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    YouBike 結果共653筆

  • 陽帆愛女爆騎車與來車對撞!整個人飛上天慘摔 留巨大陰影

    Hit Fm龍年初四特別節目由陽帆愛女安吉、PINK FUN朵莉主持,安吉分享自己今年過年要做一件偉大的事情,她到去年為止都不會騎腳踏車,因為童年有一個悲慘的記憶,當時她在學騎車,騎到一半但不懂怎麼剎車,就跟對面的小朋友對撞,她依稀記得自己有一秒瞬間飛上天,之後就再也不碰腳踏車了。直到去年過年台北車流沒那麼多,她心血來潮去騎youbike,沒想到身體還記得,就馬上會騎了,所以今年過年她打算趁人少的時候去河堤騎腳踏車,她認為這是一個很勵志的故事,面對小時候的陰影戰勝恐懼。朵莉聽完笑說:「其實我也不會騎腳踏車!」安吉聽到馬上自信爆棚,要邀約朵莉在過年教她騎腳踏車。
    2024/02/13 13:05
  • 騎YouBike、搭公車上班 柯笑稱「當回平民」

    2024/01/30 18:35
  • YouBike前30分鐘免費「卡關」 蔣:適度調整

    2024/01/29 18:23
  • Taipei mayor vows to improve council ties after budget block

    Chiang Wan-an vows to enhance communication with the council after his budget proposals, including the "Taipei International Music Festival" and free 30-minute YouBike rides, were rejected. He hopes council members will understand the purpose of the budget plans and is open to making adjustments based on their views. Chiang remains committed to better communication, particularly regarding the music festival and YouBike service. He appreciates the recommendations made by councilors during the budget review process and assures that the city government will be open-minded and make appropriate adjustments.
    2024/01/29 14:08
  • 機車搶YouBike車位! 她怒報警「這原因」無人來開單

    2024/01/23 19:21
  • 「我先來的」!2男女為搶YouBike 街頭互毆

    2024/01/23 15:07
  • 搶YouBike大打出手!女使出「猴子偷桃」挨告性騷擾

    2024/01/23 11:11
  • 北市YouBike前30分鐘免費回來了!蔣萬安:將公布好消息

    2024/01/17 10:33
  • Taipei to reoffer free 30-minute YouBike rides

    The Taipei City Department of Transportation will announce the implementation date of the free 30-minute YouBike rental policy after the 2024 budget is passed. The policy aims to reduce carbon emissions by 40% and increase the use of green transportation to 70% by 2030. It was previously implemented in 2012 but ended in 2015. A public opinion poll in 2023 showed support for the policy among motorcyclists and the YouBike community, with over 60% of motorcyclists willing to switch to using YouBike for short trips. To address potential bike shortages, the department has added 1,780 bikes in May and 1,500 bikes in December 2023, increasing the availability of bikes citywide from 80% to 90%. In 2024, the department plans to add another 6,000 YouBikes and improve scheduling and personnel to meet the increased demand.
    2024/01/05 18:11
  • 北市YouBike前30分鐘免費?交通局:預算通過後宣布

    2024/01/05 16:59
  • Taipei urges YouBike riders to opt for injury insurance

    The Taipei City Government is urging YouBike users to sign up for coverage to obtain additional protection, following a report stating that 812 YouBike accidents have occurred from last year to the end of November this year. Transportation Management Division Chief Chu Chen-tso indicated that most accidents involved riders cycling too fast or being unable to brake in time while going downhill, leading to falls and injuries. With injury insurance, compensation for fractures or serious accidents can reach up to NT$1 million, and hospitalization claims amount to NT$1,000 per day. However, minor scrapes and bruises are generally not covered. Since the initiation of a free public bicycle injury insurance policy in 2018, the insurance rate has risen from 49.4% to 63.5%. Despite this improvement, surveys reveal that 37% of individuals are unaware of public bicycle injury insurance, 30% believe they do not need the insurance, and 20% are reluctant to go through the insurance application process. Additionally, about 60% of users do not understand that each YouBike card requires separate insurance coverage. Taipei boasts 1,325 YouBike 2.0 stations and 15,047 bicycles.
    2023/12/12 19:33
  • 南北串接!450位企業家加入「識富天使會」6週年

    2023/12/09 17:55
  • 載孩子上學?婦駕車暴衝連環撞 9車遭殃嚇壞人

    2023/11/23 20:25
  • Taoyuan to upgrade bike renting system to YouBike 2.0

    The Taoyuan City Department of Transportation will upgrade the YouBike public bicycle system to YouBike 2.0. Construction will begin in November 2021 and the system is expected to be fully operational by the first half of 2024. Currently, Taoyuan operates 416 sites with 13,450 bikes in circulation, and the system has been used over 72 million times. The upgrade will start in Guishan District, near New Taipei’s Linkou District, and a "dual system" operation will be adopted during the conversion period from 2024 to 2025. The 1.0 system will be decommissioned by the end of 2025.
    2023/11/20 17:40
  • Chiang Wan-an gives passing grade to Taipei Dome trial match

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an gave a positive assessment of the trial match held at the Taipei Dome, stating that there is room for improvement and that the citizens will ultimately decide. During a City Council meeting, Councilors Chen Yi-chun and Hung Wan-jen raised concerns about various issues observed during the trial match. These included the absence of surveillance cameras in the underground parking lots, water stains in the lobby, accumulated water underground, disarray among people and YouBike users, water supply problems in the toilets, unremitting water flow in some sinks, the lack of vending machines, and bilingual signage issues. Mayor Chiang promised to demand that the Farglory Group, the construction contractors, address these issues and make improvements. The trial match was conducted to assess the condition and facilities of the long-awaited multi-purpose stadium.
    2023/11/20 13:42
  • New Taipei to expand travel card usage for elderly

    New Taipei Deputy Mayor Liu Ho-jan confirmed that senior cards for the elderly and persons with disabilities will be expanded next year. Starting in January, the cards will cover usage in the Airport MRT, and by July, they will also grant access to other public transportation options like YouBike and cabs. The decision to expand the cards came after receiving feedback from various individuals, including KMT Secretary-General Liao Xianxiang and KMT Councilor Chen Weijie, who expressed concerns about limited card use.
    2023/11/01 10:27
  • 快訊/高雄女騎YouBike遭砂石車輾過 命危搶救中

    2023/10/28 15:29
  • 攔警車持刀怒吼「我想吃牢飯」 法官准了

    2023/10/23 23:20
  • 永和警處理違停遭「亮刀攔路」 單車男狂嗆:想回去吃牢飯 

    2023/10/23 15:47
  • 闢謠?議員質詢被歸「台北通」謠言專區

    2023/10/21 19:17
  • 狂借YouBike拚造勢!柯文哲陣營挨轟害借嘸車

    2023/10/19 18:30
  • 疑趕上學!高中生騎YouBike違規害2車撞

    2023/10/18 14:02
  • 機車超車害他摔!台中YouBike騎士慘被後車輾爆頭

    2023/10/14 21:45
  • 台北「白晝之夜」週六登場!21小時交通管制 信義區嗨整晚

    2023/10/06 15:09
  • 救內湖交通 蔣萬安推「無樁YouBike、綠運輸」

    2023/10/02 14:13
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