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    n 結果共10,000筆

  • Taoyuan faces 18-hour water shutdown, over 76,000 homes affected

    Emergency water shutdown impacts over 76,000 households in Taoyuan due to maintenance at Longtan water plant, affecting multiple districts for 18 hours on April 24. The shutdown was part of a significant project involving electrical equipment inspection and network monitoring enhancements.
  • Taiwan nears completion of chip center with Czechia

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) is nearing the completion of a five-year agreement with Czechia to establish an advanced chip design center, enhancing semiconductor capabilities. Amidst controversy over funding and accusations from the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), MOFA clarifies the project’s goals and budgeting, emphasizing the initiative’s focus on leveraging Taiwanese technology to bolster Czechia’s semiconductor industry and expand European business opportunities for Taiwanese companies.
  • Taiwan’s ongoing struggle for WHA participation continues

    Taiwan could be excluded from the World Health Assembly for the eighth consecutive year, with no invitation to the 77th WHA in Geneva. Despite this, an action team led by Minister of Health and Welfare Chiu Tai-yuan will still attend for health exchanges. Efforts to regain WHA participation have been ongoing since 1997, but Taiwan has faced barriers since 2017. The exclusion continues despite Taiwan’s previous WHO membership before 1971.
  • China demands U.S. halt arms to Taiwan amid new bill

    China’s Taiwan Affairs Office demands the U.S. to halt military support for Taiwan, citing the issue as China’s internal affair and a violation of the "One China principle." The call comes in response to a U.S. Senate bill providing military aid to Taiwan, among others.
  • NBA/用錯三巨頭說明書?太陽苦吞2連敗 巴克利嘆:問題沒解決

    2023-24賽季的NBA季後賽,大多由高順位種子球隊取得領先優勢,其中曾被視為奪冠大熱的「宇宙太陽」卻在面對灰狼的系列賽中陷入0-2的困境,讓鳳凰城球迷感到憂心不已;對此曾為太陽效力的傳奇球星巴克利(Charles Barkley)也在節目中坦言「太陽麻煩大了」,認為比起在球場上發動進攻,現在更需要三巨頭承擔「終結進攻」的責任,否則問題根本沒解決。
  • 鴻海淨零目標獲SBTi批准 台灣企業第7家

    鴻海積極邁向淨零碳排,今天下午宣布集團淨零(Net Zero)目標,正式獲科學減碳目標倡議組織SBTi(Science Based Target initiative)批准,是台灣高科技硬體設備產業第3家、台灣第7家淨零目標獲得SBTi批准的企業。
  • SixTONES松村北斗竟患恐慌症? 上白石萌音為生理期飆罵男偶像

  • Taiwan invests NT$20B in TPASS to boost public transport

    Explore Taiwan’s commitment to enhancing public transportation with the TPASS monthly ticket policy, backed by a NT$20 billion investment from 2023 to 2025, aiming for nationwide coverage including offshore islands.
  • NBA/季末獨扛76人大旗!兌現攻防天賦 馬克西奪「最佳進步獎」

    即便76人在季後賽首輪系列賽中,暫時以0-2落後紐約尼克,球團仍迎來一項好消息,那就是主控馬克西(Tyrese Maxey)確定奪下2023-24賽季的NBA最佳進步球員(Most Improved Player);以完美的攻防表現銜接哈登(James Harden)離去後的空缺,本季的馬克西不僅用全能身手折服各界球迷,季中更生涯首度入選全明星,無疑繳出了相當亮眼的例行賽成績單。
  • Quake in Hualien leads to higher fruit and vegetable costs

    Following a recent earthquake in Hualien, transportation costs for fruits and vegetables have surged, as reported by Chang Te-chi, secretary-general of the Ji-an Township Farmers’ Association. The damage has forced trucks to take a longer route, doubling travel time and causing frost damage to produce. Despite stable prices due to government efforts, concerns grow over rising expenses if the Suhua Highway remains closed. The Agriculture Development Department of Hualien County and the Taipei Agricultural Products Marketing Corporation highlight the financial strain on farmers and the logistics challenges faced, including increased labor costs and the impracticality of using refrigerated trucks on alternative transport modes.
  • China to boost cross-strait exchanges with Taiwan

    China’s Taiwan Affairs Office announces initiatives to enhance cross-strait exchanges, focusing on tourism and youth engagement, following a high-profile meeting between Ma Ying-jeou and Xi Jinping. The office aims to overcome obstacles for better cooperation and plans several events to encourage Taiwanese youth participation.
  • Taiwan’s Digital Minister Tang endorses successor

    Taiwan’s Digital Minister Audrey Tang expresses confidence in her successor, Huang Yen-nun, and the new cabinet announced by Premier-designate Cho Jung-tai. Tang highlights the handover process and the submission of key legislative proposals to the Legislative Yuan, ensuring a smooth transition for Huang’s policy implementation.
  • Former President Ma questions US support amid divisions

    Former President Ma Ying-jeou questions U.S. support for Taiwan amid cross-strait tensions, highlighting internal U.S. divisions over Israel-Palestine conflict. Advocates for Taiwan’s defense preparedness, peace talks, and cross-strait dialogue to avoid war and rejects Taiwan’s involvement in global power politics, emphasizing shared Chinese heritage for peaceful resolution.
  • Taiwanese fisherman detained in China for over a month

    Explore the ongoing situation of a Taiwanese fisherman and active-duty soldier detained in mainland China for over a month, as China’s Taiwan Affairs Office navigates the complexities of cross-strait relations and promises to facilitate exchanges and cooperation despite existing challenges.
  • 疑「幫詐騙業者開協調會」 洪孟楷:會議沒結果「已不再協助」

  • THSRC boosts train services for Mother’s Day rush

    Discover the Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation’s plans to accommodate the Mother’s Day rush from May 10-13, 2024, with additional train services, increased non-reserved seat capacity, and real-time crowd control updates. Plan your trip with ease by checking the THSRC website or using the T-EX Mobile Ticketing app for ticket sales and station crowd information.
  • Heavy rain advisory: 11 cities brace for downpours

    Discover the latest heavy rain warning issued by the Central Weather Administration for 11 cities and counties, including an extremely heavy rain warning for Miaoli County. Learn about the areas affected, potential risks, and the urgent precautions recommended for residents. Stay informed on weather updates for April 24.
  • 「NewJeans之母」出事!閔熙珍遭爆試圖謀權HYBE 口出狂言:BTS也是抄襲我

  • Historic challenge against death penalty unfolds in Taiwan

    Taiwan’s Constitutional Court hears arguments on the constitutionality of the death penalty, with 37 inmates appealing. The Ministry of Justice defends its fair trial procedures, while inmates argue the penalty violates the constitution. A decision could come by July.
  • KMT’s Fu Kun-chi defies criticism, proceeds with China visit

    Kuomintang legislator Fu Kun-chi confirms his visit to China amid Hualien earthquake disaster, aiming to promote Taiwanese agricultural products, encourage cross-strait peace, and attract Chinese tourists, despite concerns over the timing.
  • NBA/里納德回歸無用 東契奇、厄文率獨行俠扳回一城

    美國職籃(NBA)西區季後賽第一輪,快艇(LA Clippers)在贏得第一場比賽後,24日主力球星里拉德(K. Leonard)回歸,給粉絲增添不少信心。不過,獨行俠(Dallas Mavericks)在東契奇(L. Doncic)與厄文(K. Irving)帶領下,從第一節就打出不錯表現,雖然第三節被快艇加速追趕,但獨行俠在第四節逐步拉開差距,最終就以96比93、3分差距拿下勝利,將比數扳平為1比1平手。
  • RIIZE才是受害者!HYBE賣小卡未獲授權 向SM道歉:沒討論好

  • 全場37助攻平紀錄!席亞康狂砍37分 溜馬扳平公鹿系列賽

    美國職籃(NBA)季後賽火熱開打,印第安那溜馬隊(Indiana Pacers)24日靠著席亞康(Pascal Siakam)攻下37分的好表現、順利以125比108擊敗密爾瓦基公鹿隊(Milwaukee Bucks),除了將系列賽扳成1比1平手,接下來還將回到主場出賽。
  • 2024 Netflix韓劇收視率排行!《淚之女王》再創新高

  • Teen developer’s earthquake alert app hits 320K downloads

    Discover the story of Lin Tzu-yu, a high school senior who developed the Taiwan Earthquake Alert app, providing early warnings for earthquakes. With over 320,000 downloads, this self-taught coder’s creation has become essential for residents in seismic-active Taiwan, especially following a 7.2 magnitude quake in Hualien.
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