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    A��� 結果共9,189筆

  • Taiwan temperatures soar as northeast monsoon weakens

    Temperatures rise across Taiwan as northeast monsoon weakens, with highs of 31°C in the north and 34°C in the south. Brief showers expected in the east and southeast, while other regions remain mostly sunny. Unstable weather and thunderstorms possible as a front approaches on Saturday.
    2024/04/11 14:26
  • Alishan Forest Railway to reopen July after 15-year closure

    Here is a meta description for the story about the Alishan Forest Railway restoration: Alishan Forest Railway, a NT$2.3 billion 15-year project, to fully reopen July 1, 2024, connecting Chiayi as an international tourist destination, after repairs from typhoon damage in 2009 and 2015.
    2024/04/11 14:17
  • Taiwan raises NT$580M for Hualien quake relief in 8 days

    Here is a meta description for the given story: The Ministry of Health and Welfare’s Hualien disaster relief project has raised nearly NT$580 million to aid reconstruction efforts following the powerful 7.2 magnitude earthquake that struck off the coast of Hualien on April 3, causing severe damage.
    2024/04/11 12:08
  • Kaohsiung offers subsidy for old building reconstruction

    Kaohsiung City offers subsidies up to NT$ 115,000 for reconstruction of old and dangerous buildings in 2024, addressing safety concerns following a 7.2 magnitude earthquake. Over half of the city’s residential units are more than 30 years old. Applications are open until December 2.
    2024/04/11 12:05
  • Ma Ying-jeou concludes 11-day China visit

    Here is a meta description for the story: Former President Ma Ying-jeou returns to Taiwan after 11-day mainland China visit, including "Ma-Xi Second Meeting" with Chinese President Xi Jinping and meetings with other top Chinese leaders, sparking cross-strait discussions on identity and nationalism.
    2024/04/11 12:02
  • 專訪/成A-Lin愛徒!琟娜獲賜名藏深意 迷上DIY甜喊:還在熱戀期

    2024/04/11 08:15
  • 吳子嘉爆衛福部買BNT疫苗A錢 東洋林全:上海復星有低消

    2024/04/10 18:28
  • 出道18年!A-Lin前進日本挑戰「這件事」 嘆:沒有機會重來

    金曲歌后A-Lin日前受邀參與日本最受歡迎的音樂YouTube頻道「THE FIRST TAKE」,獻唱全新編曲版的經典代表作〈有一種悲傷〉,她表示這是一場非常刺激、緊張的演出,儘管她經常被稱為是實力派歌手,仍然難掩緊張情緒,直說:「這真的是我18年的音樂生涯中首次只有一次機會不能重來的錄音,(用日語)「すごく緊張しました〜(真的好緊張啊〜)。不過,這次的錄製真的非常充實豐富。」
    2024/04/10 18:18
  • Taiwan’s president-elect vows to strengthen ties with US

    On the 45th anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act, Taiwan’s President-elect Lai Ching-te commits to strengthening ties with the United States, emphasizing the importance of U.S. support for a free and democratic Taiwan. During a Democratic Progressive Party meeting, Lai highlights the act’s role in fostering a stable and robust bilateral relationship, and expresses hope for ongoing U.S. backing to maintain peace and prosperity across the Taiwan Strait.
    2024/04/10 18:00
  • Taiwan medical costs soar 4.47% in March, reach 18-year high

    Taiwan’s DGBAS reports a 4.47% year-on-year increase in medical costs for March, the highest in 18 years, due to the New Health Insurance Co-payment System. The March CPI showed a 2.14% year-on-year increase, with dining-out costs and essential commodity prices decreasing slightly. However, inflationary pressures persist in services like medical costs and rent.
    2024/04/10 17:16
  • TAO urges Taiwan not to politicize post-quake aid offers

    Explore the recent urging by China’s Taiwan Affairs Office towards Taiwan to avoid political manipulation and embrace mutual aid, following a magnitude 7.2 earthquake in Hualien County. Despite China’s prompt offer of assistance, Taiwan declined, highlighting the complex cross-strait relations.
    2024/04/10 16:17
  • Hualien quake: Search, rescue efforts uncover more victims

    In the aftermath of the April 3 earthquake in Hualien, search and rescue teams have been tirelessly working on the Shakadang Trail, uncovering victims from the debris. With traditional rituals marking their efforts, they have recently recovered another body, continuing their mission amidst the ruins. The operation focuses on two major landslide areas, revealing the tragic impact of the disaster on the local community and visitors, including a family of five and a couple from Singapore.
    2024/04/10 16:14
  • Heroic Rescue Dog Roger makes int’l news after earthquake

    Discover the inspiring journey of Roger, a rescue dog from the Kaohsiung Fire Bureau, who became a hero by finding victims in the aftermath of a 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Hualien, Taiwan. Initially trained as a drug-sniffing dog, Roger’s boundless energy led him to a career in search and rescue, culminating in international recognition for his bravery. As he approaches retirement, Roger’s story highlights the invaluable contributions of rescue dogs in disaster relief.
    2024/04/10 15:53
  • Ex-DPP chair to lead new ’AI Cabinet’ on May 20

    President-elect Lai Ching-te announces Cho Jung-tai as Taiwan’s new premier, outlining three main goals for an innovative and proactive cabinet to lead the nation into a new era of technological advancement and societal benefit.
    2024/04/10 15:47
  • Vision health declines with age in Taipei’s young students

    In Taipei City, a study reveals an increasing trend of poor vision among elementary and junior high students with age, with first graders showing a 25.9% rate, escalating to 77.4% in ninth graders. Female students exhibit higher rates of poor vision compared to males. Despite a slight decrease in elementary students and a minor increase among junior high students in the 2023 academic year, overall vision health has improved since 2014, attributed to the city’s efforts in annual professional vision screenings and promoting eye care awareness. The study also notes differences in vision health across school types, with public elementary schools and private junior high schools showing the highest rates of poor vision.
    2024/04/10 15:39
  • Taipei launches second double-decker dining bus

    Discover Taipei’s latest attraction, the second double-decker dining bus, launched by the City’s Department of Information and Tourism. With Deputy Mayor Lin Yi-hua’s optimistic view on boosting tourism, this unique dining experience offers a gourmet journey through the city. Following the success of the first bus amidst the pandemic, this addition aims to allure more visitors with its exclusive menus and scenic routes, promising an unforgettable 1.5-hour culinary adventure.
    2024/04/10 15:01
  • Ma Ying-jeou to meet Xi Jinping in Beijing, KMT confirms

    Explore the upcoming significant event where former President Ma Ying-jeou is set to meet Chinese leader Xi Jinping in Beijing, as confirmed by Kuomintang Chairman Eric Chu. This meeting aims to foster peaceful exchanges across the Taiwan Strait, reflecting KMT’s commitment to a "pro-American, friendly to Japan, and peaceful with the mainland" cross-strait policy. Additionally, KMT Vice Chairman Sean Lien’s participation in the Straits Forum is anticipated to further practical exchanges between the two sides, building on the foundation of the Singapore talks for future relations.
    2024/04/10 14:51
  • China slams Taiwan’s DPP for banning Chinese products

    China’s TAO criticizes Taiwan’s DPP for hindering Chinese products, emphasizing the benefits of Chinese electric vehicles and drones. Amidst these tensions, a significant ancestral worship ceremony in Henan aims to foster a sense of unity and cultural heritage among Taiwanese and Chinese compatriots.
    2024/04/10 14:42
  • Blinken, Cameron unite for peace in Taiwan Strait

    In a significant meeting in Washington, U.K. Foreign Secretary David Cameron and U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken emphasized their united stance on peace in the Taiwan Strait and addressed concerns over China’s trade practices. The discussion also covered the AUKUS security partnership’s role in the Indo-Pacific and the upcoming talks between Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio and U.S. President Joe Biden, focusing on military and technological cooperation.
    2024/04/10 14:14
  • Ma’s China visit: Meeting with Xi unconfirmed

    Former Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou’s 11-day visit to China sparks speculation of a meeting with Xi Jinping, as TAO announces arrangements but remains non-committal. Zhu Fenglian praises Ma’s adherence to the "One China policy" and his efforts in promoting cross-strait youth exchanges, criticizing Taiwan’s DPP for hindering these interactions.
    2024/04/10 13:21
  • Pig on the loose: Yunlin police’s unusual day herding a sow

    In Sihu Township, Yunlin County, a 50 kg sow’s adventurous stroll through the streets was brought to a halt by local police officers Wang An-shun and Ting Hsin-wen, who, with the help of the pig’s owner, safely returned the escapee to its pen after a 20-minute effort involving sticks and tail-pulling. The incident highlighted the importance of secure animal enclosures for safety.
    2024/04/10 13:19
  • 怨男人「愛愛都犯1錯」像電鑽 百人斬澳網美嘆:被A片教壞

    澳洲26歲網美安妮(Annie Knight)有「澳洲性生活最活躍女性」之稱,曾在1年內與300人上床,甚至1天內和5個不同男人發生性行為,目前「壞壞」對象已突破500人。她近日透露,雖然自己擁有海量經驗,但遇到的男人幾乎都會犯下一個錯,那就是操之過急,前戲都不做好。
    2024/04/10 12:29
  • 掰了韓國尪!人氣YTR「13年情斷」 返台親認:快樂的分手

    人氣YouTube頻道「High A Day」,由兩名遠嫁南韓的台灣女孩「台灣妞」以及「喜娜」共同創立經營,經常透過影片分享韓國當地的社會事件,粉絲飆破59.1萬人。不過,近日卻有眼尖網友發現,「台灣妞」突然搬回台灣後,似乎再也沒有提及先生,而她也正面回應,「我們快樂的分手了」。
    2024/04/10 11:44
  • 眾星喊修法+1!男星怒開砲「把全民當北X」預言1個月後景象

    2024/04/10 11:02
  • Lai Ching-te unveils new cabinet ahead of Taiwan presidency

    Lai Ching-te announces new cabinet appointments as he prepares to take office as Taiwan’s president, with Cho Jung-tai as premier and Cheng Li-chiun as vice premier. Key positions in defense, culture, and national security are filled by experienced leaders, signaling a blend of continuity and change in Taiwan’s government.
    2024/04/10 10:01
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