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    Asia 結果共333筆

  • Japanese PM expect to meet with China’s Xi at APEC summit

    Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is considering a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping after the U.S.-China talks at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit. Kishida plans to meet with Xi the day after U.S. President Joe Biden’s meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss unresolved issues between Japan and China, including Japan’s request for China to remove import restrictions on Japanese seafood products. Additionally, the dialogue aims to strengthen bilateral cooperation and promote regional stability. Japan’s National Security Secretariat Secretary General Akiba Takeo will travel to China for coordination efforts. The APEC summit, which includes leaders from 21 member countries, will take place in San Francisco from November 15 to 17.
    2023/11/09 12:32
  • ITF Taipei Int’l Travel Fair sees 76.3% visitor growth

    The 2023 ITF Taipei International Travel Fair concluded with a total of 344,475 visits, representing a 76.3% growth from the previous year. The event, organized by the Taiwan Visitors Association, recorded a single-day attendance of 75,917 visitors on its final day. Numerous hotel groups and travel agencies reported strong sales performances, with some generating daily revenues in the millions and cumulative four-day returns exceeding a billion dollars. Exhibited travel products showcased Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia as preferred destinations, while long-haul trips to the Americas, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand also garnered significant interest. The 2024 ITF Taipei International Travel Fair is set to begin exhibitor registration on March 1, 2024, and will take place from November 1 to 4, 2024, at the Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center.
    2023/11/07 17:56
  • Lin brothers to lead the team in EASL pit against SK Knights

    The East Asia Super League (EASL) has begun with the Taipei Fubon Braves and the New Taipei Kings participating in the second regular season. The Kings are set to face the Seoul SK Knights in their inaugural match, featuring the highly anticipated Lin brothers, Jeremy and Joseph. Jeremy Lin, a former NBA star, has expressed his goals of winning both the P. LEAGUE+ (PLG) and the EASL championships. The Kings’ manager, James Mao, is confident in the team’s readiness and has set his sights on the championship. To strengthen the team, they have recently signed 23-year-old Christian Anigwe, who is expected to bring vitality to their performance.
    2023/11/07 12:56
  • Over 40% of Taiwan graduates willing to seek jobs abroad

    In 2023, Taiwan’s new graduates face low starting salaries, prompting many to consider overseas roles, especially in Southeast Asia. With Vietnam becoming a top choice, experts weigh in on the challenges and benefits of working abroad.
    2023/11/06 17:15
  • Taiwan, NASA set up Asia Pacific AERONET Calibration Center

    The Ministry of Environment (MOENV) has established the Asia Pacific AERONET Calibration and Training Center (APAC) in collaboration with NASA. The center, located at the Lulin Atmospheric Background Station, aims to improve air quality monitoring data and contribute to climate change research. The project, co-run by the EPA, CWA, and TASA, will aid regional smog control and carbon reduction strategies, as well as elevate Taiwan’s global standing. The center will enhance Taiwanese scholars’ confidence in data mastery, research quality, and expert talent, increasing Taiwan’s international competitiveness and benefiting Southeast Asian nations. The calibration center is expected to enhance international cooperation and strengthen Southeast Asian countries’ capacity to use and analyze data. The data produced by AERONET will directly or indirectly contribute to global air quality and climate change research, highlighting Taiwan’s sustainable responsibility and proactive participation in environmental monitoring.
    2023/11/03 21:22
  • 韓國獨立樂迷注意!DPR IAN來台開唱 11月活動硬體最猛頂規

    那個男人這次真的要回來啦!繼去(2022)年12月由Wonderful Ent. Asia舉辦的DPR世界巡迴演唱會台灣站後,不到1年,DPR的當家歌手DPR IAN也決定要在11月22日再次回到新北的Zepp New Taipei,為大家帶來他新的音樂作品以及一場精彩的SOLO演唱會!
    2023/10/31 18:22
  • 周湯豪唱一半全身濕透被拱脫衣 突脫口「好消息」台下嗨翻

    「全能天王」周湯豪上週末受邀於新加坡One Love Asia Festival 音樂節演出,已經6年沒在新加坡演出的他,一連帶來11首經典歌曲,長達40分鐘演出誠意滿滿,有趣的是,以往他潮流icon的舞台魅力總是High到獲女粉脱「罩」致敬,來到新加坡,飆唱到濕身喊熱的他,反而被粉絲拱脫衣,周湯豪笑回:「你很色、很變態喔,叫我脫掉。不行啦!我吃太多海南雞飯了。」
    2023/10/30 13:38
  • Lai leads DPP in Pride Parade, stands with LGBTQ+ community

    DPP chairman and presidential candidate Lai Ching-te led his party in the 21st Taiwan Pride Parade, expressing support for marriage equality. Other presidential candidates, including KMT’s Hou Yu-ih, TPP’s Ko Wen-je, and Terry Gou, did not attend. Lai thanked those who have worked for same-sex marriage, noting that Taiwan is the first country in Asia to legalize it. Former Premier Su Tseng-chang celebrated Taiwan’s achievement and urged people to work together for more happiness. Previous attempts to pass marriage equality bills in 2006 and 2013 were unsuccessful, but the bill was finally passed in 2019.
    2023/10/28 17:20
  • NCC expands measures to combat telecom fraud

    The National Communications Commission (NCC) in Taiwan has announced further measures to combat telecommunications fraud. The NCC is working alongside major communications firms, including Chunghwa Telecom, Taiwan Mobile, Far EasTone Telecommunications (FET), TSTAR, and Asia-Pacific Telecom Co., Ltd (ATP), to strengthen their Know Your Customer (KYC) risk management mechanisms and implement special audits for high-risk customers.
    2023/10/26 15:29
  • DPP Chairman Lai Ching-te to join Taiwan Pride Parade

    DPP Chairman and presidential hopeful, Lai Ching-te, is expected to attend the 21st Taiwan Pride Parade, demonstrating his support for the LGBTQ+ community. Lai has a history of advocating for LGBTQ+ rights during his tenure as the Mayor of Tainan and has continued to discuss gender equality issues as party chairman. He believes that Taiwan should lead as an example in terms of gender equality in Asia. The Taiwan Pride Parade, themed "Stand with Diversity," will be held at the Taipei City Hall Plaza.
    2023/10/24 11:45
  • 準備搶票!YOASOBI台北開唱本週開賣 明年1月「地點就在這」

    日本人氣天團YOASOBI,9月公布今年即將來台參與音樂節演出及明年也要來台開專場演唱會消息以來,網路上歌迷討論熱度居高不下、各大媒體爭相報導,掀起了一陣YOASOBI狂潮。今(23)天正式公布「YOASOBI ASIA TOUR 2023-2024 LIVE IN TAIPEI」,1月21日就在Zepp New Taipei舉辦,10月28日上午11點遠大售票系統正式售票。
    2023/10/23 18:14
  • Prof. May Oo Lwin rethinks the future of global health

    Professor May Oo Lwin from Nanyang Technological University spoke at the CTeC Asia event, warning against the dangerous rise in COVID-19 misinformation. Stressing the crucial role of media as a trustworthy information source, she called for public vigilance and cross-sector collaboration to counter disinformation.
    2023/10/22 17:47
  • AI shifts but doesn’t rule media landscape: Bruyas

    During a panel discussion at CTeC Asia, Dimitri Bruyas, the head of TVBS World Taiwan, spoke about the pros and cons of using artificial intelligence in journalism. While AI can help streamline tasks like video editing, it can’t replace the nuanced work of human journalists, especially in areas like fact-checking and ethical reporting.
    2023/10/22 17:32
  • Mutual gains in U.S.-Taiwan bilateral investment: Amb. Tong

    Amidst rising tensions between the U.S., China, and Taiwan, Ambassador Kurt Tong of The Asia Group highlights the overlooked yet significant mutual benefits of U.S.-Taiwan trade and investment. Tong urges policymakers and the public to focus on economic opportunities that can lead to long-term profitable relationships between the U.S. and Taiwan.
    2023/10/22 17:30
  • AI more a friend than foe to journalism: Graw

    Ansgar Graw, director of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Media Programme Asia, speaks at the CTeC Asia event, promoting the advantages of integrating artificial intelligence into journalism. He counters the notion that AI poses a risk to the field, emphasizing its potential to enhance reporting and insists on transparency between journalists and readers.
    2023/10/22 17:28
  • Prof. Skoric explores tech’s role in democracy at CTeC Asia

    Professor Marko Skoric from the City University of Hong Kong delves into the complex relationship between emerging technologies and democracy at the CTeC Asia event. He warns against blaming technology solely for democratic challenges and emphasizes the role of leadership and wealth distribution.
    2023/10/22 00:45
  • LSE professor shares insights on AI’s role in journalism

    Explore insights from Charlie Beckett, a professor at the London School of Economics, as he discusses the future of the media industry in the age of Artificial Intelligence. Speaking at the CTeC Asia event, Beckett emphasized the need for a human element in AI-driven newsrooms and shared tips for aspiring journalists.
    2023/10/21 23:52
  • 外媒指「低成本的台灣健保正在崩潰」 北榮回應了

    美媒VICE設在新加坡的亞洲總部VICE Asia近期推出一段影片,以「台灣世界一流的健保系統正在崩潰」為題,片中採訪國內醫師、病患及病患家屬等,大多來自台北榮民總醫院,內容直指隨著出生率下降、人口老化等因素,加上醫護人力短缺,健保費調漲幅度低,台灣這種「低成本」的方式逐漸破裂,引發PTT網友熱議;對此,北榮今(21)日也做出回應。
    2023/10/21 14:14
  • 薛仕凌奪釜山影展「最佳男配角」 柯震東頒獎台上感動相擁

    第28屆釜山國際電影節(BIFF)今(8)日晚間揭曉第5屆亞洲內容大獎(Asia Contents Awards,簡稱ACA)頒獎典禮。台灣男星柯震東驚喜現身擔任頒獎人,而其中同樣為台灣男星的薛仕凌以影集《台灣犯罪故事》中的〈出軌〉拿下最佳男配角獎,並從柯震東手上接下獎座,形成非常特別的畫面。
    2023/10/08 21:07
  • 臉紅的思春期邀「勇敢粉絲」台前跳舞 自嘲「不敢相信」是老哏

    2023/09/30 20:12
  • 油電車主注意!「超低黏度機油」2大車廠認證 適用車款一次看

    油電車款與純燃油車款的特性絕對不同,相信不少身為油電車的車主可能會苦惱愛車的機油該怎麼選?這個問題Liqui Moly也發現到了,因此於近日麗寶賽道日發表專為混合動力引擎所開發的機油!這款名為「Special Tec AA 0W-8」的機油,從名稱上來看,Special Tec系列是指為車廠特殊認證需求,專車專用而開發,例如Volvo與Ford等車廠認證都有對應。而後方的「AA」即是代表Asia及America,主要為亞洲與美國車廠認證機油,能針對日、韓、美車系認證研發。
    2023/09/25 15:40
  • ONE OK ROCK開唱嗨到暴衝下台 Taka飆F字眼痛罵:該死的新冠

    亞洲巡迴的起點,就從台北開始!日本搖滾天團「ONE OK ROCK」睽違5年終於再度來台,16、17日晚間於台北南港展覽館舉辦「ONE OK ROCK Luxury Disease Asia Tour 2023 in TAIWAN」,連唱2天共吸引3萬人到場,主唱Taka興奮大喊「我們終於回來了!」還狂飆F字母髒話:「該死的新冠肺炎!」大罵之前阻撓他們來台開唱的疫情。
    2023/09/17 20:09
  • 數位永續皆卓越!TVBS總經理劉文硯再獲APEA「卓越企業領袖」

    TVBS於1993年開播,30年來從電視媒體數位轉型為全方位科技媒體,締造眾多亮眼成績,成為台灣媒體成功數位科技轉型先鋒。帶領TVBS投身數位科技發展的總舵手-總經理劉文硯,繼2022年受到「亞太傑出企業獎」(Asia Pacific Enterprise Awards, APEA)青睞、獲頒「卓越企業領袖獎」(Master Entrepreneur Award)後,2023年再因其獨到的媒體經營思維媒體永續角色中,並帶領TVBS發揮媒體在永續議題應有的影響力,讓TVBS企業價值再創高峰,成為今年度台灣區獲此肯定的13位獲獎企業領導人之一,更是本次唯二連續兩年獲此殊榮的企業家。
    2023/09/16 10:18
  • Fmr. Singapore official mulls answers for cross-strait peace

    Singapore’s former Foreign Minister, George Yong-boon Yeo, mulls the possibility of a "Chinese commonwealth" to establish future cross-strait relations on Wednesday (Sept. 13).
    2023/09/13 19:16
  • 微軟在台培育20萬數位人才 3年提前達標

    微軟今天在台灣舉辦DevDays Asia 2023亞太技術年會,超過2000名開發者報名參與,創歷史新高。微軟指出,2020年宣布4年內將在台灣培育20萬名數位人才,已在今年提前達標。
    2023/09/11 17:07
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