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    LUCKY 結果共49筆

  • 520登記高峰潮倒數!新北祭「指定結婚生效日」加碼送禮

    520即將來臨,由於諧音「我愛你」,成為新人結婚登記的首選日期。為方便新人安排時間,並避開登記高峰人潮,新北市民政局鼓勵多加利用「指定結婚生效日」服務,於5月15日至17日提前到戶政事務所辦理手續。此外,各區戶所也加碼贈送婚禮小物,祝福每對步入婚姻的新人幸福美滿! 民政局表示,近年來214、520等特殊日期因為浪漫又好記,都成為新人們選擇結婚登記的熱門日子。「指定結婚生效日」的服務,只要在結婚登記日前3個工作日內至戶政事務所登記,並指定結婚登記生效日便可完成,讓新人有更充裕的時間完成結婚大事。 民政局補充,為表達對新人的祝福,新北市18個戶政事務所別出心裁,推出各式充滿意義的贈禮。中和戶所以「呷好米.嫁好尪」俗諺為發想,將囍米製成「幸福米(美)滿」的花磚;板橋戶所以Lucky馬克杯及小熊毛巾,寓意「幸福一『輩』子,熊愛哩」;三重戶所及金山戶所則分別以「甜蜜小熊玫瑰香氛禮盒」、「浪漫久久(九)玫瑰香水皂禮盒」,藉玫瑰花語象徵新人濃濃的愛情,祝新人甜蜜到永久!
    2024/05/12 14:33
  • 不只轉圈!「員瑛式思考」火爆韓網 網讚心態超穩根本卡比巴拉

    2024/05/05 21:51
  • Taoyuan Mayor gifts lucky bags for New Year festivities

    Taoyuan Mayor Simon Chang distributed "Year of the Dragon" lucky bags at the city hall on the final working day before the Lunar New Year. The bags featured a dragon enfolded in peach blossoms, symbolizing prosperity and good fortune. Each bag contained a one-dollar coin bundled with a red cord, believed to ward off evil and disasters. The lucky bags were labeled "Dragon’s Peace" and represented gathering wealth, good luck, and auspiciousness. Mayor Chang shared the bags with city hall staff, janitors, security guards, and the public passing by for business.
    2024/02/07 16:21
  • K-pop icon Yoona charms fans at Taipei fanmeet

    South Korean star Yoona from the popular K-pop group "Girls’ Generation" held a fan meet in Taipei, where she impressed the audience with her Mandarin-language performance. The event attracted 3,000 fans, and Yoona delighted them with her fluent Mandarin skills. She also sang the theme song from the popular Taiwanese drama "Someday or One Day," receiving enthusiastic applause. Lucky fans had the opportunity to interact with Yoona and take photos with her. During the fan meet, Yoona expressed her desire to try different roles, including playing a "beautiful villain." Additionally, she enjoyed trying Taiwanese delicacies such as sausage with sticky rice and sweet potato balls.
    2024/02/05 11:56
  • Lucky 150 millionth rider of Taoyuan MRT to win free TPass

    The Taoyuan Airport MRT has reached a significant milestone, with the announcement that the 150 millionth passenger will receive a free yearlong TPass, valued at NT$14,400. Since its launch over five months ago, the 1200 TPass has been widely used in the Greater Taipei Area and Taoyuan, with a record daily ridership of 106,000 passengers in November. The lucky 150 millionth rider and five accompanying passengers will enjoy unlimited travel in northern Taiwan. To accommodate the increasing number of passengers, Taoyuan Metro Co. has upgraded turnstile equipment and will introduce additional commuter and express trains. These improvements demonstrate Taoyuan Metro Co.’s commitment to enhancing the travel experience for its users.
    2023/12/20 20:05
  • Taiwan firms set to revive year-end party with cash prizes

    A survey conducted by online job bank Yes123 revealed that 88.4 percent of Taiwan’s companies plan to hold year-end parties before the Lunar New Year, with employees most eager to receive cash prizes. The survey also found that 60.3 percent of companies with year-end party plans will host lucky draw events. Among the preferred prizes, cash ranked as the top choice with 66.2 percent of employees, followed by smartphones (43.3 percent), cars (42.5 percent), department store vouchers (34.3 percent), and convenience store coupons (33.2 percent). The survey also showed that 73.6 percent of office workers have previously won a prize at year-end parties, with the average value of the biggest prize being NT$11,833. The spokesperson for Yes123, Yang Tsung-pin, stated that the willingness of companies to hold year-end events has returned to normal, indicating the recovery and stabilization of the economy following the disruptions caused by Covid-19. The survey was conducted online from Dec. 1 to Dec. 14, with 1,366 valid responses and a confidence level of 95 percent and a margin of error of plus or minus 2.65 percent.
    2023/12/19 20:17
  • Hsinchu Fire Bureau calendar honors heroes, teaches safety

    The Hsinchu City Fire Bureau unveils its 2024 Firefighting Calendar featuring 22 local firefighters and volunteer firefighters as representatives. The calendar showcases the courage and dedication of these heroes, who were photographed at scenic spots in Hsinchu City. Commissioner Lee Shi-kung emphasizes the impressive physiques and professional rescue capabilities of the chosen representatives, aiming to portray the professional image of the fire service personnel. Hsinchu City residents have the chance to participate in a disaster prevention quiz, with 2,500 lucky winners receiving a copy of the calendar, promoting public safety and awareness.
    2023/12/07 20:20
  • Taipei Metro celebrates 13 billionth passenger milestone

    Taipei Metro celebrates a major milestone as it records its 13 billionth passenger. The lucky rider embarked from Zhongxiao Fuxing station on the Bannan Line and alighted at Xindian station on the Songshan-Xindian Line. In recognition of this achievement, Taipei Metro gifted annual metro passes to the lucky recipient, as well as the five commuters preceding and following them. Additionally, the 13 billionth passenger received a voucher for a presidential suite at a vacation resort worth NT$88,000 and free metro travel for one year. The metro authority tracks ridership by counting entrance times of ticket cards and selects the winner from registered metro card members’ data. Passengers are encouraged to stay updated by following the official Taipei Metro fan page, "Fun with the Metro." Fans can participate in predictive activities on Facebook for a chance to win a voucher for a presidential suite at the Crystal Resort in Sun Moon Lake or a metro card. Taipei Metro is committed to promoting Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) concepts, aiming to convey the ideals of sustainable development and zero emissions to its riders as part of the city’s green transformation.
    2023/11/04 12:36
  • Jessi來了!性感馬甲狂抖蜜桃臀 飆罵粗話台下反應曝

    34歲韓國嘻哈女王Jessi曾在2015年以團體「Lucky J」身分來台,睽違8年,她受邀到「高雄啤酒音樂節」演出,這也是她第一次來到高雄,帶來了一連串火辣的演出,包括破億點閱的熱門歌曲〈ZOOM〉、〈NUNU NANA〉等夯曲,掀起全場高潮,狂野的她狂在舞台上飆粗話,身材火辣還不斷喬胸部,自然不做作深受粉絲喜愛。
    2023/07/08 22:11
  • 溫網/震撼彈!去年殺進決賽 澳洲「壞小子」手腕受傷退賽

    外號「壞小子」的28歲澳洲男子網球名將基里奧斯(Nick Kyrgios),天賦過人但脾氣火爆的他,去年溫網生涯第一次打進大滿貫決賽,正當外界期待他在今年草地賽事再有一番作為時,今(3)日他卻在開打前一刻宣布因「手腕韌帶撕裂」退賽,位置將由「幸運落敗者」(lucky loser)取代。
    2023/07/03 10:48
  • Bank system glitch multiplies receipt lottery prizes by 100

    The recent announcement of winning numbers for Taiwan’s receipt lottery turned into an unexpected windfall for some lucky individuals who discovered they had received 100 times the amount they had won. 
    2023/06/08 18:06
  • 中職/中信兄弟時隔4年再辦阪神日 林威助不出席

    夏野球祭登場,中信兄弟時隔四年再度攜手歷史悠久的阪神甲子園球場,於6月10日、11日迎來人氣主題日「阪神甲子園球場日」,讓「六甲颪」再度響遍洲際棒球場。除了再度邀請到阪神虎啦啦隊「TigersGirls」及吉祥物Lucky & Ki-Ta來台以外,更將聯手中信兄弟啦啦隊「Passion Sisters」和小翔、艾比一起舉行賽前見面會,和球迷們一起替黃衫軍大力應援。
    2023/06/08 16:13
  • 網戀暈船「戰地醫生」 女看護變車手詐百萬

    2023/01/11 17:46
  • NBA star brings record merchandise sales to Taoyuan Leopards

    Dwight Howard’s recent arrival in Taiwan has led to a burst of merchandise sales as fans rush out to buy anything featuring the picture, name, or lucky number 12 over their favorite player.
    2022/11/22 17:33
  • 郭靜突宣布「最後一次」演出!噴淚哭了:真的非常幸運

    「純愛教主」郭靜昨(12日)在台北國際會議中心舉辦「So Lucky !演唱會」,歌迷朋友們盼了15年,終於等到她出道以來的首場大型演唱會,她為此提早全力備戰,一連以五套亮麗服裝和吸睛造型登場,抓住全場目光,仙氣爆棚。不過她也突然宣布最後一次表演啦啦隊了,令粉絲相當震驚。
    2022/11/13 16:02
  • 羅志祥開唱前意外刮花臉 主辦突發新喜訊「粉絲嗨翻了」

    2022/11/11 18:08
  • Taiwanese man with peculiar name wins free sushi meal

    A sushi chain store in Taiwan has offered a free meal to those with two special Chinese characters (double one) in their names, and a Taiwanese man, Su Kun-kun (蘇 | |), was the lucky winner.
    2022/11/11 17:37
  • 范瑋琪重拿麥克風!郭靜可惜發聲了 感慨曝「辛酸內幕」

    「純愛教主」郭靜將在11月12日於台北國際會議中心舉辦「2022 郭靜 So Lucky ! 演唱會」,這也是她出道15年首場大型個唱,距離開演剩不到兩週,今(2日)開放練團探班,她坦言心情開始異常的緊張,在睡前想到演唱會時常常失眠,不過提到嘉賓,她賣關子不說,僅透露目前曾沛慈跟吳汶芳有報名出席,也有邀請吳宗憲跟坤達,但還沒有確定是否到場。
    2022/11/02 17:43
  • 盧秀燕再抽中3號 楊瓊瓔高喊:延續Lucky!

    2022/10/21 12:39
  • 演唱會票房開紅盤!郭靜感謝歌迷不離不棄 激喊:不讓大家失望

    郭靜出道15年首次舉辦個人大型演唱會「So Lucky !」,將在11月12日於台北國際會議中心(TICC)開唱,門票昨(23)日上午11點一開賣,不到10分鐘便銷售8成以上,讓她開心的說:「現在每天都在如火如荼的工作和宣傳,聽到票房的好消息,真的很感謝大家的支持!這次的演唱會內容也一定會很精心的準備,一定不會讓大家失望的!」
    2022/08/24 19:28
  • 挑戰出道以來最大尺度!郭靜「上下全露」 開心宣布重大喜訊

    2022/08/20 17:52
  • 郭靜自嘲「對感情很陌生」曝喜訊 願效法海裕芬閃孕

    郭靜出道15年,近來跨界綜藝節目、舞台劇及舉辦浪浪公益展覽,今年還投資副業升格川滷店「麻十七」老闆,她今(5)日適逢生日,正式宣布回歸歌手身分,發行EP《So Lucky》,一席淺藍斜肩洋裝展現甜美風格,談及生日願望,她笑說:「除了身體健康,就是賺大錢!」
    2022/08/05 17:27
  • NFT搶攻元宇宙商機! 新創團隊即將席捲幣圈

    元宇宙席捲全球,NFT的討論度日漸上升,而一個新創的團隊「Sunday Lucky Star」也即將擠身進入,Sunday Lucky Star的概念來自於團隊在周日看到流星並許下願望,這給團隊帶來好運。Sunday Lucky Star的目標是讓每個人都成為最耀眼的星星,並且相信Sunday Lucky Star會在元宇宙發光發亮。
    2022/05/03 17:28
  • 大S閃婚具俊曄 周思潔「給女人4提醒」別輕易相信舊愛

    2022/04/23 19:02
  • 西方幸運數字Lucky 7 來到越南變「大凶」

    每個國家與民族對於數字都有一定偏好,彼此對數字的寓意與解讀可能天差地遠。越南人將農曆7月視為諸事不宜的鬼月,西方的Lucky 7飄洋過海到越南成了「大凶」。
    2022/02/02 22:17
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