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  • BTS RM新曲《Come back to me》合作台樂團落日飛車主唱 攻佔排行榜

    2024/05/12 14:32
  • 甜蜜天后要來了!王心凌入圍女歌手5月登小巨蛋 同場還有人氣男神

    2024hito流行音樂獎頒獎典禮5月25日於台北小巨蛋盛大登場,今(8)日公布最終出席名單,曝光重量級歌手,王心凌、艾薇、李千娜、張哲瀚、閻奕格、魏如萱將閃耀出席頒獎典禮,總計超過30組超豪華卡司共襄盛舉,也是王心凌推出《Bite Back》專輯以來首次參與的大型音樂頒獎典禮,對此格外重視並精心安排專屬於2024 hito流行音樂獎的華麗舞台,讓歌迷們引頸期盼。
    2024/05/08 12:49
  • 暴動!王心凌唱一半他無預警「公開示愛」 真實反應曝光

    王心凌2024「SUGAR HIGH世界巡迴演唱會」,昨(30)日在澳門銀河綜藝館甜嗨登場,王心凌率領20位舞者唱跳〈Bite Back〉、〈Baby boy〉、〈Woosa Woosa〉、〈彩虹的微笑〉等快歌揭開序幕,LED蛋糕舞台拆解、重組,令人目不暇給,王心凌連續2次巡演都到澳門,她開心的說:「好久不見,相隔5年終於再次來到澳門!」
    2024/03/31 12:26
  • 王心凌「金狼獎」成大贏家!露性感香肩超辣 吐真實心聲

    甜蜜天后王心凌(Cyndi)去年在出道20週年之際發行全新專輯《BITE BACK》,其中同名主打〈BITE BACK〉更是席捲各大數位音樂平台,MV同樣引起熱烈迴響,迅速突破百萬觀看並登上YouTube音樂發燒影片。昨(9)日舉辦第一屆「金狼獎」頒獎典禮,王心凌的〈BITE BACK〉MV榮獲三項大獎,包括「最佳美術設計獎」、「最佳視覺特效獎」、「LINE 年度人氣 MV 獎」,成為當晚最大的贏家,而剛好也是王心凌「SUGAR HIGH世界巡迴演唱會」泉州站的演出日,這是她在今年農曆春節後的首場演唱會。在得知這個好消息後,王心凌非常開心,表示:「最要感謝的是一直支持、默默守護的歌迷朋友。」
    2024/03/10 12:16
  • KKTIX refutes claims of unfair IU concert ticket sales

    KKTIX denies rumors of ticket reservation for IU’s concert in Taiwan. IU’s "2024 IU H.E.R. WORLD TOUR CONCERT" in Taipei sees rapid ticket sales, sparking fan anger. Over 95% of tickets were for public sale, with 20,000 tickets sold out in a minute for each of her two shows. The real-name system was implemented to ensure consumer rights, with failed orders put back on sale.
    2024/03/07 11:33
  • 金狼獎入圍揭曉!陳奕迅角逐10項最威風 梁朝偉廝殺吳慷仁

    第1屆金狼獎於今(21)日公布入圍名單,導演陳奕仁擔任評審長,評審團歷時1個月評選,其中王心凌以〈Bite Back〉MV角逐6項大獎,陳奕迅分別以〈社交恐懼癌〉MV入圍5項、〈盲婚啞嫁〉MV入圍3項、〈塵大師〉MV入圍2項,總共10項成為歌手入圍之最。另外梁朝偉也成了入圍者,令人驚喜,將再度和吳慷仁廝殺搶最佳演員獎。
    2024/02/21 15:27
  • 過年被外甥出賣!王心凌「私下無P圖照」曝光 41歲樣貌全現形 

    41歲「甜蜜天后」王心凌(cyndi)前年在《乘風破浪》得冠軍後,再次以〈愛你〉爆紅,演藝事業再顛高峰,不僅推出新專輯《Bite Back》受歡迎,全新巡演「王心凌Sugar High世界巡迴演唱會」更是場次爆棚,據悉已經排到今年年底,工作相當忙碌的她,趁著過年跟家人相聚,沒想到外甥將合照PO上網,引起網友熱議。
    2024/02/14 12:53
  • Foreign exchange student adopts stray dog in Taiwan

    A German exchange student in Taiwan forms an unexpected bond with a stray dog, altering her travel plans as she prepares to bring the dog back to Germany. A heartwarming story of love and compassion.
    2024/02/14 12:30
  • Pop star G.E.M. turns fangirl for Beckham at Tatler XFEST

    Hong Kong pop star G.E.M. caused a frenzy at Tatler XFEST in Hong Kong when she converted from performer to superfan, requesting an autograph and a photo with soccer star David Beckham. Clad in a pink jersey, G.E.M. spotted Beckham during her performance and promptly approached him, asking him to sign the back of her jersey. In an impromptu moment, Beckham agreed and signed "To G.E.M.," posing for a photo with his arm around her shoulder. The event sparked widespread social media commentary, with fans embracing G.E.M’s fangirl moment and expressing envy. Internet users appeared united in their admiration for G.E.M.’s unabashed fandom.
    2024/02/05 11:58
  • Taipei taxi fares rise for Lunar New Year celebrations

    During the Lunar New Year holiday from Feb. 5 to Feb. 14, taxi fares in Taipei, New Taipei, and Keelung City will increase by an additional NT$30 per ride. Stickers with clear notices about the fare changes will be placed on the back of co-driver’s seats to inform passengers. Cab drivers are prohibited from refusing passengers or taking longer routes, and passengers have the right to inquire about the chosen route. The Taipei City Government Police Department has a hotline for reporting issues at (02) 2311-6409, or residents can dial 110. Other cities and counties, such as Taoyuan, Taichung, Tainan, Nantou, Changhua, and Kaohsiung, will also adjust their taxi fares, with an extra NT$50 per ride. In Hsinchu and Miaoli, fares will increase by 30% based on the original pricing scheme.
    2024/02/05 11:27
  • 影音/日女神訪台首露面 火辣白衫領軍10大女優

    2024/02/04 12:31
  • Jacky Cheung sets record with nine Taipei Arena concerts

    Famed Hong Kong singer Jacky Cheung announces a historic run of nine concerts at Taipei Arena starting May 31, sparking excitement among fans. Cheung, one of Hong Kong’s "Four Heavenly Kings" of Cantopop, last performed in Taiwan in 2018, making his return highly anticipated. The ambitious nine-show stint in Taipei surpasses his previous record of six shows at the same venue. Despite being over 60, Cheung, known for his marathon of 24 consecutive shows in Hong Kong, believes that with adequate preparation, practice, and passion, a demanding performance schedule is manageable. Cheung’s illustrious career dates back to 1992, and he has been named Asia’s most popular singer by Billboard.
    2024/02/01 15:13
  • DPP commits to youth engagement after elections setback

    Top Taiwanese leaders from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) are recognizing the need for fresh approaches and new policies to connect with the youth after a challenging electoral run in Taichung City. Legislative Deputy Speaker Tsai Chi-chang expressed his concerns to DPP Chairman Lai Ching-te, pledging to introduce novel ideas and practices over the next four years to gain youth support. In response, Lai stated his intention to proactively address youth issues and develop a strategic plan to win back young supporters. Tsai believes that Lai’s forthcoming policies will generate further optimism among the younger population. DPP legislator Ho Hsin-chun and councilor Chiang Chao-kuo echoed these sentiments, urging the party to prioritize young people’s ideas and adjust existing regulations to meet their expectations. DPP caucus whip in the Taichung City Council, Lee Tien-sheng, also acknowledged the disconnect with the younger generation and emphasized the need for the party to work harder to gain their support and recognition.
    2024/01/29 14:23
  • Taipingshan visitors brave cold weather for winter thrills

    Visitors to Taipingshan mountain in Yilan braved the -3 degrees Celsius temperatures to frolic shirtless in the snow. Despite the cold, the atmosphere remained chilly enough for visitors to enjoy their winter sojourn. The popular mountain tram is back in operation after maintenance work, allowing visitors to enjoy the beautiful scenery again.
    2024/01/24 16:55
  • Satellite-tagged sea turtle triumphs over tumors in Taiwan

    A green sea turtle, previously afflicted with tumors, was released back into the wild in Taitung’s Shanyuan Bay. Rescued from a fishing net in July 2023, the turtle underwent successful treatment at the National Museum of Biology & Aquarium in Pingtung. Dr. Chen I-chun noted the increasing number of sea turtles with tumors globally, particularly along the eastern coast of Taiwan. Marine pollution or viral infections are suspected causes. The released turtle, the second in Taiwan to recover from a tumor, brings hope for the preservation of marine life.
    2024/01/18 16:16
  • Community rallies to support comatose man’s medical bills

    A Singaporean man named Jake fell into a coma on his first day visiting Taiwan, prompting a fundraising campaign to cover his medical expenses. The campaign has raised 89,000 Singapore dollars (about NT$2.09 million) as of January 18. Jake was airlifted back to Singapore after a month-long hospital stay, but remains in a vegetative state. His hospital expenses and air ambulance charges have depleted his family’s savings, amounting to 66,166 Singapore dollars (approximately NT$1.55 million). Currently receiving treatment at Singapore General Hospital’s intensive care unit, Jake’s nightly charges are 426 Singapore dollars (roughly NT$10,000). Although he regained consciousness on December 30 and was transferred to a general ward, severe brain damage prevents him from communicating with his family. Despite this, Jake has made progress in physical rehabilitation, being able to sit up, stand with support, and actively learn to walk.
    2024/01/18 14:17
  • Lai Ching-te pledges NT$160M in election funds to charity

    DPP Chairman Lai Ching-te announced that the NT$160 million in election subsidies won by the party will be donated to charitable causes and used to care for founding members and further the education of young party workers. Lai expressed gratitude to the citizens for their support, noting that each vote contributed NT$30 to the subsidy. The subsidies will be distributed in three equal parts, with one part going back to the central party, another part assisting founding members and providing scholarships or grants for young DPP members, and the final part being donated to charitable causes, following the tradition of past legislators and representatives.
    2024/01/17 18:42
  • Taiwan’s CEC fights back against election fraud rumors

    The Central Election Commission (CEC) has called for a legal investigation into rumors of election fraud following the recent presidential and legislative elections in Taiwan. False messages about election corruption have been spreading online, with influencers like YouTuber Alisasa and Bit King being accused of defaming the CEC and election staff. The CEC has gathered evidence and held a press conference to address these rumors, emphasizing that the election had ended and that supervisors recommended by various parties oversaw the voting and counting process. The CEC urged the public not to spread rumors that could harm Taiwan’s democratic achievements and encouraged individuals with evidence to submit it to the relevant legal authorities. Fabricating and spreading false information carries legal consequences, and the CEC called on citizens to defend Taiwan’s democracy and resist election rumors.
    2024/01/17 17:59
  • 安孝燮、金世正私約看他開唱! 金珉碩搭英國唱將「推最狂合作」

    華納音樂一直不遺餘力地推動跨國歌手合作與音樂交流,繼成功牽線韓流歌手Crush、華莎、請夏、(G)I-DLE的MINNIE與國際知名歌手合作之後,再度榮耀宣布韓國情歌王子——MeloMance主唱金珉碩,與歐洲歌唱大賽亞軍——在TikTok擁有千萬粉絲的山姆萊德(Sam Ryder)聯袂合作,一起演唱數位單曲〈BACK IN LOVE〉,也已在各大數位音樂平台正式上架。
    2024/01/13 09:27
  • 王心凌忙瘋了!突向粉絲訴心事「太高估自己」 辛苦內幕曝光

    「甜蜜天后」王心凌去(2023)年10月推出新輯《Bite Back》,不僅獲全亞洲電台、數位、超過60個排行榜冠軍,2023的年度銷售統計出爐,她再度奪下五大唱片銷售排行榜的女冠,得知好消息當下,她正在大連演唱會彩排現場,開心直喊:「這段時間所有努力都值得了!」
    2024/01/06 13:00
  • Over 70% of Taiwanese oppose death penalty abolition

    A survey conducted by ETtoday revealed that 73.5% of respondents oppose the abolition of the death penalty, while 21.8% support its abolition. Among those opposing, 52.1% were vehemently against the notion, with 21.4% somewhat against it. Among advocates for abolition, 14.1% were strong supporters, and 7.7% moderately so. The survey also found that 85.0% of interviewees believe current laws excessively protect offenders, with 47.2% considering the protection extremely excessive and 36.8% believing it is merely excessive. Only 3.1% thought the protection was insufficient. The recent fatal slashing of a junior high school student in New Taipei has brought the issue of capital punishment back into the spotlight. In response to the tragedy, 41.4% of respondents primarily blame parents or guardians, 25.1% the central government, 17.4% school management, and 12.0% the local government. The survey was conducted from Dec. 31 to Jan. 1, with a valid sample size of 1,557 targeting Taiwanese aged 20 and above. The margin of error was plus or minus 2.48%. The survey was delivered via a mobile text message link to an online questionnaire and sample weighting was done using population statistics provided by the Ministry of the Interior.
    2024/01/02 14:07
  • 羅志祥跨年夜不藏了!「最愛的女人」高調相伴 願望給了她超閃

    羅志祥「2023 羅志祥演唱會 EVOLUTION」在2023年的最後一天在高雄巨蛋登場,更是羅志祥出道28年以來,首度以個人演唱會陪伴大家倒數跨年,他在倒數0秒的瞬間加碼煙火秀,羅志祥也許下新年願望,期待新的一年能與夥伴、家人們展開更多全新美好的旅程,身邊的人都能一切順利平安,最重要的是媽媽身體健康,演唱會過後他將把握時間好好休息幾天,準備迎接新的挑戰,也期待很快在新的一年與大家見面。
    2024/01/01 13:29
  • KMT unites behind Hou Yu-ih in final push for election

    As Taiwan’s 2024 presidential election approaches, the Kuomintang (KMT) unites under a group strategy to support Hou Yu-ih. Prominent KMT figures, including Ma Ying-jeou and Eric Chu, back Hou in a significant shift from past conflicts, highlighting the party’s unified front in the critical election.
    2023/12/30 17:51
  • Autopsy reveals 10 potentially lethal wounds on student

    A male student in New Taipei City was stabbed to death by a schoolmate following a verbal altercation. The preliminary autopsy revealed that the victim had suffered 10 potentially lethal wounds, including knife wounds in his neck, left chest, and right lower back. Six slashes were in the front, including one to his carotid artery, and four were near his kidney. The attack occurred after a female student entered the victim’s classroom and was questioned by him about her presence. She brought back a male student from her grade to settle the dispute, who then stabbed the victim five times with a switchblade, causing extensive bleeding. The victim received ECMO treatment for five hours at Far Eastern Memorial Hospital but was pronounced dead 34 hours after the incident. The New Taipei District Prosecutors Office is considering investigating the assailant for homicide or manslaughter based on the autopsy results and evidence from the scene.
    2023/12/27 16:29
  • Actor Lee Sun-kyun found dead, drug investigation halted

    Korean actor Lee Sun-kyun found dead in apparent suicide by charcoal burning. Investigation into drug-related issue connected to him expected to halt. Lee left a letter for his wife before disappearing. Previous drug tests came back negative. Police will entirely halt investigation due to Lee’s death. Public urged to reject drugs and seek help if needed.
    2023/12/27 15:16
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