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    sea 結果共153筆

  • Typhoon Koinu nears Taiwan, landfall expected on Thursday

    Typhoon Koinu is steadily approaching Taiwan, with its intensity expected to increase. The eastern and southern mountainous regions will be most affected, with heavy rainfall and strong winds peaking on Wednesday and Thursday.
    2023/10/03 12:23
  • 有片/打臉烏克蘭? 俄黑海艦隊司令被傳炸死後「現身會議」

    烏克蘭情報單位信誓旦旦地對外宣告,俄羅斯現任黑海艦隊(Black Sea Fleet)司令官索科洛夫(Viktor Sokolov),已經遭到該國特戰部隊殺害,但《路透》卻在26日俄羅斯國防部高層會議現場畫面中,發現那個「應該死亡」的指揮官,也出現在大螢幕視訊牆上,莫斯科似乎想藉此打臉基輔,對外證實指揮官還活著。只不過,這場連線會議上,索科洛夫只是做為單位主管出席,期間並無做任何發言或討論,也讓外媒質疑,這個現身畫面有可能是預錄的影像。
    2023/09/27 10:15
  • CWB: Typhoon Yuan Yang might form Tuesday

    The CWB lifted sea and land warnings for Typhoon Haikui on Sept. 5, and forecasted another tropical depression could potentially become the 13th typhoon of the year.
    2023/09/05 10:38
  • Typhoon Haikui threatens Taiwan with heavy rainfall

    Typhoon Haikui approaches Taiwan, prompting cautionary measures. Get the latest updates on its trajectory and potential impact. Stay safe with CWB advisories.
    2023/09/01 16:58
  • Taiwan to issue sea warning for Typhoon Haikui

    The Taipei City Government will announce work and school closures by 10 p.m. on Sept. 1, as Typhoon Haikui is steadily approaching Taiwan.
    2023/09/01 13:05
  • 地牛翻身!印尼峇里海「規模7.1強震」 深度518公里

    歐洲地中海地震中心(EMSC)的資料顯示,印尼峇里海(Bali Sea)海域今天凌晨發生規模7.1強震。
    2023/08/29 08:15
  • 菲律賓將蘇拉升格「超級颱風」 最快周三登陸台灣南部

    菲律賓國家氣象局(PAGASA)今(27)日將今年第9號颱風「蘇拉」(Saola)升格為「超級颱風」,其目前正在菲律賓海(Philippine Sea)上盤旋,預計將為該國北部地區帶來狂風暴雨,之後估計將在29日轉向西北移動,並於30日晚間或31日上午,在台灣南部登陸。
    2023/08/27 13:10
  • Taiping Island holds vital role for Taiwan’s defense: Expert

    Taiping Island, Taiwan’s southernmost territory in the South China Sea, holds a significant role within the nation’s geopolitical landscape.
    2023/08/25 22:49
  • Gov’t official: Taiwan safe from treated Fukushima water

    Taiwan Cabinet Spokesman Alan Lin assured the public on Thursday (Aug. 24) that Taiwan’s coastal areas are not at risk following Japan’s decision to release treated radioactive water into the sea on the same day.
    2023/08/24 15:48
  • 剛決定擴大投資蝦皮 母公司冬海集團股價卻重挫28%

    知名跨國網路拍賣平台蝦皮(Shopee),其母公司是來自新加坡的冬海集團(Sea Ltd),《路透》(Reuters)報導,該集團日前公開上一季營收,成長幅度大幅縮減且未能達標預期,但執行長李小冬仍決定加碼投資網拍平台,即便可能因此造成虧損,此一決定隨即衝擊投資人,讓冬海集團股價16日應聲下挫,單日下跌高達28.68%、股價下滑16.32美元(約新台幣520元),是公司掛牌上市以來最嚴重的一次。
    2023/08/16 11:20
  • Massive waves pound Taiwan as Typhoon Khanun shifts away

    Typhoon Khanun moved away from Taiwan on Friday (Aug. 4), heading toward Japan. The Central Weather Bureau (CWB) lifted the land warning at 5:30 a.m. and the sea warning at 11:30 a.m. as the typhoon’s intensity weakened. 
    2023/08/04 18:07
  • Premier stresses public safety amid Typhoon Khanun’s threat

    Typhoon Khanun is located in the sea east of Taipei on Thursday (Aug. 03) and is expected to move northwesterly. This weather disturbance will likely cause increased wave activity in Northern and Northeastern Taiwan, with storm impacts likely in Keelung, the North Coast, and the northern regions of Yilan.
    2023/08/03 14:15
  • Northern Taiwan braces for rain as Khanun’s path shifts

    Currently classified as a moderate typhoon, Typhoon Khanun has significantly adjusted its projected path. Initially expected to approach China’s eastern coastal areas directly, Typhoon Khanun is now expected to stall in the East China Sea and change its course towards the northeast, possibly affecting Japan and South Korea, according to the latest Central Weather Bureau (CWB) forecast.
    2023/08/01 19:29
  • Man rescued from sea amid Typhoon Doksuri car incident

    An older man accidentally drove his car into the sea at Zhongyun Fishing Port in Taiwan due to heavy rain and unfamiliar road conditions caused by Typhoon Doksuri.
    2023/07/27 20:28
  • 不滿克里米亞大橋又被炸? 俄退出黑海穀物出口協議

    克里米亞半島(Crimean peninsula)連接俄羅斯本土的克里米亞大橋(Crimean Bridge)今(17)日驚傳受損造成2死1重傷,隨著「黑海穀物出口協議」(Black Sea grain export deal)剛好到期,克里姆林宮同日宣布,即日起退出協議。
    2023/07/17 17:16
  • Divers swept out to sea rescued in New Taipei

    In a dramatic rescue operation, the New Taipei City Fire Department saved ten stranded divers swept out to sea near the Bat Cave in Ruifang District on Wednesday (July 5). 
    2023/07/05 19:18
  • 有片/埃及驚傳鯊魚攻擊命案 俄遊客在父親面前被咬死

    埃及紅海(Red Sea)側擁有大片美麗沙灘,是許多歐美遊客造訪的景點之一,但日前傳出該國紅海省首府赫加達(Hurghada)的一處海灘,有年輕俄羅斯遊客遭到虎鯊(tiger shark)攻擊喪命,全程都被其父親目睹,迫使埃及政府緊急關閉紅海側大面積海岸。綜合《每日郵報》等外媒報導,受害者是一名年僅23歲的俄羅斯遊客波波夫(Vladimir Popov),岸邊戲水突然遭到鯊魚攻擊,同行的家人都不在附近,父親在岸上也來不及援助,只能聽著呼救、眼睜睜看著兒子喪命。
    2023/06/11 11:41
  • 與伊朗軍事合作升級 白宮:俄最快明年生產無人機投入戰場

    俄烏戰爭爆發後,俄羅斯與伊朗、中國的關係一直備受西方國家關注,質疑這2國「暗中幫助」莫斯科,才讓俄軍得以不斷發起攻勢。美國白宮9日表示,俄羅斯已從裏海(Caspian Sea)接收數百架伊朗無人機,派上戰場攻擊烏克蘭;美方也公布衛星照片,指出俄羅斯疑似正與伊朗合作,在國內打造無人機工廠,最快明年初可以有成果。
    2023/06/10 11:35
  • 異形入侵?沙灘驚見「透明果凍蟲」 專家揭:是暖化救星

    一名澳州婦女日前在紐西蘭海邊散步時,發現沙灘上有好幾個「水滴」被海水沖上岸,走進才發現是一堆的身體呈現透明果凍狀的謎樣生物。超詭異又新奇的照片也在社群平台上瘋傳,引發網友們熱烈討論,結果還真的釣出專家出現解惑,表示這些果凍是一種叫作「海樽」(Sea Salp)的海洋生物,不僅罕見,還有助於「減緩全球暖化」。
    2023/06/03 11:03
  • Typhoon Mawar’s sea warning lifted

    As Typhoon Mawar approaches its closest proximity to Taiwan, the Central Weather Bureau (CWB) urged residents to exercise caution amid expectations for heavy rainfalls and strong winds from Wednesday through Thursday morning.
    2023/05/31 18:02
  • 快訊/紐西蘭奧克蘭發生規模6.2地震 震源深度33公里

    根據美國地質調查局(USGS),紐西蘭奧克蘭(Auckland)當地時間今(31)日下午2時21分發生規模6.2地震,震源深度33公里,震感輕微,震央位於斯奈爾斯群島(Snares Islands)西南方290公里、塔斯曼海(Tasman Sea)上。
    2023/05/31 11:00
  • 再等等!張育成「手有點疼痛」 復健賽延後至5月26日

    效力於波士頓紅襪(Boston Red Sox)的台灣好手張育成,先前因揮棒造成骨折進入傷兵名單至今,根據波士頓當地媒體《Masslive》報導,總教練柯拉(Alex Cora)23日賽後受訪時,證實隊上兩名傷兵內野手的恢復狀態良好,其中張育成預計最快能在美東時間5月24日,開始在小聯盟進行復健賽(rehab assignment)訓練,他與隊友阿羅伊(Christian Arroyo)將前往2A層級的波特蘭海狗(Portland Sea Dogs),從指定打擊(DH)開始、啟動一連串復健訓練。不過最新消息指出,張育成的復健賽恐怕要再多等幾天。
    2023/05/24 07:21
  • Spawning event transforms Penghu seascape into dreamy pink

    A dreamy pink coral sea emerged along the west coast of Cimei, the southernmost island in the Penghu archipelago, on Mother’s Day (May 14). The spawning event, which is a natural phenomenon that occurs when corals release their eggs and sperm into the water, captivated onlookers and cast a spell of awe and wonder.
    2023/05/16 14:05
  • 《小美人魚》最大反派烏蘇拉 巨大八爪來去自如!背後真相揭密

    電影《小美人魚》嶄新真人版電影,今(15)日公開全新演繹奧斯卡獲獎經典名曲〈Under the Sea〉的最新精彩片段,所有海底生物華麗開趴,目不暇給的海底歌舞場面製作耗時兩年,也令導演大呼是他做過最複雜的歌舞設計!
    2023/05/15 18:22
  • 「全洋將」獲3對3金牌 柬埔寨男籃慘遭網友洗版狂酸

    兩年一屆的東南亞運動會(SEA Games)目前正精彩進行中,東協11國的運動員無不希望能拿下獎牌為國為自己爭光,但其中在3對3籃球項目中,當柬埔寨男籃代表隊發文慶祝,他們拿下一面重要的金牌時,卻被大批海外網友發現,隊上主力竟有三人明顯不是「當地人」面孔,相比獲得二三名的菲律賓與泰國,柬埔寨這種全洋將做法,讓眾多網友湧入該國籃協粉專吐槽,「其實這應該是美國隊才對吧?」
    2023/05/10 09:50
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