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    LINK 結果共45筆

  • Taiwan struck by twin quakes, no link to past tremor

    Discover the details of two significant earthquakes striking off Taiwan’s eastern coast, as reported by the Central Weather Administration. Learn about the seismic events’ magnitudes, timing, and unique characteristics, emphasizing their independence from earlier tremors. Explore the geological context provided by experts, highlighting Taiwan’s position at a plate collision point and the implications for its earthquake preparedness.
    2024/04/25 14:45
  • A-Lin二登「THE FIRST TAKE」 揭緊張苦練內幕:很不安

    金曲歌后A-Lin二度登上日本知名音樂YouTube頻道「THE FIRST TAKE」,選唱收錄在2022年專輯《LINK》中的歌曲〈摯友〉,將於今(17)晚9點首播。談及自己的表現,若是滿分10分,她笑說給了引以為傲的7分,「能夠出演『THE FIRST TAKE』,本身就是對我實力的肯定,扣除的3分,有2分是覺得還有進步的空間,剩下的1分是希望觀眾們也可以為我評分。」
    2024/04/17 17:38
  • 即時戰略遊戲原貌! 國軍Link16系統升級啟動「戰場共同圖像」助防衛

    2024/03/12 22:46
  • 美售台Link-16升級規劃!2架B-52轟炸機赴星航展

    2024/02/22 17:50
  • Taiwan clears domestic pork of Cimbuterol contamination

    Taiwan’s Executive Yuan has announced that no detection of Cimbuterol, a feed additive used to promote leanness in animals, has been found in domestically-produced pork. This preliminary result dismisses concerns about the domestic pork supply being tainted with the substance. In the past, Taiwan Sugar Corporation’s pork slices were found to contain Cimbuterol, causing public concern. The Ministry of Agriculture has inspected 633 pre-market samples, and the Ministry of Health and Welfare has tested 73 post-market samples, with only one sample in Taichung city detecting Cimbuterol. The Health Ministry will strengthen random inspections for ractopamine in pork products and increase the number of annual inspections. The government will also enhance scrutiny of Cimbuterol imports and establish an expert group to assess the risk source at each link. The administration remains committed to ensuring the sanitary safety of pork products and monitoring related residues in various channels. Relevant authorities are dedicated to meeting Taiwan’s veterinary drug residue limits in foods.
    2024/02/15 14:41
  • China refutes military link to Taiwan airspace incursions

    China’s Ministry of National Defense spokesperson, Wu Qian, dismisses the record number of balloons released into Taiwan’s airspace as meaningless hype and denies military involvement. Wu lambasts the actions of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities as a tactic to provoke cross-strait confrontation, claiming it is destined to fail. He reiterates that Taiwan’s election is China’s local affairs and that the DPP cannot represent the mainstream public opinion on the island. Wu firmly asserts that Taiwan is a part of China and that the international community adheres to the one-China principle. He declares that the sovereignty and territory of China have never been divided and that Taiwan’s legal status as part of China’s territory has never changed. Wu emphasizes that Taiwan will never be a country, Taiwan independence is not possible, and external forces’ plot to split China will never succeed. He pledges that the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) will defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity as a "Great Wall of Steel."
    2024/01/25 17:09
  • Taiwanese youth obesity crisis raises health concerns

    A concerning rise in obesity among Taiwanese adolescents highlights the urgent need for awareness and intervention. Experts emphasize the link between lifestyle habits and chronic disease risks, advocating for early education on diet and exercise.
    2024/01/18 16:21
  • A-Lin不藏了!無預警認了「被包養」 鬆吐人生新變化

    金曲歌后A-Lin「A-LINK with PASSENGERS」世界巡迴演唱會來到蘇州,昨(6)日她歌迷準備了兩大驚喜,一套超吸睛的全新桃紅露肩禮服在演唱會尾聲登場,以及加碼演唱沒有排在歌單上、在大陸相當受歡迎的歌曲〈天若有情〉,A-Lin在台上感謝歌迷將2024年第一場演唱會獻給了自己,表示最近在網路上看到有些人因為被「暴雷」歌單說很失望,所以特地準備驚喜曲目〈天若有情〉,並舉起手機與台下歌迷自拍,說:「2024的第一個影片就讓你們獻給我!」拍下整段歌迷與她一起大合唱的片段,演唱會一結束就立刻履行承諾,火速上傳社群,歌迷不斷留言大讚:「太好聽了!」。
    2024/01/07 12:21
  • Over 70% of Taiwanese oppose death penalty abolition

    A survey conducted by ETtoday revealed that 73.5% of respondents oppose the abolition of the death penalty, while 21.8% support its abolition. Among those opposing, 52.1% were vehemently against the notion, with 21.4% somewhat against it. Among advocates for abolition, 14.1% were strong supporters, and 7.7% moderately so. The survey also found that 85.0% of interviewees believe current laws excessively protect offenders, with 47.2% considering the protection extremely excessive and 36.8% believing it is merely excessive. Only 3.1% thought the protection was insufficient. The recent fatal slashing of a junior high school student in New Taipei has brought the issue of capital punishment back into the spotlight. In response to the tragedy, 41.4% of respondents primarily blame parents or guardians, 25.1% the central government, 17.4% school management, and 12.0% the local government. The survey was conducted from Dec. 31 to Jan. 1, with a valid sample size of 1,557 targeting Taiwanese aged 20 and above. The margin of error was plus or minus 2.48%. The survey was delivered via a mobile text message link to an online questionnaire and sample weighting was done using population statistics provided by the Ministry of the Interior.
    2024/01/02 14:07
  • TRA boosts train services for New Year’s celebrations

    The Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) has announced the addition of extra trains from Dec. 29 to Jan. 1, 2024, in anticipation of the New Year’s holiday rush. Travelers can book the additional train services through various channels, including the TRA website, e訂通 app, convenience stores, and telephone reservation systems. A total of 18 extra train services will be deployed, with six additional services on the Eastern Line, including one northbound and one southbound train operating on the cross-island route. The South-Link Line will see an increase of four Puyuma Express and Tzu-Chiang trains, while six more EMU900 commuter express trains will be added to the Western Line. Additionally, 24 overnight train services will be added across different regions to cater to New Year’s Eve celebrations. Travelers can check timings and schedule details on the official TRA website and e訂通 app.
    2023/12/19 10:25
  • TRA adds 81 trains for Taiwan election travel

    The Taiwan Railway Administration (TRA) will add 81 train services from Jan. 12 to 15 next year to accommodate travelers returning home for the presidential and legislative elections. The additional train services will cover all types of trains and aim to strengthen transportation capacity during the election period. Starting Friday at midnight, presidential and legislative election train tickets will be available for booking online, at convenience stores, and via telephone reservation system. The TRA estimates a 5.2 percent average daily increase in capacity during this period, with the west line seeing a 2.4 percent rise, the east line 12.6 percent, and the south-link line 4.7%. This will result in approximately 39,000 extra seats each day compared to regular days. Compared to the election year of 2020, the overall number of seats will increase by 8.89 percent and total seat kilometers by 9.76 percent in 2024, according to the TRA.
    2023/12/12 18:50
  • Xi Jinping aims for deeper China-Vietnam link on state visit

    Chinese President Xi Jinping is set to visit Hanoi, Vietnam for the third time since assuming leadership positions in China. Ahead of his visit, Xi emphasized the importance of strategic communication, leveraging strengths, enhancing exchanges, and managing differences in an article he penned for Vietnam’s Nhân Dân newspaper. The two countries have a longstanding economic relationship, with China being Vietnam’s largest trading partner and Vietnam being China’s largest trading partner in ASEAN and the fourth largest globally. Xi also highlighted the potential for a strategic community of shared destiny between China and Vietnam, which could positively contribute to Asian development and global peace.
    2023/12/12 11:44
  • Taiwan mobile eyes full network integration by 2024 end

    Taiwan Mobile has announced its progress in completing a full network integration with Taiwan Star Telecom by the end of 2024. The company has responded to customer complaints regarding communication link quality and has initiated network integration operations since the merger. The efforts have resulted in enhanced 3G coverage by 40%, particularly in remote areas, and improvements in signal strength and internet speeds for former Taiwan Star Telecom customers. The expansion in the 2100MHz band has increased available bandwidth for 4G by 10%, benefiting both 4G and 5G users. Original Taiwan Star Telecom customers will enjoy higher-quality 5G mobile communication services without the need to swap SIM cards.
    2023/12/07 20:41
  • 不是跟老公!A-Lin磨鼻「洋男」畫面流出 認了:有熟悉感

    金曲歌后A-Lin「A-LINK with PASSENGERS」世界巡迴演唱會前往澳洲、紐西蘭開唱,而在奧克蘭場演出之前,當地原住民毛利人特別為A-Lin準備了一場精彩表演,事前完全不知情的A-Lin當下感動到流眼淚,由於毛利人與台灣原住民血緣及歷史的連結,同為南島語族的原住民祖先皆是來自台灣這座島嶼,讓身為台灣原住民的A-Lin看到毛利人有說不出的熟悉感,直說「看到他們就覺得很感動,很像家人一樣!」A-Lin與毛利人跨越語言隔閡,在紐西蘭演唱會的後台開心的互動,毛利人熱情的用特殊碰鼻方式與A-Lin打招呼,更送上珍貴禮物,讓A-Lin留下深刻的印象。
    2023/10/18 12:59
  • Study finds 30% of teachers unhappy, under high pressure

    Research on Taiwan’s Teachers’ Day reveals low teacher happiness levels, with 30% reporting unhappiness and high pressure, impacting education. Experts link pressure to a teacher shortage.
    2023/09/28 19:47
  • A-Lin辣開深V不夠 「大咖天后」衝上台秀雪白嫩腿嚇壞

    金曲歌后A-Lin今(20)日在高雄巨蛋舉辦「A-LINK with PASSENGERS」世界巡迴演唱會第二場,在唱完〈有一種悲傷〉之後,徐懷鈺驚喜現身舞台,令全場歌迷尖叫不止,迎來演唱會中的最高潮,A-Lin與徐懷鈺合唱〈不要再孤單〉,這首歌曲是她們在《乘風2023》中合作的表演舞台,在節目播畢後,A-Lin特別邀請徐懷鈺擔任嘉賓,一起完美重現當時的演出,透過此次演唱會,兩人再度連結彼此對音樂的熱愛與好感情,同時也帶給全場歌迷一個最棒的驚喜。
    2023/08/20 20:15
  • A-Lin瘦翻天!套400萬火辣戰袍曬美體 高雄攻蛋金曲連發

    金曲歌后A-Lin今(19)起一連2天在高雄巨蛋舉辦「A-LINK with PASSENGERS」世界巡迴演唱會,除是她時隔2年半回到家鄉開唱,同時也是她奪下金曲歌后獎座後首度在台舉辦大型巡演,除帶來勁歌熱舞,招牌情歌也唱不停,更重新演繹李玟〈刀馬旦〉、葉璦菱〈我心已打烊〉2首經典曲。
    2023/08/19 22:30
  • A-Lin致敬李玟!台下驚見《浪姐》3大咖女神 不忍爆料真實面

    金曲歌后A-Lin近期不僅參與節目《乘風2023》過關斬將成功組團,更獻唱主題冠軍影集《八尺門的辯護人》演唱原聲帶主題曲〈天亮之前〉、電影《查無此心》同名主題曲〈查無此心〉,除了新歌發不停,A-Lin的行程同樣馬不停蹄,剛結束澳門演唱會,這週末即將回到高雄巨蛋連開兩場「A-Link with Passengers」演唱會,10月還要前往紐西蘭、澳洲開唱,讓歌迷們都相當期待。
    2023/08/14 19:32
  • 等了8年!A-Lin再戰金曲歌后 大賣場熱舞慶祝嗨喊這1句

    第34屆金曲獎頒獎典禮7月1日在台北小巨蛋盛大舉辦,昨(16)日入圍名單揭曉,被視作死亡之組的華語女歌手獎,將由徐佳瑩《給》、洪佩瑜《明室》、A-Lin《LINK》、戴佩妮《被動的觀眾》、大陸女星郁可唯《Dear Life》及劉柏辛《幸福星》共6人競爭,其中5度入圍歌后的A-Lin,更是激動地在大賣場熱舞慶祝。
    2023/05/17 11:57
  • 金曲34/徐佳瑩補眠「忘記今揭獎」 彭佳慧搶客語歌后激動哭了

    第34屆金曲獎頒獎典禮7月1日在台北小巨蛋盛大舉辦,今(16)日入圍名單揭曉,華語女歌手獎有徐佳瑩《給》、洪佩瑜《明室》、A-Lin《LINK》、戴佩妮《被動的觀眾》、大陸女星郁可唯《Dear Life》及劉柏辛《幸福星》共6位角逐。
    2023/05/16 17:59
  • 唐吉軻德新分店!徵才網露餡落腳南港「這」 有望暑假開幕

    日本雜貨品牌唐吉軻德(DON DON DONKI)目前在台灣已經有兩間分店,日前先是宣布要進軍高雄開全台最大店,最近又在徵才網站露餡,將進駐南港CITY LINK。
    2023/05/12 09:41
  • 大咖天后唱一半遭歌迷狠扯頭髮!粉絲氣炸放話肉搜 她反應曝光

    A-Lin上週末在新加坡舉行「A-LINK with PASSENGERS」世界巡迴演唱會,她演唱多首經典情歌和動感舞曲,讓全場都沈浸在她的舞台魅力和歌唱實力中,歡呼聲不絕次耳,不過也因為新加坡歌迷太熱情,在A-Lin走下台和歌迷互動時,險些被歌迷拉倒,好在身旁的舞者及時護住她,讓她及時站穩。
    2023/04/24 15:06
  • A-Lin猛了!高雄巨蛋1分鐘賣光 火速加場放話「不下台」

    天生歌姬A-Lin將在8月19日舉行「A-LINK with PASSENGERS」世界巡迴演唱會高雄巨蛋,上週六門票開賣,當天粉絲準時上線搶票,門票在1分鐘後被搶光,網路上一片哀嚎,紛紛在A-Lin的社群上求加場,甚至十分有創意地改編A-Lin的代表作〈摰友〉〈有一種悲傷〉等歌曲,轉達求加場的心意,讓A-Lin好笑又感動,也深深感受到粉絲的熱情期待,在緊急和主辦單位商量後,火速宣布8月20日高雄再加一場,將於3月30日ibon售票系統正式開賣。
    2023/03/29 13:18
  • 太狠了!A-Lin重返高雄巨蛋 放話「唱到大家趕不上高鐵」

    A-Lin正在籌備「A-LINK with PASSENGERS」世界巡迴演唱會,日前她公布將在8月19日重返高雄巨蛋開唱的喜訊,讓粉絲興奮不已,日前搶先開放A-Lin官網會員購票,立刻引起熱烈搶購,導致售票系統一度當機,可見A-Lin的人氣之高。
    2023/03/24 15:51
  • A-Lin睽違兩年半重返高雄巨蛋 驚吐「意想不到的嘉賓」

    天生歌姬A-Lin今(13)日公布「A-LINK with PASSENGERS」世界巡迴演唱會,將於8/19在高雄巨蛋登場,暌違超過兩年半終於要回到家鄉開唱,她興奮表示:「疫情這段期間最期待的就是可以去到各地演出與大家見面,時隔超過兩年半的日子,今年八月總算可以來到我期待已久的高雄再次演出,非常開心!」
    2023/03/13 18:40
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