saber" and "Secret History of Princess Taiping," Chia’s diverse talent shines. Her career took a turning point with the drama "The World Between Us," delving into capital punishment and mental health issues. Off-stage, Chia shares a close bond with her husband, Hsiu Chieh-kai, supporting each other personally and professionally. Chia emphasizes the importance of encouragement and empathy in their relationship, constantly learning and improving together.
    2024/02/07 14:43
  • 信義區第2高樓「台北塔」驚爆掏空 中資成債權人黑幕曝光

    由碩河主導、投資開發規模超過200億元的台北市最新地標「台北天空塔 The Sky Taipei」,預計今年底完工,成為僅次台北101的信義區第二高樓,不過,本刊掌握,整起開發案遭檢舉涉嫌掏空逾10億元,疑犯背信罪,檢調暗中蒐證多時。
    2024/01/30 08:36
  • Taiwan secures prime lodging for Paris 2024 Olympics

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Education Sports Administration inspects the athletes’ village at the Paris 2024 Olympics, noting that Taiwan’s delegation has been allocated 39 single rooms for a comfortable rest environment. The Taiwan team has been granted an independent seven-story apartment in the village, which is located in Saint-Denis and features green construction designs. The village uses 100% renewable energy and will transform into a residential community and public activity area after the Olympics. The floors assigned to the Taiwan team are near completion, including 39 single rooms, 33 double rooms, and a two-story sky garden. The beds in the athletes’ dorms use thick cardboard frames and mattresses made from a special fishing net material. The athlete’s village won’t have air conditioning but will use a "floor cooling system" with cold water pipes installed under wooden floors. Portable air conditioners may be rented to ensure athletes get the best rest at night. Each country’s athletes’ village exterior can be self-designed, and Taiwan plans to discuss with the National Sports Training Center how to decorate and design the exterior to promote recognition of Taiwan and its athletes.
    2024/01/17 10:18
  • 台灣總統大選全球看! 登多家外媒首頁、BBC開不斷更新特別報導

    台灣2024總統大選13日登場,這場選舉同樣引起國際關注,多家外媒也紛紛在進行報導,其中《BBC》和《半島電視台》(Al Jazeera)特別開啟不斷更新的專頁,《路透》、《CNN》、《天空新聞》(Sky News)、《韓聯社》和《日本放送協會》(NHK)則在網站首頁放上台灣選舉的相關新聞。
    2024/01/13 13:03
  • 台大選倒數2天 澳洲總理艾班尼斯籲各國尊重台灣選舉結果

    台灣總統大選將於13日登場,澳洲總理艾班尼斯(Anthony Albanese)呼籲所有國家尊重台灣選舉結果。
    2024/01/11 08:58
  • Arc-shaped cloud system mesmerizes early risers in Yushan

    A stunning arc-shaped cloud system appeared in the sky over Yushan, Taiwan on January 7th. Former Central Weather Bureau Director-General Cheng Ming-dean analyzed the cloud system, air flow changes, and the effect of the sun on the scenery. The Central Weather Administration noted cooler temperatures in the morning and evening due to the northeast monsoon, with brief showers expected in certain areas. A cold weather advisory was issued for Hsinchu County, Miaoli County, and Nantou County.
    2024/01/07 15:56
  • Twinnen in Taiwan: From Yehliu’s rocks to Jiufen’s charm

    Join us on a day trip from Taipei, exploring the otherworldly Yehliu Geopark, the enchanting town of Jiufen, and the charming Shifen with its sky lanterns. Discover Taiwan’s stunning coast and the inspiration behind "Spirited Away."
    2024/01/03 21:36
  • EVA Air announces record 6-month year-end bonus

    EVA Air, a Taiwanese airline, has announced a record six-month year-end bonus, the highest since its establishment. The bonus will also be distributed to its subsidiaries, including airport services, sky kitchens, and aviation technologies. In addition, EVA Air plans to adjust salaries for employees in 2024, with ground and cabin crew members seeing an average adjustment of NT$5,000 and pilots receiving adjustments ranging from NT$11,000 to NT$20,000 based on their position. However, this announcement comes amidst potential strike action by EVA Air pilots, leading to concerns that the wage increase announcements are an attempt to pacify them. The Taoyuan Flight Attendants’ Union has emphasized the importance of fair distribution of year-end bonuses and salary increases regardless of the proposed pilot action. Rival airlines Starlux and China Airlines have also announced their year-end bonuses, with Starlux providing a one-month bonus and an approved salary increase of NT$2,000, and China Airlines reportedly planning to distribute a three-month bonus (although the union is demanding five months’ worth). In the marine transportation industry, YangMing Marine Transport Corporation has scaled down its year-end bonus from 13 months last year to two months this year due to a downturn in the shipping industry. The shipping corporations’ lower year-end bonuses are attributed to the "revenge-travel boom" post-pandemic. Other industries with high year-end bonuses include finance, semiconductor, and construction, with 1.83, 1.38, and 1.23 months respectively.
    2023/12/26 10:09
  • EVA anticipates record-high bonuses amid aviation recovery

    EVA Airways Corporation plans to reward its employees with generous year-end bonuses, averaging six months’ salary, due to the anticipated recovery of the global aviation industry in 2023. This unprecedented bonus is subject to the company’s annual earnings, with additional compensation expected to be distributed in mid-2024. The airline will also adjust salaries for ground and flight crews, with ground crew and cabin crew salaries increasing by approximately NT$5,000 and pilots’ salaries by NT$11,000 to NT$20,000, depending on rank. However, these bonuses and salary adjustments are contingent on individual overall performance. Other companies under EVA’s jurisdiction, such as Evergreen Aviation Technologies Corp., Evergreen Airline Services Corporation, Evergreen Sky Catering Corporation, and Evergreen Air Cargo Services Corp., will also participate in the reward scheme.
    2023/12/25 16:57
  • Santa soars over Taiwan sky on Christmas Eve, NORAD reports

    Santa Claus flew over Taiwan’s skies on Christmas Eve, according to the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). This tradition, dating back to 1955, began when a local newspaper misprinted a Santa hotline number, leading to NORAD’s predecessor’s number being inundated with calls from curious children. Rather than disappoint, the command started reporting Santa’s location. This year, Santa departed from the North Pole in a sleigh with the call-sign "HOHOHO," flying over Japan, Korea, China, and finally Taiwan. NORAD shares Santa’s flight trajectory, destinations, times, and the number of gifts distributed on their official website each Christmas Eve. They also rely on 1,100 to 1,200 volunteers to answer calls from children worldwide, receiving up to 260,000 calls in 2022. Platforms like Google and Flightradar24 also offer trackers to keep up with Santa’s movements.
    2023/12/25 13:30
  • Sam Lee, NICKTHEREAL shine at New Taipei Christmas concert

    The Superstar Christmas Concert in New Taipei concluded with captivating performances by Taiwanese singer Sam Lee and actor-singer Nick Chou (NICKTHEREAL). The event featured an impressive lineup of renowned singers and bands, delighting fans who filled the venue. Chou’s rendition of his hit song "Handsome to Break Up" ignited the crowd, while Sam Lee, known as the "Taiwanese Prince of Love Songs," mesmerized the audience with his performances of "The Night Sky Under Your Eye" and "Absolute Infatuation." The atmosphere was enhanced by the audience, who created a starry night effect using their cellphone flashlights. Another standout moment was singer and rapper OSN’s rendition of his classic song "Without You," which prompted a massive sing-along among fans. The two-day concert at New Taipei Fun Christmas City set a festive tone for the upcoming Christmas season, with fans eagerly cheering for their favorite artists.
    2023/12/11 21:05
  • NewJeans「跪下合照」同框T1! 粉絲氣炸:什麼鬼姿勢

    2023《英雄聯盟》世界大賽自10月10日登場,總決賽則在昨(19)日於南韓首爾高尺天空巨蛋(Gocheok Sky Dome)舉行,最後T1以3:0成績大勝WBG,抱走冠軍寶座。值得關注的是,擔任開幕嘉賓的人氣女團NewJeans,與T1合照曝光後引起爭議,1動作惹網友大肆批評。
    2023/11/20 10:05
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