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    Line������ 結果共3,888筆

  • AUO to close Singapore display production in December

    AU Optronics Corp. (AUO) plans to close its display production line in Singapore by the end of December, affecting around 500 employees. The company is moving its manufacturing equipment back to Taiwan and offering Taiwanese staff in Singapore the choice to relocate to Taiwan or transfer to Vietnam. AUO aims to expand its display module capacities in Vietnam. The company confirmed that its Singapore base will transform into a hub for providing smart solutions and will serve as its operations center in Southeast Asia. This move is in response to the growing preference for Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) technology in smartphones, tablets, and laptops, posing challenges to the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) industry. Most of the equipment will be relocated to AUO’s Longtan plant, which is actively developing microLED displays in line with Apple’s strategy.
    2023/12/20 10:47
  • 高雄市議員哥「驚傳自焚」!竟活活燒死 焦屍癱倒公園

    2023/12/20 08:32
  • MOFA expands online passport booking slots

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) has announced enhancements to its online passport application system in response to increased demand as international borders reopen post-pandemic. Individuals can now schedule up to four passport applications in one reservation, a significant increase from the previous limit of one application per booking. MOFA encourages the use of its "Online booking appointment for passport application" to streamline the process. To avoid long queues, people can monitor the current number of waiting tickets and people in line on the Bureau of Consular Affairs (BOCA) website. For inquiries, the public can refer to the passport Q&A section on the BOCA’s global information network site or contact the passport inquiry hotline.
    2023/12/19 21:58
  • Keelung Mayor plans music boost, eyes Taipei Center tie-up

    Keelung Mayor George Hsieh plans to enhance the city’s cultural scene by partnering with the Taipei Music Center to bring more artistic and music events to Keelung. Hsieh’s visit to the music center included a tour and discussions about establishing a professional music venue in Keelung similar to a live house. As part of Keelung’s "Love Keelung Year-End Concert," the event will be broadcast on the 3D screen at Aniverse Keelung. Hsieh aims to collaborate with the Taipei Music Center on cross-over performances and pop music concerts, inspired by the "SoffeeDays" series. The line-up for the year-end concert includes Amber An, Nine One One, Kimberley Chen, Ailing Tai, and U:NUS, with a second stage at Guomen Square to enhance the festive atmosphere.
    2023/12/19 15:42
  • NMEA urges focus on funding, talent for Taiwan’s media hub

    The newly appointed Chairperson of the New Media Entertainment Association (NMEA), Daphne Lee, emphasizes the importance of funding, talent, and global integration for Taiwan’s content industry to succeed. At the 2023 Asiahub New Media Summit in Taipei, Lee highlights the need for cross-sector collaboration and industry chain integration in the AI era. The summit features six main themes, 19 keynote speeches, panel discussions, and 7 workshops with 60 speakers. Participants, such as LINE Taiwan Managing Director Roger Chen, discuss Taiwan’s soft power, industry upgrade, transformation, and global outreach. Videoland Television Network Chairman Lee Chung-pei suggests creating quality content to ensure profitability and establish funding recovery mechanisms. Lin Chien-han, Chairman of Taiwan Secom, shares the company’s dual strategy of investment and production, moving from DVD rental services to investing in Taiwanese films. Lin also discusses how Taiwanese creative content is breaking into the international market by integrating local culture and socio-political issues, citing successful films like "The Candidate" and "The Bridge Curse."
    2023/12/19 15:38
  • 全班29人7人病假!醫見LINE通知示警:「這病毒」傳染力極高

    2023/12/19 14:18
  • TRA boosts train services for New Year’s celebrations

    The Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) has announced the addition of extra trains from Dec. 29 to Jan. 1, 2024, in anticipation of the New Year’s holiday rush. Travelers can book the additional train services through various channels, including the TRA website, e訂通 app, convenience stores, and telephone reservation systems. A total of 18 extra train services will be deployed, with six additional services on the Eastern Line, including one northbound and one southbound train operating on the cross-island route. The South-Link Line will see an increase of four Puyuma Express and Tzu-Chiang trains, while six more EMU900 commuter express trains will be added to the Western Line. Additionally, 24 overnight train services will be added across different regions to cater to New Year’s Eve celebrations. Travelers can check timings and schedule details on the official TRA website and e訂通 app.
    2023/12/19 10:25
  • Evergreen halts Red Sea shipping amid Houthi threats

    Evergreen Marine Corp, a Taiwanese shipping company, has temporarily suspended its shipping services through the Red Sea due to security threats posed by Houthi militants. This decision comes after a series of attacks on commercial ships by the Yemen-based group, which has escalated tensions in the region. Evergreen joins other global shipping giants, including Orient Overseas Container Line, CMA CGM, Maersk Group, Hapag-Lloyd, and Mediterranean Shipping Company, in halting passage through the Red Sea. The attacks by the Houthis, aimed at blocking ships en route to Israel, have led to the interception of drones and missiles by the U.S. Navy, British Navy, and French Navy. In response to the exacerbating security situation, Evergreen has rerouted its ships from Asia to the Mediterranean and the U.S. East Coast to avoid the Red Sea. British Petroleum (BP) has also suspended its oil transit through the Red Sea due to increased risks.
    2023/12/19 10:06
  • 不想被手機綁架!一票人「實測刪LINE」:生活變美好了

    2023/12/18 23:34
  • 醫院傳「女呻吟聲」軍醫偷錄還傳群組 獲不起訴原因曝光

    2023/12/18 16:35
  • Taiwan monitors 6 PLA aircraft, 2 vessels near island

    Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense (MND) has reported six instances of People’s Liberation Army (PLA) aircraft and two Chinese naval vessels near the Taiwan Strait between 6 a.m. on Sunday and 6 a.m. on Monday. In response, Taiwan’s military has deployed aircraft, ships, and missile systems for monitoring and appropriate response. The MND has also disclosed the sighting of two suspected Chinese weather balloons crossing the Taiwan Strait median line at the northern end. The balloons were approximately 110 nautical miles northwest of Keelung, flying below an altitude of about 27,000 feet, and drifting eastward. These developments occur amidst increased Chinese military activities around Taiwan, as Beijing considers the island a renegade province to be reunited with the mainland, by force if necessary.
    2023/12/18 14:22
  • 婦人加「投資群組」秒賺1萬 狂撒1500萬元卻全沒了

    2023/12/18 09:57
  • 翁倩玉分享版畫加碼清唱《祈禱》! 曝凍齡秘訣「餐餐七分飽」

    2023/12/16 22:12
  • 揪朋友看TVBS新聞 5萬LINE POINTS瘋狂送

    TVBS新聞感謝舊雨新知一年來的支持,特別舉辦「揪朋友拿點數」活動。活動期間,只要完成揪好友任務,就能馬上獲得10點LINE POINTS獎勵;任務最終排行第一名,再獨得800點LINE POINTS!
    2023/12/16 13:44
  • 台中耶誕嘉年華打造「熊大.兔兔」 旋轉耶誕樹

    2023/12/15 23:35
  • 好友傳2連結小心詐騙 LINE帳號防盜秘笈曝光

    2023/12/15 11:46
  • 坐進太空艙!勞斯萊斯Cullinan特別版亮相 全台僅1輛已售出

    以距離地表62英里,被視為是大氣層最邊緣,也是地球與外太空邊界的卡門線 (Kármán line) 為設計靈感,Rolls-Royce以Cullinan奢華休旅為基礎,打造全球僅有62輛的Cullinan幻藍謐影特別版車型。今日 (12月14日) 台灣唯一的一輛首度現身,不只披覆專屬的藍色車漆、藍色歡慶女神,車內更融入卡門線元素,還有具備「呼吸」效果的星空頂篷,甚至以精緻刺繡把月球放入車內,在車上就能擁有太空!
    2023/12/15 11:36
  • 半夜主管突傳訊「明早會議你主持」 他愣:該準備嗎?老鳥教反擊大招

    2023/12/13 19:26
  • 超夢幻!台中耶誕嘉年華跟「熊大、兔兔」聯名

    2023台中耶誕嘉年華進入倒數階段,12月15日至1月1日將在舊台中火車站、綠川以及柳川水岸廊道登場,今年特別與LINE FRIENDS聯名,有大朋友、小朋友最愛的熊大以及兔兔。
    2023/12/12 23:50
  • Ko Wen-je reverses stance on heavy motorcycles on freeways

    Presidential candidate Ko Wen-je of the Taiwan People’s Party has shifted his stance on allowing heavy motorcycles on national freeways. Previously, he promised to open the freeways to heavy motorcycles if elected, but now suggests that if the majority opposes it, the government should amend the law accordingly. This change comes in response to public opinion polls showing that 60% of people are against the policy change. Ko cited discussions with the Drivers Union, which strongly opposes the idea, due to safety concerns such as an increase in accidents and fatalities. Additionally, Ko proposes eliminating the two-stage left turn system for motorcycles and having motorcyclists line up behind cars at traffic signals. He believes that the decision on left turns should be based on the number of lanes on the road, taking into account the specificities of different roadways.
    2023/12/12 20:06
  • TRA adds 81 trains for Taiwan election travel

    The Taiwan Railway Administration (TRA) will add 81 train services from Jan. 12 to 15 next year to accommodate travelers returning home for the presidential and legislative elections. The additional train services will cover all types of trains and aim to strengthen transportation capacity during the election period. Starting Friday at midnight, presidential and legislative election train tickets will be available for booking online, at convenience stores, and via telephone reservation system. The TRA estimates a 5.2 percent average daily increase in capacity during this period, with the west line seeing a 2.4 percent rise, the east line 12.6 percent, and the south-link line 4.7%. This will result in approximately 39,000 extra seats each day compared to regular days. Compared to the election year of 2020, the overall number of seats will increase by 8.89 percent and total seat kilometers by 9.76 percent in 2024, according to the TRA.
    2023/12/12 18:50
  • 妹子聊LINE一半去洗澡!見1句話好感全無:男生都這樣?

    2023/12/12 17:48
  • 萌翻!台中水上耶誕節游進柳川 熊大、兔兔嗑太陽餅喝珍奶

    2023/12/12 17:39
  • TRA eyes punctuality boost with 2024 corporatization

    Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) is set to undergo corporatization on January 1, 2024, with the aim of improving punctuality and reducing delays. The agency believes that this transformation, along with the introduction of new trains next year, will enhance its competitiveness in the transport market. The Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) has experienced increased passenger numbers recently, leading to capacity shortages and overcrowding in non-reserved seating. Concerns have been raised about the decline in THSR service quality, with some referring to it as "high-speed rail becoming like local trains." Under the new Taiwan Railways Corporation, TRA plans to offer services on the eastern main line and support the western short-to-medium-haul network, creating a cooperative yet competitive relationship with THSR. TRA aims to enhance the passenger experience by updating ticket gates and passenger information systems across all railway stations in Taiwan over the next three years. To address the capacity issue, TRA plans to provide shuttle services at Changhua Station and improve inter-rail transfer services. The establishment of the TRA corporation aims to clarify its market positioning, including strengthening intercity transport service between the eastern and western main lines and improving regional commuting transport on the western line. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) has established a debt repayment fund to address TRA’s short-term debt of around NT$170 billion, with the goal of making TRA debt-free by 2025 and profitable by 2028. Post-corporatization, TRA plans to increase revenue and optimize asset management through flexible approaches such as joint development initiatives and land rights establishment.
    2023/12/12 17:03
  • Legislative Yuan to pause sessions ahead of 2024 elections

    The Legislative Yuan has decided to suspend its plenary and committee meetings from December 20 to December 31 in preparation for the 2024 presidential and legislative elections. This decision follows a proposal by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Caucus and is in line with the parliamentary tradition of pausing meetings during the election period. The Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) Caucus and the New Power Party (NPP) Caucus opposed the suspension proposal but their amendment was not accepted. The DPP’s proposal was passed, with Vice President of the Legislative Yuan Tsai Chi-Chang announcing the decision. The Kuomintang (KMT) caucus leader Tseng Ming-chung argued for a consensus through negotiation before arranging a recess, opposing the resolution’s forceful passage. DPP Caucus Director-General Ker Chien-ming cited a 30-year-old tradition of recessing before elections and emphasized that the decision only brings forward the suspension by 11 days.
    2023/12/12 13:33
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