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    Marketing 結果共18筆

  • Excessive pesticide residues found in Taipei’s vegetables

    Discover how Taipei is tackling food safety by destroying over 17 tons of fruits and vegetables that failed to meet standards, primarily due to excessive pesticide residues.
    2024/05/29 16:25
  • E-cigarette use among Taiwan’s youth doubles, survey finds

    Discover the latest findings on the rise of electronic cigarette use among junior high students in Taiwan, the dangers posed by marketing tactics, and the government’s efforts to combat this trend.
    2024/05/13 17:30
  • Taiwan defends tourism promotion on Chinese social media

    Explore how Taiwan’s Ministry of Transportation and Communications leverages mainland social media to boost tourism, navigating political sensitivities and global competition, amidst domestic critique.
    2024/05/06 16:29
  • Taitung’s Red Oolong wins silver at MUSE Design Awards

    Taitung’s local tea brand, "Red Oolong," wins a silver award at the MUSE Design Awards in the US for its packaging, featuring Luye Township’s deer. This recognition highlights Taitung’s ability to blend local culture with marketing, aiming to boost the tea’s international presence and promote regional tourism.
    2024/05/03 17:32
  • Quake in Hualien leads to higher fruit and vegetable costs

    Following a recent earthquake in Hualien, transportation costs for fruits and vegetables have surged, as reported by Chang Te-chi, secretary-general of the Ji-an Township Farmers’ Association. The damage has forced trucks to take a longer route, doubling travel time and causing frost damage to produce. Despite stable prices due to government efforts, concerns grow over rising expenses if the Suhua Highway remains closed. The Agriculture Development Department of Hualien County and the Taipei Agricultural Products Marketing Corporation highlight the financial strain on farmers and the logistics challenges faced, including increased labor costs and the impracticality of using refrigerated trucks on alternative transport modes.
    2024/04/24 15:26
  • Taiwan’s convenience stores hit 14-year revenue high

    Discover how convenience stores in Taiwan achieved record-breaking revenue of NT$412.6 billion in 2023, with individual stores surpassing NT$30 million in sales. Explore the growth strategies, consumer trends, and co-branding initiatives that have propelled this sector to new heights.
    2024/03/15 15:40
  • LINE Pay soars 195% in market debut, hits NT$1030

    LINE Pay, a mobile payment provider, had a successful over-the-counter market debut in Taipei, with shares soaring 195% from the listing price of NT$348 to a record high of NT$1030. The company’s financial documents reveal a capital of NT$600 million and earnings per share of NT$8.04 in 2022. LINE Pay’s revenue for 2022 reached NT$3.62 billion, demonstrating consistent growth over the past four years. With over 500,000 payment locations and more than 7 million active users out of 12 million customers in Taiwan, LINE Pay predicts that its revenue will increase to NT$4.78 billion in 2023. Notably, nearly half of the population in Taiwan are LINE Pay users. In terms of revenue share in 2023, transaction fee income accounted for 83%, financial promotion collaborations for 12%, and marketing product sales for 5%, according to LINE Pay’s statement.
    2024/01/26 17:23
  • 104 Job Bank ignites youth podcasting wave for career edge

    104 Job Bank in Taiwan has launched the "Youth General Knowledge Class" event, inviting high-school and university students to create their own podcast episodes to gain industry experience and earn extra income. The job bank’s marketing director, Chang Pao-ling, stated that there are currently 25,000 job opportunities in sectors such as art design and print media that primarily evaluate candidates based on portfolio work. This trend has grown by 44% in the past five years. The initiative aims to help job seekers showcase their curatorial abilities and increase their competitiveness. Job categories such as "Communication Art/Design" and "Print media" demand portfolios for 13.5% and 13% of their openings, respectively. Recently, job postings have started asking for portfolios from applicants in various positions, including 3D animation designers, video game programmers, and web front-end engineers. A survey conducted by 104 Job Bank revealed that 64% of businesses advised students to take part-time jobs to broaden their perspective, while 45.3% expected students to join clubs or teams to foster skills in interpersonal communication and leadership. The initiative by 104 Job Bank aims to create opportunities for students to showcase their curation skills, build a personal portfolio, and tap into the growing popularity of podcasts. For more information, visit: 104青春通識課 | Podcast, Instagram, Facebook | 傳送門 (portaly.cc).
    2024/01/17 17:11
  • Taiwan warns against misleading heated tobacco claims

    The Taiwan Health Promotion Administration warns the public that heated tobacco products have the same nicotine content and addictiveness as traditional tobacco, according to a study by the World Health Organization (WHO). The WHO’s report revealed that marketing strategies used by heated tobacco businesses may mislead consumers into thinking these products are less harmful. Rats exposed to aerosols from a single heated tobacco stick had nicotine concentration in their blood 4.5 times higher than those exposed to traditional tobacco smoke. Nicotine not only leads to addiction but also causes harm to attention, learning, mood control, impulse control, pregnant women, and developing embryos. Heated tobacco emissions contain harmful and carcinogenic substances, putting the body at risk. Data does not support the idea that substituting traditional tobacco with heated tobacco reduces health risks. Tobacco companies use misleading marketing tactics to lure consumers, claiming lower health risks and reduced secondhand smoke and odor. It is important to note that no heated tobacco products are currently approved for sale in Taiwan, and their manufacturing, importation, selling, supplying, display, advertising, and usage are prohibited under the Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act.
    2024/01/05 18:01
  • KMT candidate Hou Yu-ih gains favor in market visit

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih visited the First Fruit and Vegetable Wholesale Market in Taipei, gaining support from vendors who welcomed his visit. Hou Yu-ih is the first of the three presidential candidates to visit the market, potentially boosting his popularity in the polls. Accompanied by Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an, KMT legislative candidate Chung Hsiao-ping, and Taipei Agricultural Products Marketing Corporation Chairman Yang Cheng-wu, Hou Yu-ih received a warm reception from the local market community. Vendors expressed their support for Hou Yu-ih, noting that despite the market being closed, his engagement with them was significant. They hoped that Hou Yu-ih would improve market convenience and promised to support him at the polls. Mayor Chiang Wan-an emphasized the importance of the fruit market, the nation’s largest wholesale agricultural market, and expressed hope that Hou Yu-ih would secure funding and construction to upgrade the market’s equipment and protect vendor rights if elected. Hou Yu-ih, who has personal experience working in a market, pledged to enhance the market environment and operating conditions using modern equipment and technology if elected. He also promised to ensure the best cold chain conditions for preserving fruits and vegetables. Hou Yu-ih urged support for a rotation of political power, emphasizing its importance in a functioning democracy.
    2024/01/04 15:40
  • Taiwan’s instant noodle sales boil over NT$14 billion mark

    Taiwan’s instant noodle industry has achieved impressive sales, reaching an annual output value of NT$14 billion. This year alone, consumers in Taiwan have consumed around 900 million packets of instant noodles. Market research conducted by noodle manufacturers reveals that beef and seafood flavors are the preferred choices among Taiwanese consumers. In order to stay competitive, noodle companies continuously innovate their marketing tactics, introducing new flavors, prize draws, and strategic partnerships. The iconic "Hong Shao Beef Noodle Soup" and "Spicy Seafood Noodle Soup" from a well-established Taiwanese instant noodle brand have experienced a significant increase in sales, surpassing the million-packet mark. This success can be attributed to a collaboration with a popular food television series. To celebrate this achievement, the brand has joined forces with a lifestyle app to launch a lottery with a guaranteed 100% winning rate, providing customers with an additional incentive to enjoy the comforting warmth of a bowl of instant noodles.
    2023/12/09 13:58
  • Ko Wen-je pledges AI revolution in Taiwan agriculture

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je has unveiled a series of policy proposals to revolutionize Taiwan’s agricultural sector. These proposals include employing artificial intelligence (AI) to create a comprehensive agricultural database. Ko’s five-pronged approach aims to address challenges faced by Taiwanese farmers, such as fragmented landholdings and an oversaturated domestic market. He also highlights the need to modernize traditional poultry houses and the agricultural marketing system. One focal point of Ko’s agricultural policy is the establishment of a strategic food security plan with AI, aiming to enhance planning in agricultural production and ensure transparency in the sale of farm products through data analytics. Ko also emphasizes the importance of resilient infrastructure to protect the farming sector from extreme weather events and the formation of an agricultural carbon sink platform to promote sustainable and low-carbon development. By drawing on international models, Ko aims to transform rural architecture and farming practices for a more sustainable future in Taiwanese agriculture.
    2023/12/07 16:59
  • Tourism Administration to launch travel program for seniors

    The Tourism Administration plans to launch a new travel program called "Golden Years" (凰金遊程Golden Years) next year, targeting senior travelers in response to Taiwan’s aging population. With an estimated senior travel demographic of 4 million individuals, Taiwan sees a potential tourist value of up to NT$120 billion. Deputy Director-General Lin Hsin-Jen expects a 10% to 20% growth in output value, reaching NT$120 billion, with domestic tours for the elderly market accounting for approximately NT$40 billion and international travelers adding NT$60 billion. Travel agencies and hotels are now focusing on marketing efforts and introducing 11 Golden Years itineraries to cater to this demographic’s preferences. Discounts and leisurely itineraries are being offered to accommodate the spending power of senior travelers.
    2023/11/22 19:47
  • Starbucks Taiwan to see more growth in holiday season

    Starbucks Taiwan, a joint venture between Starbucks Coffee International and Taiwan food conglomerate Uni-President, is set to boost Christmas sales through marketing activities. Despite rising costs in raw materials, Starbucks Taiwan maintains its long-term marketing strategy of expanding locations and improving store quality without raising prices. Sales revenue during the Christmas period is expected to rise by 10 to 20 percent, leading to a 10 percent increase in stock levels.
    2023/11/02 20:27
  • Terry Gou continues unofficial presidential campaign

    Foxconn founder Terry Gou visited the Taipei Agricultural Products Marketing Corporation and Binjiang Market on Wednesday (July 19) to gain insights into Taiwan’s agriculture and fishing industries.
    2023/07/19 16:58
  • 沒錢、對婚姻幻滅 日本6成單身男女決定「放棄結婚」

    日本交友軟體「e-venz」的營運公司NOMAD MARKETING,1月針對日本1千名25歲至49歲的單身男女進行調查後,超過6成受訪者回答「已經放棄結婚」。針對放棄結婚的理由,最多男性回答「經濟上沒有餘力」,最多女性表示「本來就不想結婚」。
    2023/03/13 13:24
  • 元宇宙議題超夯 馬斯克公開潑冷水稱「行銷流行語」

    當前科技圈興起一股「元宇宙」(Metaverse)風潮,實現元宇宙概念的第三代網際網路「Web3.0」更是討論焦點。不過特斯拉執行長馬斯克(Elon Musk)日前則在推特上表達他對Web3.0的看法,坦言現階段看起來比較像是個「行銷流行語」(marketing buzzword)。
    2021/12/22 11:31
  • 總統:美公告潛艦行銷核准證 有助台海和平

    美國國務院日前公告台灣潛艦國造的行銷核准證(Marketing License),總統蔡英文今天表示,這不僅有助於台灣的自主防衛,對於維持台海和平與繁榮現狀,也有很大的幫助。
    2018/04/16 16:13
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