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    Calum Scott 結果共8筆

  • Calum Scott lights up Taipei with debut performance

    British singer Calum Scott delighted Taiwanese fans with his debut performance at Taipei Arena, showcasing his hit songs and embracing local culture. From exploring Taipei 101 to serenading the audience with heartfelt melodies, Scott’s visit to Taiwan left a lasting impression on both the artist and his fans.
    2024/03/28 12:05
  • 卡倫史考特首次功蛋!驚見台下「這一幕」哭了 真實心聲曝光

    「英倫情人」卡倫史考特(Calum Scott)今(27)日首度登上台北小巨蛋,超愛美食的卡倫史考特在演出前一晚特地到餐廳享用美食,更造訪台北101開心PO上IG,把握這次短暫的台北之旅,演唱會一開場卡倫史考特就帶來今年初驚喜推出的暖心單曲〈Lighthouse〉,接著一連深情獻唱多首經典神曲,引全場歌迷一齊大合唱,場面超震撼壯觀!
    2024/03/27 21:41
  • Calum Scott to electrify Taipei with first solo concert

    British soul singer Calum Scott is gearing up for his first solo concert at Taipei Arena on March 27. Discover his journey from being chosen as Ed Sheeran’s opening act in Kaohsiung to the excitement of his Taiwanese fans. Join Scott for an unforgettable performance and secure your tickets now at kham.com.tw.
    2024/03/26 17:53
  • 卡倫史考特來了!首攻蛋自爆是媽寶 認思鄉:想叫媽媽洗衣服

    英國靈魂唱將卡倫史考特(Calum Scott)擁有多首經典神曲,累計逾百億次數點擊,明(27)日他將在台北小巨蛋,首度舉辦個人專場演唱會,今舉辦記者會,開心表示再度來台,心情很好、很神奇,直呼是夢想成真,更高喊:「我愛台灣!」
    2024/03/26 16:50
  • 日韓藝人接力來台! 日樂團羊文學驚喜開唱重現《咒術迴戰》神曲

    日本文青樂團「羊文學」(羊文学)重磅宣布將於4月4日兒童節來台開唱!將於Zepp New Taipei舞台舉辦演唱會《羊文学 ASIA TOUR 2024》台北站,繼「平成歌姬」宇多田光(Hikau Hitada)、日本「Bossa Nova女王」小野麗莎(Lisa Ono)、「英倫情人」卡倫史考特(Calum Scott)等又一接力來台的海外藝人大亮點。
    2024/02/29 11:11
  • 才被紅髮艾德欽點!卡倫史考特宣布站上小巨蛋 時間點曝光

    百億串流「英倫情人」卡倫史考特Calum Scott,繼今年2月由英國創作天王王紅髮艾德欽點擔任開場嘉賓,首次亮相台灣,溫暖歌聲讓無數粉絲為之動容。他寵粉宣布在正式出道六年後,首度在台灣舉辦個人專場演唱會,於3月27日一舉攻上台北小巨蛋,透過他非凡的唱腔和深刻的情感,展現對台灣歌迷們最真摯的回饋。卡倫史考特Calum Scott台北2024演唱會將於2月29日正式開賣,購票請洽寬宏藝術。
    2024/02/26 12:51
  • 替紅髮艾德暖場!卡倫史考倫飆唱「咖啡神曲」 5.6萬粉絲嗨翻

    「英倫情人」卡倫史考特(Calum Scott)首度來台,今(3)晚擔任紅髮艾德(Ed Sheeran)的暖場嘉賓,他穿上亮黃色西裝亮相,像是呼應在高雄亮相的黃色小鴨。唱及在台傳唱度極高的咖啡廣告曲〈You Are The Reason〉,讓全場5.6萬多名粉絲嗨翻天,更替他打造閃爍手機燈海,讓卡倫感動直喊:「台灣,謝謝!」
    2024/02/03 20:34
  • Ed Sheeran set to rock Kaohsiung with historic concert

    Don’t miss Ed Sheeran’s first concert in Kaohsiung on February 3rd, with doors opening at 4 p.m. The event will feature an opening act by Calum Scott at 7 p.m., followed by Sheeran taking the stage at 8 p.m. After wrapping up his concert in Japan, Sheeran flew to Kaohsiung to continue his global tour. This historic performance will accommodate over 50,000 fans and required equipment to be shipped from Japan on chartered cargo planes. Sheeran’s record-breaking success in the UK, including the Gold BRIT Billion Award, makes this concert an extraordinary event.
    2024/02/02 16:07
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