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    R 結果共10,000筆

  • COMPUTEX Taipei 2024 kicks off, spotlights AI innovations

    Explore the latest in AI and tech innovation at the 43rd COMPUTEX Taipei, featuring 1,500 companies from 36 countries. Discover insights from top industry leaders and the government’s support for AI development.
    2024/06/04 15:12
  • 打板球突心臟病爆發!印男「擊出6分球」瞬間猝死 全場驚慌失措

    印度最近發生一起離奇的死亡事故引起關注。一名42歲男子特瓦爾(Ram Ganesh Tewar)在印度孟買北部郊區米拉路(Mira Road)一座農舍參加公司舉辦的板球比賽時,猛烈擊出6分球後,瞬間倒地身亡,讓在場球員嚇壞,趕緊上前查看並試圖讓他甦醒,但緊急送醫後仍回天乏術。事發影片在網路上瘋傳,警方已將此案件登記為猝死案,目前正在調查中。
    2024/06/04 14:36
  • Landslide in Keelung injures two, traps vehicles

    Discover the details of a massive landslide in Keelung’s Zhongzheng District, trapping vehicles and injuring two. Learn about the causes and the ongoing recovery efforts.
    2024/06/04 14:18
  • NVIDIA to open design center in Taiwan, hire 1K engineers

    Discover how NVIDIA’s CEO, Jensen Huang, plans to expand the company’s footprint in Taiwan by establishing a design center and hiring 1,000 engineers, highlighting the strategic importance of Taiwan to NVIDIA’s growth and innovation.
    2024/06/04 13:40
  • Rain追女神好苦!告白遭金泰希嫌「不夠帥」 約吃飯竟被狠拒3次

    2024/06/04 11:45
  • Hsieh and Zielinski advance to French Open quarterfinals

    Discover how Taiwanese tennis star Hsieh Su-wei and her Polish partner Jan Zielinski advanced to the French Open mixed doubles quarterfinals, defeating the Italian-Russian team with ease.
    2024/06/04 11:02
  • Central Cross-island Highway closed due to landslides

    Discover the latest on the Central Cross-Island Highway’s closure due to landslides and rockfalls from continuous heavy rainfall. Learn about the Highway Bureau’s efforts to reopen the road by Friday and safety advice for travelers.
    2024/06/04 10:01
  • Snow Man老么Raul巴黎爽哈菸 Number_i岸優太自爆愛看素人AV

    日本傑尼斯事務所這幾年歷經各種風波,除了另外成立STARTO娛樂甩開性侵醜聞以外,前高層兼藝人的瀧澤秀明獨立後創辦新公司TOBE,還挖走King & Prince的3名成員,另組男團Number_i。今(2024)年兩間公司的發展猶如兄弟爬山,只是也雙雙傳出醜聞,包含夯團Snow Man老么Raul被拍在巴黎街頭抽菸,Number_i成員則被流出音檔,成員大聊愛看素人片AV,甚至不愛花錢看「正片」。
    2024/06/04 07:19
  • 稱黃子佼案「沒那麼嚴重」!《LoL》官方懲處統神PCS禁賽

    4月上旬,藝人黃子佼加入偷拍論壇、被控性侵等醜聞曝光,網紅「亞洲統神」張嘉航評論上述事件遭輿論炎上,工商、業配紛紛遭切割。而張嘉航去年組建「Hell Pigs」地獄豬戰隊,以電競選手之姿在網路遊戲《英雄聯盟》中大顯身手。擁有《英雄聯盟》的Riot Games官方今(3)日聲明,PCS夏季賽電競選手「Godtone」(即統神)日前言論涉違反《Riot Games電競全球行為準則》,參考張男自陳後仍認其「粗俗且可能對未成年人有害」、「缺乏對其言論潛在影響的認知」等,決定將其禁賽並要求參加教育訓練,不遵循還將面臨進一步的紀律處分。
    2024/06/03 19:30
  • Jensen Huang’s Taiwan visit sparks China’s speculation

    Discover how NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang’s recent statement on Taiwan’s global significance during his visit stirs debate amid U.S.-China tech tensions and export restrictions.
    2024/06/03 17:55
  • Taichung mayor urges economic diversification

    Discover the latest on China’s suspension of tariff concessions on certain products under the ECFA starting June 15, and Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen’s response to the economic fallout.
    2024/06/03 17:37
  • Swift rescue operation follows Keelung park landslide

    Discover the latest on the Keelung Chaojing Park landslide: swift rescue operations, community response, and ongoing safety measures. Read the full story.
    2024/06/03 17:25
  • Taiwan’s role crucial in global AI supply chain, expert says

    Discover how Taiwan is addressing the global AI supply crisis and advancing AI technology, as highlighted at the COMPUTEX event in Taipei, featuring industry leaders and innovative solutions.
    2024/06/03 17:13
  • Ministry of National Defense embraces Threads

    Discover how Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense is revolutionizing its public engagement strategy by launching a Threads account, attracting thousands and marking a strategic shift in military communication.
    2024/06/03 17:03
  • Tech giants gather in Taipei for tech expo COMPUTEX 2024

    Explore the highlights of COMPUTEX 2024 in Taipei, where Intel CEO Patrick Gelsinger and other tech leaders will showcase innovations in AI, robotics, and VR.
    2024/06/03 16:40
  • NVIDIA CEO shares vision for AI’s future in Taipei interview

    Discover insights from NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang’s exclusive interview with TVBS Insight People, where he discusses AI’s future, NVIDIA’s growth, and deep ties with Taiwan. Tune in on June 16 at 11 p.m. on TVBS Channel 56.
    2024/06/03 16:17
  • Landslide traps vehicles in Keelung City, casualties unknown

    Discover the latest on the severe landslide in Keelung City’s Zhongzheng District, trapping vehicles and prompting a swift response from emergency teams. Learn more about the ongoing rescue efforts and eyewitness accounts.
    2024/06/03 15:54
  • Teams from US, Japan join Kaohsiung for dragon boat practice

    Discover how teams from the US, Japan, and Kaohsiung, led by notable figures, prepare for the Dragon Boat Festival on the Love River, despite rain, showcasing international camaraderie and competition.
    2024/06/03 15:24
  • NCC chairman addresses mobile tracking privacy concerns

    Explore the balance between technology use and privacy rights in Taiwan as NCC Chairman Chen Yaw-shyang addresses concerns over mobile tracking and data analysis at a Legislative Yuan meeting.
    2024/06/03 15:19
  • Taiwan’s premier calls for focus on people-first legislation

    Discover how Taiwan’s Premier Cho Jung-tai emphasizes the importance of legislation that benefits the people, amid discussions on legislative priorities and government transparency.
    2024/06/03 15:10
  • 才和LE SSERAFIM金采源合作 朵蕾凱莉報喜8月來台開唱 

    葛萊美獎肯定、來自美國加州的歌手朵蕾凱莉(Tori Kelly),招牌的完美歌喉駕馭流行、R&B、福音等任何曲風,就連當今最炙手可熱的K-POP都難不倒她,今(3)日她開心宣布8月17日將帶著「Tori Kelly: Purple Skies Asia Tou」前進台北,「不敢相信,我終於要公布世界巡迴了,我很興奮要見到你們了!」
    2024/06/03 14:54
  • Taiwan’s DPP urges China to halt military threats

    Explore the latest on Taiwan-China relations: DPP spokesperson Cho Kuan-ting urges China to halt military threats and engage in dialogue, emphasizing peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.
    2024/06/03 14:53
  • 孫安佐唱rap嗆聲酸民直播「裸上身打拳」:我是台灣鋼鐵人 曝25歲幹大事

    2024/06/03 14:39
  • NTNU hosts first international alumni reunion in Taiwan

    Discover how National Taiwan Normal University’s first International Alumni Reunion highlights its commitment to global education and career opportunities for international students in Taiwan.
    2024/06/03 14:24
  • AMD蘇姿丰秀新晶片!邀華碩董施崇棠同台 瞄準AI PC市場

    AMD執行長蘇姿丰3日早上在COMPUTEX發表演講,以「高效能運算邁向AI時代」為主題,為電腦展揭開序幕。蘇姿丰身穿桃紅色西裝外套亮相,一上台先用中文打招呼,她表示,AI正在掀起一場革命,迅速重塑運算與科技產業的各個層面。此外,她在演講中也預告,新晶片Zen 5、Ryzen 9-9950X將在7月上市,更邀請供應鏈夥伴擔任嘉賓,包括華碩董座施崇棠、微軟、HP、聯想等,而施崇棠也在會場上大秀和AMD合作的筆電產品。
    2024/06/03 12:50
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