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    Asia 結果共337筆

  • Chinese Premier begins diplomatic tour in New Zealand

    Discover the details of Chinese Premier Li Qiang’s diplomatic tour to New Zealand, Australia, and Malaysia, aiming to strengthen ties and promote regional peace. Learn about the significance of his visits and the focus on economic and trade exchanges.
    2024/06/13 10:06
  • 才和LE SSERAFIM金采源合作 朵蕾凱莉報喜8月來台開唱 

    葛萊美獎肯定、來自美國加州的歌手朵蕾凱莉(Tori Kelly),招牌的完美歌喉駕馭流行、R&B、福音等任何曲風,就連當今最炙手可熱的K-POP都難不倒她,今(3)日她開心宣布8月17日將帶著「Tori Kelly: Purple Skies Asia Tou」前進台北,「不敢相信,我終於要公布世界巡迴了,我很興奮要見到你們了!」
    2024/06/03 14:54
  • LiSA好寵粉!飆《鬼滅》神曲突喊:可以錄影 苦練〈天黑黑〉藏洋蔥

    日本實力派歌姬LiSA擁有「秒殺歌姬」封號,睽違6年來台開唱,今(1)晚在林口體育館舉辦「LiSA LiVE is Smile Always〜ASiA TOUR 2024〜in TaiPEi」,9000張門票銷售一空。寵粉的她大秀流利中文,頻頻嗨喊「尖叫」,更和歌迷感性告白,「大家好我是LiSA,我回來了,我很想你們,見到你們很開心」。
    2024/06/01 21:14
  • 《鬼滅》歌姬來了!LiSA收「秒殺」匾額笑開懷 巡演必備2物曝光

    日本實力派歌姬LiSA曾為動畫《鬼滅之刃》演唱多首主題曲,擁有「秒殺歌姬」封號的她睽違6年她來台開唱,明(6/1)在林口體育館舉辦「LiSA LiVE is Smile Always〜ASiA TOUR2024〜 in TAiPEi」今(31)舉辦記者會,提前和台灣媒體打招呼,曝光開演前的必做儀式感。
    2024/05/31 17:19
  • Foxtron to battle Chinese brands in EV race

    Discover how Foxtron, a joint venture between Hon Hai and Yulon, plans to expand its EV designs globally, facing competition from Chinese brands, and its strategy for entering markets in Southeast Asia, the U.S., and Europe.
    2024/05/23 13:28
  • Blinken rallies global support for peace, stability in Asia

    Explore how U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is rallying global support to maintain peace and deter China’s unilateral actions, amid criticism of the Biden administration’s foreign policy.
    2024/05/22 15:48
  • Taiwan’s president hosts historic meeting with drag queen

    Discover how Nymphia Wind, "RuPaul’s Drag Race" Season 16 champion, made history by performing in drag for Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen, marking a milestone in cultural recognition and LGBTQ+ rights in Taiwan.
    2024/05/15 15:56
  • Taiwan proposes law to legalize surrogacy

    Discover how Taiwan’s new draft for the Assisted Reproductive Act could make it the first country in Asia to legalize surrogacy, supporting diverse family formations.
    2024/05/15 10:01
  • China Airlines to hire 120 pilots, 100+ cabin crew this year

    China Airlines is set to expand its team with over 100 new cabin crew members and 120 pilots as it enhances flight operations across Asia and boosts tourism recovery efforts.
    2024/05/10 15:57
  • US warship sails through Taiwan Strait amid tensions

    Explore the latest on the USS Halsey’s transit through the Taiwan Strait on May 8, highlighting the U.S.’s commitment to free navigation and the strategic implications amid Taiwan’s upcoming presidential inauguration.
    2024/05/09 09:32
  • 想當啦啦隊快來看!「慕獅女孩」蔡衣宸找師妹 曝入選關鍵

    「金鐘影后」蔡淑臻昨(8)日領軍名模蕭珮瑩、攻城獅「慕獅女孩」蔡衣宸,及新生代男星王品澔出席「第13屆Eelin Star璀璨之星」報名記者會,本屆最大亮點為新增「台灣運彩紅運少女組」啦啦隊女孩選拔,鼓勵有心加入時下最夯的啦啦隊的女孩們踴躍報名,另首度與韓國跨國合作,模特兒組男女冠軍,有機會前往韓國參加Asia Model Festival。
    2024/05/09 07:00
  • Taiwan eases naturalization for foreign professionals

    Taipei’s Legislative Yuan passes amendments to the Nationality Act, easing naturalization for foreign professionals, including basketball players, by reducing residency requirements and waiving nationality permit fees for those with special merits. The changes aim to bolster the Chinese Taipei men’s national basketball team and support stateless minors.
    2024/05/07 14:38
  • Hsiao Bi-khim champions Taiwan’s resilience as beacon

    Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim speaks at the CAPRI forum, emphasizing Taiwan’s resilience through adversities like natural disasters, misinformation, and military harassment. She highlights Taiwan’s progress in democracy, economic innovation, and defense, asserting Taiwan’s leadership role in the Asia-Pacific and its commitment to fostering global partnerships.
    2024/05/06 17:14
  • Thailand’s pivotal role in KYMCO’s EV strategy: Chairman Ko

    Discover how KYMCO’s partnership with Arun Plus is set to transform the electric vehicle landscape in Southeast Asia with the new AIONEX venture, focusing on sustainable transportation solutions.
    2024/04/29 18:08
  • KYMCO, Arun Plus launch joint venture to electrify Thailand

    Discover how KYMCO’s new joint venture with Arun Plus, Aionex, is set to transform the electric motorcycle market in Southeast Asia, aiming to establish a sustainable transportation model across the region.
    2024/04/29 17:57
  • Taiwan’s tech talent draws NVIDIA for groundbreaking R&D hub

    NVIDIA plans to establish its first Asia-based R&D center and the largest supercomputer in Taiwan, as announced by Chiou Chyou-huey from the MOEA. The decision reflects Taiwan’s allure due to its skilled workforce, semiconductor ecosystem, and ICT capabilities, with over 90% of AI servers manufactured in Taiwan. The focus is on advancing AI technologies and leveraging Taiwan’s manufacturing and biomedical sectors to enhance global AI systems.
    2024/04/26 16:14
  • Hong Kong’s trade dynamics shift: decline with Taiwan

    Discover the latest trade dynamics in Hong Kong as March 2024 figures reveal shifts in exports and imports with Asian partners, highlighting significant growth and declines with key countries, amidst geopolitical and financial challenges.
    2024/04/26 13:16
  • 山本彩首度亞巡6月在台北! 感動連2天開唱:很多台灣人支持我

    號稱「彩姐」的山本彩2018年從偶像團體畢業,之後就全力投入音樂生涯,2024年宣布將展開個人第一場亞洲巡演「Sayaka Yamamoto Asia Tour 2024 -彩–」,台北場將在6月1日、2日連兩天於花漾Hana展演空間精彩登場,門票將從4月27日開賣。對於本次的台灣行,山本彩也表示「知道台灣有很多人在支持我,很高興有機會能再見到大家!」
    2024/04/24 19:12
  • 韓國A咖也買不下手! 朴信惠逛士林夜市驚呼「這東西」太貴了

    韓國演員朴信惠今(20)晚在台北舉行出道20週年年紀念粉絲見面會「2024 Park Shin Hye Asia Tour in TAIPEI〈Memory of Angel〉」,她以一襲粉色碎花洋裝亮相,宛如精靈女神般開場。時隔7年再次來到台灣,朴信惠特地選唱個人第一首單曲〈胳膊枕〉,來表達好久不見的思念之情。粉絲特地以花朵氣球應援,朴信惠在台上看到應援表示因為太感動差點哭出來,覺得真的太驚喜也很幸福。
    2024/04/20 20:43
  • Investments in SE Asia soar as market potential grows

    Taiwanese companies are increasing their investments in Southeast Asian countries, capitalizing on the region’s rising consumer purchasing power and strategic economic opportunities. Investments under the New Southbound Policy have seen a dramatic increase in 2024, with significant contributions from key players like Foxconn.
    2024/04/19 16:55
  • Joseph Wu: US abandonment of Ukraine could empower China

    Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Joseph Wu warns of the potential consequences if the United States abandons Ukraine, highlighting the implications for Taiwan’s security amid China’s aggression. Wu emphasizes the interconnectedness of global authoritarian threats and stresses the importance of U.S. support for countries facing such challenges. The story delves into the proposed budget for countering China in the Asia-Pacific region, with a focus on military aid to Taiwan and the ongoing geopolitical dynamics following the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. Wu also addresses China’s dissemination of false information in alignment with Russian narratives, underscoring the complex web of international relations at play.
    2024/03/29 14:01
  • 疑航權問題!!AirAsia致歉「台北-東京航線喊卡」 網友:此生拒買

    全亞航(Air Asia X)19日開賣台北-東京成田航線,不料2天就下架,同時通知旅客會協助退款,消息一出,引爆網友不滿,據傳是航權出問題,馬來西亞民航局片面取消航權許可。對此全亞航(28日)中午終於出面致歉。
    2024/03/28 20:21
  • Roach examines U.S. ’Sinophobia,’ Taiwan-China relations

    Former Morgan Stanley Asia Chair Stephen Roach provided insights into rising concerns about the increasing hostility towards China in U.S. legislation and drawing parallels between Hong Kong and Taiwan during an exclusive interview with TVBS commentator Wenchi Yu on Thursday (March 14).
    2024/03/15 17:55
  • US pledges US$5B boost for semiconductors in Asia-Pacific

    U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo announces a US$5 billion investment in the semiconductor industry during her visit to Thailand and the Philippines. The investment aims to bolster production and foster growth opportunities in the Asia-Pacific region. Thailand’s commitment to the semiconductor sector is highlighted, with Minister of Commerce Srettha Thavisin emphasizing its strategic importance and readiness for industry collaboration. Raimondo’s visit underscores the U.S.’s focus on diversifying supply chains and strengthening ties with the region.
    2024/03/15 10:49
  • Taiwan to host APPU annual meeting in 2025

    Deputy Legislative Speaker Johnny Chiang extends an invitation to MPs from Asian-Pacific Parliamentarians’ Union member countries to Taiwan’s 2025 Annual Meeting. Chiang emphasizes Taiwan’s commitment to addressing regional issues like climate change and economic development. Taiwan will host the APPU conference for the 11th time in 2025.
    2024/03/14 12:01
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