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    R 結果共10,000筆

  • 大物來了!CBA宏國名將雷克斯之子雷蒙恩 返台投入職籃選秀

    前宏國象洋將雷克斯(Rex H. Manu)的兒子雷蒙恩(Samuel Manu),今年畢業於 NCAA 一級學校加利福尼亞大學戴維斯分校(UC Davis),身高 197 公分在場上司職後衛,畢業後的首要目標是回臺投入職籃選秀。
    2024/06/07 16:38
  • 快訊/張學友停辦演唱會!本人回應了 親吐真實狀況:我感染了!

    2024/06/07 15:59
  • Ko criticizes "fanciful" round-the-island railway proposal

    Explore the debate over Taiwan’s NT$2 trillion transportation proposal, including a round-the-island high-speed railway. Ko Wen-je urges financial prudence, emphasizing the need for a thorough review before proceeding with such ambitious projects.
    2024/06/07 15:43
  • Byeon Woo-seok greeted by over a thousand fans in Taiwan

    Discover how South Korean actor Byeon Woo-seok received a grand welcome by over a thousand fans at Taoyuan International Airport, ahead of his Taiwan fan meeting, showcasing his immense popularity.
    2024/06/07 14:42
  • Taiwan’s defense minister to cut ceremonial drills

    Discover how Taiwan’s Defense Minister Wellington Koo plans to modernize the military by abolishing traditional practices like bayonet training and goose-stepping to focus on combat readiness.
    2024/06/07 14:17
  • 哈佛混血賀博披中華隊戰袍!再戰今年瓊斯盃 抵台時間曝光

    台美混血賀氏兄弟檔賀丹(Adam Hinton)、賀博(Robert Hinton)去年暑假在瓊斯盃刮起籃球炫風,面對各國好手,就讀康乃爾大學三年級的賀丹繳出場均14.1分、3.4籃板、2.6助攻的成績,弟弟賀博也有場均13.9分、3籃板、1.8助攻進帳。《TVBS新聞網》今(7)天致電中華民國籃球協會,籃協表示,賀氏兄弟今年將再戰瓊斯盃,預計6月6日抵台。
    2024/06/07 13:59
  • NVIDIA CEO lauds Taiwan’s role in global AI development

    Discover how NVIDIA’s CEO Jensen Huang celebrated Taiwan’s key role in AI development at a dinner in Taipei, highlighting the symbolic "AI" in Taiwan’s name and planning future collaborations.
    2024/06/07 13:58
  • Taiwan seeks closer ties with India post Modi’s re-election

    MOFA to deepen Taiwan-India ties post-election. China objects to Lai’s message to re-elected Modi. MOFA: ROC is sovereign, not subordinate to PRC. Taiwan to engage globally on shared values.
    2024/06/07 13:44
  • U.S. arms sale strengthens Taiwan’s defense capabilities

    Explore how Taiwan is bolstering its defense capabilities in response to China’s recruitment of Western pilots, focusing on advanced pilot training, new tactics, and technological advancements in military equipment, including drones and F-16 jets.
    2024/06/07 12:33
  • MAC head warns travelers after detention incident in China

    Discover the latest on cross-strait relations: Taiwan’s MAC confirms the release of a detained Taiwanese tour group member in China and highlights safety concerns for travelers. Read more about the incident and the implications for the upcoming Straits Forum.
    2024/06/07 12:20
  • 台灣玩家千呼萬喚!「失落的方舟」開服吸引大批玩家!

    引頸期盼的它終於來了!由韓國Smilegate RPG所開發,樂意傳播代理的「失落的方舟(LOST ARK)」,已於5月30日正式在台灣上線!兼具視覺效果以及劇情特色,讓這款遊戲上線僅短短一星期,就獲得眾玩家熱烈迴響,表現十分亮眼!
    2024/06/07 12:08
  • Premier reaffirms Taiwan’s commitment to nuclear-free future

    Discover Taiwan’s commitment to a nuclear-free future and green energy development as Premier Cho Jung-tai addresses concerns over nuclear power extension, emphasizing stable power supply and leading green energy initiatives by 2030.
    2024/06/07 12:07
  • 《馴鹿寶貝》跟蹤狂本尊不滿被醜化 提告Netflix求償54億

    Netflix驚悚影集《馴鹿寶貝》在全球掀起話題。劇情改編自英國喜劇演員、同時也是本劇主角男理查蓋德(Richard Gadd),被跟蹤狂瘋狂騷擾的親身經歷。影集上架後,該角色的原型人物接受媒體訪問時痛訴被醜化,最新消息指出,她已向Netflix提起1.7億美元(約54億元新台幣)的訴訟。
    2024/06/07 11:12
  • "Miss Saigon" tour begins in Taiwan, captivating audiences

    Hsi-kung Hsiao-chieh captivates Taiwan audiences. Musical explores love and war’s harsh realities. Iconic scenes include helicopter and Cadillac. Tour spans Taichung, Tainan, and Taipei till July 7.
    2024/06/07 10:46
  • Taipower urged to end reliance on government subsidies

    Discover how Taiwan’s new Economic Affairs Minister, J.W. Kuo, advocates for Taiwan Power Company’s financial independence, challenging the current reliance on government subsidies amid significant losses.
    2024/06/07 10:26
  • Heavy rainfall expected in central, southern Taiwan today

    Discover the latest weather forecast for Taiwan, including brief showers, thunderstorms, and potential heavy rainfall in central and southern regions. Stay informed on air quality and temperature insights for safe travel and comfort.
    2024/06/07 10:13
  • NBA/不是雷迪克!傳湖人欲聘「康大2冠教頭」 盼助年輕球員成長

    湖人在今年季後賽首輪止步後,迅速開除由哈姆(Darvin Ham)為首的教練團,並一度傳出將聘前球員雷迪克(JJ Redick)接掌兵符。不過,根據《ESPN》權威記者沃納洛斯基(Adrian Wojnarowski)爆料,湖人球團已準備一筆大合約給剛率領康乃狄克大學完成NCAA二連霸的赫爾利(Dan Hurley),期許他能在新賽季率領紫金軍。
    2024/06/06 22:06
  • 獨/章廣辰突喊「我搞砸了」曝懊悔心聲 楊銘威竟讓他很不自在

    演員章廣辰今(6)日出席服飾品牌「Polo Ralph Lauren」快閃裝置活動,對搭配很有想法的他,最喜歡品牌的條紋上衣、襯衫還有帽子,穿起來時髦又能防曬,也向《TVBS新聞網》分享最近拍攝TVBS原創劇集《舊金山美容院》的趣事。
    2024/06/06 22:03
  • 饒舌歌手好猛!私下「超狂身分」曝光 還演出好萊塢電影

    由北流企劃的「北流音樂故事沙龍」,上週與美國在台協會(AIT)協力合作特別企劃「如果可以,我也想嘻哈到永遠」,邀請來自美國5位嘻哈音樂人對談,除了北流董事長黃韻玲代表出席,更有請在音樂圈有著舉足輕重地位業界人士一同與會。這場交流中討論了國內外創作者所面臨的困難及選擇;令人意想不到的是,這5位美國創作人皆有著驚人背景,其中饒舌歌手Rah Digga同時有著演員身份,並竟曾參演好萊塢電影《惡靈13》;身兼塗鴉藝術家、音樂創作者的Jurne,更曾從事幹細胞生物學領域工作,也讓北流董事長黃韻玲直呼每個人都深藏不露,卻都為了夢想義無反顧,令人十分佩服。
    2024/06/06 20:44
  • NVIDIA AI supercomputer to be in Kaohsiung, R&D near Taipei

    NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang announced plans to build an AI supercomputer in Kaohsiung with an R&D site near Taipei, highlighting the strong partnership with Quanta and their collective efforts on Blackwell.
    2024/06/06 17:41
  • NVIDIA leads AI discussions at COMPUTEX Taipei

    Explore how NVIDIA’s AI technology is revolutionizing healthcare and other industries at COMPUTEX Taipei. Learn about the future of medical care with AI.
    2024/06/06 17:34
  • New Taipei mayor sees highest dissatisfaction rate: Survey

    Discover the latest shifts in public approval for Taiwan’s city leaders, as revealed by a Global Views Monthly survey. New Taipei City Mayor Hou Yu-ih sees the highest dissatisfaction, while Taipei’s Chiang Wan-an enjoys a surge in approval. Explore the dynamic political landscape and how it reflects on local governance.
    2024/06/06 17:17
  • Qualcomm CEO unveils AI-driven future at COMPUTEX 2024

    Discover how Qualcomm’s CEO Cristiano Amon is steering the future of AI in PCs at COMPUTEX 2024 in Taipei, emphasizing generative AI and the critical role of Taiwanese suppliers.
    2024/06/06 17:09
  • Belgian startups join forces with Taiwan in tech forum

    Discover the highlights of the Taiwan-Belgium Joint Business Council Meeting, where Wallonia’s delegation aims to strengthen innovation ties with Taiwan. Learn about the collaborative efforts in technology and sustainable development.
    2024/06/06 17:07
  • DPP accuses KMT of undermining Taiwan’s democracy

    Explore the escalating tensions in Taiwan as the DPP accuses the KMT of undermining the Control Yuan’s independence, threatening democracy and sparking a legislative showdown.
    2024/06/06 16:33
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