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    vote 結果共97筆

  • 民眾黨徵英日文工讀接待外賓 網嘲諷:以為便利商店員工?

    近日民眾黨英文官網發出誤導人的英文標語「Vote White・Vote Right」,不僅被誤解為是有種族主義的言論,也對台灣造成負面形象的影響。雖然民眾黨發言人林子宇已經出面澄清,希望能平息風波,但民進黨青年發展部主任兼發言人吳濬彥,貼出民眾黨的徵才資訊再度開炮,被網友質疑「確定工讀生懂國際政治」。
    2023/07/31 20:56
  • TPP faces controversy over misleading slogan

    The Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) found itself embroiled in controversy over the weekend regarding its English slogan, "Vote White, Vote Right," which drew concerns from foreign observers who interpreted it as endorsing white supremacy.
    2023/07/31 20:16
  • 民眾黨「VOTE WHITE」標語惹議 外籍人士分析原因

    民眾黨英文標語Vote White Vote Right引發爭議下架,駐台美籍自由撰稿記者赫爾(Erin Hale)在社群媒體發文指出,民眾黨的口號很容易引起誤會;網紅「外國倫」也指出,美國人聽到這標語,百分之百會聯想到三K黨。
    2023/07/31 16:41
  • 民眾黨官網「投白投右」涉種族歧視?綠:柯文哲對國際事務陌生

    Pocast節目「百靈果News」30日發現,民眾黨英文官網寫下「VOTE WHITE,VOTE RIGHT」標語,恐被外國人解讀為「白人至上主義」;民眾黨立委賴香伶則在貼文下留言,還標記美國前總統川普,並提到民進黨,引發網友議論。民進黨今(31)日對此表示,民眾黨官網涉及敏感的種族歧視問題,黨籍立委鬧國際笑話,更凸顯民眾黨對於國際事務處理的陌生,民眾黨主席柯文哲正在競選總統,對於相關爭議應立即重申正確的態度。
    2023/07/31 14:53
  • 「Vote White Vote Right」惹議下架 民眾黨:加強小編英文能力

    民眾黨英文官網出現一標語「Vote White Vote Right」,想表達「投給代表白色力量的民眾黨,投給正確的選擇」,但在西方人士眼中卻會被解讀成「投給白人,投給右派」,引發討論。一名在台的外國記者更在推特上表示,「民眾黨意外地與美國白人至上主義都用了同一句口號」。對此,民眾黨發言人林子宇今(31)日說明,起初提出用意是要表達「支持白色力量是一個正確的選擇」,再加上台灣沒有所謂「白人至上主義」的概念,但對於不同建議也會從善如流,目前已將該標語下架,未來針對小編英文專業度也會進行把關。
    2023/07/31 10:56
  • 吳怡農用自己大頭照當競選主視覺 少了綠色因為這原因

    民進黨台北市立委補選參選人吳怡農今(6)日公布競選主視覺,共有2種款式,1種是藍、粉配色搭配自己大頭照,另外還有仿效古巴革命家切格瓦拉經典肖像的版本。吳怡農找來台北市議員邱威傑,因為他支持邱威傑提出《台北市競選廣告物管理自治條例》,因此他選舉期間將不掛看板,只會張貼海報,主視覺中「壯闊台灣,國家安全,競爭力,國際化」的文字是他的理念,加上「vote for change」競選口號,還有投票日期1月8日,相當簡單清新。
    2022/12/06 12:35
  • Taipei City mayor hopefuls confident in election outcome

    Around 19 million people are eligible to vote in Taiwan. In 2018, the participation rate in the local elections was nearly 67%, meaning voters always look forward to casting their ballots.
    2022/11/26 20:07
  • Important reminders for Saturday’s 9-in-1 local elections

    The 9-in-1 local elections are scheduled for tomorrow. Here are a few important reminders to get you ready before voting. 
    2022/11/25 19:35
  • CECC: Confirmed COVID-19 cases won’t be allowed to vote

    The election day is approaching fast, and in order to vote, citizens have to be COVID-19 negative, leading some to worry that some confirmed patients didn’t reported their symptoms to the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) in order to be able to vote.
    2022/11/25 12:49
  • Taiwan political parties clash over voting restrictions

    As Taiwan’s Nov. 26 local elections draw near, the government’s firm stance against allowing COVID-positive voters to cast their ballots has become increasingly controversial.
    2022/11/24 08:13
  • Taiwan voters to decide if voting age should be lowered

    The Central Election Commission (CEC) announced on Tuesday that 9.61 million votes will be needed for the proposed constitutional amendment to lower the voting age in Taiwan from 20 to 18 years old to pass.
    2022/11/24 08:09
  • Countdown begins for Taiwan 9-in-1 elections

    Taiwanese citizens will vote for local leaders and council members in 22 cities and counties around the country on Nov. 26 (Sat.). 
    2022/11/15 17:43
  • Why Taiwan wants a referendum on lowering the voting age

    The “nine-in-one elections” are scheduled for November 26. With less than one month to go, all of the candidates in Taiwan are campaigning hard.  In addition to the elections of county magistrates and city mayors, there will also be a referendum on the same day.  It will decide if young adults aged between 18 and 19 should also have the right to vote. 
    2022/11/03 17:51
  • Taiwan considers revising quarantine rules for elections

    With the nine-in-one elections slated in November in Taiwan, the Central Election Commission has come under fire for hinting that people under quarantine on election day won’t be able to cast their ballots.
    2022/10/24 18:05
  • 酸陳時中「這句英文」求翻譯 徐巧芯反遭網打臉

    民進黨台北市長參選人陳時中喊當選市長後成立「國際事務局」,本月10日陳時中的YouTube頻道發布「國際事務局」影片,片中陳時中跟外國朋友打招呼,其中一句「How are you going?」引發討論。國民黨台北市議員徐巧芯也在臉書酸:「有人可以幫我神翻譯一下嗎?」徐巧芯還指出,陳時中與外國人互動講出來的英文只有Hi、Hello、Everyone、Nice to see you、Thank you、Vote me?讓她笑到肚子好痛。但有網友則反嗆「How are you going 就是簡單問候語,連這都不懂還敢出來批評,我真是大開眼界」。
    2022/10/14 15:21
  • Taiwan Policy Act to enhance U.S. military support

    The U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved the "Taiwan Policy Act" with a 17-5 vote on Sept. 14 (Wed.), committing to provide Taiwan with more military support in the future. 
    2022/09/23 14:06
  • Taiwan Policy Act clears U.S. senate committee

    The United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee cleared the "Taiwan Policy Act" with a 17-5 bipartisan vote. According to its sponsors, the bill is "the most comprehensive restructuring of U.S. policy towards Taiwan since the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979."
    2022/09/23 14:06
  • 英國首相保衛戰 強森面臨自家議員「不信任投票」挑戰

    英國保守黨議員不滿首相強森(Boris Johnson),揚言在倫敦時間6日晚間發動不信任投票(vote of no confidence),挑戰他的首相與執政地位,根據《衛報》(The Guardian)報導,現任下議員布萊迪(Graham Brady)對外宣稱,他已經掌握約15%、至少54位黨內議員支持,同意對強森發起挑戰。
    2022/06/06 17:28
  • FOCUS360/空前踴躍! 全美提前投票破兩千萬人

    2020/10/18 21:00
  • 「川普健保」選前問世! 醞釀四年 換湯不換藥?

    美國總統川普2016年上任時就喊出,他要廢除前朝歐巴馬時代的健保方案,沒想到四年過去,一直沒推出具體改革的他,在大選前夕終於端了出來!名為「美國第一醫療照護計畫」(America First Healthcare Plan),被外界批評是畫大餅,要大舉降低老年人醫保費之外,還要保障帶病者的投保權益,這在歐巴馬健保案就已經實施的項目,川普拿來當成自己的政策牛肉,花四年醞釀卻「換湯不換藥」,引發質疑。川普選前引發各項論戰,其中包括堅持提名大法官人選填補空缺,被質疑是想安插自己的人選,讓自己能藉由炒作郵寄投票不公,送交最高法院裁決獲得連任機會。24日川普和夫人梅蘭妮亞,前往最高法院向金斯伯格女士的靈柩弔唁,引來現場民眾怒吼,要用選票讓他下台!
    2020/09/25 20:00
  • 最強「嬌」點!拜登妻曬恩愛 蜜雪兒項鍊大賣

    美國民主黨全代會上一大「嬌」點,是拜登的夫人吉爾‧拜登(Jill Biden),夫妻倆在鏡頭前大曬恩愛,結縭40年,當初都是第二任婚姻,由於拜登第一任妻子和女兒在車禍中不幸身亡,留下兩個年幼的兒子,吉爾一直沒有信心能做個稱職的母親,拜登求婚五次她才點頭。事實證明,她維繫了一個完美的家庭,而她也準備好做拜登這回選戰最強的後盾!這次的「夫人效應」不斷發酵,美國前第一夫人蜜雪兒歐巴馬在全代會上發表演說,除了內容激勵人心之外,大家也注意到她脖子上的金色字母項鍊,「VOTE」也就是投票的意思,造成網路上一陣搶購風潮。項鍊設計師得知作品被採用,透露自己第一時間太開心,足足哭了五分鐘!
    2020/08/19 20:00
  • 年底美選將至 疫情延燒改採通訊投票

    美國11月就要舉行總統大選,不過現在疫情還沒有完全舒緩,大選投票會不會受到影響?川普政府目前沒有打算延後選舉。如果要維持社交距離,又能投票的話,目前最佳方案,就是通訊投票,也就是Vote by Mail。其實美國現在有五個州,已經採取全面通訊投票,包括華盛頓、奧勒岡、科羅拉多、以及猶他州。加州州長也簽署了行政命令,要讓所有加州選民,今年11月都可以用通訊投票。
    2020/05/23 22:00
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