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    plastic 結果共17筆

  • Taiwanese shoe brands turn waste into wearable tech

    Discover how Taiwanese shoe manufacturers are leading the way in sustainability by transforming coffee grounds, plastics, and other wastes into innovative, eco-friendly footwear.
    2024/05/30 16:50
  • Pingtung’s cleanup: over 3K bottles removed from coasts

    Discover how the Environmental Protection Bureau of Pingtung County cleared 3,100 plastic bottles from remote coastlines, urging the public to reduce single-use plastic waste. Join the effort to protect marine life and the environment. #Pingtung #PlasticPollution #EnvironmentalProtection
    2024/03/04 18:11
  • Growing number of plastic bags in Taiwan sparks concern

    A joint survey reveals Taiwan’s staggering plastic waste production, prompting concerns over packaging in supermarkets. Despite efforts to reduce plastic bag usage, statistics show high consumption rates, leading to questions about policy effectiveness. Environmental groups urge the government to implement stronger measures amid rising global environmental awareness.
    2024/02/20 15:49
  • Taiwan seeks answers as Toblerone faces food safety scare

    Retailers in Taiwan selling Toblerone chocolate are concerned about food safety after plastic contaminants were found in the brand’s products in Hong Kong. Contact attempts to the chocolate’s import company have been unsuccessful so far. The affected product is the ’Milk Chocolate with Honey and Almond Nougat’ with batch code OOY4233553, weighing 100 grams and best before Dec. 1, 2024. Hong Kong’s Centre for Food Safety is currently investigating the issue, and importers and distributors in Hong Kong have already stopped selling this batch and initiated a recall.
    2024/01/23 11:51
  • 研究稱瓶裝水含數萬「潛在有害」塑膠微粒 專家曝3用法超毒

    最新研究發現,一公升瓶裝水(2瓶一般大小瓶裝水)約含24萬個塑膠微粒(plastic particle),比先前的估計值高出10到100倍,這些微粒可進入人體細胞,阻斷細胞代謝並累積干擾內分泌的化學物質,構成未知的健康影響,還有可能隨母體流向未出生的嬰兒。
    2024/01/09 12:27
  • Schools banning ’carrot knife’ toy due to safety concerns

    Four regional governments in Taiwan, including Yunlin County, Keelung City, Hsinchu County, Miaoli County, and Taichung City, have banned the popular toy knife known as the "carrot knife" from schools due to safety concerns. The toy, originally from mainland China, gained popularity among Taiwanese students through social media platforms like TikTok and Xiaohongshu. The ban is primarily due to the pointed tip on the front end of the plastic retractable toy, which is seen as potentially dangerous. Taipei City and New Taipei City advise students not to bring the toys to school, while other municipalities require schools to enhance safety management and provide safety education.
    2023/11/02 21:11
  • 「9m88一直夯不起來?」 網點關鍵:爆紅就不愛了

    歌手9m88在2017年時以〈九頭身日奈〉在網路上竄紅,隔年音樂圈掀起一股「City Pop」風時,她翻唱活耀於80年代日本歌手竹內瑪麗亞的〈Plastic Love〉一曲,也引起國外樂迷關注;近年除了不少商業代言外,更涉足影視作品,出演一些影集以及電影等。不過,就有網友在論壇問「為啥9m88一直夯不起來?」卻引發一些人討論起「優越感」,有人覺得「9m88很有名吧?」也有人認為「如果真正大爆紅你們就不會愛了啦」。
    2023/07/31 19:07
  • 全球減塑公約!聯合國巴黎召開二輪談判

    塑膠汙染隨處可見,威脅你我健康。第二屆「政府間防治塑膠汙染談判委員會」(the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution),本周在巴黎召開。週六在會場外,好萊塢女星加入綠色和平的示威,訴求制定強而有力的全球塑膠協議。全球每年生產4.6億噸塑膠,其中卻只有9%被回收利用;聯合國呼籲各國通過再利用、回收和多樣化所用材料,在2040年前將塑膠污染總量削減80%。
    2023/05/29 19:58
  • Single-use paper cups likely to contribute to landfill waste

    As Taiwan aims to reduce plastic usage and promote environmental awareness, many drink shops are now turning to paper cups in response to the government’s ban on single-use plastic cups. 
    2023/04/11 16:36
  • New Taipei to ban single-use plastic cups from May 1

    New Taipei City to ban single-use plastic cups in beverage stores from May 1st to reduce over 368 million plastic cups in one year.
    2023/04/10 14:36
  • Taiwan uses around 1.02 billion single-use cups each year

    Taiwan uses around 1.02 billion single-use cups per year. Recycling companies are now taking the waste and transforming it into stationery, bags, and original items.
    2023/01/30 19:00
  • Plastic waste in oceans to weigh more than fish by 2050

    Tens of millions of tons of discarded plastic enters the sea every year, which is estimated to be heavier than the total weight of fish in 2050.
    2022/12/15 16:59
  • Beverage shops across Taipei switch to paper cups

    Taipei will ban disposable plastic cups in December, impacting operations at more than 2,200 stores. Since July of this year, beverage stores across the city provide a NT$5 discount for customers who bring their own reusable cups. A policy that has been well received by customers.The percentage of those bringing their own cups had increased from 6% to 16%. 
    2022/12/07 21:45
  • Trash stops Taiwanese fishermen from catching baby eels

    Large amounts of driftwood, grass, plastic wastes and trash have piled up on a beach in northern Taiwan amid the recent heavy rainfalls, according to government officials.
    2022/11/05 09:00
  • Theo Jansen wind-powered Strandbeests wander on Taiwan beach

    Taiwan’s Pingtung Luo Shan Feng Arts Festival has invited Dutch artist and inventor Theo Jansen to showcase his famous "Strandbeests" art sculptures, or beach beasts in English. The lifelike creatures made out of wood and plastic can stroll on the beach with the help of the wind. Some are even able to fly.
    2022/11/02 12:28
  • 海洋塑膠垃圾知多少? 1分鐘傾倒一輛垃圾車

    現代人類生活幾乎無法擺脫塑膠用品,但塑膠用品變成垃圾,進入海洋之後卻成為環境殺手,甚至嚴重威脅人類的健康。《公視主題之夜》節目將於本週五(3月30日)晚間10點播出紀錄片《海洋的塑膠秘密》(Oceans: The Mystery of the Missing Plastic),探討海洋中的塑膠垃圾問題。映後,該節目也請到台灣海洋大學生命科學院院長程一駿、綠色和平海洋專案主任顏寧與主持人蔡詩萍對談。
    2018/03/29 22:10
  • 迷海龜途

    獲選第一屆「全球華文永續報導獎」學生組影片類首獎的「迷海龜途 A Plastic Journey」,講述海龜在環境中遇到的威脅,垃圾的終點,不會在丟掉的那刻結束,那是另一個生態破壞的開始,從海龜誤食塑膠垃圾,帶出海洋塑膠汙染的嚴重性,採訪團隊希望透過影片告訴大家,從日常生活少一個使用,都能減少海龜在回家路上遇到威脅,也能讓美麗海洋延續下去。
    2017/09/19 15:43
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