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    POP-UP 結果共18筆

  • 不只喜多川!東山紀之認了「傑尼斯2員工涉性侵」 2原因難提告

    2024/03/28 13:07
  • Pop star Nick Chou hospitalized for cold ahead of NYE show

    Taiwanese pop star Nick Chou was hospitalized on December 25 due to a severe cold. Frustrated with his condition, Chou took to social media, urging his fans to stay safe and wear masks. He was scheduled to perform at the New Year’s Eve celebration in Taichung Central Park. Known for his hit "So Handsome We Broke Up," Chou enjoys popularity on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. His illness has caused significant concern among his fans as the end-of-year concerts and commercial performances approach.
    2023/12/26 15:36
  • Keelung Mayor plans music boost, eyes Taipei Center tie-up

    Keelung Mayor George Hsieh plans to enhance the city’s cultural scene by partnering with the Taipei Music Center to bring more artistic and music events to Keelung. Hsieh’s visit to the music center included a tour and discussions about establishing a professional music venue in Keelung similar to a live house. As part of Keelung’s "Love Keelung Year-End Concert," the event will be broadcast on the 3D screen at Aniverse Keelung. Hsieh aims to collaborate with the Taipei Music Center on cross-over performances and pop music concerts, inspired by the "SoffeeDays" series. The line-up for the year-end concert includes Amber An, Nine One One, Kimberley Chen, Ailing Tai, and U:NUS, with a second stage at Guomen Square to enhance the festive atmosphere.
    2023/12/19 15:42
  • Taipei launches Christmas festivities in Xinyi District

    Experience the festive spirit at the "2023 Taipei Xmas" event in Xinyi District! With a record-breaking 55 large-scale Christmas decorations and 12 pedestrian overpass illuminations, this year’s event is bigger than ever. The Taipei City Office of Commerce has collaborated with 15 major department store operators to create a dazzling display of over 80 Christmas decorations. Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an hopes that this event will become an iconic celebration in the future. Don’t miss the novel pop-up Christmas event, held every Friday through Sunday, and be sure to snap a photo with the stunning golden Christmas tree that has become a popular backdrop for photos and social media check-ins.
    2023/12/02 18:32
  • AB6IX朴佑鎭生日「大輝送卡給他刷」 田雄自誇汗汁是人間香水

    韓國4人男團AB6IX成員田雄、朴佑鎭今(16)天為「CAST POP-UP STORE」快閃店開幕活動站台,雖然行程緊湊,不過兩名成員看上去精神頗佳,粉絲服務也做好做滿。事後接受媒體訪問,田雄今(2023)年來台開唱時,不小心後空翻受傷,他也透露最新傷勢;這次AB6IX與香氛品牌合作,朴佑鎭則分析了4名團員的香味癖好。
    2023/11/16 19:43
  • AB6IX田雄、朴佑鎭來台「讓粉絲舒服」 羞獻私藏香氛:要記得我

    韓國男團AB6IX成員田雄、朴佑鎭今(16)日來台參加「CAST POP-UP STORE」快閃店開幕,這次活動是與韓國國際文化交流振興院合作,結合韓國當地的潮流品牌與韓星,他們也特別準備了跟品牌研發的香水,要粉絲聞了就忘不了他們!
    2023/11/16 18:29
  • AB6IX田雄、朴佑鎮再訪寶島! 親備「專屬私密氣味」台粉準備聞

    韓國大勢男團AB6IX今(2023)年2月才在台舉辦千人見面會,日前亦剛忙完「THE FUTURE」世界巡迴演唱會的美國場次,沒想到即將再度來台見粉絲!這次活動也相當特別,原來是擔任韓國國際文化交流振興院在桃園阜山聚落的快閃店「CAST POP-UP STORE」大使,希望能讓台灣粉絲零距離接觸韓流藝人們發揮創意的商品。
    2023/11/15 12:59
  • Cross-strait tensions deter Japanese tourists to Taiwan

    The number of Japanese tourists visiting Taiwan has only recovered to 33% of pre-pandemic levels in the first half of 2023. One reason for this is the depreciation of the Japanese yen, but the major concern is the growing cross-strait tensions. The instability in the Taiwan Strait has created unease among Japanese tourists. Maintaining stability and peace in the Taiwan Strait is a key task for the new line-up of top government leaders. Another contributing factor to Japan’s decreased tourism in Taiwan is the rising interest in South Korea, including its Korean pop culture, local delicacies, casinos, and cosmetic surgery services, despite its more expensive cost to visit after the pandemic.
    2023/11/14 18:16
  • Tasty pork belly buns make splash in Taiwan despite typhoon

    Discover how Taipei residents braved Typhoon Koinu to enjoy London’s popular pork belly bun pop-up. Learn about the secret to its success and its limited 19-day offering. Explore the unique fusion of traditional Taiwanese flavors and Western tastes with U.S. steak patties and adorable packaging.
    2023/10/05 21:08
  • 堯平快閃101!台南「超夯布朗尼」 18種口味一次吃

    台南超人氣布朗尼名店「堯平」,終於可以在台北買到了!即日起至8/31期間,於台北101限時打造POP-UP SHOP快閃店,不用衝台南就能直接買到府城最美味的人氣甜點,18種口味一次擁有快衝!
    2023/08/17 15:45
  • Taipei foodies rejoice: In-N-Out Burger returns for a day

    In-N-Out Burger, the renowned U.S. hamburger chain, made a triumphant return to Taipei on Tuesday (June 13) after a five-year hiatus, attracting an enthusiastic crowd of nearly 1,000 people eager to indulge in their iconic hamburgers.
    2023/06/13 18:36
  • Ito Junji’s characters come to life in Taiwan pop-up store

    If you’re looking to get your spook on this Lunar New Year, visit Ito Junji’s horror-inspired pop-up store in Taiwan.
    2023/01/24 18:00
  • Controversial claw machines coming to Taipei Metro

    Taipei Metro is combining transportation and leisure by lending spots for stores, including 11 claw machine stores rented across Taipei stations.
    2023/01/09 18:15
  • Selina自爆開公司賺很大 爽買名牌「誰敢管我?」

    寶格麗(BVLGARI)在台北101打造POP(UP)CORN STORE限定快閃店,展出品牌2019秋冬新品,出席活動的Selina本身就是精品愛好者,她豪爽地透露自己開公司之後才知道原來賺了蠻多錢可以花,也表示買東西不用經過任何人同意,她大笑說:「誰敢管我?」
    2019/06/05 22:44
  • 海綿寶寶快閃店in信義區 限定點心超吸睛

    這次不在深海裡,海綿寶寶與眾好友上岸了!座落於台北信義威秀廣場的海綿寶寶 POP-UP STORE 快閃店,於12月 7日到明年1月 21日期間限定,除了隨處可見的黃色可愛身影,還有海綿寶寶及派大星佇立的主題拍照牆,最吸睛的莫過於,點心結合海綿寶寶的經典造型,犯規的可愛!
    2017/12/07 16:54
  • Roger Dubuis新作快閃突擊 亮相世界舞臺

    今年7月,Roger Dubuis羅杰杜彼的非凡時計將透過位於倫敦市布朗普頓路(Brompton Road)的哈洛德百貨公司(Harrods)的三個主題櫥窗 和一個獨特的室內pop-up store(快閃店), 對全球來往的群眾展開突擊。
    2016/07/07 10:11
  • POP-UP貼圖登台! 滿版圖面佔據「全螢幕」

    2016/06/03 11:24
  • 澳門也瘋黃色小鴨 首間主題餐廳超萌登場

    前年藝術家霍夫曼的黃色小鴨來到台灣展出,掀起一波風潮,而在澳門最近也開了以B.Duck黃色小鴨為主題的咖啡廳「B.Duck Pop-up Cafe」,吸睛裝潢和美食將療癒來自各地的旅客。
    2015/08/29 20:02
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