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    Line������ 結果共3,888筆

  • Cross-strait tensions deter Japanese tourists to Taiwan

    The number of Japanese tourists visiting Taiwan has only recovered to 33% of pre-pandemic levels in the first half of 2023. One reason for this is the depreciation of the Japanese yen, but the major concern is the growing cross-strait tensions. The instability in the Taiwan Strait has created unease among Japanese tourists. Maintaining stability and peace in the Taiwan Strait is a key task for the new line-up of top government leaders. Another contributing factor to Japan’s decreased tourism in Taiwan is the rising interest in South Korea, including its Korean pop culture, local delicacies, casinos, and cosmetic surgery services, despite its more expensive cost to visit after the pandemic.
    2023/11/14 18:16
  • 愛用者當心!第三季高風險賣場排行 711賣貨便「奪冠」

    2023/11/14 14:31
  • 木村拓哉弟弟遭爆外遇 反悔嗆小三:我哥事務所會毀掉妳

    2023/11/14 11:45
  • TSMC founder to promote peace and resilience at APEC summit

    TSMC Founder Morris Chang will represent Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen at the APEC summit in San Francisco. He has been tasked with promoting regional peace and resilience in supply chains. President Tsai expressed gratitude towards Chang for increasing Taiwan’s international visibility and fostering cooperation with other economies. She urged Chang to convey messages about Taiwan’s dedication to peace, building a resilient supply chain, pushing for a green transformation, and minimizing digital disparities. Chang agreed to accept this responsibility and promised to make utmost efforts in line with the president’s direction.
    2023/11/12 13:09
  • 《語意錯誤2》導演親曝最新進度! 宋偉恩哀求客串:錢我自己出

    這幾年BL(Boy’s Love)跟GL(Girl’s Love)的影劇作品颳起熱潮,韓國更出了獲封「韓腐天花板」BL作品《語意錯誤》,LINE TV與文化內容策進院共同合作「Be Love,Go Love -華語原創影集開發計畫」,就邀請到《語意錯誤》導演金率挺、企劃製作人李賀恩,及《HIStory3-那一天》主演宋偉恩出席記者會與大師講堂,沒想到宋偉恩為了求能在韓劇中露臉,放話願意自掏腰包演出!
    2023/11/08 18:25
  • LINE群組「回主管ok」遭罵沒禮貌!上班族無奈:奴性養成

    2023/11/08 15:37
  • 夾娃娃兼賭博「10元可賺上萬」 機台藏暗門後想玩先加會員

    2023/11/07 16:51
  • 新功能+1!LINE社群推「AI摘要訊息」 一鍵不漏看

    2023/11/07 16:28
  • 沒加好友手機狂響!他蝦皮到貨突收「LINE通知」 4招秒關閉

    2023/11/07 08:49
  • TRA cancels 86 train services due to staff promotion exam

    Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) canceled a total of 86 train services on November 6 and 7, with an additional 13 services operating on a shortened route due to the Railway Staff Promotion Examination. As TRA prepares for corporatization in 2024, a significant staff shortage has arisen, with 297 drivers signing up for the exam conducted by the Examination Yuan. To address the shortage, TRA has adjusted the schedules of drivers who did not take the examination and enlisted reserve workforce, cross-unit drivers, and driving supervisors. Some freight train services and special train operations have been suspended. Despite these measures, the administration still faces a shortage of 60 crew members, resulting in a notable impact on railway schedules. The Jiji Line was particularly affected, with its entire service suspended on both days. To compensate, TRA launched a shuttle bus service between Ershui Station and Checheng Station.
    2023/11/06 15:45
  • 高雄婦網戀男友欲買新房 暈到給出網銀帳密慘成「人頭戶」

    2023/11/06 15:16
  • TRA warns of disruptions to services due to driver shortage

    The Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) has issued a reminder to passengers about disruptions to rail services on Nov. 6-7 due to a shortage of available train drivers. This shortage is a result of 297 drivers taking leave to sit for a TRA promotion exam. Despite efforts to schedule non-exam takers for coverage, there is still a shortage of 60 drivers. Passengers are advised to make necessary adjustments and stay vigilant regarding these schedule changes.
    2023/11/05 20:46
  • Taipei Metro celebrates 13 billionth passenger milestone

    Taipei Metro celebrates a major milestone as it records its 13 billionth passenger. The lucky rider embarked from Zhongxiao Fuxing station on the Bannan Line and alighted at Xindian station on the Songshan-Xindian Line. In recognition of this achievement, Taipei Metro gifted annual metro passes to the lucky recipient, as well as the five commuters preceding and following them. Additionally, the 13 billionth passenger received a voucher for a presidential suite at a vacation resort worth NT$88,000 and free metro travel for one year. The metro authority tracks ridership by counting entrance times of ticket cards and selects the winner from registered metro card members’ data. Passengers are encouraged to stay updated by following the official Taipei Metro fan page, "Fun with the Metro." Fans can participate in predictive activities on Facebook for a chance to win a voucher for a presidential suite at the Crystal Resort in Sun Moon Lake or a metro card. Taipei Metro is committed to promoting Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) concepts, aiming to convey the ideals of sustainable development and zero emissions to its riders as part of the city’s green transformation.
    2023/11/04 12:36
  • 彰化通緝犯兄弟搞總統大選賭盤 見警上門持刀砍警遭逮捕

    2023/11/01 15:31
  • New Taipei to expand travel card usage for elderly

    New Taipei Deputy Mayor Liu Ho-jan confirmed that senior cards for the elderly and persons with disabilities will be expanded next year. Starting in January, the cards will cover usage in the Airport MRT, and by July, they will also grant access to other public transportation options like YouBike and cabs. The decision to expand the cards came after receiving feedback from various individuals, including KMT Secretary-General Liao Xianxiang and KMT Councilor Chen Weijie, who expressed concerns about limited card use.
    2023/11/01 10:27
  • 全台最夯住宿券免費送! 快加TVBS娛樂頭條LINE有住又有玩

    2023/11/01 10:00
  • 千萬別點!LINE萬聖節免費貼圖是詐騙 誤點快用這4招自保

    2023/10/31 14:58
  • 不要亂刪資料!LINE「1新功能」釀災情 苦主痛失珍貴回憶

    2023/10/30 17:53
  • LINE下月「不能用了」!重大宣布 未更新「這版本」全面停止

    2023/10/29 09:16
  • Shin Kong Hospital raises salaries to address nurse shortage

    Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital in Taipei will raise salaries for nursing staff starting in November. Salaries for nurses on the three-shift rotation will increase by NT$1,680, and the monthly salary for new nurses will be raised to NT$43,680. The salary increase is in response to concerns over nurse departures and a shortage of staff, which has led to a reduction in the number of beds in many hospitals. The Taiwan Union of Nurses Association (TUNA) reported a drop in the number of nurses in the country from 187,519 to 185,901 from January through May. As a result, larger hospitals have been forced to close an average of 8% to 10% of beds. Shin Kong Hospital has hired 74 nurses but lost 125 as of September, leading to a decrease in the number of available beds. In addition to the salary increase, the hospital is implementing other incentives such as retention bonuses, team performance bonuses, special allowances, signing bonuses for new hires, and up to four years of free accommodation. The hospital also plans to increase all staff salaries next year in line with a government wage adjustment policy to attract and retain talent.
    2023/10/28 14:42
  • MND reports 23 Chinese aircraft entering Taiwan’s airspace

    The Ministry of National Defense (MND) reports that 23 Chinese aircraft violated Taiwan’s airspace, with a BZK-005 drone crossing the Taiwan Strait median line and a Harbin Z-9 anti-submarine helicopter conducting drills in the eastern sea. The MND will closely monitor maritime and air dynamics using joint intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance.
    2023/10/27 14:48
  • Kaohsiung completes final track of Circular light rail

    The Kaohsiung Rapid Transit Corporation (KRTC) has announced a significant milestone in the construction of the Circular light rail, as the final track of its rail line has been successfully welded. KRTC director Wu Yei-long has assured that all road traffic controls causing public inconvenience will be lifted by the end of the month, prioritizing the well-being of local residents.
    2023/10/27 14:34
  • 救護車當小黃!今年搭53次 男收1400元帳單

    2023/10/27 13:43
  • 有片/郵輪管線爆裂水湧船艙 旅客嚇傻:要變鐵達尼了嗎

    國際郵輪公司嘉年華郵輪(Carnival Cruise Line)旗下的豪華郵輪「嘉年華光輝號」(Carnival Radiance,前稱嘉年華勝利號Carnival Victory)近日出港時,發生「水管爆裂」意外,大量的水瞬間從天花板噴湧而入船艙,由於正值半夜,許多乘客被水聲嚇得驚醒,拍下驚恐一幕PO網,直呼以為準備淪為鐵達尼號(Titanic)翻版了。
    2023/10/26 16:53
  • 「寶貝換個姿勢」!國中校長傳LINE開黃腔 遭提告下場慘了

    2023/10/26 08:54
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