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    &TEA 結果共122筆

  • Twinnen in Taiwan: From Yehliu’s rocks to Jiufen’s charm

    Join us on a day trip from Taipei, exploring the otherworldly Yehliu Geopark, the enchanting town of Jiufen, and the charming Shifen with its sky lanterns. Discover Taiwan’s stunning coast and the inspiration behind "Spirited Away."
    2024/01/03 21:36
  • Twinnen in Taiwan: Fusion flavors shine on Yongkang Street

    Embark on a culinary adventure along Taipei’s Yongkang Street, where a fusion of Chinese, Japanese, and Taiwanese flavors comes to life. Discover the best of Taipei’s diverse cuisine, from savory scallion pancakes and classic milk tea to Michelin-recognized Shanghainese dishes and flavorful shaved ice.
    2024/01/03 21:15
  • Hou Yu-ih reiterates Taiwan independence opposition

    Kuomintang’s presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih expressed his opposition to Taiwan’s independence and support for democratic freedom, rejecting "one country, two systems." During a debate, he criticized Democratic Progressive Party’s candidate Lai Ching-te for his vague policy toward China and questioned his remarks about sharing bubble tea with China’s president Xi Jinping. Hou emphasized that any consensus between Taiwan and China should be based on Taiwan’s Constitution and the basic cross-strait framework, clarifying that the 1992 Consensus does not imply recognition of "one country, two systems." He emphasized that the future of Taiwan should be decided by its 23 million citizens, engaging in dialogue under the constitutional framework to reduce risks. Hou also advocated for the development of Taiwan’s self-defense capabilities to maintain peace and suggested that cross-strait exchanges should start from the civil sector before moving to official government interactions to minimize risks.
    2023/12/30 16:38
  • Popular tea chain to raise prices due to rising costs

    50 Lan, a renowned tea beverage chain in Taipei, is set to raise its prices in 2024 due to increased operational and sales costs. Influenced by ingredient costs and labor shortages, the hike marks a potential trend in Taiwan’s popular hand-shake beverage market.
    2023/12/28 18:42
  • LE SSERAFIM to make Taiwan debut at 2024 concert

    LE SSERAFIM, a South Korean girl group, will be the special guest at the 2024 Red White Superstar Concert in Taipei, Taiwan. This will be their first performance in Taiwan as a group. Leader Kim Chae-won expressed honor at the invitation and promised a spectacular stage performance. Member Kazuha also shared a warm message to fans, expressing excitement to meet FEARNOT from different regions and hoping to transmit positive energy through their performance. The group members, Sakura and Kazuha, also expressed anticipation for Taiwanese cuisine, with Sakura loving bubble milk tea and Kazuha eager to try the famous mango ice. The concert will be broadcast on Taiwan Television and MyVideo on Lunar New Year’s Eve, and audiences can participate in a ticket lottery for a chance of admission by downloading the TTV app.
    2023/12/26 20:27
  • S.H.E. Selina’s food brand to cease operations in 2024

    Rensingeatshot, a lifestyle food brand founded by Selina of Taiwanese girl band S.H.E, will cease operations on Jan. 21, 2024, citing inflation and economic challenges. The company expressed reluctance but emphasized that it is not a farewell, but rather a move towards better choices. The decision was influenced by the impact of COVID-19 on the global economy in 2023 and hyperinflation, which raised materials and manufacturing costs. The company struggled to find a balance between production costs and market-acceptable prices due to the increasingly competitive advertising market. Initially known for its instant porridge products, Rensingeatshot expanded to include instant drinks, tea bags, and waffles. The brand officially launched on Jan. 11, 2021. While the product line will end on Jan. 21, 2024, collaborations with other brands will not be affected.
    2023/12/26 17:09
  • 雙12來了!超商限時優惠 茶飲買10送7、美式27元爽喝

    雙12又要來了!超商7-ELEVEN祭出優惠,「OPEN POINT行動隨時取」12月6日至12月13日限定CITY飲品優惠組合價只要1212元;且12月7日限定1天,還有CITY TEA英式紅茶/四季春青茶享買10送7。
    2023/12/04 17:24
  • FDA destroys 2kg of Japanese green tea powder at border

    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that two kilograms of green tea powder imported from Japan were destroyed at the border due to trace amounts of radioactive cesium-137. The batch’s cesium-137 levels were within the acceptable limit of 100 becquerels per kilogram, but the FDA emphasized the importance of ethical practices and urged businesses to adhere to them. The FDA tested the batch on October 31 and found 3 becquerels per kg of cesium-137 and 3 becquerels per kg of cesium-134 plus cesium-137. Since last year, food from five prefectures of Fukushima, Japan, has been imported to Taiwan, provided it meets radiation and origin inspection requirements. The FDA’s regulations for cesium-134 and cesium-137 levels in various food categories are based on the "Standards for the Tolerance of Atomic Dust and Radioactivity Contamination in Foods." From 2011 to 2023, Taiwan has tested 224,970 batches of Japanese food, with 252 samples showing trace radioactivity that did not exceed national or Japanese standards.
    2023/11/22 19:45
  • 謝謝中華隊! 超商「限時3天」推大杯咖啡買1送1

    為中華隊在杭州亞運的努力喝采,超商7-ELEVEN整合推出優惠同慶,線上OPEN POINT APP「行動隨時取」即日起至10月11日,限時3天推出CITY CAFE大杯美式咖啡、大杯卡布奇諾買1送1、CITY TEA現萃茶經典純奶茶買2送1。
    2023/10/09 13:19
  • 日本「台灣珍奶旋風」退燒了? 網美珍奶品牌宣告破產

    台灣的珍珠奶茶近年來在日本颳起珍奶旋風,日本更推出各式珍珠奶茶系列「黑暗料理」,例如珍奶拉麵、珍奶泡飯、珍奶麻婆豆腐等,雖然嚇壞台灣人,但也成功引發話題。然而,疫情前的珍奶熱潮似乎不再風靡全國,日本的珍奶品牌「Comma Tea」公司宣布破產,連鎖店在9月底已經通通關門大吉,消息一出令日本網友也感嘆:「珍奶旋風已經退燒了」。
    2023/10/04 13:37
  • Taiwan convenience stores join program to label egg origins

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare has announced a pilot program to label the origin of egg ingredients in convenience stores. This comes after controversy surrounding imported eggs being labeled as produced in Taiwan. The program will focus on labeling eggs used in "real transformation" items like marinated eggs and tea eggs.
    2023/09/27 15:27
  • 會員快衝!好市多「骨灰罈紅茶」限時特價 網歪樓:有先人味道

    2023/08/05 15:44
  • 五桐號異國系新品搭韓聯名 Tea Top慶18年推優惠

    夏天是手搖飲暢銷旺季,各品牌推出新品搶攻夏季商機,手搖品牌「五桐號」今年以旅遊為主題,推出兩款異國風味的飲品,而且再度攜手韓國文創插畫,不僅杯身有專屬聯名設計,甚至也推出一系列的周邊商品,至於想要搶好康,還有「Tea Top第一味」能選,為了慶祝18周年,回饋大家支持,7月每周一「桂花凍108」第2杯一律半價,還有兩次機會能夠把握。
    2023/07/20 17:08
  • 鳳梨年繳5百萬稅「低調喊小本經營」 飲料店插旗台北:希望細水長流

    網紅鳳梨(吳泓逸)去(2022)年2月開始經營手搖品牌「19.5 Tea」,今(8)日他出席台北店開幕記者會,透露全台已拓展20多家分店,有些是直營店,有些是半營、加盟,並不是全部由自己出資。被問到今(2023)年的繳稅額,鳳梨低調否認沒有1000萬,但可能有500萬,此金額跟藝人曾國城有得比,他謙虛地說:「就是小小的經營啦!」
    2023/07/08 18:33
  • 騙老人47萬被狂轟!鳳梨「心魔未放下」首談阿嬤近況:她過世了

    網紅鳳梨(吳泓逸)今(8)日出席個人茶飲品牌「19.5 Tea」台北店開幕活動,他一早從嘉義開車北上,路上遇到施工不小心遲到,一到場就向媒體們致歉,相當有誠意。鳳梨19歲當年曾經假冒檢察官,欺騙阿嬤47萬的棺材本,因此入獄服刑,他已完成應該負的責任,卻又不時被網友揶揄「還阿嬤錢了沒?」,讓他很無奈。對此,鳳梨今(8)日也鬆口阿嬤的近況。
    2023/07/08 16:05
  • Tree of Takeshi Kaneshiro captures beauty of local culture

    A tree in Taitung County, Taiwan, has captured the hearts of locals and tourists alike. Known as the "Tree of Takeshi Kaneshiro" or the "Tea-Offering Tree," this iconic bishop wood stands proudly at the southern end of Borong Boulevard in Chishang Township.
    2023/07/06 12:25
  • 端午手搖優惠!名字有「這三個音」 飲料享買一送一

    端午連假又高溫炎熱,不少咖啡飲料都有優惠活動,甚至配合外送平台讓民眾不用出門曬太陽。星巴克和外送平台合作連續兩週第二杯半價;手搖飲店TEA TOP第一味也推出買一送一活動。
    2023/06/22 12:45
  • 鳳梨鼠薯被AV女優橘瑪麗指名 「私訊約見面」曝對話:等你

    日本人氣AV女優橘瑪麗(橘メアリー)睽違三年來台灣,此行她將為TAE 成人展(TAE since 2011、Taiwan Adult Expo)成人展擔任一日店長,昨(28)日抵達松山機場,大方表示抵台最想做的第一件事情,就是想嘗試鳳梨薯鼠開的飲料店「19.5 TEA」,而鳳梨稍早也透露收到女方私訊,親自跟他約見面,他也秀出簡單日文能力回應,掀起網友熱議。
    2023/04/29 10:02
  • 蕭敬騰好猛!手搖飲新加坡2年開5間 再宣布重磅好消息

    「金曲歌王」蕭敬騰受邀至新加坡《紅星大獎 2023》擔任演出嘉賓及頒獎人,許久未至新加坡演出的他,一連帶來〈皮囊〉、〈王妃〉、〈只能想念你〉、〈好想對你說〉共四首歌曲,演出後的蕭敬騰也顯得意猶未盡,分享一到新加坡就立馬吃了想念已久的美食,而除了演出,蕭敬騰更以「蕭總」身份親自參與「署茗職茶 At Tea」新加坡店開幕兩週年的慶祝派對,並且帶著品牌新吉祥物「甜心兔」亮相,象徵品牌秉持著堅持不放棄,致力於做好茶的精神。
    2023/04/11 11:02
  • 台灣珍奶赴美獲抖音與韓星加持爆紅 粉圓出口大增三倍

    來自台灣的珍珠奶茶(bubble tea),如今在美國、已經成為我們重要的美食外交大使,根據《彭博》(Bloomberg)報導,雖然珍奶進軍北美已有數十年歷史,但近年來受到TikTok等社群平台,以及韓國明星加持後擴大影響力,讓珍珠奶茶翻身爆紅,同時也讓粉圓與其原料出口額度大增,成為美國從台灣進口的最大宗食品項目;即使過去幾年受到新冠疫情衝擊,依舊不影響粉圓進口的數量,可見珍奶受歡迎的程度。
    2023/04/01 14:07
  • 蕭敬騰飲料店倒7間! Toyz喝一口嚇喊詭異 驚人評價輾壓2明星

    2023/03/27 12:06
  • 蕭敬騰飲料店剩2間!他點名「2網紅」品牌:會變曇花嗎

    金曲歌王蕭敬騰在2020年斥資1500萬元新台幣進軍飲料界,成立飲料店品牌「署茗職茶At Tea」,並插旗全台多處,然而今(26)日卻爆出全台僅剩2間分店。對此,前桃園市議員王浩宇就點名了知名實況主「Toyz」(劉偉健)的飲料店、網紅「館長」(陳之漢)的便當店,質疑究竟是「會繼續紅下去」還是「曇花一現」?
    2023/03/26 20:08
  • 飲料店爆快倒光!蕭敬騰認了「都是我的問題」 吐下一步計畫

    即將在3月30日迎接36歲生日的蕭敬騰,一向不喜歡慶生以及收禮物的他,特地在萬豪酒店舉行「蕭敬騰 LOVE U 兔 – 2023生日公益義賣」,這次他再次號召身旁好友共襄盛舉,規模更勝往年,一共蒐集了超過百件的義賣單品!他受訪時表示其實沒有什麼生日願望,只希望「平安就好」,不過今(26)日卻爆出他一手創立的飲料店「署茗職茶At Tea」,繼台北西門町後,高雄漢神巨蛋店也跟著倒閉,對此,他也正面回應了。
    2023/03/26 15:24
  • 勤美新開幕「藝廊型手搖」好喝又好拍 獨家霜淇淋茶飲必點

    台中最多人愛逛的勤美商圈,近日有間超好拍的「藝廊型手搖飲」新開幕,位於勤美商圈與廣三SOGO周邊的「緩茶SLOW BLACK TEA」,將手搖飲結合微型展覽空間,不僅可以點杯主打的霜淇淋飲,還能買飲料的同時緩下腳步,喘口氣欣賞牆上的插畫藝術。
    2023/03/01 15:34
  • 補班不憂鬱!星巴克第二杯半價 閃電咖啡連4天買一送一

    2023年2月和3月,好幾個週六都要補班,這週六(18)日又是補班日,不少上班族憂鬱,但是星巴克也推出「補班日陪你一起上班不孤單」優惠活動,相同飲料第二杯半價;FLASH COFFEE也陪大家補班,連續四天全品項買一送一;手搖飲TEA TOP也寄出「轟蜜茶」或「轟蜜蕎麥」可享「第2杯半價喝」優惠活動。
    2023/02/16 12:07
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