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    n 結果共10,000筆

  • Lai, Hsiao briefed on national security threats

    Discover how Taiwan’s President-elect Lai Ching-te and Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim are preparing for national security challenges, focusing on threats from the Chinese Communist Party and strategies for peace in the Taiwan Strait.
  • NBA/詹姆斯能再奪冠?格林力挺「沒問題」:但不是跟這支湖人

    即便已經是39歲的「高齡」,現役NBA第一人、湖人王牌詹姆斯(LeBron James)仍維持高競爭水平,2023-24賽季場均能交出25.7分7.7籃板8.3助攻,外帶1.3抄截的成績單,不少人也好奇,仍以絕佳狀態與新生代球員對決的詹姆斯,是否還有奪下生涯第五冠的機會?對此人在灣區的「摯友」格林(Draymond Green)也在節目中正式表態,認為絕對還有機會。
  • Popular dance group Avantgardey to perform in Taiwan

    Explore the journey of the Japanese dance group Avantgardey as they embark on their first overseas tour in Taiwan, blending their unique choreography with local culture and achieving widespread acclaim on social media.
  • 汰除轉戰不雅片 陸軍盼別用「海龍蛙兵」行銷

  • Thailand’s pivotal role in KYMCO’s EV strategy: Chairman Ko

    Discover how KYMCO’s partnership with Arun Plus is set to transform the electric vehicle landscape in Southeast Asia with the new AIONEX venture, focusing on sustainable transportation solutions.
  • KYMCO, Arun Plus launch joint venture to electrify Thailand

    Discover how KYMCO’s new joint venture with Arun Plus, Aionex, is set to transform the electric motorcycle market in Southeast Asia, aiming to establish a sustainable transportation model across the region.
  • China reveals technological leaps in upcoming lunar mission

    Discover how China’s Chang’e 6 mission aims to surpass its previous lunar sample collection, deepening our understanding of the moon with advanced technology and strategic launches. Learn about China’s future space exploration plans, including astronaut missions by 2030 and the establishment of a lunar research station.
  • NBA/看到聯防就當機?巴克利批「球員太蠢了」:養出一群傻瓜

    NBA季後賽戰況白熱化,常言單一場次的比賽中,仰賴的是球員的發揮,而整個系列賽就是教練的對弈,除了本賽季帶隊有成的灰狼、雷霆等青年軍主帥外,聯盟中「帶人也帶心」的總教練除了馬刺波波維奇(Gregg Popovich)、金塊馬龍(Michael Malone)等人之外,熱火史波爾史特拉(Erik Spoelstra)也是能力備受肯定的實力教頭,實戰經驗無庸置疑。
  • Zero lost luggage: Kansai Airport’s 30-year perfect record

    Discover how Kansai Airport in Japan has achieved the title of best airport for baggage handling in the 2024 Skytrax survey, maintaining a perfect record of zero lost luggage since 1994. Learn about its efficient baggage handling process and see how it compares to other top-ranking airports worldwide.
  • NBA/客場回魂締新猷!飆分率尼克聽牌 布朗森「費城加冕MVP」

    NBA東區季後賽首輪,G3客場失利的尼克再戰費城,當家主控布朗森(Jalen Brunson)延續前一場火燙手感,攻下個人季後賽生涯新高、同時也是隊史新高的47分外帶10助攻,以97比92拿下至關重要的客場勝利,將帶著聽牌優勢回到麥迪遜廣場花園(尼克主場);而本場近乎完美的進攻表現,更一度讓費城主場響起MVP呼喊、「客場加冕」的景象掀起熱議。
  • Taiwan seeks expanded China travel ties as restriction eases

    Taiwan’s Transportation Minister Wang Kwo-tsai expresses disappointment over China’s limited reopening of cross-strait tourism to only Fujian residents for Matsu visits, despite previous wider access. He highlights the impact on the "Mini three links" and the potential underutilization of proposed direct sea and air routes without full tourism resumption.
  • 52 diners fall ill after eating at Kaohsiung buffet

    A food poisoning outbreak at Hi-Lai Harbour restaurant in Kaohsiung has led to 50 people seeking medical attention for symptoms like diarrhea and abdominal pain, following dining experiences on April 26 and 27. The Kaohsiung City Department of Health is investigating, conducting microbial tests, and has mandated an improvement plan for the restaurant.
  • Japanese group conducts drone survey near Senkaku Islands

    Explore the latest on East Asia’s territorial disputes: A Japanese group led by ex-Defense Minister Tomomi Inada conducted a drone inspection near the Senkaku Islands, amid tensions with China.
  • Japan sees shift to domestic travel amid economic changes

    Discover how Japan’s travel trends are shifting towards domestic exploration amid economic challenges, with a significant drop in outbound travel and a rise in local tourism. Learn about the impact on airlines and the tourism sector.
  • NBA/歷史第一人!溜馬門神「單場7顆三分彈」 轟垮公鹿搶聽牌

    NBA季後賽正如火如荼開打,而公鹿在今(29)日礙於阿德托昆博(Giannis Antetokounmpo)、里拉德(Damian Lillard)雙星因傷缺陣,加上溜馬全隊飆進22顆三分球,終場即以113:126吞敗,系列賽陷入1:3絕境當中。值得一提的是,溜馬中鋒透納(Myles Turner)此戰投進7顆三分球、獨拿29分,也一舉締造多項紀錄。
  • Thai foreign minister resigns after Cabinet reshuffle

    Discover the details of Thai Foreign Minister Parnpree Bahiddha-Nukara’s resignation following his removal from the deputy prime minister role, and its impact on foreign affairs and Myanmar initiatives.
  • Hsiao Bi-khim shares heartfelt return to alma mater

    Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim returns to National Tainan Girls’ Senior High School for an alumni association election and a special entrance ceremony, reflecting on her academic journey and connection to the school she once could not attend.
  • 去年才來台開唱!韓國嘻哈歌手「冰毒陽性反應」 1月發癲主動投案

    今(2024)年1月傳出有一位30多歲的大咖嘻哈歌手涉毒,甚至還主動跑去退輔會自首,期間還有另一希哈歌手New Champ為了蹭熱度,假裝自己就是這位涉毒人員。今(29)天韓國警方證實藝人身分,原來就是去年本來要兩度來台開唱的SIK-K!
  • Fatal food poisoning at Polam Kopitiam claims fourth victim

    Deputy Minister of Health Wang Pi-Sheng confirms a 40-year-old woman’s death due to food poisoning at Polam Kopitiam, marking the fourth fatality linked to the tea house in Taipei’s Xinyi A13 branch. The outbreak has resulted in 35 cases, with two patients still hospitalized.
  • Huawei overcomes U.S. restrictions with new smartphone chip

    Discover how Huawei’s new Pura 70 series, featuring the advanced Kirin 9010 processor, marks a significant technological leap and defies U.S. restrictions, selling out quickly after launch.
  • NCC拒給調閱小組鏡電視資料 藍白齊轟無恥、心裡有鬼

  • NBA/太陽打包!布克49分無力回天 0:4遭灰狼橫掃出局

  • China to lift ban on Taiwan’s agricultural, fishery products

    Discover how China’s recent decision to lift its ban on Taiwanese agricultural and fishery products marks a significant step towards improving cross-strait relations. Read about the scientific assessments behind the move and its potential impact on trade.
  • Scholar stresses risks in China’s national security measures

    Discover the implications of China’s new national security regulations for Taiwanese travelers, as experts warn of increased risks and vague criteria that could affect individuals. Learn about the potential for political retribution and the concerns raised by Taiwan Thinktank’s researcher Wu Se-chih.
  • Taiwan sweats under severe heatwave, CWA issues warnings

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s weather: a heatwave with temperatures soaring up to 34°C, high-temperature warnings in four counties, and the potential for foehn winds in Taitung. Amidst the heat, expect scattered showers and brief thunderstorms across various regions. However, a shift is on the horizon for Labor Day, with a passing front bringing unstable weather, possible heavy rainfall, and a cool down in northern Taiwan. Stay updated on these changing conditions.
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