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  • 「日本超夯角色」首登台!2快閃店萌爆 憑發票免費吃冰淇淋

    週末快衝專為女孩打造的2大可愛快閃店!首先「Suzy’s Zoo快閃店」是日本超夯的梨花熊首次登台,可買到超火紅的5大角色玩偶吊飾、手機殼,店內還有韓風拍貼機可拍,更推出可愛聯名手搖杯;還有貓奴必逛的「PAUL & JOE x Grace Gift貓咪快閃店」,獨家小棕貓盤子、保溫杯把握買起來,更能免費吃貓貓冰淇淋!
    2024/06/01 13:15
  • Premier outlines Taiwan’s new anti-fraud, hope strategies

    Premier Cho Jung-tai addressed the Legislative Yuan outlining major initiatives including anti-fraud measures and the ambitious National Project of Hope, aiming for significant national progress and stability in Taiwan.
    2024/05/31 17:02
  • 觀點/聯盟最強投手陣!費城人「先發三本柱」成勝利保證

    美國職棒大聯盟在進行大約三分之一的賽程後,有幾個分區目前的戰況較令人意外,像是國東領先者是費城人、而非勇士,勇士整體戰績其實並不差,但費城人靠著強大的「先發三本柱」Aaron Nola、Ranger Suárez和Zack Wheeler,硬是在國東殺出重圍,對於上次是在2008年世界大賽奪冠的費城人來說,這3名頂級先發為球隊爭冠增添不少自信。
    2024/05/31 14:57
  • ZICO抱病推遲韓國通告 唯獨接受台媒訪問:高雄會唱《SPOT!》

    南韓SOLO歌手ZICO有「音樂頑童」的稱號,從BLOCK B出道,現在已經是獨立的音樂人身兼公司KOZ娛樂的老闆,旗下育有人氣男團BOYNEXTDOOR。而這次即將來台參加高雄啤酒音樂節,近期卻患上重感冒,宣布暫停韓國所有通告,卻唯獨留下昨天(30日)的台灣媒體線上訪問,並在聯訪一開始就向台灣媒體致歉,十分敬業。
    2024/05/31 12:25
  • Premier Cho calls for Chinese goodwill in tourism standoff

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s decision to allow pre-organized tours to China despite an initial suspension, aiming to revive cross-strait tourism amid zero group travel from China. Learn about the government’s flexible approach and hopes for mutual goodwill.
    2024/05/30 16:45
  • 輝達再寫股價新高!黃仁勳身價暴漲30倍 晉升全球15大富豪 

    輝達(NVIDIA)29日收盤續寫新高價,最高點攀上1154.92美元,終場漲0.81%或9.24元,收在1148.25元,續創歷史天價。而執行長黃仁勳日前抵台,馬不停蹄地開啟美食地圖的期間,身價正式突破千億美元大關,榮登全球第15大富豪,擠下法國萊雅集團現任副主席Francoise Bettencourt Meyers、以及ZARA創辦人Amancio Ortega
    2024/05/30 11:25
  • The Tainan Food Festival starts May 29 at SOGO Zhongxiao

    The Tainan Food Festival starts Tuesday at SOGO Zhongxiao, featuring 50 Tainan restaurants, including Michelin Guide eateries. Mayor Huang Wei-che promotes Tainan’s cuisine and culinary heritage.
    2024/05/29 17:27
  • Taiwan’s new Premier outlines foreign policy goals

    Discover how Taiwan’s new Premier Cho Jung-tai aims to foster democracy, peace, and prosperity with a comprehensive foreign policy system. Learn about his plans for national defense, economic innovation, and environmental goals.
    2024/05/29 16:06
  • TAO: Taiwanese artists’ pro-China stance genuine

    Explore the latest on cross-strait relations as China’s TAO praises Taiwanese artists for sharing pro-China posts, amidst criticism of the DPP’s "green terror." Learn more about the cultural and political implications.
    2024/05/29 14:20
  • 輝達市值逼近蘋果!黃仁勳成彭博第15大富豪 身價勝Zara創辦人

    美國晶片大廠輝達(NVIDIA)股價昨(28日)大漲7%,市值衝上2.85兆美元,目前人在台灣的輝達執行長、AI教父「台南囝仔」黃仁勳,身價也正式達到千億美元(約3.2兆新台幣),榮登全球第15大富豪,超越ZARA創辦人、西班牙首富歐特嘉(Amancio Ortega),也從「兆元男」晉升「3兆元男」。
    2024/05/29 14:09
  • 不要高畫質!日年輕人搶買「十年前iPhone4」 原因曝光

    2024/05/28 16:16
  • Chinese military aircraft breach Taiwan Strait median line

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s defense as it detects Chinese military aircraft and naval vessels near the Taiwan Strait, signaling heightened tensions and international concern for regional stability.
    2024/05/28 13:27
  • 不讓女友探班!潘裕文沙發調情文青女神 深情捧臉畫面曝  

    2024/05/28 13:16
  • Shanghai delegation lands in Taipei amid tensions

    Discover how Taipei and Shanghai maintain dialogue amid tensions, as a Shanghai delegation arrives in Taipei for a familiarization trip ahead of the annual Twin-City Forum.
    2024/05/27 16:04
  • Surge in illegal meat imports as Dragon Boat Festival nears

    Discover the rise in illegal meat imports in Taiwan as the Dragon Boat Festival nears, with a focus on the crackdown on zongzi and cured meats from abroad to protect local agriculture.
    2024/05/27 14:37
  • 薪水非唯一!保險、科技業怎拚留才 締造職場幸福感

    2024/05/26 21:00
  • 新衣服要洗!「2成分」接觸恐影響生殖能力 ZARA也曾遭殃

    2024/05/26 12:08
  • 坎城影展名單/席琳娜甩偶像標籤轉型成功! 4女星並列登影后寶座

    第77屆坎城影展今(26)凌晨舉行頒獎典禮,今年影后獎項競爭特別激烈,這次由《芭比》導演葛莉塔潔薇領軍的評審團,最後將影后獎項頒給4個演員,為演出電影《Emilia Perez》的西班牙跨性別女星卡拉索非亞賈斯康(Karla Sofía Gascón)、亞德蓮娜帕茲(Adriana Paz)和柔伊莎達娜(Zoe Saldaña),以及迪士尼童星出身、台灣觀眾熟知的席琳娜戈梅茲(Selena Gomez),4人共享影后榮耀。
    2024/05/26 10:57
  • 年輕人流行「戴1首飾」?一票妹子點頭:不老氣反顯氣質

    2024/05/24 08:48
  • Dance and drama lead in Taiwan’s performing arts boom

    Discover the highlights of Taiwan’s performing arts scene in 2023 with the National Theater and Concert Hall’s report, revealing record-breaking box office revenues of NT$1.57 billion and ticket sales of 2.05 million. Explore the success stories behind popular dance, drama, and music performances.
    2024/05/23 11:29
  • Kaohsiung police boost MRT security after metro attack

    Discover how Kaohsiung police are enhancing MRT security with over 100 officers deployed daily following a violent incident, aiming to ensure commuter safety and restore confidence.
    2024/05/22 17:20
  • Peng takes on environmental challenges as new minister

    Discover how Peng Chi-ming, Taiwan’s new Minister of the Environment, addresses the pressures of his role and his stance on nuclear energy amid climate change challenges in his first report to the Legislative Yuan.
    2024/05/22 10:59
  • 想留住「Z世代」人才! 工作與生活要平衡

    2024/05/21 22:48
  • 邱鋒澤出道10週年罕吐真心話!救命恩人身分曝光 竟不是陳零九

    剛發行全新英文創作單曲〈EX YOU〉的邱鋒澤,5月19日於 Zepp New Taipei 舉辦「10 邱鋒澤出道10週年音樂會台北場」,與粉絲歡慶出道10週年,更邀請準歌后接班人「艾薇」擔任神秘嘉賓一起合唱。
    2024/05/21 18:47
  • Passengers left in the dark after train outage in Taiwan

    Discover the details of a power outage on the Taiwan High Speed Rail that caused delays and left passengers in the dark, as reported by TVBS News.
    2024/05/21 14:18
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