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    紅斑性狼瘡敗血性休克 投資人Dcard全支付小賈斯汀午後短暫陣雨山豬美國婚外情
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    n 結果共10,000筆

  • 好潮!CAFE!NxAdidas聯名菜單 夢幻藍霜淇淋超欠吃

    CAFE!N開賣霜淇淋啦!這次與adidas Originals聯名,不只有超好拍的三葉草咖啡杯+4色杯套可收集,更首度推出超夢幻「靛藍色霜淇淋」可搶吃,4月底還有2款新口味會在指定門市登場呢!同步還有紫薯拿鐵、三葉草扁可頌、小米甜甜圈等聯名新品,快把握打卡吃一波!
    2024/04/12 12:28
  • 上線即引爆話題!《寄生獸:灰色部隊》結尾驚見「日本影帝」

    2024/04/12 12:15
  • 動刀前還出國!Winter昨氣胸手術 「aespa完整來台開唱」有端倪

    2024/04/12 11:55
  • Shilin District Court judge falls to death from residence

    Taipei Shilin District Court Judge Li found dead after falling from 6th floor residence on Minquan East Road. Police rule out foul play; cause under investigation. Judicial Yuan President Hsu expresses regret. Li handled civil, financial, sexual assault cases and promoted new civil judges system.
    2024/04/12 11:41
  • Taiwan raises NT$720M for Hualien earthquake relief efforts

    Hualien earthquake fundraising efforts by MOHW, local government, corporations, and public raise over NT$720 million for relief and recovery.
    2024/04/12 11:40
  • 最美國中生痛哭!幻藍小熊韓國培訓「爆殘酷淘汰」 3成員出局

    2024/04/12 11:18
  • 「吹牛老爹」疑奪15歲小賈初夜!當年對話曝光 全場嚇壞:毛骨悚然

    美國知名饒舌歌手「吹牛老爹」(Sean "Diddy" Combs)陷入性侵醜聞,更被前女友指控遭其長期侵犯、施暴。其中,人們尤其關注的是一段他與加拿大人氣歌手小賈斯汀(Justin Bieber)的影片,當時小賈年僅15歲,開始有人懷疑,童年時期的小賈斯汀疑似被他奪取初夜,甚至連許多大咖如亞瑟小子、威爾史密斯(Will Smith)、Neo都牽涉其中。
    2024/04/12 11:03
  • Taiwan announces 665 job openings in state-owned enterprises

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs announces recruitment for 665 positions across Taiwan Power Company, CPC Corporation, Taiwan Sugar Corporation, and Taiwan Water Corporation, with starting salaries of NT$41,000 to NT$42,000. Examination details for roles in 23 categories, including electrical engineering and business management, to be released online, offering a path to salary growth for top performers.
    2024/04/12 11:02
  • Taipei mayor takes action on suspected daycare child abuse

    In Taipei, a child under one year old underwent successful emergency surgery for a subdural hematoma, sparking concerns of potential child abuse. Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an has mobilized the Department of Health and police to investigate, with the daycare center temporarily suspended. The case’s complexities, including the timing of the injuries and responsibilities of the parents or nanny, are under scrutiny as authorities aim for a swift resolution and the child’s recovery.
    2024/04/12 10:59
  • NBA/爆施壓管理層!三巨頭難平衡 傳詹姆斯「要求送走威少」

    由詹姆斯(LeBron James)帶領的紫金大軍,本賽季確定將與勇士迎來「附加賽大戰」,關於這位「老國王」的未來動向也帶動全球球迷討論;然而美媒《Bleacher Report》卻在報導相關事件的同時,意外揭露當年威少(Russell Westbrook)被湖人送走的內幕,傳聞指向作為當家王牌的詹姆斯,疑似有因不滿球隊現狀、主動施壓管理層的行為。
    2024/04/12 10:13
  • Warm weekend ahead for Taiwan with sunny skies and showers

    Explore Taiwan’s weather forecast with Daniel Wu, a meteorologist and adjunct associate professor at National Central University. Expect a warm weekend with scattered showers, sunny spells, and potential fog across various regions. Wu advises on precautions against sunburn and heatstroke as temperatures might soar to 36 degrees Celsius. Anticipate a frontal system bringing brief showers and atmospheric instability in the coming days, yet with continued warm conditions.
    2024/04/12 10:03
  • 殺妻案證物沾血跡手套無法定罪 辛普森NFL進軍影視後搶劫綁架仍被關

    2024/04/12 09:19
  • 涉嫌慘忍殺前妻卻無罪定讞轟動全球 辛普森攝護腺癌逝世

    前職業美式足球聯盟NFL球星辛普森(O.J. Simpson)的家屬宣布,罹患癌症的辛普森已於昨天辭世,享壽76歲。辛普森曾被指控在1994年殺害前妻,但刑事審判最終判他無罪獲釋。
    2024/04/12 06:14
  • 太空競賽關鍵十年 五角大廈憂被大陸超越

    2024/04/11 22:01
  • Mazu Pilgrimage shines light on endangered dolphins

    Conservation groups follow Dajia Mazu Pilgrimage in Changhua to raise awareness about endangered Indo-Pacific humpbacked dolphins, known as "Mazu Fish," urging public to protect the species facing threats from climate change and human activities.
    2024/04/11 18:34
  • Kaohsiung hospital fined NT$500K for surgical mix-up

    Meta description: Kaohsiung Min-Sheng Hospital fined NT$500,000 for surgical error on wrong elderly patient; lead surgeon disciplined, director relieved of duties. Hospital to improve patient safety measures.
    2024/04/11 18:27
  • Iowa House reaffirms support for Taiwan Relations Act

    Iowa House reaffirms support for Taiwan Relations Act, bilateral trade agreement, and Taiwan’s international participation on 45th anniversary of TRA, deepening 35-year sister-state ties.
    2024/04/11 18:21
  • Chiang unveils 4-point plan to tackle foodborne illnesses

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an announces four measures to address recent suspected food poisoning cases at popular restaurants, including establishing a dedicated team, increasing inspection efficiency, purchasing additional equipment, and launching a special inspection project for food monitoring.
    2024/04/11 18:09
  • US, Japan establish joint command, deepen military ties

    Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio and U.S. President Joe Biden reaffirmed the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, pledged to uphold international order, and signed approximately 70 cooperation agreements spanning defense, space, economic security, AI, nuclear fusion energy, and disaster relief during a bilateral summit at the White House.
    2024/04/11 17:52
  • Over 100 fall ill after dining at Wowprime Group eateries

    Taipei reports over 100 ill after dining at Truewow and Xiang La Spicy Hotpot restaurants. Mayor Chiang Wan-an addresses food poisoning cases, including Polam Kopitiam, as food safety issues resurface in the city.
    2024/04/11 17:32
  • Wu Kang-jen vies for 42nd Hong Kong Film Awards

    Wu K’ang-jen, recent Golden Horse Best Actor winner, nominated for Best Supporting Actor at 42nd Hong Kong Film Awards for role in "Fei Wo Yüeh Yüeh". "A-pang A-ti" competes for Best Asian Chinese Film against "Chu Ma She Ko Ko", "Chia Wo Ssu Ti Shih T’i", "Man Chiang Hung" and "Pu Shou Tu Hsi".
    2024/04/11 17:28
  • Wowprime takes responsibility for norovirus outbreak

    Wowprime Corp. offers full refunds and medical expense coverage for customers affected by suspected norovirus outbreak at Taipei Truewow and Hsiang La Spicy Hotpot restaurants from April 2-6. Company apologizes, introduces care plans, and proactively contacts domestic and international customers.
    2024/04/11 17:25
  • 創意私房是什麼?台版N號房論壇會員&帳號機制,犯罪手法全解析

    2024/04/11 17:08
  • 自曝嚴重腎衰竭 3屆NBA灌籃王羅賓森:我知道活不久了

    現年39歲的前NBA球星羅賓森(Nate Robinson)雖然只有175公分,但彈跳力驚人,曾3度奪得灌籃大賽冠軍,是史上唯一三度奪冠球員,外號「跳豆」。退役多年的他,去年底傳出腎衰竭,近日他更透露病情很嚴重:「知道活不久了。」
    2024/04/11 16:38
  • 「脖上的背包」德國女罕病長9公斤腫瘤 垂到大腿得用吊帶裝

    德國一名女子罹患罕見疾病「第一型神經纖維瘤」(NF-1 neurofibromatosis),脖子後方長出約20磅(9公斤)重的巨型腫瘤,重到垂到大腿,出門時還得用吊帶「攜帶」。隨著腫塊不斷增大,女子的喉嚨承受的壓力越來越大,導致呼吸困難並影響平衡。她痛苦表示,腫瘤就像「脖子上的背包」,就算只是輕輕碰撞,感覺也會像是被人「用球棒擊打。」
    2024/04/11 15:40
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