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    politics 結果共153筆

  • Lai Ching-te inaugurates campaign HQ, Tsai voices support

    Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te inaugurated his campaign headquarters in New Taipei City, receiving strong support from Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen. Tsai criticized the Blue-White coalition as a self-interest alliance and urged citizens to work together for Taiwan’s benefit.
    2023/11/05 19:38
  • Ko Wen-je: From ER doctor to Taiwan’s political game changer

    Ko Wen-je, founder of Taiwan People’s Party and former ER doctor, has swiftly become a significant force in Taiwan’s politics. Known for his straightforwardness and rapid adaptation, Ko’s political journey resonates with the youth but faces challenges with older generations. As Taiwan approaches election day, voters must decide if Ko’s vision aligns with their aspirations for the nation.
    2023/11/03 18:00
  • Japanese scholar foresees Lai’s presidential victory

    Japanese scholar Yoshiyuki Ogasawara predicts that Lai Ching-te, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate, is likely to win Taiwan’s presidential race. However, Ogasawara cautions that the DPP is unlikely to gain a majority of legislative seats. Opposition parties have attracted public attention by coordinating candidate discussions, leading to diminished public exposure for Lai. Additionally, recent scandals involving extramarital affairs among DPP incumbent lawmakers have put the party on the defensive. Ogasawara’s prediction makes him the first Japanese election observer to suggest that the ruling DPP may not secure more than half of the legislative seats.
    2023/11/01 10:31
  • Ko Wen-je calls for transition to parliamentary system

    Presidential candidate Ko Wen-je of the Taiwan People’s Party is pushing for a transition from Taiwan’s current presidential system to a parliamentary system. If elected, Ko aims to establish the role of prime minister in the history of the Republic of China. Ko argues that the current system lacks efficient checks and balances, with the President and mayors of the special municipalities having significant control over politics without adequate oversight. He emphasizes the importance of long-term stability and prosperity for Taiwan, rather than focusing solely on the term of office. With the upcoming 2024 election seen as a crucial turning point, Ko is advocating for a more people-centric form of governance that truly empowers the citizens.
    2023/10/09 15:18
  • AI to revolutionize education, says TPP Ko Wen-je

    Taiwan’s political landscape heats up as Chairman Ko Wen-je emphasizes AI in education during his U.S. visit. Other candidates also rally for AI’s role in Taiwan’s growth. Get the latest updates on their plans and priorities.
    2023/10/09 15:07
  • U.S. commits to One China policy: Oudkirk

    The U.S. reaffirms its commitment to the One-China policy, emphasizing its role in maintaining peace, stability, and prosperity for Taiwan and the wider region. The director of the American Institute in Taiwan highlights the benefits of maintaining the status quo and expresses confidence in Taiwan’s presidential candidates.
    2023/10/02 19:13
  • Lai Ching-te leads Taiwan presidential race with 30% support

    In the latest United Daily News poll, Lai Ching-te of the Democratic Progressive Party maintains a 30% lead in the presidential race, while Kuomintang’s Hou Yu-ih sees a gradual decline in support. Ko Wen-je of the Taiwan People’s Party closely follows with 21%, and Terry Gou’s potential independent candidacy adds intrigue to the 2024 Presidential Election.
    2023/09/27 13:07
  • KMT’s Hou surpasses TPP’s Ko in presidential poll at 18.4%

    In a recent poll, Hou Yu-ih takes the lead over Ko Wen-je in the presidential race, while Lai Ching-te maintains his position as the frontrunner for the 2024 election in Taiwan. Get the latest updates on Taiwan’s political landscape.
    2023/09/21 16:28
  • Terry Gou selects ‘Wave Makers’ actress as VP candidate

    Business tycoon Terry Gou partners with entertainer Lai Pei-hsia for the 2024 presidential election in Taiwan. Gou emphasizes gender equality and Lai’s impressive credentials — a unique blend of business and entertainment for a new era in Taiwanese politics.
    2023/09/14 16:07
  • ’Wave Makers’ actress accepts Gou’s invite as running mate

    Taiwanese actress Lai Pei-hsia, known for her role in ’Wave Makers,’ is teaming up with independent presidential candidate Terry Gou for the 2024 election. Learn more about this surprising political partnership and Lai’s qualifications.
    2023/09/14 15:33
  • Hou Yu-ih meets with LDP Member Kōichi Hagiuda, Tarō Asō

    Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih visited the LDP headquarters in Japan on Tuesday (Aug. 1), meeting with Kōichi Hagiuda and possibly former PM Tarō Asō.
    2023/08/02 14:00
  • Councilor exposes prominent media personality’s harassment

    Taiwan’s #MeToo movement continues to gain momentum within the realm of politics as Yunlin County Councilor Chen Fang-ying bravely stepped forward to disclose her experience of harassment by a prominent media personality. The recent turn of events has taken a toll on Chen, who reportedly fell ill and was rushed to the emergency room on Monday night, bearing visible signs of fatigue on her face.
    2023/06/14 16:31
  • Fulbright seminar: Insight into Taiwan’s media and politics

    International correspondents and scholars from the United States gathered together analyzing Taiwan’s politics and media landscape at the Fulbright Hays Seminar Abroad Program in Grand Hyatt Taipei on Monday (June 12).
    2023/06/13 18:32
  • Former UK Prime Minister kicks off 5-day trip to Taiwan

    Former UK Prime Minister Liz Truss was greeted by Foreign Minister Joseph Wu at the airport as she arrived in Taiwan on Tuesday (May 16) evening for a 5-day trip.
    2023/05/17 13:40
  • Ex-President Ma heads to Europe to talk geopolitics

    Former Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou departed from Taoyuan International Airport on Monday (April 24) for Europe, where he will deliver talks on geo-politics and address rising cross-strait tensions in the region.
    2023/04/25 16:06
  • Foxconn Founder Terry Gou discusses tech, Taiwan’s economy

    Foxconn Founder Terry Gou departed for the United States on March 27 for a 12-day trip to discuss technology, innovation and Taiwan’s economy with experts.
    2023/03/30 13:45
  • China FM urges U.S. to restrain Taiwan independence

    In his first news conference since taking office, Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang lashed out Tuesday (March 7) at the United States over deteriorating bilateral relations and Washington’s support for Taiwan.
    2023/03/07 19:45
  • Enoch Wu thanks supporters after losing by-election

    Wang Hung-wei recieved 52.26% of the total votes in the Taipei by-election on Sunday, while Enoch Wu received 47.27%.
    2023/01/10 09:04
  • Students deem removal of Chiang Kai-shek statues unnecessary

    The Ministry of the Interior aims to remove what they consider "symbols of authoritarianism" nationwide. It is offering a NT$100,000 subsidy for removing any Chiang Kai Shek or Chiang Ching-kuo statues. The Ministry of the Interior encourages schools, county, and city authorities to remove these statues.
    2022/12/12 19:00
  • Taiwan’s 9-in-1 elections scheduled on Nov. 26

    The nine-in-one elections are just a month away in Taiwan. On November 26, eligible voters will cast their ballots at their local polling stations.
    2022/11/02 16:07
  • Former top Chinese leaders attend 20th Party Congress too

    As China’s 20th National Party Congress kicked off on Sunday (Oct. 16) the world caught a rare glimpse of many senior Chinese political leaders in attendance.
    2022/10/17 17:23
  • Taiwan orders 16 Boeing planes for NT$139.8 billion

    Although international travel is still not back to normal, China Airlines called for a meeting with its Board of Directors. They passed a decision to purchase 16 Boeing 787-9 passenger planes, with an estimated price tag of NT$139.8 billion. The move has raised much speculation about whether it has to do with the recent U.S. delegations’ visits to Taiwan.
    2022/09/23 14:22
  • U.S. Congressional delegation arrives in Taiwan

    President Tsai Ing-wen greeted an 8-member delegation of the U.S. Congress at the Office of the President on the morning of Sept. 8. This is the largest U.S. delegation yet to visit Taiwan compared to the several delegations that arrived in August.
    2022/09/23 14:13
  • 川普「勝選方程式」 民調露端倪?楊喜慧:「3搖擺州」 川普逆襲關鍵

    美國總統大選倒數5天,根據Real Clear Politics最新民調顯示,川普於最大搖擺州:佛羅里達州,以0.4%微幅領先對手拜登,《福斯新聞》曾引美選歷史,做出「得佛州、得天下」評論,2016年,川普能在輸希拉蕊普選票,卻仍勝選入主白宮,關鍵搖擺州的「勝利方程式」,這次仍能奏效?擁有29張選舉人票的佛州,會再成為川普逆襲關鍵?旅美學者楊喜慧於《新聞大白話》帶來美國第一手選情分析指,台灣民眾支持川普,很多是基於「反共(中國大陸)立場」,美國南方挺川普選民,很多來自南美洲的移民亦是如此,以佛州及亞利桑那州為例,約有20%民眾來是拉丁裔,他們其實與台灣人一樣,支持川普並非因欣賞川普,而是因「反共(中國大陸)因素」,這情結須追溯到歐巴馬時期,當時歐巴馬主張與古巴、這個共產黨領導的島國接觸,歐巴馬執政期間,開展與古巴經貿往來,讓大家對歐巴馬反共立場產生質疑,相較之下,共和黨就顯得更堅定。 除佛州外,擁有20張選舉人票的賓夕凡尼亞州,也是歷來美國大選,共和、民主兩大黨,兵家必爭的搖擺州之一;2016年,川普於賓州最後以0.7%險勝希拉蕊,也被指為川普入主白宮關鍵,這一次,川普能否「再取賓州」?川普在賓州有何勝算?楊喜慧分析,拜登與民主黨進步人士,十分重視「綠色新政」,誓言在2050年前、全美「零碳排」達標,拜登也將此列為首要政見;日前在美選最終辯論會上,川普針對:是否支持開採石油、天然氣等議題追問拜登,拜登脫口「反對開採」,此話一出,三大產油州,同時也是大選搖擺州:賓州、俄州及德州,民調立即有所反應,川普、拜登支持度陷入拉鋸、膠著,川普隨時有翻牌可能。楊喜慧認為,川普要搏逆轉勝,得把握「這三州」:賓州、佛州及亞利桑那州。 此次美選,因疫情攪局,提前投票人數已破7千萬大關,27日,「能否重投」登上Google關鍵字熱搜榜,對此,川普推文鼓勵以投票的選民「重新投票」,川普認為,「重投」有助自己選情,美國媒體曾報導,「提前投票」多為民主黨選民,而攤開美國50州選制,共15州容許選民「反悔」重投;倒數5天緊要關頭,「重新投票」會否成為拜登選情的「攔路虎」?楊喜慧表示,在提早投票的數個州,多以民主黨為主,另外,11月3日為星期二、非假日,一般上班族不太可能為了投票權都請假一天,而共和黨選民多數無此難處,故基本上,當天投票對共和黨較為有利。而提早投票7千萬人,即使部分「重新投票」,都將讓選務工作變得非常複雜;另外,「重新投票」先決條件是,「選務中心尚未收到回寄的選票」,這樣11月3日就能重投,但選民怎知道「郵寄票」是否已被選務單位收到?這些都是很複雜問題,包括很多州選民申請「郵寄投票」,卻到現在還沒收到選票,北卡州、賓州已決定延後結果發布日期,預計11月3日美選當天,應該是無法如期地有全美最終計票結果。 拜登兒子「電郵門」醜聞、一天一爆,對選戰最終結果,會否帶來衝擊?楊喜慧認為,在美國當地看不太到相關新聞,因主流媒體並無跟進報導,而在Twitter、Facebook等社交平台,也將相關訊息過濾或禁止,故殺傷力無想像中的嚴重。
    2020/10/29 19:03
  • 金正恩批拜登 川普推文附和白宮竟還幫認證

    美國總統川普引述北韓獨裁者金正恩,暗指兩人對民主黨人拜登的看法都不好,「政治止步於大洋之濱」(Politics stops at the waters edge)這句華府老話又一次遭到了打擊。
    2019/05/27 10:40
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