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    Formosa 結果共92筆

  • Lai Ching-te leads in latest Formosa Magazine poll

    Taiwan’s Formosa Magazine released its latest poll results for the 2024 presidential election. The Democratic Progressive Party’s Lai Ching-te leads in both three-way and four-way races, with the Kuomintang’s Hou Yu-ih closely behind. In a three-way race, Lai has 31.8%, followed by Hou with 29.6% and Taiwan People’s Party’s Ko Wen-je with 27.1%. In a four-way contest, Lai still leads with 30.4%, followed by Hou at 27.2%, Ko at 22.9%, and independent candidate Terry Gou at 5.5%. The poll also addressed the KMT-TPP alliance break, with 17.3% blaming the KMT, 26% blaming the TPP, 20% finding both parties accountable, and 22.3% expressing no opinion.
    2023/11/22 20:31
  • DPP’s Lai under pressure from KMT-TPP alliance, data reveals

    Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te is facing pressure from the opposition alliance formed by the Kuomintang (KMT) and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), according to a recent poll by Formosa Magazine. In a three-way race, Lai leads with 33.6% support, followed by KMT’s Hou Yu-ih at 28.5%, and TPP’s Ko Wen-je at 20.5%. The KMT-TPP union, known as the Blue-White Coalition, has put Lai in an unfavorable position, with a combined support for Hou and Ko reaching 49%. Political commentator Wu Tzu-chia noted the narrowing gap between Lai and Hou, with just a 5.1 percentage point difference. When Ko’s 20.5% support is considered, the Hou-Ko duo leads Lai by a significant 16 percentage points. The formation of the Blue-White Coalition has intensified the election battle for Lai, as indicated by the poll. The Blue-White agreement, reached on Nov. 15 by Ko, Hou, former president Ma Ying-jeou, and KMT Chairman Eric Chu, has caused ripples in Taiwan’s political landscape.
    2023/11/17 16:10
  • Lai Ching-te leads with 38.5% support: Formosa Magazine

    The latest poll by Formosa Magazine reveals that Lai Ching-te, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate, is leading the race for the 2024 presidential election in Taiwan with 38.5% support. The Kuomintang (KMT) candidate, Hou Yu-ih, trails behind at 26.2%, while Ko Wen-je, the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) candidate, secures 16.9% support. Including independent candidate Terry Gou, Lai is leading with 35.6% approval in the "four-legged race," followed by Hou at 22.2%, Ko at 16.9%, and Gou at the bottom with 6.9%. The survey also asked non-Lai supporters if they would vote for the candidate with the highest level of support among Ko, Hou, and Gou to beat the ruling DPP. 45.5% of respondents disagreed, while 39.1% agreed. In comparison to the previous poll, Lai saw a 0.8 percentage point increase to 38.5% in a three-legged race, while Hou dropped 1.4 percentage points to 26.2%. Ko, on the other hand, increased by 1.4 percentage points. Regardless of the race format, Hou currently beats Ko by five to six percentage points. The poll was conducted from November 2-3 and 6, surveying 1,201 adults across 22 counties and cities nationwide, with an error margin of 2.8% at a 95% confidence level.
    2023/11/08 19:54
  • PLG/夢想家啦啦隊超重磅補強 低胸小蠻腰辣翻中台灣

    PLG福爾摩沙夢想家今(1)天舉行開季記者會,除了球員身著全新戰袍亮相外,啦啦隊天花板Formosa Sexy宣告繼續打造中台灣「魔鬼主場」,今天穿著低胸小可愛搭配白色短褲亮相,Formosa Sexy今年陣容大升級,職棒人氣啦啦隊女神賴可也將在新賽季加入Formosa Sexy應援陣容,希望帶給球迷視覺和球技表現上雙重享受;今年夢想家也經營台中、彰化雙主場,Formosa Sexy不只會現身台中,也將把應援文化擴及到彰化。
    2023/11/01 17:35
  • 才傳滾床張立東!啦啦隊女神偷戀男星 墨鏡反射兇猛比基尼洩愛

    25歲的統一獅啦啦隊「Uni Girls」的成員許斐棋(Faye)今(1)日遭週刊爆料熱戀大9歲男星張瀚元,街頭牽手、過夜全被直擊,小倆口IG早低調放閃,情侶鐵證全曝光。而另一職籃啦啦隊「Formosa Sexy」隊長「梓梓」董梓甯,戀上男星情史也被重提。
    2023/11/01 09:27
  • President Tsai’s latest approval rating hits record low

    The approval rating of President Tsai Ing-wen has dropped to a record low of 43.9%, decreasing by 5.7 points from the previous month, according to a recent survey conducted by My Formosa. Executive Yuan Premier Chen Chien-jen’s job approval rating declined by 40%, marking a personal low during his nine-month administrative period.
    2023/10/31 15:58
  • Poll shows decline in support for DPP candidate Lai

    The latest national poll by My Formosa reveals a slight decline in support for Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate Lai Ching-te in the upcoming 2024 presidential election in Taiwan. Lai currently holds 33.7% of support, slightly lower than the previous month. On the other hand, Kuomintang (KMT) candidate Hou Yu-ih has seen a slight increase in backing, with 24.6% support. Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) candidate Ko Wen-je closely trails behind with 23.9% support.
    2023/10/31 15:56
  • Poll: DPP’s Lai leads 2024 presidential race with 34.7%

    A recent poll conducted by online magazine My Formosa reveals that Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te is currently leading the race for the 2024 presidential election in Taiwan with 34.7%. The survey indicates a narrow gap between Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) candidate Ko Wen-je and Kuomintang (KMT) candidate Hou Yu-ih, with only a 0.5% difference. Even if independent candidate Terry Gou joins the race, Lai’s lead is projected to persist. The survey was conducted from Oct. 23 to Oct. 25, with 1,470 individuals successfully interviewed. The maximum margin of error is ±2.6% and the confidence level is 95%.
    2023/10/28 14:28
  • Formosa Express unveils unique Halloween event

    Experience Halloween-themed magic on Taiwan’s Formosa Express train. Enjoy nail painting, snacks, and more. Passengers in costumes embrace the festive spirit. Limited run from Oct 25-31.
    2023/10/25 17:29
  • 軍營暴動!啦啦隊女神穿深U懇親助理 攜洋將天菜送「情色組合」

    PLG職籃台新夢想家啦啦隊「Formosa Sexy」女神梓梓(董梓甯),憑甜美外型及火辣身材,加上與藝人張立東頻傳緋聞引發話題,在IG擁有85萬人追隨。她昨(8)日在IG發布到成功嶺懇親,與同團的麻吉「洋將天菜」Lulumi一同探視助理,不僅自掏腰包幫助裡買鞋,更特意送出「情色組合」,擁有這種老闆讓網友們羨慕不已。
    2023/10/09 11:32
  • Police rescue injured pig from Formosa Freeway

    In a bizarre incident on the Formosa Freeway near Nantou, drivers were surprised to find an injured pig in the middle of the road. The Highway Police and Freeway Bureau were quickly alerted and worked together to remove the animal from the highway. The handlers of the pig were held accountable for violating traffic laws.
    2023/10/04 18:33
  • Formosa poll: 34.9% prefer DPP’s continued tenure

    Taiwan’s 2024 presidential election landscape takes shape as Formosa, a major pollster, releases its 43rd track poll results. Find out which party is favored for the next four years and the public sentiment on a potential political change.
    2023/09/22 19:05
  • 扎根科學教育 台塑辦營隊帶領學生探索

    2023/08/24 16:58
  • 才爆上床男星!啦啦隊女神「鈕扣驚被撐破」堅挺狂晃片流出

    32歲女星梓梓(董梓甯)現為PLG台新夢想家啦啦隊「Formosa Sexy」的隊長,憑著惹火身材和精湛舞姿廣受粉絲喜愛,先前更被爆出緋聞,有網友指她疑似和男星張立東上床,但遭雙方否認。近日梓梓釋出大跳女團新曲的舞蹈影片,只見她胸前開了5個洞,鈕扣險被撐破,上圍呼之欲出,讓網友全暴動。
    2023/08/02 14:41
  • 女神梓梓因他錄音室爆哭! 嘎嘎否認還原:被叫來鞭屍

    東風衛視與霹靂合製的節目《音樂主理人》,本週將進行團體對抗賽之異業結合的下半場,在「啦啦隊應援曲」一戰由A組 的NIO、JAS、JOCELYN對決C組的潘俊佳(嘎嘎)、伊西、翊庭,為了讓兩隊能更了解啦啦隊的需求,啦啦隊女團FORMOSA SEXY特別現身指導,隊長梓梓一看到嘎嘎,馬上鞠躬喊:「教官好。」
    2023/07/27 16:48
  • Hou Yu-ih gains traction in race with 19.9% approval rating

    The 2024 presidential election in Taiwan is heating up as new polls indicate a tight race among the candidates. According to a recent survey conducted by Formosa Website, the Kuomintang (KMT) candidate, Hou Yu-ih, has seen a slight rise in support, reaching 19.9%.
    2023/07/27 15:53
  • 錢薇娟當「音樂節目評審」遭觀眾不服抗議! 製作單位揭原因

    《MUSIC MAKER 音樂主理人》第四集開頭即公布了第一輪「以愛之名」競賽的分數,而第二輪賽制為選手專為三個籃球隊相關品牌量身訂做歌曲,本次賽制中,除了閻弈格、呂士軒、李友廷與主持人陶晶瑩四位擔任評審外,更請來T1聯盟會長錢薇娟、高雄海神執行長李偉誠、「Formosa Sexy」啦啦隊成員擔任客座評審。
    2023/07/25 14:35
  • 嘎嘎被爆「跟啦啦隊要電話」 陶晶瑩目睹現場大喊:為什麼?

    東風衛視、霹靂合製的《音樂主理人》本週五晚間7點播出第四集,請參賽選手們為品牌量身打造一首歌曲,分別要創作出「球隊之歌」,「啦啦隊應援曲」與「MVP之歌」,飛行導師由呂士軒,閻奕格,李友廷擔任,還特地邀來職業籃球聯盟會長錢薇娟,以及職籃球隊CEO Wilson、啦啦隊「Formosa Sexy」來擔任陪審團,投下神聖的一票。
    2023/07/20 17:44
  • 啦啦隊女神回娘家!自曝10年前「超青澀舊照」 網全暈:太可愛

    目前效力於台灣PLG職籃台新夢想家啦啦隊「Formosa Sexy」的女神梓梓,除了擁有甜美的外貌外,還有極為火辣的身材,因此在網路上擁有大批粉絲追隨。不過,許多人不曉得的是,入行超過10年的梓梓,其實最初是在中華職棒「Lamigo Girls」(樂天女孩前身)出道,日前她除了受邀「回娘家」外,更加碼曬出昔日的青澀舊照,引發網友們熱議。
    2023/07/07 08:33
  • 才告贏Faye!陳建寧驚爆「心臟劇痛」送醫 立斷拒絕開刀

    F.I.R團長陳建寧續任第二屆「善愛嘉年華」愛意樹公益演唱會音樂總監,特別號召音樂圈眾星好友一齊錄唱公益單曲〈我愛故我在〉,包括F.I.R阿沁、康康(康晋榮)、郭書瑤、林曉培、莫凡新、郭家瑋、蔡永淳、ALL IN 5、Formosa Sexy等皆獻聲響應,今(4)日特地舉辦記者會,提到這次的主題曲,其實是他親身體悟得到靈感而來,他自曝年初時身體突然出狀況,「半夜睡到一半突然心絞痛,心跳160,就醫後診斷出原來自己有心律不整的問題」。 ​​​​​​​
    2023/07/04 16:18
  • 製作人出大包!康康「臨機應變」結果曝光 工作人員都傻了

    去年由F.I.R.團長陳建寧創作公益歌曲,支持「善愛嘉年華」大型公益活動,今年再度邀請F.I.R.陳建寧操刀製作,並號召康康(康晋榮)、郭書瑤、林曉培、ALL IN 5、Formosa Sexy、郭家瑋、莫凡新、蔡永淳攜手為公益獻聲發行全新單曲〈我愛故我在〉,活動也將在8月11日至13日在南港展覽館2館舉辦大型ESG公益活動。
    2023/06/22 13:54
  • 才傳滾床張立東!啦啦隊女神爆熱戀男星 墨鏡倒影驚見比基尼露餡

    職籃啦啦隊「Formosa Sexy」隊長「梓梓」董梓甯,擁有E級上圍,外型甜美可愛,是許多男性心中的啦啦隊女神。不過,人紅是非多,曾被硬扯和男星張立東上床,雙方否認。而今(14)日週刊爆料,梓梓傳出熱戀另一名男星且同居,稱隊友小雞是「室友」卻未同住,經紀公司回應了。
    2023/06/14 08:07
  • 張立東傳上床啦啦隊女神!籃籃認「我是過去式」無預警爆喜訊

    男星張立東曾爆出與Formosa Sexy啦啦隊隊長「梓梓」(董梓甯)上床,與張立東也曾傳過緋聞的另一位啦啦隊女神籃籃,今(9)日竟驚吐「我已經是他的過去式了」,並無預警爆驚人喜訊!
    2023/05/09 18:00
  • 啦啦隊女神閨房遭闖!驚搜出「保險套」 臉秒漲紅羞曝用途

    從國光幫出道的女星壯壯(沈立心)是中職樂天桃猿「樂天女孩」的應援團團長,也是籃球PLG台新夢想家「Formosa Sexy」啦啦隊一員,擁有可愛臉蛋,性感翹臀,獲封「人間水蜜桃」。近日被好友啦啦隊女神琳妲(林羿禎)在家中房間搜出保險套,壯壯害羞回應了。
    2023/05/08 14:33
  • 遭爆上床!梓梓首公開「與張立東真實關係」 媽點名他當女婿:腰力很好

    男星張立東日前與職籃啦啦隊「Formosa Sexy」隊長梓梓(董梓甯)爆出緋聞,甚至有網友說「梓梓不是都已經跟張立東上床了?」,即使雙方都澄清沒有此事,卻依然引起高度討論。張立東今(5)日與梓梓同場錄影《同學來了》,梓媽「苒姐」也在現場,她竟大方表明「張立東可以當女婿」,因為他的腰力很好。
    2023/05/05 17:54
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