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    Formosa 結果共89筆

  • Premier Chen visits Taiwan’s first offshore wind farm

    Discover how Taiwan is leading in green energy with Premier Chen Chien-jen’s visit to Formosa 1, the nation’s first offshore wind farm, emphasizing offshore wind power and the goal for net-zero emissions by 2050.
    2024/05/07 15:35
  • 壯壯赴韓應援心聲首曝光!感動喊:我來自台灣 無視潛水團長爭議 

    壯壯(沈立心)除了是職棒樂天桃猿啦啦隊團長,還身兼職籃啦啦隊「Formosa Sexy」的成員,擁有前凸後身材,被封「人間水蜜桃」。壯壯日前無預警宣布加盟韓國水原足球俱樂部,正式成為首位台灣啦啦隊外援成員,嗨喊:「台式應援要正式進入韓國啦!」,最近才剛完成初登板的她,今(1)日也在社群寫下長文分享心情,直呼一切都很不可思議。
    2024/05/01 19:38
  • 「人間水蜜桃」壯壯宣布加盟「韓國球隊」 台式應援首外援!網讚:台灣第一人

    壯壯(沈立心)除了是職棒樂天桃猿啦啦隊團長,還身兼職籃啦啦隊「Formosa Sexy」的成員,擁有前凸後身材,被封「人間水蜜桃」。今(27)日壯壯無預警宣布,重磅加盟韓國水原足球俱樂部,嗨喊:「台式應援要正式進入韓國啦!」
    2024/04/27 12:22
  • 影音/啦啦隊「遭拍裙底1角度」 梓梓動怒爆粗口公開證據

    2024/04/25 11:19
  • 遭偷拍裙底反被質問「不能拍嗎」?梓梓丟證據怒回:他放大私密處

    職籃聯盟PLG台新夢想家球團20日聲明,有一名男性觀眾以不當角度拍攝啦啦員,呼籲球迷理性支持,再有相關行為絕不寬待。卻有部分人士稱「敢穿還怕人拍」、「誰叫你們要穿那麼短」,夢想家啦啦隊「Formosa Sexy」隊長梓梓(董梓甯)昨(22)日對此怒斥,問題在於該觀眾對著私密處放大拍攝,「期盼大家留點口德」,勿再檢討受害人。
    2024/04/23 23:20
  • 梓梓董梓甯「胸前釦子快炸開」! 辣跳ILLIT手指舞激喊:有吸到你嗎

    女星梓梓(董梓甯),是職籃P. LEAGUE+台新夢想家啦啦隊「Formosa Sexy」的隊長兼總監,擁有甜美的臉蛋、不科學的逆天長腿、受封為「本土第一美胸」的豐滿上圍、加上酷炫又不失優美的舞蹈實力,圈粉無數。她常在社群平台分享「激辣福利照」,截至目前,IG已累積超過87萬名鐵粉追蹤。前天(14)日上傳影片,在鏡頭前飆跳南韓女團ILLIT夯曲〈Magnetic〉手指舞,性感模樣辣翻大票網友,短短兩天時間,就累積超過2萬人按讚關注,顯見女神人氣相當高。
    2024/04/16 17:03
  • 啦啦隊女神賴可驚曝「想找點麻煩」! 曬比基尼辣照羞吐寂寞心聲

    「棒籃雙棲」超人氣啦啦隊女神「賴可」,目前是味全龍啦啦隊Dragon Beauties及福爾摩沙夢想家啦啦隊Formosa Sexy的成員,擁有清新甜美的童顏及絕頂傲人身材,鄰家女孩般的親切氣質,再搭配個性開朗活潑的個性,深受球迷喜愛,個人IG至今已狂吸超過12萬追蹤。近期她趁白色情人節放送福利,曬出性感指數破表的泳裝辣照,並鬆口表示想擺脫多年單身、談個戀愛。讓網友看了爭先留言報名「我要改名叫麻煩了」。
    2024/03/17 16:12
  • Formosa Plastics invests NT$318M to upgrade heavy industries

    Formosa Plastics Corporation will invest NT$318.03 million into Formosa Heavy Industries to expand its business operations. The corporation plans to spend NT$59.58 million on two designation projects and two initiatives to upgrade manufacturing processes. The decision is a response to the impact of China’s "Refining-chemical integration" endeavor, which has caused a dip in demand for petrochemicals and plastics. By enhancing equipment, Formosa Plastics aims to increase carbon fiber and PVC production capabilities, anticipating a positive market boost. Despite reduced shipping days during the Lunar New Year, the company projects a seasonally high-demand period post-Lunar New Year. With lower inflation in Western countries and growing consumer confidence, the market is expected to warm up.
    2024/02/07 16:52
  • Taipei 101 honors late DPP leader Shih Ming-te with lights

    Taipei 101 lights up to honor the late Shih Ming-te, former DPP chairman, with a light display showcasing messages of mourning and gratitude. President Tsai Ing-wen acknowledges Shih’s dedication to democracy and his role in Taiwan’s democratic movement. She highlights his involvement in Formosa Magazine, promoting democracy, freedom, and human rights. Tsai emphasizes Taiwan’s transition to an open democracy and its position as a key member of the international democratic alliance. She expresses gratitude for Shih’s contributions and vows to unite all forces in building a better Taiwan.
    2024/01/16 10:02
  • CEC confirms uninterrupted presidential debate broadcast

    The Taiwan Central Election Commission (CEC) responded to concerns about commercial interruptions during the presidential TV debate held on December 20. The CEC clarified that the entire event was broadcast without interruption and reaffirmed that Formosa Television (FTV) followed the law in broadcasting the debate. The CEC also addressed rumors circulating online, confirming that no irregularities were found in regards to ad insertions or candidate speech snippets. The full event was available for viewing on the official CEC website and Facebook page.
    2023/12/21 21:05
  • DPP’s Hsiao Bi-khim touts ’Taiwanese Spirit’ in Yunlin

    DPP vice presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim emphasizes the importance of embracing the "Taiwanese spirit" for effective foreign policies, understanding Taiwan’s strengths and needs, and bolstering defense forces to foster international friendships. Hsiao rallies support for the DPP during her campaign stop in Yunlin, reaffirming the commitment of the "Lai-Hsiao ticket" to continue President Tsai Ing-wen’s policies. She engages in a multilingual question-and-answer session with students at National Formosa University, highlighting Taiwan’s kindness and contributions and emphasizing the country’s commitment to equity, justice, and democratic peace.
    2023/12/20 10:58
  • Lai cites Hong Kong’s plight in Taiwan election rally

    Presidential candidate Lai Ching-te warns against Taiwan becoming the next Hong Kong and emphasizes the need to resist Chinese aggression. He cites Hong Kong pro-democracy activist Agnes Chow as an example of what Taiwan must avoid. Lai criticizes the plans of rival candidates to renegotiate the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement with China, recalling the 2014 Sunflower Student Movement. Vice presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim highlights Taiwan’s capabilities to construct warships and produce missiles, symbolizing the Taiwanese people’s fearlessness against Chinese pressure.
    2023/12/11 20:44
  • 啦啦隊女神宣布新身分!內衣外露放送「屁股蛋」 滿滿邪惡視角

    T1職籃啦啦隊「Formosa Sexy」成員們近日攜手開咖喱店,此處已成為她們工作空檔中最喜歡的去處,隊長梓梓(董梓甯)笑說:「雖然店內的位置只有8個,很難搶,但是有個空間可以凝聚大家,開會討論、放鬆聚餐也好,真的很療癒。」
    2023/12/11 20:08
  • Ko-Ying ticket’s surge to 3M votes stuns in Taiwan polls

    The latest presidential poll reveals that the Ko-Ying ticket of the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) is projected to secure between 2.535 million to 2.726 million votes. My Formosa Chairman Wu Tzu-chia described these numbers as "terrifying." The Lai-Hsiao ticket of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is estimated to receive a vote share of 40.6 percent to 42.7 percent, translating to 5.534 million to 5.820 million votes. The Hou-Kang ticket of the Kuomintang (KMT) is expected to garner 38.6% to 39.6% of the vote, amounting to 5.261 million to 5.398 million votes. The Ko-Ying ticket is anticipated to achieve a vote percentage of 18.6% to 20.0%. Wu emphasized that TPP’s presidential candidate Ko Wen-je holds nearly 3 million votes, which could influence the election’s outcome. Ko’s popularity surged after launching the ’KP Show,’ causing DPP candidate Lai Ching-te’s polling numbers to decrease by nearly two percentage points from 40%. Wu acknowledged the remarkable shift of young voters aligning with Ko Wen-je instead of the KMT.
    2023/12/11 20:07
  • DPP decries false media claims on presidential debates

    The spokesperson for Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te’s campaign office expressed regret over inaccurate and malicious media reports about the upcoming presidential debates. The spokesperson demanded corrections from outlets that claimed certain media were favored during the debates and alleged a coalition aiming to gang up on fellow candidates Hou Yu-ih and Ko Wen-je. It was emphasized that the decision for 11 media organizations to jointly host the debates is a longstanding practice resulting from two rounds of negotiations without interference from any campaign offices. The spokesperson also highlighted misinformation circulated by China Times, one of the debate co-hosts, despite its involvement in the meetings. The 2024 presidential election debates are scheduled to be held at Public Television Service (PTS) on December 30 at 2 p.m., with the vice presidential debates tentatively scheduled for January 1, 2024, also at 2 p.m. The 11 media entities collaboratively organizing the debates include Central News Agency (CNA), China Times, Liberty Times, United Daily News, SET News, Taiwan Television, Formosa Television, Chinese Television System (CTS), Mirror Media, TVBS News, and Public Television Service. PTS will produce and broadcast the debates, including comprehensive sign language services for the hearing impaired.
    2023/12/09 15:34
  • DPP’s Lai-Hsiao lead shrinks, KMT’s Hou-Jaw close behind

    A new poll by My Formosa reveals that support for the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) Lai-Hsiao ticket has decreased to 37.8%, while the Kuomintang’s (KMT) Hou-Kang ticket is close behind at 32.6%. The Taiwan People’s Party’s (TPP) Ko-Ying ticket has seen an increase in support, rising to 17.3%. The poll reflects public concern over Lai Ching-te’s alleged illegal building and potential tax evasion issues, which he has addressed emotionally in public and during TV interviews. In contrast, Hou Yu-ih’s housing policy, which aims to eliminate down payments for young homebuyers, has sparked significant social debate. This poll is part of an extended series of surveys conducted from July 17, 2023, to Jan. 12, 2024, with each wave occurring every three days. The sampling process involved the use of landline numbers from Chunghwa Telecom’s residential phonebook, employing stratified random sampling matched by proportional allocation, and incorporating a technique to randomly substitute the last two digits to avoid excluding unregistered numbers. The poll reached 1,201 respondents, achieving a 95% confidence level with a maximum sampling error of ±2.8%.
    2023/12/09 15:00
  • DPP leads over KMT, TPP trails in latest poll

    A new poll conducted by Formosa Magazine shows that the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) ticket of Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim is leading with 40.1% support, followed by the Kuomintang (KMT) duo Hou Yu-ih and Jaw Shaw-kong with 31.6%. The Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) pair Ko Wen-je and Cynthia Wu received the lowest support at 14.8%. The survey also revealed that 3.3% of respondents would not vote or cast an invalid vote, and 10.2% were undecided. The poll shows a slight increase of 1.8 percentage points for the Lai-Hsiao alliance, a 0.2 percentage point rise for the Hou-Jaw ticket, and no change for the Ko-Wu ticket compared to the previous poll. In terms of party governance preferences, 35.3% favored the DPP staying in power, while 29.1% supported a handover to the KMT, and 13.3% were in favor of the TPP. Additionally, 47% disagreed with the idea of voting for the opposition party with the highest level of support to remove the ruling party, while 41.1% agreed. The poll interviewed 1,201 Taiwanese citizens aged 20 and above across 22 counties and cities using computer-assisted telephone interviewing from Dec. 4 to Dec. 6. The confidence level was at 95% with a maximum sampling error of ±2.8%.
    2023/12/07 19:47
  • Lai-Hsiao ticket surges to 38% in latest Taiwan poll

    The latest poll by My Formosa Online reveals a resurgence in support for the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) Lai-Hsiao ticket, giving them a 38% lead over other contenders. The Koumintang’s (KMT) "Hou-Kang ticket" follows in second place with 31.7% support, while the Taiwan People’s Party’s (TPP) "Ko-Ying ticket" has experienced a decline, capturing only 14.9%. Initially, the KMT and TPP saw an increase in their numbers, fueled by speculation of a potential joint ticket. However, as the possibility of an alliance fell through and vice-presidential candidates were announced, support for Lai Ching-te of the DPP began to stabilize. This shift highlights the dynamic political landscape in Taiwan as parties solidify their tickets and prepare for an intense election season. The upcoming months are expected to be particularly vibrant as parties strategize to gain ground in voter preferences and address perceived weaknesses.
    2023/12/05 21:51
  • DPP leads in latest 2024 election poll; KMT trails

    The latest poll by Formosa Magazine reveals that the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is leading the 2024 Taiwan presidential race, with the Kuomintang (KMT) trailing with approximately 30% support, and the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) at the bottom. Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim, the DPP presidential candidates, have an approval rating of 36.3%, while the KMT contenders, Hou Yu-ih and Jaw Shaw-Kong, hold a 31.0% approval rating. Ko Wen-je and Cynthia Wu of the TPP secured an 18% support rate. In terms of party support, 32.4% of respondents favored the DPP to continue governing, 28.9% supported the KMT taking the reins, and 14.8% backed the TPP to lead. When asked about an alternation of ruling parties, 37.8% favored voting for the opposition party with the highest polls, while 51.4% disagreed. The poll also examined negative sentiments towards the candidates, with 33.3% least wanting to see Lai Ching-te become president, followed by Ko Wen-je at 23.8% and Hou Yu-ih at 16.4%. Among committed supporters, 20.5% declared unwavering support for the Lai-Hsiao ticket, while Hou and Jaw received 20.0%, and Ko and Wu had 9.1%. However, 41.9% of voters did not pledge strong allegiance to any candidate. The poll, conducted from Nov. 24 to Nov. 28, 2023, used the Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) method and successfully interviewed 1,476 people with a 95% confidence level.
    2023/11/29 21:15
  • Lai Ching-te leads Taiwan election poll by narrow margin

    The latest poll from the "Formosa" website reveals a close race in Taiwan’s presidential election, with Lai Ching-te of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) leading by a slim margin of 31.4%, followed closely by Hou Yu-ih of the Kuomintang (KMT) at 31.1%. Ko Wen-je of the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) trails in third place with 25.2%, over 6 percentage points behind the front-runners. Former legislator Shen Fu-hsiung, speaking on TVBS Situation Room, analyzed the situation, highlighting that the close polling between Hou and Ko does not give Lai a significant advantage. However, he cautioned against calls for a collaboration between the KMT and TPP at this time. Shen further explained that in presidential system countries like Taiwan, cooperation talks are not typically pursued, unlike in parliamentary systems where post-election coalitions may form. With the widening gap in support between Hou and Ko, Shen urged political observers to abandon the idea of a pan-blue alliance. He also emphasized that if the KMT aims to surpass the DPP in the upcoming elections, they should focus on diminishing the TPP’s support and consolidating the pan-blue vote without relying on a formal alliance.
    2023/11/25 14:04
  • DPP’s Lai narrowly leads KMT’s Hou in latest Taiwan poll

    In a closely contested presidential race in Taiwan, a recent poll by Formosa Magazine shows that the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate, Lai Ching-te, holds a slim lead over his Kuomintang (KMT) rival, Hou Yu-ih. Lai stands at 31.4%, while Hou is close behind at 31.1%, and the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) contender, Ko Wen-je, trails at 25.2%. The razor-thin margin of just 0.3 percentage points between Lai and Hou highlights the intense competition as Taiwan enters the final stage of the election. This election also presents the possibility of a shift in political power, with 27.8% supporting the continuation of the DPP government, 26.8% backing the KMT, and 16.5% siding with the TPP. Approximately 2.9% of the population supports an independent candidate. DPP sources claim that recent unusual polling activities are due to vigorous mobilization by the pan-blue and white camps (KMT and TPP), which have anomalously driven declared rates from about 50% to a staggering 90%. The poll was conducted over three days, from Nov. 21-23, using Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) and had a valid sample size of 1,331 respondents. The poll paints a picture of a fiercely contested election, with an electorate divided on its future leadership.
    2023/11/24 18:18
  • KMT candidate Hou exposes Ko’s message on Gou’s race exit

    During a three-way election talk in Taipei, Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih revealed a private message sent by independent candidate Ko Wen-je, implying that Terry Gou, another independent candidate, needs a reason to withdraw from the race. The gathering, attended by Gou, Hou, Ko, former president Ma Ying-jeou, and KMT chairman Eric Chu, has been seen as a classic pre-election scene. Hou accidentally disclosed Ko’s comments about Gou needing an excuse to step down. Ko had intended to hold a meeting among the three parties to demonstrate their commitment to Taiwan’s future. By giving Gou a chance to host the meeting and act as a driving force behind the KMT-TPP ticket, Ko believed Gou could withdraw from the race without embarrassment. Gou was reportedly shocked by this revelation, as he was unaware of the messages exchanged. Wu Tzu-chia, president of Formosa Online, commented on the incident, highlighting Gou’s surprise and his initial intention to promote opposition unity. However, Ko’s reaction to the leaked message was ironic, as he criticized Hou and exposed his own pretense, adding further controversy to the already heated election atmosphere.
    2023/11/24 18:00
  • Lai Ching-te leads in latest Formosa Magazine poll

    Taiwan’s Formosa Magazine released its latest poll results for the 2024 presidential election. The Democratic Progressive Party’s Lai Ching-te leads in both three-way and four-way races, with the Kuomintang’s Hou Yu-ih closely behind. In a three-way race, Lai has 31.8%, followed by Hou with 29.6% and Taiwan People’s Party’s Ko Wen-je with 27.1%. In a four-way contest, Lai still leads with 30.4%, followed by Hou at 27.2%, Ko at 22.9%, and independent candidate Terry Gou at 5.5%. The poll also addressed the KMT-TPP alliance break, with 17.3% blaming the KMT, 26% blaming the TPP, 20% finding both parties accountable, and 22.3% expressing no opinion.
    2023/11/22 20:31
  • DPP’s Lai under pressure from KMT-TPP alliance, data reveals

    Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te is facing pressure from the opposition alliance formed by the Kuomintang (KMT) and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), according to a recent poll by Formosa Magazine. In a three-way race, Lai leads with 33.6% support, followed by KMT’s Hou Yu-ih at 28.5%, and TPP’s Ko Wen-je at 20.5%. The KMT-TPP union, known as the Blue-White Coalition, has put Lai in an unfavorable position, with a combined support for Hou and Ko reaching 49%. Political commentator Wu Tzu-chia noted the narrowing gap between Lai and Hou, with just a 5.1 percentage point difference. When Ko’s 20.5% support is considered, the Hou-Ko duo leads Lai by a significant 16 percentage points. The formation of the Blue-White Coalition has intensified the election battle for Lai, as indicated by the poll. The Blue-White agreement, reached on Nov. 15 by Ko, Hou, former president Ma Ying-jeou, and KMT Chairman Eric Chu, has caused ripples in Taiwan’s political landscape.
    2023/11/17 16:10
  • Lai Ching-te leads with 38.5% support: Formosa Magazine

    The latest poll by Formosa Magazine reveals that Lai Ching-te, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate, is leading the race for the 2024 presidential election in Taiwan with 38.5% support. The Kuomintang (KMT) candidate, Hou Yu-ih, trails behind at 26.2%, while Ko Wen-je, the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) candidate, secures 16.9% support. Including independent candidate Terry Gou, Lai is leading with 35.6% approval in the "four-legged race," followed by Hou at 22.2%, Ko at 16.9%, and Gou at the bottom with 6.9%. The survey also asked non-Lai supporters if they would vote for the candidate with the highest level of support among Ko, Hou, and Gou to beat the ruling DPP. 45.5% of respondents disagreed, while 39.1% agreed. In comparison to the previous poll, Lai saw a 0.8 percentage point increase to 38.5% in a three-legged race, while Hou dropped 1.4 percentage points to 26.2%. Ko, on the other hand, increased by 1.4 percentage points. Regardless of the race format, Hou currently beats Ko by five to six percentage points. The poll was conducted from November 2-3 and 6, surveying 1,201 adults across 22 counties and cities nationwide, with an error margin of 2.8% at a 95% confidence level.
    2023/11/08 19:54
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