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    GOD 結果共64筆

  • Popular dance group Avantgardey to perform in Taiwan

    Explore the journey of the Japanese dance group Avantgardey as they embark on their first overseas tour in Taiwan, blending their unique choreography with local culture and achieving widespread acclaim on social media.
    2024/04/29 18:59
  • 男團再掀回憶殺!韓團始祖復出成功 25週年演唱會湧5萬粉

    Energy時隔20年合體再復出,吹起一股回憶殺,近期傳出下一個合體的團體是解散15年的「Lollipop棒棒堂」,引起許多歌迷注意,其實,很多團體在各自單飛後再合體,屢屢成為新話題,如韓團GOD、美團街頭頑童(New Kids on the Block)及大陸的TFBOYS。
    2024/04/29 08:53
  • Jacky Cheung adds 3 more concerts to Taipei shows

    Jacky Cheung, the "God of Songs" from Hong Kong, adds three more concerts to his highly anticipated "60+ World Tour Taipei Station" due to overwhelming demand, with tickets going on sale April 21. The nine total shows at Taipei Arena from May 31 to June 16 mark a new personal record for the legendary singer, who will deliver captivating performances featuring his vast repertoire of classic songs spanning different styles and eras.
    2024/04/15 17:37
  • 《Prada的惡魔》世紀合體! 梅姨頒獎「忘東忘西」安海瑟薇、艾蜜莉布朗衝上台

    第30屆美國演員工會獎(SAG)今(25)舉行頒獎典禮,奧斯卡影后「梅姨」梅莉史翠普擔任頒獎嘉賓,卻發生可愛插曲,她一臉尷尬的東張西望,乾笑兩聲說她忘了帶老花眼鏡以及得獎者信封上台,這時艾蜜莉布朗、安海瑟薇從兩側出來,幫梅莉史翠普把東西拿過來,現場立刻爆出如雷掌聲,梅莉史翠普也驚呼:「Oh My God!」原來是主辦單位安排好的驚喜。
    2024/02/25 12:18
  • 78歲「小李飛刀」資深男星驚人近況曝光! 結實腹肌全網看傻

    78歲資深男星衛子雲,1982年以《小李飛刀》成名,健身有成的他近年轉型為「雲端師父」,以教授武功為主,近日他上年代新聞《聚焦2.0》分享自己的養生之道,衛子雲表示,平時每天早上6點起床練功,舉凡氣功、截拳道、雙節棍都難不倒他,不僅能用核心力量展現「拳撐地板」的高難度動作,還能在節目現場高歌《小李飛刀》主題曲,令主持人高文音大喊「My God!」  
    2024/02/15 14:44
  • Maokong Gondola gets festive makeover for Lunar New Year

    Taipei’s Maokong Gondola adorns cable cars with animal-themed decorations for Lunar New Year, while the God of Wealth joins the celebrations. Nearby, Taipei Zoo considers ticket price increases as the gondola flourishes.
    2024/02/12 08:00
  • Taipei Mayor to ride revamped gondola during LNY

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an plans to take his family on a ride on the newly renovated Maokong Gondola during the Lunar New Year holidays to visit the zoo. The gondola cabins have been redesigned in collaboration with "Animal Rescue Team Taiwan" and the popular "Maji Meow" (cat) to promote animal conservation, rescue efforts, and life education. From Feb. 3 to Feb. 14, customers who purchase three one-day passes will receive a limited edition New Year magnet set. Each one-day pass purchase also includes a single limited edition magnet. The cabins feature images of the gondola’s mascots, including the "Landlord" (a sloth), the Maji Cat, EMMA, and a calf. QR codes inside the cabins provide access to real conservation stories, promoting respect for all life and equality among creatures. Visitors to the Camphor Tree Trail during the New Year period can enjoy blooming lupines, the "Maokong Light Halo" at night, and sporadic God of Wealth blessings at various gondola stations. Limited quantities of sweets and cookies will be given away at the gondola stations from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Feb. 10 to Feb. 12.
    2024/02/02 16:03
  • Jaw Shaw-kong calls AI Taiwan’s new ’silicon shield’

    Kuomintang’s vice presidential candidate, Jaw Shaw-kong, proposes that AI should be considered Taiwan’s next "guardian mountain god" in a bid to position Taiwan as a leader in artificial intelligence. He advocates for the creation of an "AI Minister" position within various ministries, including the Ministry of National Defense and the Executive Yuan. Jaw questions the government’s plans for AI legislation and calls for a foundational AI law to address future challenges. He highlights the rapid advancements in AI technology and their ethical implications, praising the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company for its contributions. Jaw emphasizes the importance of supporting academic research and corporate AI initiatives, arguing that integrating AI technologies could enhance military efficiency, a crucial consideration given Taiwan’s limited armed forces personnel.
    2023/12/20 21:28
  • 小S熱舞「踹倒許雅鈞寶貝收藏」 下跪磕頭急道歉

    藝人小S(徐熙娣)即便已是3個孩子的媽,仍保持完美體態,熱愛跳舞的她,也不時會與粉絲分享自己的練舞片段。18日,小S就在臉書PO出一段影片,只見忘情熱舞的她一時沒注意,竟不慎踹倒老公的寶貝收藏,嚇得她當場尖叫「Oh my god」,更直接跪地磕頭求饒道歉。
    2023/12/18 22:34
  • 江國賓30年前舊照出土「撞臉金城武」 曾莞婷驚嘆:帥贏男神

    2023/10/27 10:25
  • Hou Hsiao-hsien’s love of film flows albeit dementia

    Renowned Taiwanese filmmaker Hou Hsiao-hsien has retired due to dementia, as announced by film scholar Tony Rayns at the Garden Cinema in London. Despite being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, Hou had been actively preparing for his next film, driven by his unwavering passion for cinema. While his in-progress film, "On the Shulan River" ("Searching for the River God"), will not be completed, Hou’s past contributions to the world of cinema have earned him acclaim both domestically and internationally.
    2023/10/26 15:06
  • 藍教頭說紅毯/丁寧胸前2片布「內襯跑出來」持續60秒 造型師:買尬

    第58屆金鐘獎「戲劇類」頒獎典禮今(21)日晚間在國父紀念館盛大舉行,TVBS《女人我最大》主持人藍心湄於直播「藍教頭說紅毯」中點評,與造型師KEVIN、美寧、IVAN與JR(紀言愷)陪觀眾一起觀看紅毯實況。丁寧穿著的禮服胸前只有兩片布,相相當感,不過拍照時的一舉動讓全場皺眉,美寧老師直呼:「Oh my GOD!」
    2023/10/21 18:26
  • 熊仔金曲獎感言寫成歌!致敬已逝元老饒舌前輩 有感而發令人動容

    饒舌鬼才熊仔今年以專輯《PRO》入圍第34屆金曲獎三項大獎,最終榮獲最佳華語專輯獎。上台發表得獎感言時,他特別準備了一段詞獻給所有中生代的饒舌歌手,以「先不管是否更成熟了,Thank God我們存活了」,這句歌詞展開一分多鐘的RAP表演,現場所有觀眾跟著節奏打節拍,全情投入其中,結束時熊仔獲得了全場掌聲,隨後他也直接在個人社群分享出整段歌詞,再度引起網友熱烈討論,許多人直呼:「饒舌致詞真的帥到不行!」
    2023/10/16 17:04
  • 張文綺「首次獨自搭機」遇暴雨 忙亂慌喊:Oh My God

    2023/10/10 18:19
  • 消失演藝圈7年!女星「街頭被捕獲」1動作秒遭認 驚人現況曝

    還記得她嗎?女星慧慈參加《分手擂台》首登螢光幕,進而打開知名度,之後以諧星身分參加綜藝節目,由於說話怪腔怪調、經典手勢蓮花指、口頭禪「Oh My God!」等,讓她一夕爆紅,已經消失演藝圈7年的她,今(15)日在街頭被網友捕獲,現況曝光了。
    2023/09/15 19:42
  • Tainan’s matchmaking event sparks romance among hopefuls

    The Lu-er-men Sheng Mu Temple in Tainan hosted a successful Qixi Festival celebration, drawing numerous attendees seeking love and connection. The event featured engaging activities, love-themed banquets, and a nod to Chinese mythology’s god of marriage.
    2023/08/21 16:54
  • NBA/勇士拚奪冠!李文斯頓指「格林、保羅要共存」:兩人都很自負

    衛冕失敗的勇士休賽季痛定思痛,送走小將普爾(Jordan Poole)換來明星控衛保羅(Chris Paul)的加盟,試圖透過這位「控衛之神(Point God)」的球場視野,達到增加更多進攻端可能性的目的;然而這款極限的小球陣容能否取得成功,仍是未知數。對此身為前冠軍班底的李文斯頓(Shaun Livingston)也提出自身看法,表態看好之餘,也提到一項必須滿足的先決條件。
    2023/08/14 10:32
  • 《光開門》錄一半傳巨響! 家家剛坐下「椰子墜落」林心如急衝出

    TVBS實境節目《光開門就很忙了》日前播出第四集,一早家家、戴愛玲和周予天在戶外座位等待早餐,沒想到座位旁的椰子樹瞬間掉落一個椰子,巨響把3人嚇壞,木地板甚至被砸到變形,目睹過程的家家驚魂未定大喊:「Oh my GOD!椰子掉下來!」店長林心如被聲響嚇了一跳,趕緊出來關心。
    2023/07/17 17:31
  • 李銘順脫口「Holy媽祖」帥瘋網友 與范逸臣對戲險挨揍

    「金鐘影帝」李銘順在律政劇《八尺門的辯護人》中飾演公設辯護人「佟寶駒」,演技被網友大讚「好瘋癲,但認真起來又超帥」,戲李,他三不五時就脫口「Holy媽祖」,他說拿到劇本時曾思考要怎麼去表達,「首要必須了解角色的性格,他是無神信仰的一個人,所以他才可以這樣說。」李銘順表示這句口頭禪也不是玩笑話,它其實是一種口頭上的感嘆詞,類似「Oh my god」的這種感覺,「非常適合佟寶駒這樣的人來說。」
    2023/07/15 12:30
  • 美饒舌歌手唱太嗨!粉絲成「空中飛人」跳下台 觀眾閃開他重摔

    歌手在台上享受舞台,有時隨著台下觀眾的熱情越來越激昂,歌手與粉絲也會做出瘋狂舉動顯現自己的陶醉與釋放。美國有一名饒舌歌手「Ski Mask the Slump God」本月8日到瑞士歐洲年度盛大音樂祭「Openair」演出,現場氣氛嗨到頂點,不過沒人想到他身旁粉絲竟太嗨跳下舞台,在空中飛了幾秒隨即墜地,所幸並無大礙。
    2023/07/11 22:42
  • 又口誤?拜登談槍枝管制突冒出「天佑女王」 台下超困惑

    美國總統拜登過去曾數度在鏡頭前迷路、與空氣握手、失言等,引發部分民眾懷疑他的身體狀況,可能已經無法勝任總統的位子。拜登近日於一場談槍枝管制的演說中,再次發生一起小風波。他在演說結束前,突然冒出一句「天佑女王(God save the queen, man!)」,讓場內觀眾一頭霧水。
    2023/06/17 15:35
  • Terry Gou, Ko Wen-je carry City God deity’s sedan chair

    Foxconn Founder Terry Gou and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je teamed up on Tuesday (May 30) in a show of unity as they participated in a sedan chair procession at Kinmen Island’s Wudao Cheng Huang Temple, also called City God Temple.
    2023/05/30 17:53
  • 朝聖護國神山 美記者讚嘆:在台積電看見「神的容顏」

    美國記者海弗南(Virginia Heffernan)近日於知名科技雜誌《Wired》發布文章,標題寫下「我在一座半導體廠看見上帝容顏」(I Saw the Face of God in a Semiconductor Factory),內容是他被拒絕3次後,破例獲准來台參訪「護國神山」台積電後的心得。
    2023/03/25 11:31
  • 新劇曝光!山下智久為《神之雫》減重 雙頰凹陷憔悴網嚇壞

    由山下智久主演的新劇《神之雫》(Drops of God)改編自日本經典葡萄酒漫畫,並由日本、美國、法國跨國團隊共同打造。山下智久在劇中除了講得一口流利英語,更特別為角色減重,在日前官方發布的首波劇照中,雙頰凹陷面容憔悴,嚇壞不少網友!
    2023/03/24 14:58
  • 《大嘻哈2》變戀愛巴士!God Øne、Majin自爆已規劃結婚

    MyVideo跟播人氣嘻哈選秀節目《大嘻哈時代2》,近日專訪選手小卡比、Rex、FRαNKIE阿法、God Øne以及Majin。小卡比透露,自己參加節目的原因是想證明自己不只是饒舌歌手,還是個綜藝咖,更笑封自己是「嘻哈沈玉琳」,在炒熱氣氛的同時,也展現絕佳嘻哈實力,被前輩勁敵阿法稱作是「天才型玩家」。
    2023/03/21 15:21
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