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    Minister of Labor Taiwan 結果共23筆

  • Labor minister defends Barthel Index in elderly care

    Explore the debate on Taiwan’s use of the Barthel Index for elderly care. Minister Ho defends its objectivity, amid proposals to ease conditions for those over 80 seeking migrant caregivers. Ho P’ei-shan: Pa-shih objective, shouldn’t politicize Over 80 using Pa-shih to apply foreign care to 30% Legislators amend employment law, over 80 exempt Pa-shih Ho urges rational discussion, don’t exclude severely disabled
    2024/06/13 10:46
  • Labor minister unveils plan to support working women

    Discover Taiwan’s new initiative to support female workers by promoting work-family balance and easing the caregiving burden, as announced by the Minister of Labor, He Pei-shan.
    2024/05/23 17:38
  • Labor minister unveils plan to save Taiwan’s pension system

    Discover how Taiwan’s government plans to secure the future of its labor insurance fund, with a NT$120 billion allocation to address financial shortfalls and ensure sustainability for millions of workers.
    2024/05/23 14:19
  • Taiwan-India labor MOU: a step forward in collaboration

    Explore the upcoming second consultation meeting for the MOU on labor cooperation between Taiwan and India, as announced by Minister Hsu Ming-chun, focusing on open industries and the introduction of personnel, with input from a diverse group of stakeholders.
    2024/04/30 13:41
  • Taiwan to toughen penalties on illegal migrant worker hiring

    Taiwan’s Minister of Labor, Hsu Ming-chun, proposes stricter penalties for illegal employment of migrant workers to curb the rising number of missing cases, including banning employers with violations from hiring and increasing application process duration.
    2024/04/25 16:26
  • Cho Jung-tai unveils new faces in Taiwan’s Executive Yuan

    Discover the latest personnel appointments by Premier-designate Cho Jung-tai for the Executive Yuan, including key positions in the Ministry of Labor, Health and Welfare, the Hakka Affairs Council, the Council of Indigenous Peoples, and the Ministry of Environment. This announcement follows President-elect Lai Ching-te’s vision for a "Healthy Taiwan" and showcases a commitment to diversity and expertise in the new cabinet.
    2024/04/19 18:00
  • J.W. Kuo to tackle Taiwan’s energy challenges as minister

    Taiwan’s Premier-designate Cho Jung-tai announces the third wave of cabinet appointments focusing on energy stability and green development amid national shortages in labor and resources.
    2024/04/16 16:52
  • Taiwan tightens safety measures in aluminum industry

    Taiwan’s Minister of Labor, Hsu Ming-chuin, declares the aluminum industry as high-risk following a fatal explosion in Kaohsiung City. Legislative discussions focus on enhancing safety measures and implementing specialized labor inspections in related factories. The Ministry of Labor reports on the number of businesses in the industry and emphasizes the need for strict enforcement of regulations to prevent occupational accidents.
    2024/03/25 15:17
  • MOL finalizes MOU exchange, set to address labor shortages

    Minister of Labor Hsu Ming-chun confirms completion of MOU exchange process with India, introducing migrant workers to various industries in Taiwan. Details of the initiative and discussions with India outlined.
    2024/03/06 11:43
  • Taiwan’s labor minister apologizes for MOU comment confusion

    Taiwan’s Labor Minister Hsu Ming-chun apologized for comments that sparked controversy regarding a labor cooperation MOU with India. The Ministry aims to alleviate labor shortages, highlighting the benefits of Indian workers in Taiwan.
    2024/03/05 17:22
  • Premier considers unified Labor Day holiday amid challenges

    Premier Chen Chien-jen considers a unified Labor Day holiday in Taiwan, but faces challenges. Democratic Progressive Party Legislator Lin I-chin raises concerns about added costs for police and firefighters. Minister of the Interior Lin Yu-chang emphasizes the need for consensus, while Directorate-General of Personnel Administration Personnel Division Director-General Su Chun-jung calls for further impact assessment.
    2024/03/05 17:14
  • Taiwan’s MOL clarifies remarks on Indian workers

    The Ministry of Labor clarifies remarks about Indian migrant workers by Minister Hsu Ming-chun, emphasizing no discrimination. Taiwan and India aim to address labor shortages through a recent MOU. Taiwan’s labor policies uphold human rights and equal treatment, rejecting discrimination. The MOL promotes labor cooperation with India and urges the public to focus on constructive bilateral cooperation.
    2024/03/05 10:53
  • EVA Air to resolve Lunar New Year flight cancellations

    Taiwan’s Minister of Transportation and Communications, Wang Kwo-tsai, has confirmed that EVA Air will address the issue of Lunar New Year flight cancellations independently. The airline had initially reduced the number of air tickets from 38,000 to 33,000 per day, resulting in a daily cancellation of 5,000 tickets. After weeks of negotiations, EVA Air and its pilots’ labor dispute reached a settlement with the coordination of Vice Premier Cheng Wen-tsan. The pilots’ union initially demanded a 20% pay raise, but EVA Air agreed to an increase in addition to the previously announced wage adjustment. The new arrangement includes additional monthly payments for pilots, senior deputy pilots, and deputy pilots. The airline has also agreed to revise the annual salary increase limit.
    2024/01/29 17:34
  • Taiwan Railway revamp: new era of worker rights management

    Taiwan’s Minister of Transportation and Communications, Wang Kwo-tsai, announced that worker rights and disputes in Taiwan Railway will be handled by a board of directors once it becomes a company on Jan. 1, 2024. This marks a departure from the current practice where the Minister has jurisdiction over such matters. The transition will be commemorated with a plaque unveiling ceremony at Taipei Station, signifying Taiwan Railway’s separation from the administrative agency Taiwan Railways Administration. Wang expressed optimism for a fresh start, including the resolution of debt, enhanced safety protocols, and more flexible systems. In response to concerns raised by the Taiwan Railway Labor Union regarding employee vacation rights and driver treatment, Wang stated that decisions will be made by Taiwan Railway as a company. Wang also addressed worries about a potential retirement wave among senior maintenance staff, emphasizing that retirement is a normal occurrence in all workplaces and that the inclusion of younger employees could lead to improved performance.
    2023/12/28 16:49
  • Legislative Yuan passes law linking minimum wage to CPI

    The Legislative Yuan has passed the Minimum Wage Bill in Taiwan, which requires employers to meet minimum wage standards when settling wages with employees. Noncompliance with this law could result in fines of up to NT$1.5 million and public disclosure of the offender’s name. The new legislation mandates the inclusion of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) as one of the key references when determining minimum wage, linking wage adjustments more closely with the cost of living. Previously, adjustments to the basic wage were governed by lesser regulations - the Deliberation Regulations for Basic Wage, which are merely administrative orders and do not guarantee annual wage increases. Labor Minister Hsu Ming-chun welcomed the passage of this legislation, expressing gratitude to labor and employer groups, scholar experts, and legislators from all parties for their support. President Tsai Ing-wen had initially proposed the elevation of the Minimum Wage from an administrative order to the force of law in her 2016 policy plan, but it took seven years for the draft to make its way through the legislative process.
    2023/12/12 16:48
  • MOL urges quick passage of Taiwan minimum wage bill

    The Minister of Labor, Hsu Ming-chun, expressed hope that the draft for the national minimum wage bill will soon pass its final hurdle. The Legislative Yuan is set to vote on the bill tomorrow, after failing to reach a consensus on Friday due to issues concerning the review committee’s composition, deliberation indicators, research groups, and the exclusion of law-violating companies from government procurement. Hsu emphasized the importance of a minimum wage law, which aims to elevate the legal status of the minimum wage, enhance the review mechanism, and clarify the indicators for deliberations. Hsu called for joint efforts to pass the legislation by tomorrow, as there is broad agreement on the need for a minimum wage law after years of discussion.
    2023/12/11 21:23
  • Global chip equipment sales dip 11%, China soars by 42%

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Labor has denied rumors of plans to introduce 100,000 Indian workers by the end of the year. Labor Minister Hsu Ming-chun clarified that the consideration of India as a new source of migrant labor is aimed at addressing domestic industry shortages and reducing reliance on traditional labor markets. Hsu emphasized that this approach has gained consensus among various sectors of society. Discussions are ongoing for the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with India, but no date has been determined yet. The number of workers to be recruited from India will be decided after evaluating the current condition and statistics of industries already permitted to employ foreign labor. The process will involve fixed quotas and a cautious, gradual opening. The primary aim of the plan is to diversify the countries from which Taiwan sources its labor force, with no specific issue concerning the number of workers from India. India would need to establish a talent database and provide language and skill training for potential migrant workers to meet the requirements. Taiwan is looking to expand its labor force to meet growing demand in key industries and maintain its competitive edge in the global market.
    2023/12/06 18:46
  • Taiwan mulls plan for importing 100K Indian workers

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Labor has denied rumors of plans to introduce 100,000 Indian workers by the end of the year. Labor Minister Hsu Ming-chun clarified that the consideration of India as a new source of migrant labor is aimed at addressing domestic industry shortages and reducing reliance on traditional labor markets. Hsu emphasized that this approach has gained consensus among various sectors of society. Discussions are ongoing for the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with India, but no date has been determined yet. The number of workers to be recruited from India will be decided after evaluating the current condition and statistics of industries already permitted to employ foreign labor. The process will involve fixed quotas and a cautious, gradual opening. The primary aim of the plan is to diversify the countries from which Taiwan sources its labor force, with no specific issue concerning the number of workers from India. India would need to establish a talent database and provide language and skill training for potential migrant workers to meet the requirements. Taiwan is looking to expand its labor force to meet growing demand in key industries and maintain its competitive edge in the global market.
    2023/12/06 15:25
  • MOL pledges plan to help 330K women reentering the workforce

    Taiwan’s Minister of Labor, Hsu Ming-chun, has pledged to propose a plan within the next three months to support the 330,000 women in Taiwan who have left the workforce to care for their families. During a legislative interpellation, a Democratic Progressive Party legislator pointed out the government’s oversight of this potential source of manpower, considering the country’s need for more workers. Hsu acknowledged the relatively high number of women who have quit their jobs due to family care duties and stated that the Ministry of Labor is actively promoting measures to help women balance their work and family responsibilities. Suggestions were made to make the parental leave system more flexible and introduce family care leave. Hsu admitted that finding a solution is challenging but expressed her eagerness to address the issue. The Ministry of Labor has commissioned studies to inform their improvement plan, which will be developed in the next three months.
    2023/11/16 17:15
  • Labor minister refutes rumors of 100,000 Indian workers

    The Minister of Labor, Hsu Ming-chun, has denied rumors that Taiwan plans to import 100,000 Indian workers. The Ministry of Labor suspects that false information is being deliberately spread to cause panic, and has urged the public not to fall for such tactics. Taiwan is in the early stages of negotiating a Memorandum of Understanding for labor cooperation with India, which has led to speculation about a potential influx of Indian workers. Concerns have been raised on social media about India’s record of violence against women and the impact on social security in Taiwan. Hsu explained that Taiwan is exploring new foreign labor source countries due to labor shortages caused by changing demographics. Currently, Taiwan has agreements with only four countries, but India is considered a promising addition. Hsu emphasized that the MOU has not been signed yet and discussions on importing labor from India are ongoing. The Ministry of Labor will take precautions and improve communication to keep the public informed about the process.
    2023/11/16 12:13
  • Labor minister denies rumor of labor insurance bankruptcy

    The labor minister of Taiwan, Hsu Ming-chun, has assured the public that the government-backed labor insurance will not face bankruptcy. Hsu emphasized that the government will continue to allocate supplementary funds to prevent this outcome. Concerns had arisen due to the growing imbalance between the number of pension recipients and payees, with predictions of bankruptcy by 2028. However, Hsu pointed out that the government has been providing supplementary pension funds for the past four years and assured that this plan will be maintained. She also stated that the government’s supplementary labor insurance provisions are considered part of administrative expenditures. While there are currently no provisions in place for additional government funds, Hsu suggested that it could be implemented if approved.
    2023/10/25 17:58
  • Taiwan’s MOL clarifies priority of local workforce

    Taiwan’s Minister of Labor, Hsu Ming-chun, has stated that the country’s workforce will remain a priority if the employment of migrant workers in the hospitality industry is approved. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications must first make a proposal before any discussions can take place. Hsu emphasized that there is no set timetable for employing foreign laborers in hospitalit
    2023/10/18 15:31
  • MOI reviews amendments for firefighters’ association rights

    Taiwan’s Interior Minister, Lin Yu-chang, has assured public service firefighters that their demands, including the formation of unions, will be met by the government. The Ministry is considering amendments to the Civil Servant Association Act to accommodate these demands.
    2023/10/04 18:31
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