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    Malaysia 結果共25筆

  • Tainan reports 11th imported dengue case of the year

    Discover the latest on Tainan’s 11th imported dengue fever case of the year, linked to travel in Malaysia, and learn about the city’s response to prevent further spread.
    2024/07/17 11:37
  • Chinese Premier begins diplomatic tour in New Zealand

    Discover the details of Chinese Premier Li Qiang’s diplomatic tour to New Zealand, Australia, and Malaysia, aiming to strengthen ties and promote regional peace. Learn about the significance of his visits and the focus on economic and trade exchanges.
    2024/06/13 10:06
  • Andy Lau’s 2024 Taipei tour ignites fan excitement

    Andy Lau announces his "Today...is the Day Andy Lau Tour Concert 2024 - Taipei Station" to take place in October and November 2024, sparking excitement among fans. The tour will also reach eight Chinese cities, Singapore, and Malaysia, with rumors of a Hong Kong performance in December. The theme emphasizes the importance of cherishing the present, eliciting an overwhelming response from fans online.
    2024/05/10 18:01
  • The hidden risks of reheated rice and noodles

    Learn about the dangers of improperly stored rice and noodle dishes when reheated, as warned by Dr. Lee Chien-chang from National Taiwan University Hospital. A recent food poisoning case at Polam Kopitiam in Malaysia has raised concerns about Bongkrekic acid, a potent toxin linked to fatal outcomes. Stay informed on the risks and symptoms associated with this deadly acid, which can cause acute damage and organ failure.
    2024/03/28 14:19
  • Measles resurgence in Taiwan: Cases spike in 2024

    Taipei reports increase in measles cases in Taiwan, including imported cases from Malaysia. CDC urges vaccination to prevent spread.
    2024/03/05 15:13
  • Measles case detected in Taipei: public health alert issued

    The Department of Health in Taipei City confirmed the first imported case of measles, urging those who may have had direct contact at Taipei Main Station to monitor their health for symptoms such as rash, fever, and cough.
    2024/02/27 18:58
  • Taiwan reports 12 imported dengue fever cases in 2024

    Stay informed about the recent dengue fever cases in Taiwan brought in from countries like Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia. Learn how to protect yourself from mosquito-borne illnesses while traveling abroad and upon return.
    2024/02/19 14:17
  • Taitung sets sights on int’l tourists with cultural showcase

    Discover Taitung’s strategic "Long Stay" campaign, aimed at boosting tourism from Singapore and Malaysia. Dive into a cultural extravaganza featuring traditional attire, red oolong tea, delectable foods, and exclusive Halal-certified venues. Join Taitung’s journey to become a top destination for international travelers.
    2024/01/25 18:16
  • Japanese scientist discovers new cockroach species in Taiwan

    Discover the fascinating story of Shizuma Yanagisawa, a Japanese entomologist who has found two new species of cockroaches in Taiwan and Malaysia. Learn about the "Periplaneta gigantea," or the "Taiwan Giant Cockroach," which is unexpectedly large, measuring up to 54.5 millimeters in length. Explore how Yanagisawa identified this new species through careful observation of its unique characteristics. Find out how this Taiwanese variant differs from common foreign species and its distribution across Taiwan’s mountain regions. Don’t miss the opportunity to see this new species on display at the Ryuyo Insect Nature Observation Park in Iwata, contributing to our understanding of the diverse cockroach genus.
    2024/01/25 15:11
  • Taiwan’s new southbound investment tops China’s in 2023

    Taiwan’s investments in New Southbound countries in the first 11 months of 2023 have surpassed investments in Mainland China, according to the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA). Investments in the New Southbound countries reached US$5.13 billion, a 7.26% year-on-year increase, outstripping investments in Mainland China, which stood at US$2.96 billion. This trend is driven by the supply chain diversification, accelerated by the U.S.-China trade war and major manufacturers’ strategies to decentralize operations. Investments in New Southbound countries now account for around 20% of Taiwan’s total overseas investments, whereas China accounts for approximately 11.5%. From January to November 2023, there were 2,102 approved cases of overseas-focused investments by Taiwanese and foreign entities, a decrease of 8.89% compared to last year. The amount invested reached about US$10.8 billion (approximately NT$323.7 billion), the second-highest for the period in the last 15 years but still representing a 13.04% decline from the previous year. Investments from New Southbound countries into Taiwan saw 609 approved cases within the same timeframe, an annual increase of 41.30%. The investment totaled approximately US$2.5 billion (about NT$75.7 billion), up 25.20% from the previous year, with the most significant inflows originating from Singapore, Thailand, and Malaysia. On a broader scale, the 504 approved cases of outbound investments from Taiwan marked a 2.44% annual increase, surging by 145.61% financially to roughly US$22.8 billion (approximately NT$684.4 billion). Investments in New Southbound countries revealed 195 approved cases, rising by 35.42% year-on-year, totaling around US$5.1 billion (approximately NT$ 154.1 billion) and constituting 20% of Taiwan’s total foreign investments. Singapore, Vietnam, and Thailand were the leading recipients. Conversely, approved investments in Mainland China amounted to 305 cases, down by 7.58%, with the approved investment sum decreasing by 33.91% to approximately US$2.96 billion (about NT$88.9 billion). Mainland Chinese investments in Taiwan experienced a 45.45% decline in approved cases to 24, with the investment figure falling 21.65% to about US$27.4 million (approximately NT$821.6 million).
    2023/12/20 20:45
  • Foreign investment in Taiwan hits 15-year high despite drop

    The number of approved overseas Chinese and foreign investments in Taiwan decreased by 8.89% to 2,102 cases in the first 11 months of 2023 compared to the same period last year. However, the investment amount from these sources reached US$10.79 billion (NT$323.7 billion), the second-highest in the past 15 years, with significant contributions from the offshore wind power sector. French company TotalEnergies Renewables SAS and British firm OSW Investments Taiwan JVCO 2 Limited increased their capital in Haiding Two International Investment Co., Ltd. by NT$5.03 billion. New companies established during this period amounted to 1,124 cases, with an investment value of US$680 million (NT$20.37 billion). Investments from Southeast Asian countries increased notably, with 609 cases, a 41.3% year-on-year increase, and a monetary surge of 25.2% to US$2.52 billion (NT$75.68 billion), mainly from Singapore, Thailand, and Malaysia. However, Chinese investments in Taiwan declined, with only 24 approved cases, a 45.45% decrease from the previous year, and investment figures dropping by 21.65% to US$27.38 million (NT$820 million). On the other hand, overseas investments from Taiwan increased, with a moderate rise in approved cases by 2.44% to 504 and a substantial annual increase of 145.61% in investment total to US$22.81 billion (NT$684.42 billion). Key overseas investments included TSMC’s US$8 billion capital injection into its Arizona subsidiary and a €3.5 billion investment in Germany’s ESMC GmbH. Foxconn Technology Group also made a significant investment of US$8 billion in its Singapore subsidiary, and Yang Ming Marine Transport Corp. invested a similar amount in Singapore-based Yang Ming (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.
    2023/12/20 17:20
  • Taiwan’s real wages to rise by 2.5% in 2024: report

    Asian-Pacific workers, including those in Taiwan, are expected to experience the highest global growth in real wage increases in 2024, according to recent data. India leads the way with a projected rise of 5.1%, while Taiwan contributes with a 2.5% increase. The ECA International’s Salary Trends Report indicates that real wages for Asian-Pacific workers will increase by 2.2% in 2024, more than double the global average of 1%. Taiwan ranks sixth in the real salary forecast growth rate in the Asia-Pacific region, surpassing Macau, Malaysia, the Philippines, Cambodia, and South Korea. Vietnam and Thailand are expected to see real wage surges of 3.6% and 3.4% respectively, while Singapore is projected to have modest growth of 0.5%. The region’s advantage of lower inflation rates compared to the rest of the world contributes to these increases. Greater China locations, excluding Hong Kong, are expected to be among the top ten globally in terms of real wage increases in 2024.
    2023/11/09 15:09
  • Taiwan projects $50M trade opportunities in Malaysian expo

    The 2023 Taiwan Expo in Malaysia opened its doors on Thursday (Aug. 24) in Kuala Lumpur for a three-day run.
    2023/08/25 13:33
  • 謊稱「有炸彈」迫馬航班機掉頭 澳男面臨最高10年刑期

    原訂從澳洲雪梨出發,前往馬來西亞吉隆坡的馬航(Malaysia Airlines)班機,在起飛途中接獲機上一名45歲澳洲男子「爆料」,聲稱機上有炸彈,迫使機長中途返航,但在降落徹查機艙才發現有詐,隨即將所有乘客疏散,同時逮捕這名謊報的乘客。綜合澳洲媒體報導,雪梨機場並未曝光該名乘客的姓名,但由於此人在機上不對威脅乘客和機組人員,他被機場警察起訴,最高可能面臨10年有期徒刑。
    2023/08/15 15:59
  • 楊紫瓊奧斯卡封后締造歷史 母親用一句大馬口號鼓勵她

    華裔女星楊紫瓊在奧斯卡封后,寫下新猷。在得獎名單公布前,楊紫瓊正在與年逾8旬的母親視訊,媽媽用一句馬來西亞口號鼓勵她:「馬來西亞辦得到!」(Malaysia boleh!)
    2023/03/13 16:18
  • 馬航MH17烏克蘭上空遭飛彈擊落 強烈跡象直指普欽

    國際調查人員今天表示,2014年馬來西亞航空公司(Malaysia Airlines)MH17班機在烏克蘭上空遭飛彈擊落,肇事飛彈很可能由俄羅斯總統普欽決定供應,但將他起訴的可能性渺茫。
    2023/02/09 09:28
  • Mahathir Mohamad calls for China to “leave Taiwan alone”

    A few days before the sudden dissolution of Malaysia’s parliament, TVBS conducted an exclusive interview with former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad on his views toward cross-strait relations and the U.S. tense relationship with China.
    2022/10/18 17:56
  • 飛機失蹤7年「239人蒸發」!神秘謎團解開 墜機點曝

    馬來西亞航空公司(Malaysia Airlines)一架編號MH370客機2014年從吉隆坡飛往北京途中,竟然整架飛機突然神秘消失,機上239人也跟著失蹤。未解之謎時隔7年終於有了進展,工程師已找飛機墜落位置,南印度洋的海面下1.3萬英呎(約4000公尺)處。
    2021/12/03 16:13
  • 紅鏈相逼?!鴻海擬買大馬廠 進軍晶圓代工

    外電報導鴻海參與馬來西亞晶圓廠Silterra Malaysia Sdn Bhd競標,出價最高,鴻海表示不評論傳言。市場人士指出,鴻海不排除透過收購方式切入晶圓代工領域。
    2020/09/17 13:23
  • 馬航失蹤案4年「調查解散」 家屬等無結果:孩子還活著

    2014年3月8日,由吉隆坡前往北京的馬來西亞航空(Malaysia Airlines)MH370號班機不明原因失蹤,機上154名大陸乘客下落不明,如今4年過去,調查團隊將在今(30)日解散,自始至終無法給乘客家屬交代,僅用「遺憾」2字解釋,讓家屬不滿,痛批「難道你們做不到的事情就用遺憾來解釋嗎?」不願面對親人恐怕已經死亡的可能。
    2018/11/30 15:11
  • 認馬運會宣傳片抄襲 霹靂州政府道歉:時間緊湊

    馬來西亞全國運動會(Sukma:Sukan Malaysia)宣傳影片爆出抄襲2017年台北主辦的世界大學運動會(世大運),對此,霹靂州政府出面公開道歉,表示因為準備時間不足,所以疏忽核查,導致此事發生,對此深感遺憾。
    2018/08/28 17:16
  • 疑抄襲世大運 馬來西亞全運會宣傳片遭批山寨!

    第二十九屆夏季世界大學運動會(2017世大運)是台灣首次舉辦世界大學運動會,當時宣傳影片因為富有創意,掀起台灣人愛國心而造成轟動,然而日前馬來西亞全國運動會(Sukma:Sukan Malaysia)宣傳影片發布,卻被人發現兩支影片意外相似,爆發抄襲疑雲。
    2018/08/27 18:02
  • 崩壞!環球小姐「原圖」大公開 網酸:選醜大賽?

    馬來西亞環球國際小姐(Miss Malaysia Globe International)日前公布今年27名佳麗入圍名單,不過照片曝光後卻讓網友吃驚,原來官方粉專也一併公布了佳麗面試所拍的,未經修片形象照,也就是「原圖」,讓網友感嘆「不能得罪攝影師。」
    2018/06/25 18:37
  • 馬航MH17墜毀3週年 對他們的思念化成樹

    馬來西亞航空(Malaysia Airlines)MH17班機在戰地烏克蘭上空遭飛彈擊落3年後,2000多名罹難者家屬今天將齊聚一堂,為緬懷摯愛親人的「活紀念碑」揭幕。
    2017/07/17 14:41
  • 【前進新亞洲】讓世界看見馬來西亞 錫器拚第一

    前進新亞洲,今天我們要再來看馬來西亞第一「錫」,很多台灣旅客到過馬來西亞,一定會帶點錫器當紀念品,分送給朋友相當體面,但馬國錫器何其多,只有一家被皇室指定使用,32歲的錫器王國接班人曾天佑接受TVBS專訪,他要跟我們分享,如何靠錫器讓世界認識什麼是「Made in Malaysia」。
    2007/09/19 22:53
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