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    R 結果共10,000筆

  • dyson吹風機改款!輕量化搭「黑科技」面世 3亮點性能突破

    2月時,在紐約時裝周後台Dyson吹風機Supersonic R™首次亮相,當時就引起討論!原本消息指出,這台吹風機只販售給專業髮型師!不過,就在這個月初,日本搶先全球上市,立刻引起搶購潮。
    2024/05/30 22:57
  • 下海舊作衝熱搜!陪朋友突獻身 人妻崩潰:怕老公看到

    2024/05/30 19:26
  • 別再「牙咧牙咧」了! 韓最新迷因「麻辣糖葫蘆」創作者才11歲

    2024/05/30 19:03
  • Sorry Youth backs Bluebird Movement, plans new album release

    Discover how Taiwanese band Sorry Youth is making waves with their involvement in the Bluebird Movement and the upcoming release of their album "Noise Apartment." Learn about their unique sound, international tours, and the Vice President’s nod to their music.
    2024/05/30 18:34
  • Aging Taipei homes prompt urban renewal push

    Explore how Taipei is improving disaster response and promoting urban renewal in response to the risks posed by aging infrastructure. Mayor Chiang Wan-an highlights new technologies at the SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024.
    2024/05/30 17:35
  • 妮可基嫚、茱蒂佛斯特等7巨星登雜誌封面 網傻眼:修圖太誇張

    美娛樂雜誌《好萊塢報導》(The Hollywood Reporter)最新一期以「Drama Queen」為題,一口氣邀請妮可基嫚、茱蒂佛斯特等7名大咖女星登上封面,陣容豪華。但有不少網友指出,超過半數受邀女星都年過半百,膚質卻好到像戴著面具,質疑「過度修圖」。
    2024/05/30 17:31
  • NBA/瑞迪克鎖定帥位?教練團大換血 傳朗多有意「再加盟湖人」

    有詹姆斯(LeBron James)坐鎮的紫金大軍,在兵敗首輪後球團大動作開鍘、開除了漢姆(Darvin Ham)為首的教練團,而在眾多接班人選中,「帥哥射手」瑞迪克(JJ Redick)由於與詹姆斯私交甚篤,被認為上位機率極高,引起熱烈討論,而除此之外,如今更有消息傳出,被譽為「籃球智商最高球員」之一的朗多(Rajon Rondo)也可能加入教練團。
    2024/05/30 17:18
  • Taiwanese shoe brands turn waste into wearable tech

    Discover how Taiwanese shoe manufacturers are leading the way in sustainability by transforming coffee grounds, plastics, and other wastes into innovative, eco-friendly footwear.
    2024/05/30 16:50
  • Premier Cho calls for Chinese goodwill in tourism standoff

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s decision to allow pre-organized tours to China despite an initial suspension, aiming to revive cross-strait tourism amid zero group travel from China. Learn about the government’s flexible approach and hopes for mutual goodwill.
    2024/05/30 16:45
  • Executive Yuan to challenge recent legislative amendments

    Explore the latest on Taiwan’s political scene: The Executive Yuan plans to request a reconsideration of recent legislative amendments, aiming for resolution through dialogue. Learn about the legal framework and historical context.
    2024/05/30 16:07
  • Taiwan’s travel agencies challenge ongoing China travel ban

    Taiwan’s travel agencies urge the government to reconsider the prolonged group travel ban to China, arguing it is unconstitutional and harms cross-strait relations and the travel industry.
    2024/05/30 16:06
  • Taiwan’s TPP seeks to abolish Control Yuan

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s political landscape: The Taiwan People’s Party aims to abolish the Control Yuan, citing it as a financial burden and ineffective. With cross-party support and challenges ahead, this move could reshape governance.
    2024/05/30 16:02
  • Taiwan opposition proposes special corruption probe unit

    Explore the heated debate in Taiwan as the KMT proposes a special investigation unit to probe corruption, facing opposition from the DPP and TPP. This story delves into the complexities of political oversight, the potential abolition of the Control Yuan, and the broader implications for Taiwan’s constitutional reform.
    2024/05/30 16:00
  • New study highlights aging trends among younger people

    New research from Washington University in St. Louis suggests younger generations are aging faster due to lifestyle and dietary factors. Experts recommend moderate exercise and a natural diet to slow the aging process.
    2024/05/30 15:58
  • Former U.S. official urges Biden to clarify Taiwan policy

    Explore the latest on Taiwan’s foreign affairs as Minister Lin Chia-lung responds to calls for a clear U.S. strategy on Taiwan, emphasizing peace and international support in the Taiwan Strait.
    2024/05/30 15:56
  • 韓國史上最貴離婚 法院勒令SK會長支付前妻325億

    韓國財閥SK集團董事長崔泰源(Chey Tae-won)和前總統盧泰愚之女的前妻盧素英(Roh Soh-yeong),因為離婚官司,引起當地媒體高度關注。身為大財閥會長的崔泰源,因為承認在外偷吃而有私生子,遭到盧素英提起離婚並提告求償。經過數年審理後,首爾高等法院30日做出裁定,要求崔泰源進行財產分割,支付前妻1.38兆韓元(約新台幣325億元),外加20億韓元(約新台幣4700萬元)的額外贍養費,新裁決的金額遠遠大於地方法院一審結果。
    2024/05/30 15:55
  • Taiwan allows pre-June travel groups to China despite ban

    Discover how Taiwan is adjusting its travel policies amid a ban on group tours to China, allowing pre-planned trips to proceed. This move aims to balance tourism interests and cross-strait relations.
    2024/05/30 15:50
  • NBA/湖人新主帥已確定是瑞迪克?名嘴爆:他在找助教了

    NBA洛杉磯湖人在季後賽遭淘汰出局後,火速開除了總教練漢姆(Darvin Ham)以及教練團隊,隨後也馬不停蹄地展開新主帥的面試工作,先前傳出前球員雷迪克(JJ Redick)在所有人選中處於領先地位;近日美媒《Bleacher Report》記者海恩斯(Chris Haynes)爆料,雷迪克有極高機率成為湖人新任主帥,甚至已經開始尋找助教。
    2024/05/30 15:48
  • 69歲大咖男星罹患失智症!宣告息影 女兒親揭2年近況

    好萊塢動作巨星布魯斯威利(Bruce Willis)以《終極警探》系列走紅,不過2022年宣布罹患失語症息影,沒想到隔年又確診「顳葉失智症」,令影迷們非常擔心他的健康狀況,也不捨他告別大銀幕,不過他的大女兒路莫威利(Rumer Willis)日前受訪透露,爸爸很享受退休生活,天天沈浸與1歲孫女的天倫之樂中。
    2024/05/30 15:45
  • U.S. senators visit Taiwan amid legislative chaos

    Discover the significance of U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth’s visit to Taiwan amid legislative controversies and China’s military exercises. Learn how the U.S. shows support for Taiwan’s democracy.
    2024/05/30 14:15
  • 冰島火山爆發「岩漿噴50公尺高」 著名景點、鄰近小鎮急撤

    冰島西南部雷克雅內斯半島(Reykjanes peninsula)的火山近日再次爆發,除了是去年12月以來的第5次噴發,熔岩噴射的高度更高達50公尺,迫使著名的地熱溫泉「藍湖」(Blue Lagoon)和漁業小鎮格林達維克(Grindavik)的民眾緊急撤離。
    2024/05/30 11:49
  • 周湯豪嚇傻!開唱「遭巨物撞飛」險跌落舞台 驚險畫面外流

    歌手周湯豪前陣子忙著舉辦「REALIVE」世界巡迴演唱會,他在社群分享演唱會花絮片段,寫著「我在演唱會唱到一半被撞飛」,攝影機拍到他演唱〈Healthy Mind〉期間,遭互動用的「好命球」擊中,讓他差點跌落觀眾席。
    2024/05/30 11:05
  • DPP criticizes KMT’s stance on presidential report delivery

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s political scene: Tensions escalate between the DPP and KMT over President Lai’s national policy report at the Legislative Yuan. Read about the legislative amendments and the upcoming session.
    2024/05/30 11:01
  • T閱讀/比簡慶芬和Rebecca還糾纏 東海教授揭秘量子大咖的愛恨糾葛

    2024/05/30 10:48
  • Taiwan must focus on actions, not rhetoric, in U.S. dealings

    Russell Hsiao, executive director of the Global Taiwan Institute, discusses Taiwan’s evolving role in global policy, the need for dedicated think tanks, and the U.S. policy landscape.
    2024/05/30 10:33
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