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    reports 結果共150筆

  • Repairs underway after sinkhole causes chaos in Taipei

    Repair work is underway in Nanjing West Road, with traffic expected to resume by Thursday evening, according to the last reports. The massive sinkhole that emerged on Nanjing West Road on Monday (July 10) has startled nearby residents and caused significant disruption.
    2023/07/12 15:46
  • Chinese officials exclusion from travel expo raises concerns

    China’s Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council on Wednesday (June 28) urged Taiwan authorities to lift restrictions on cross-strait travel and prioritize the exchange of information on the tourism industry amid reports that 60 mainland officials were removed from an invitation list to attend Summer Travel Expo in Taipei from July 14 to 17.
    2023/06/28 18:45
  • 拉斯穆森民調:64%美國潛在選民支持承認台灣獨立

    根據民調公司「拉斯穆森報告」(Rasmussen Reports)最新的全國電話和線上民調,高達64%的美國潛在選民認為,美國應正式承認台灣是一個獨立國家。
    2023/06/28 10:46
  • Tainan City reports first domestic dengue case since 2019

    Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announced on Tuesday (June 14) the first domestic dengue case of the year in Rende District, Tainan City, marking the city’s initial occurrence of dengue since 2019. So far this year, there have been 1 domestic case and 45 cases related to travel.
    2023/06/14 16:42
  • Ko Wen-je rebuts media reports on Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) Chairman Ko Wen-je firmly refuted media reports regarding his recent comments on the contentious rights over the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands during the inauguration ceremony of his presidential election preparatory office in Tokyo on Thursday (June 8). 
    2023/06/08 18:04
  • EU country drafts evacuation plan for nationals in Taiwan

    A representative office of a European Union country in Taiwan has established a contingency plan due to concerns of heightened tension across the Taiwan Strait, according to reports.
    2023/05/08 16:39
  • Taipei boasts highest unemployment rate among young adults

    Recent reports indicate that Taipei City has the highest unemployment rate among young adults aged 25 to 29 among the six special municipalities in Taiwan. 
    2023/04/24 06:00
  • 壞壞一半下面斷了!他大玩最危險體位突濺血 慘成「變形茄子」

    印尼日前發生一起恐怖事件,一對男女在歡愉過程中嘗試「最危險體位」後,男方私密部位突然傳出爆裂聲,接著面臨斷裂濺血、腫脹成「變形茄子」慘況。該名男子隨即趕往醫院搶救,只見下面已經發黑,血液滲透周圍組織,所幸還能挽回性命;而此事件後來也被記載在《泌尿外科病例報告》(Urology Case Reports)醫學期刊。
    2023/04/11 21:21
  • Taiwan reports 70 Chinese planes, 11 vessels near its waters

    Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense detected 70 aircraft and 11 vessels from the Chinese military and coast guards near its waters between 6 a.m. yesterday and 6 a.m. today.
    2023/04/10 10:27
  • Taiwan’s tourism bounces back following reopening of borders

    Following the reopening of Taiwan’s borders, many of its tourist destinations are witnessing an uptick in foreign travelers, according to reports. 
    2023/03/23 20:00
  • Hsinchu Science Park implements water usage cuts

    Factories operating within the Hsinchu Science Park have commenced a reduction in water consumption in March as a result of scarce rainfall, according to reports. 
    2023/03/08 20:00
  • Taiwan military planes transport meat to troops in Matsu

    In a move to address recent reports of food shortages among troops stationed in Matsu, Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense (MND) dispatched two C-130 military aircraft loaded with meat supplies on Monday (March 6).
    2023/03/08 17:56
  • Special budget to build homegrown submarines to be expanded

    According to reports, the Ministry of National Defense is preparing a special budget plan for the production of seven additional domestically-built submarines, with a budget exceeding NT300 billion in the latter half of this year. 
    2023/02/12 14:06
  • Taiwan seniors soak in hot springs among cherry blossoms

    Many Taiwanese seniors enjoy visiting hot springs during the winter season to get warm and cozy, according to media reports. 
    2023/01/30 17:21
  • KFC increases prices in Taiwan by 6.2% on average

    Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) chain stores in Taiwan hiked their prices on Thursday (Dec. 22) amid reports of soaring inflation.
    2022/12/22 17:54
  • Taiwan reports first XBB, BF.7 omicron subvariant infections

    Taiwan reported its first locally-transmitted Omicron subvariant XBB and BF.7 cases on Monday (Oct. 31).
    2022/11/02 11:03
  • Taiwan chipmakers hit hard by U.S. export controls to China

    At the annual Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association (TSIA) convention held in Hsinchu on Wednesday (Oct. 19), TSMC Chairman Mark Liu said little on recent reports of waning demand due to the weakening global economy and trade conflicts between the U.S. and China.
    2022/10/20 17:32
  • 喵星人都聽得懂?日研究:貓咪能分辨「室友貓」的名字

    別以為喵星人聽不懂人話!京都大學等研究團隊近日在週刊《科學報告》(Scientific Reports)刊登的研究指出,貓咪其實能夠分辨家中其他「貓室友」的名字。聽到名字時,腦中甚至還會浮現對方的長相。
    2022/04/24 16:04
  • 好痛!非州男童暖幫媽媽搗菜 小GG不慎遭木杵重擊斷裂

    國際醫學期刊《泌尿科病例報告》(Urology Case Reports)日前刊登了一起讓人光聽就喊痛的意外事故,中非國家加彭(Gabon)一名孝順的9歲男童在使用傳統杵臼幫媽媽「搗菜」時,竟不慎搗錯地方,被木杵重擊下體,造成生殖器「部分斷裂」,所幸送醫搶救後順利復原。
    2022/02/01 17:27
  • 特斯拉產能瓶頸!客戶狂催也沒法度 馬斯克曝2關鍵

    在全球風起雲湧的電動車大戰中,各大車廠都卯足全力要追趕上特斯拉的腳步,畢竟作為近年來電動車革命的領頭羊,特斯拉可說是具備了一切先馳得點的競爭優勢,除了市場銷量、媒體聲量具足,就連消費者也普遍對這半路出家的車界新生表現十分滿意,最新的美國消費者報告(Consumer Reports)就指出,特斯拉在北美使用滿意度前10大中即囊括了4席!顯見儘管全球聚焦的特斯拉本身帶有許多批評與爭議,但車主們可是愛得很!
    2021/11/17 18:36
  • Honda Civic安全表現不輸大車? 美國知名機構後座安全測試調查出爐

    拜先進科技之賜,現在的新車愈來愈安全,而普遍來說安全性都比過往車款要好很多。不過隨著安全意識抬頭,Consumer Reports消費者報告也將目光放到了車輛後座,針對多款新車進行了一系列測試。不出所料,後座安全性表現好的多半是些大車,休旅車廂型車有著天生優勢,不過前幾名裡,新世代Honda Civic倒是出人意表地表現優異。
    2021/09/29 14:52
  • 歐洲車難養? 為什麼歐洲車保養就是比較貴?

    美國測評雜誌Consumer Reports曾針對各汽車品牌每年養護成本做了調查,在2010年與2015年分別紀錄,做成圖表並比較養車成本。其中BMW表現特別讓人注意,五年內每年養車成本只要59塊美金,可以說是幾乎不會花到什麼錢在養護上。汽車網站創辦人的Bob表示,會有這樣的結果可能跟當地售後服務套餐有關,因此當地BMW五年內大多只需更換耗材的費用。
    2020/06/29 20:00
  • 愛喝拿鐵的人較雞婆? 研究曝光從5種咖啡看個性

    喝咖啡還可以看出個性?根據《科學報導》(Scientific Reports)一項最新研究指出,人體的基因決定他們飲用咖啡的多寡,因此只要觀察人們愛喝什麼類型的咖啡,就可以看出這個人的個性,此研究也舉常見的5種咖啡為例,進一步分析出5種不同的個性。
    2018/11/27 17:00
  • 研究:冰川消融致山崩 大海嘯風險增

    科學期刊「科學報告」(Scientific Reports)今天公布一項研究顯示,隨全球暖化導致冰川以前所未有的速度消融,冰層銳減會弱化底下的岩石斜面形成崩塌,增加釀成大海嘯風險。
    2018/09/07 11:13
  • 寶可夢GO減輕心理壓力 首度獲科學驗證

    東京大學研究團隊調查顯示,持續玩任天堂擴增實境手機遊戲精靈寶可夢GO一個月以上可減輕勞工心理壓力,英國科學期刊「科學報告」(Scientific Reports)7日刊登此研究報告。
    2017/09/08 03:49
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