
China to boost cross-strait exchanges with Taiwan

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/04/24 15:24
Last update time:2024/04/24 15:24
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China to boost cross-strait exchanges with Taiwan (TVBS News, TAO Weibo) China to boost cross-strait exchanges with Taiwan
China to boost cross-strait exchanges with Taiwan (TVBS News, TAO Weibo)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — China's Taiwan Affairs Office announced Wednesday, April 24, that it will take proactive measures to promote cross-strait exchanges and cooperation in various fields, including tourism.

Zhu Fenglian, spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office, stated that there are still some man-made obstacles to cross-strait exchanges and cooperation. However, she expressed optimism about the future, saying that as long as compatriots on both sides of the strait work together to remove these obstacles, cross-strait exchanges and cooperation will have a bright prospect.


The announcement follows a meeting in Beijing on April 10 between former Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou and Chinese President Xi Jinping. During the meeting, Xi expressed his hope that more Taiwanese would visit China and vice versa.

Zhu responded that the mainland has always advocated and actively promoted youth exchanges between the two sides of the strait. She expressed hope that more Taiwanese youth would gain insights from their experiences in mainland China.

In the coming months, China plans to host a series of exchange activities targeting Taiwanese youth. These include the Cross-Strait Youth Development Forum, the Cross-Strait Youth Donghu Forum, the Taiwan Youth Lingnan Tour, the Cross-Strait Youth Summit, the Cross-Strait Youth Culture Month, and the Strait Youth Festival.

Zhu sincerely invited Taiwanese youth, especially those who have never been to the mainland, to visit and experience the development and progress of mainland China and Chinese culture. She pledged continued support for the growth, talent development, and success of youth on both sides of the strait.

Taiwan Affairs

#Cross-Strait Exchanges# Taiwan Affairs Office# Taiwanese Youth# China Taiwan Cooperation# Cross-Strait Tourism# Taiwan China Relations# Strait Youth Festival# Cross-Strait Youth Exchange Programs# Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou Beijing Meeting
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