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    R 結果共10,000筆

  • Taiwan champions gender equality at international forum

    Explore Taiwan’s strides in gender equality and the challenges that remain, as discussed by National Human Rights Commission Chairperson Chen Chu at the "2024 International Forum on Women’s Employment and Economic Security." Learn about Taiwan’s legal reforms, commitment to CEDAW, and ongoing efforts to eliminate discrimination against women.
    2024/06/05 16:50
  • New Taipei City to host job fair with over 3,000 positions

    Discover over 3,000 job opportunities at the New Taipei City job fair on June 6, featuring roles in hospitality, retail, and tech from top companies like IKEA and Starbucks.
    2024/06/05 15:53
  • 伍佰突然宣布重大訊息!親筆信內容外流 鳳小岳換成他

    由「搖滾天王」伍佰籌備3年,自編自導自演的「成功之路:How to Be a Rock Star」搖滾歌劇,將於9月重返台北流行音樂中心再加演六場。去年首演後佳評如潮,伍佰不禁感嘆「只演一輪太可惜,百老匯的劇都是一演再演」,經過多方考量後,伍佰決定今年9月,他還親筆寫下自己的創作理念:「我想用印象中布袋戲的人物刻畫方式跟視覺刺激,以及我作演唱會的經驗,去做出有別於過往我所看過的劇場演出,不管是舞台劇還是音樂劇。我要打造出另外一種新型態的演唱會式舞台劇,我叫它搖滾歌劇。關於這齣戲,我要講的事情很簡單,就是『相信自己,做就對了。』」
    2024/06/05 14:25
  • 跟媽媽逛動物園 兩歲女童手拿食物「險被長頸鹿叼走」

    據美國媒體《KWTX》報導,德州一間野生動物中心(Fossil Rim Wildlife Center),本月一日時2歲女童佩斯利(Paisley)與媽媽兩人,一同坐在皮卡後斗參觀園區,並遵照園區指示餵食動物,怎知當他們將車停在長頸鹿區域時,一隻長頸鹿突然咬住佩斯利上衣,瞬間就要女童叼走,好在媽媽反映夠快,及時抓回女兒,沒讓憾事發生。
    2024/06/05 14:09
  • Over 6,000 gather in Taipei to remember Tiananmen Square

    Discover how over 6,000 people gathered in Taipei to mark the 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square crackdown, showcasing a united stand for democracy and human rights against authoritarianism.
    2024/06/05 13:01
  • TSMC chair addresses relocation concerns amid tensions

    Explore how TSMC’s Chairman C.C. Wei addresses the impracticality of moving production from Taiwan amid geopolitical tensions and the impact on the global tech industry, ahead of COMPUTEX 2024.
    2024/06/05 12:20
  • 亞馬遜部落「連上網9個月」現況曝 村民躺平沉迷色情片

    巴西亞馬遜雨林(Amazon Rainforest)裡的某個原始部落在近1年前接受「星鏈計畫」(Starlink)、順利接上網路,沒想到如今卻傳出部落內的青少年「躺平」、整天沉迷社群媒體和色情影片,甚至不願再學習自給自足的傳統生活技能,這促使部落領袖祭出網路使用的相關規定,但也坦言「我們需要網路」。
    2024/06/05 12:19
  • Taiwan monitors 26 Chinese aircraft near strait in 24 hours

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s defense as the Ministry of National Defense reports 19 Chinese military aircraft crossed into Taiwan’s airspace, amid heightened tensions in the Taiwan Strait. Learn about Taiwan’s response and the strategic significance of these developments.
    2024/06/05 12:08
  • Hsieh and Zielinski reach French Open mixed doubles semis

    Discover how Taiwanese tennis star Hsieh Su-wei and her Polish partner Jan Zielinski advanced to the French Open mixed doubles semifinals, defeating the top-seeded Australian team.
    2024/06/05 12:01
  • TSMC’s leadership change amid global supply chain concerns

    Discover how C.C. Wei’s appointment as TSMC chairman marks a pivotal leadership transition, focusing on supply chain resilience and Taiwan’s semiconductor industry amid geopolitical tensions.
    2024/06/05 12:00
  • Yushan trail closes due to landslide after heavy rains

    Discover the latest on Yushan National Park’s trail closure due to a landslide after heavy rainfall. Learn about the emergency repairs and when the trail might reopen.
    2024/06/05 11:53
  • Cloudy skies, scattered showers expected across Taiwan today

    Discover the latest weather update for Taiwan: Clouds from the Taiwan Strait will bring mostly cloudy skies and intermittent showers across the island. Expect higher moisture and rain chances due to the eastward-moving South China rain belt. Daytime highs will range from 25 to 30 degrees Celsius, with cooler nights. The Ministry of Environment warns of potential air quality issues due to easterly winds. Stay prepared and informed on weather and air quality conditions.
    2024/06/05 11:22
  • Taiwanese expats rally for democracy in Times Square

    Discover how over a hundred Taiwanese expatriates gathered in Times Square to support Taiwan’s democracy through the Bluebird Movement, showcasing global solidarity.
    2024/06/05 11:19
  • 黃仁勳放福利!輝達顯卡玩家「免費爽玩3個月」 申請方式曝

    「AI教父」黃仁勳寵粉寵上癮了嗎?有網友發現,擁有輝達顯卡的用戶可免費領取3個月Xbox Game Pass會員資格,引發熱議。網友們在PTT的C_Chat板上紛紛表示感謝,稱讚黃仁勳的慷慨舉動。此活動從6月4日開始,至7月5日結束。
    2024/06/05 11:17
  • Intel CEO urges balance in U.S. chip ban against China

    Explore how Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger addresses the U.S. chip ban against China at COMPUTEX Taipei, emphasizing the need for balance to avoid pushing China towards self-reliance in semiconductor technology.
    2024/06/05 11:15
  • Legislative Yuan speaker denies meddling in KMT affairs

    Discover how Legislative Yuan Speaker Han Kuo-yu addresses rumors of political interference and emphasizes his commitment to neutrality in Taiwan’s political landscape.
    2024/06/05 09:34
  • NVIDIA’s Jensen Huang discusses AI computing and energy use

    NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang discusses AI growth, energy concerns, and partnerships with Foxconn at Computex Taipei, highlighting Taiwan’s pivotal role in AI innovation.
    2024/06/04 19:53
  • 惜水惜食再利用 污水啤酒.廚餘堆肥廢變寶

    2024/06/04 19:35
  • Intel CEO unveils AI innovations at COMPUTEX Taipei

    Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger unveils groundbreaking AI and data center advancements at COMPUTEX Taipei, including Xeon plus Rag and Gaudi 3, promising a future of increased performance and efficiency.
    2024/06/04 18:53
  • 老宅藏神秘地牢!他住2年才發現 驚挖前屋主「亂倫記事本」

    2024/06/04 17:30
  • Keelung landslide injures 2, buries 11 vehicles

    Landslide buries 11 cars, injures 2 in Keelung. Heavy rain caused rocks to loosen and fall. Geologist: small falling rocks signal danger. Road to be repaired within 7 days by June 11.
    2024/06/04 17:28
  • Taiwan bans infant cell use in regenerative medicine

    Discover how Taiwan’s new regenerative medicine legislation, a pioneering move, aims to protect vulnerable groups while fostering medical advancements. The law sets strict guidelines for cell donations and treatments, ensuring safety and transparency.
    2024/06/04 17:24
  • 美眾議員國會演說直播 6歲兒台下翻白眼扮鬼臉搶鏡爆紅

    美國共和黨眾議員約翰·羅斯(John Rose)3日帶著6歲的兒子蓋伊·羅斯(Guy Rose)前往國會發表演說。沒想到,羅斯正在台上嚴肅的發表針對川普封口費案的談話,台下的蓋伊卻瘋狂地對著鏡頭扮鬼臉,完全搶走全場目光。而鬼臉畫面曝光後,蓋伊也在網路上瞬間爆紅,網友紛紛表示:「原本很認真,看到蓋伊的鬼臉後完全歪樓,太搞笑了!」而蓋伊的鬼臉照甚至被廣大網友製作成各種迷因,也讓父親羅斯哭笑不得。
    2024/06/04 16:14
  • NVIDIA, Foxconn to build computing center in Kaohsiung

    Discover how NVIDIA and Foxconn’s collaboration to build an advanced computing center in Kaohsiung aims to revolutionize smart manufacturing, EVs, and smart cities with the GB200 server.
    2024/06/04 15:42
  • COMPUTEX Taipei 2024 kicks off, spotlights AI innovations

    Explore the latest in AI and tech innovation at the 43rd COMPUTEX Taipei, featuring 1,500 companies from 36 countries. Discover insights from top industry leaders and the government’s support for AI development.
    2024/06/04 15:12
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