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    PLAYER 結果共54筆

  • NBA/榮登史上第3人!好人緣圈粉無數 柯瑞2獲「魔術強森獎」

    勇士當家王牌柯瑞(Stephen Curry)即便本季無緣季後賽,仍有亮眼的個人收穫,除了斬獲NBA「年度關鍵球員獎(Clutch Player of the Year)」,台灣時間16日獲頒由美國職籃作家協會(PBWA)所頒發的「魔術強森獎(Magic Johnson Award)」,更成為繼公鹿里拉德(Damian Lillard)、巴提耶(Shane Battier)後第3位兩度獲獎的球員;柯瑞前一次獲獎為2016年。
    2024/05/16 08:41
  • NBA/戈貝爾奪「最佳防守球員」!比肩2傳奇 4度獲獎史上最多

    NBA季後賽進行中,常規賽個人獎項也陸續頒布,灰狼中鋒戈貝爾(Rudy Gobert)則正式獲選「年度最佳防守球員(Defensive Player of the Year)」、生涯4度獲獎與兩大傳奇「木桶伯」穆湯波(Dikembe Mutombo)、「大班」華勒士(Ben Wallace)並列史上最多,成為歷史第三人;對此戈貝爾也歸功於灰狼團隊,直言「感謝所有的隊友相信我」。
    2024/05/08 08:55
  • NBA/保羅助解放進攻!燃燒扛起勇士 柯瑞奪「年度關鍵球員」

    2023-24賽季的NBA如火如荼進行中,本季無緣爭冠的勇士王牌柯瑞(Stephen Curry)迎來放假至今唯一的好消息,在年度關鍵球員獎(Clutch Player of the Year)的最終票選中,成功擊敗公牛後衛德羅展(DeMar DeRozan)、雷霆少主亞歷山大(Shai Gilgeous-Alexander),成為繼「旗下球員」福克斯(De’Aaron Fox)後,第二位奪下此殊榮的球員。
    2024/04/27 18:08
  • NBA/史上第三人!雙向合約翻轉生涯 灰狼里德奪「年度第六人」

    NBA個人獎項陸續出爐,繼76人主控馬克西(Tyrese Maxey)奪下最佳進步球員(Most Improved Player)後,聯盟於台灣時間25日宣布「年度第六人」(Sixth Man of the Year)歸屬,由灰狼長人里德(Naz Reid)以些微票數擊敗國王猛將蒙克(Malik Monk),成為灰狼史上首位奪下此殊榮的球員,除此之外,里德也是史上第三位未經選秀獲得年度第六人的球員。
    2024/04/25 20:34
  • NBA/季末獨扛76人大旗!兌現攻防天賦 馬克西奪「最佳進步獎」

    即便76人在季後賽首輪系列賽中,暫時以0-2落後紐約尼克,球團仍迎來一項好消息,那就是主控馬克西(Tyrese Maxey)確定奪下2023-24賽季的NBA最佳進步球員(Most Improved Player);以完美的攻防表現銜接哈登(James Harden)離去後的空缺,本季的馬克西不僅用全能身手折服各界球迷,季中更生涯首度入選全明星,無疑繳出了相當亮眼的例行賽成績單。
    2024/04/24 15:49
  • Taiwanese badminton star Lee Yang announces retirement

    Taiwanese badminton player Lee Yang, known for his successful partnership with Wang Chi-lin, announces retirement at Wu Wen-Ta Memorial Badminton Championships. Lee aims for gold at Paris Olympics after Tokyo success. Post-retirement plans include teaching or coaching.
    2024/03/27 12:07
  • 驚悚畫面曝光!英國冒險王秘訪叢林 攝影師遭「跳蚤入侵皮膚」產卵

    MyVideo播放的BBC旅遊實境節目《賽門李維野性之旅 第一季》,以其豐富的內容和獨特的視角,一經推出便躍上「MyVideo BBC PLAYER熱播觀看排行榜TOP10」。該節目探訪地球上的珍貴野生土地,首集便帶領觀眾來到位於非洲剛果的「世界第二大熱帶雨林」,主持人賽門李維和攝影團隊親身體驗了嚴酷的叢林環境,包括在泥沼和水窪中前進、蜜蜂、飛蟲攻擊,讓他在鏡頭前痛罵:「這是我待過最惡劣的叢林!」
    2024/03/17 13:51
  • NBA/最佳進步獎歸誰?略過自家小將 保羅認「懷特贏得尊重」

    2023-24賽季的NBA來到尾聲,除了仍在為季後賽席次拚戰的球隊之外,不少個人獎項的預測也成為熱門話題;其中代表著對未來之星高度肯定的「年度最佳進步獎」(MIP、NBA Most Improved Player)歸屬,競爭之激烈也不亞於最有價值球員(MVP)的角逐,勇士「控衛之神」保羅(Chris Paul)亦在日前表態,看好公牛主控懷特(Coby White)奪下殊榮。
    2024/03/10 17:31
  • Yao Ming towers over others at 14th Nat’l People’s Congress

    At the opening ceremony of China’s National People’s Congress, former basketball star Yao Ming towered over other attendees, bringing a unique highlight to the event. Discover how Yao’s towering presence and his journey from the basketball court to the political arena captivated everyone’s attention.
    2024/03/06 17:18
  • Hsieh Su-wei triumphs at Australian Open

    Taiwanese tennis player Hsieh Su-wei and Belgium’s Elise Mertens won the Australian Open women’s doubles championship on Jan. 28. This victory is notable as Hsieh is only the third player in the past 24 years to win both the women’s and mixed doubles titles at the Australian Open. At 38 years and 24 days old, Hsieh is the second-oldest women’s doubles champion in Grand Slam history, just eight days younger than U.S. record holder Lisa Raymond. After an 18-month break due to injury, Hsieh made a triumphant return in 2023, winning the Australian Open, French Open, and Wimbledon. Hsieh and Mertens defeated Lyudmyla Kichenok from Ukraine and Jelena Ostapenko from Latvia in the women’s doubles final with a score of 6-1, 7-5. Hsieh has a total of eight Grand Slam trophies, including seven titles in women’s doubles, but is yet to win a title at the U.S. Open.
    2024/01/29 14:38
  • Last-minute pair Hsieh Su-wei and Zielinski clinch victory

    Taiwanese tennis star Hsieh Su-wei and her Polish partner Jan Zielinski emerged as the champions of the mixed doubles competition at the Australian Open on January 26. Despite their last-minute decision to team up, Hsieh and Zielinski staged an impressive comeback against American player Desirae Krawczyk and British player Neal Skupski, winning with a score of 6-7, 6-4, and 11-9. This victory holds great significance for both players, as it marks Hsieh’s first mixed doubles victory in a Grand Slam tournament and makes Zielinski the first Pole to secure a Grand Slam mixed doubles trophy. Prior to the match, Zielinski recognized Hsieh as a skilled doubles player, and he expressed his gratitude for her ability to break the curse and lead them to victory. Hsieh, in turn, praised Zielinski’s playing abilities, highlighting his skills in areas such as the baseline, net, and serve.
    2024/01/26 18:24
  • Hsieh Su-wei clinches Grand Slam mixed doubles title

    Taiwanese tennis champion Hsieh Su-wei clinched her first Grand Slam mixed doubles title at the Australian Open, becoming the first Taiwanese player to reach the championship round in both women’s and mixed doubles. Teaming up with Polish player Jan Zieliński, Hsieh fought hard in a three-set match against American second seed Desirae Krawczyk and Brit Neal Skupski, ultimately prevailing with a score of 6:7, 6:4, 11:9. This historic victory grants Hsieh a prize of AUD $165,000. In addition to her mixed doubles success, Hsieh and her Belgian partner Elise Mertens also advanced to the championship round in women’s doubles. With six Grand Slam women’s doubles trophies already under her belt, Hsieh will vie for her seventh career win on Sunday. The women’s doubles champions will receive AUD$730,000, while the runners-up will be awarded AUD$400,000. Hsieh’s remarkable achievements have left an enduring impact on Taiwanese tennis history.
    2024/01/26 12:57
  • Marketech’s record revenues fuel semiconductor market growth

    Marketech International Corp., a semiconductor giant, is set to achieve new operational heights through factory expansion and the promotion of new business ventures, including 2-nanometer projects and advanced packaging. With high-profile orders exceeding NT$60 billion, the company anticipates robust financial health and ambitious expansion plans. In December 2023, Marketech achieved a record monthly growth rate of 12.7% and an annual surge of 13.8%, with consolidated revenue reaching NT$5.63 billion. Furthermore, the company’s accumulated annual consolidated revenue in 2023 reached NT$56.28 billion, marking a growth of 11.7%. These impressive results position Marketech as an emerging player in the global semiconductor market, poised for future growth and expansion through advanced technological strategies.
    2024/01/18 14:58
  • 梅西「險勝」哈蘭德獲FIFA最佳男子球員 生涯第3度得獎

    阿根廷足球巨星梅西今天榮獲國際足總最佳男子球員獎(The Best FIFA Men s Player),他以些微優勢擊敗英格蘭足球超級聯賽曼城隊球星哈蘭德,這也是梅西生涯3度獲得該獎。
    2024/01/16 09:03
  • Tai Tzu-ying named ’top player’ after World Tour Finals win

    Taiwan’s badminton player Tai Tzu-ying, the silver medalist at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, has been recognized as "one of the top players in the world" by Malaysian newspaper "The Star" after winning the World Tour Finals. With victories at the Badminton Asia Championships, 2023 Taipei Open, and the World Tour Finals, the 29-year-old earned a prize of US$200,000 (approximately NT$6.3 million) and 12,000 world ranking points, positioning her well for the Paris Olympics seedings. Tai’s competitors in Paris include China’s Chen Yufei, South Korea’s An Se-young, Japan’s Akane Yamaguchi, and Spain’s Carolina Marin. In an interview with the Badminton World Federation (BWF), Tai emphasized the importance of maintaining her health as she prepares for the Olympics. She also confirmed that the Paris games will be her last, making it her most crucial opportunity to win a gold medal.
    2023/12/25 17:38
  • Actor Greg Hsu’s cameo in Jay Chou MV wows fans

    Taipei actor Greg Hsu’s appearance in a music video by Mandopop legend Jay Chou at the age of 13 has shocked fans online. In a throwback clip from Chou’s "Class 3-2" music video, a young Hsu can be seen playing table tennis while wearing black-rimmed glasses. Despite his rounder face, his distinctive features are already evident. The discovery of this footage has sparked surprise and admiration for Hsu’s transformation from a young table tennis player to a heartthrob. Now 32 years old, Hsu gained fame through his breakout role in the Taiwanese drama "Someday or One Day" and has become immensely popular across Asia, particularly in China and South Korea. Hsu has revealed that he took up sports, including table tennis, to manage his childhood asthma. His talent in the sport earned him a spot on the elementary school team and eventually led to his cameo in Chou’s music video. "Someday or One Day," which co-stars Alice Ko, is considered a landmark Taiwanese television series and has garnered such acclaim that South Korea produced its own remake titled "A Time Called You."
    2023/12/18 21:18
  • Tai Tzu-ying stages epic comeback to reach BWF Finals

    Taiwanese badminton player Tai Tzu-ying stages an incredible comeback to secure a spot in the finals of the Badminton World Federation (BWF) World Tour Finals, defeating South Korea’s An Se-young. Despite trailing 10-19 in the deciding game, Tai mounts a remarkable 12-1 run to clinch victory after a grueling 72-minute match. Tai attributes her success to perseverance rather than any special strategies. Despite still recovering from an injury, she is determined to be fully prepared and patient for the final match against Spain’s Carolina Marin. This will be Tai’s fourth career gold if she triumphs, and it promises to be an intense showdown given their balanced record of 11 wins each in their 22 previous encounters.
    2023/12/18 20:29
  • War in Israel, Gaza tops 2023 Google news searches

    Google’s most searched topics in 2023 revealed the War in Israel and Gaza as the top news category globally. NFL player Damar Hamlin, who suffered a cardiac arrest on the field, emerged as the most searched individual. Actor Jeremy Renner ranked second after being run over by a snowplow. Yoasobi’s single "Idol" topped the song searches, while Barbie and Oppenheimer were the most searched movies. Hogwarts Legacy and The Last of Us dominated the video game category. Late actor Matthew Perry and singer Tina Turner received extensive searches. The television adaptation of The Last of Us was the most sought-after TV series of the year.
    2023/12/12 19:28
  • Indian badminton star hails Tai Tzu-ying as role model

    Indian badminton prodigy Raksha Kandasamy, winner of the Badminton World Federation (BWF) World Junior Championships in Cyprus, expressed her admiration for Taiwan’s most successful badminton player, Tai Tzu-ying. Ranked 9th in the world for junior women’s singles, the 16-year-old sees Tai as a role model. Kandasamy quickly rose to success on the BWF Youth Tournament circuit, winning titles in Cyprus and Bulgaria. Despite her achievements in badminton, Kandasamy is also committed to her academic performance. When asked about her favorite player, Kandasamy praised Tai Tzu-ying for her extraordinary stroke play and deceptive moves.
    2023/12/11 21:16
  • Taipei Dome screens go dark during Asia baseball game

    During the 2023 Asian Baseball Championship game between Japan and South Korea at the Taipei Dome, technical difficulties caused the main and side screens to go black. The Farglory Group attributed this outage to an unexpected system crash. The interruption, which occurred in the top of the seventh inning, lasted for approximately ten minutes before the manufacturer resolved the issue. Earlier in the game, Japanese player Ryosuke Aizawa collided with the home run wall while catching a deep fly ball in the fourth inning, resulting in leg injuries. Deputy general manager Jacky Yang of the Farglory Group clarified that the impact did not break the wall, but rather Aizawa’s spike shoes accidentally cut through the padding at the bottom. The Farglory Group assured that the stadium’s design complied with safety standards and that subsequent games would proceed unaffected.
    2023/12/11 20:12
  • MLB/東山再起獎得主出爐 白襪抗癌鬥士、小熊前MVP獲獎

    美國大聯盟(MLB)2023球季的「東山再起獎」(Comeback Player of the Year)得主出爐,美聯是由芝加哥白襪隊(Chicago White Sox)的抗癌鬥士漢崔克斯(Liam Hendriks)獲獎,國聯得主則是芝加哥小熊隊(Chicago Cubs)的前最有價值球員(MVP)貝林傑(Cody Bellinger)。
    2023/11/29 12:47
  • Chinese Taipei Football Association faces multiple scandals

    The Chinese Taipei Football Association (CTFA) has come under criticism from New Power Party Legislator Claire Wang for failing to make progress in paying salaries to players and facing accusations of gender discrimination. These issues have reportedly persisted since the CTFA’s appointment in March. Wang revealed that players have been owed millions in wages since 2021. The Taiwan Women’s Football Players Association has accused the CTFA of negligence, claiming that the women’s national team’s long-term training plans were abruptly halted. The association has called on the Ministry of Education’s Sports Administration to take responsibility. The Sports Administration has stated that there may be misunderstandings and has requested the CTFA to submit a comprehensive plan for international events such as the 2026 Asian Games. Wang believes that the planned suspension of training is due to the CTFA’s failure to submit a planning document on time, rather than a problem with the National Sports Training Center. Wang has called for a re-evaluation of the CTFA by the Sports Administration to prevent further damage to football development in Taiwan. Under the current chairman, Wang Lin-hsiang, the CTFA is facing a debt problem of over NT$90 million from previous administrations, including player salaries, referee fees, and vendor costs. Chairman Wang has sent a lawyer’s letter to former chairman Chiou I-jen seeking clarification on these issues.
    2023/11/16 21:15
  • P. LEAGUE+ names Richard Chang as new president

    Richard Chang, a prominent figure in Taiwanese basketball, has been appointed as the inaugural president of the P. LEAGUE+. This restructuring marks a new era for the league, which aims to elevate its status with Chang’s extensive experience and business acumen. Chang, who has a background in national player experience and commercial governance, is expected to lead the league into version 2.0. He played for McDonald’s in Taiwan and represented the Chinese Taipei men’s national basketball team in the 1980s. Additionally, Chang has worked for over 30 years at Costco Wholesale Inc., where he currently serves as the president of its Asian division.
    2023/11/06 20:46
  • SBL player Wu Chi-ying faces fraud, match-fixing charges

    Super Basketball League (SBL) player Wu Chi-ying has been released on bail after being charged with fraud and match-fixing. The Chinese Taipei Basketball Association has imposed a lifetime ban on Wu, effectively ending his basketball career. Wu was suspected of manipulating and match-fixing games to earn money. He is now facing charges of gambling, fraud, and violation of the Sports Lottery Issuance Act.
    2023/10/19 16:43
  • Ex-PLG basketball player faces deportation over expired visa

    Nigerian basketball player Ifeanyi Uzoma Eboka has been detained by Taiwan’s National Immigration Agency for an expired residency visa. Eboka, known for his time with the PLG Hsinchu Lioneers, is now facing forced deportation.
    2023/10/16 15:57
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