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    leak 結果共11筆

  • Chinese cargo ship sinks near Kinmen, crew members rescued

    Chinese cargo ship Ruicheng 6 sank off Kinmen amid dense fog; 12 crew members rescued by nearby vessel Tung I 602 and returned to China; 7 tons of heavy oil leaked from sunken ship.
    2024/04/17 16:56
  • Taipei Mayor orders review after Taipei Dome leak incident

    Read about the unexpected rainfall incident at Taipei Dome during a CPBL game, sparking a comprehensive review by Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an. Preliminary findings by Farglory Group suggest rainwater overflow as the cause. Stay tuned for updates on the investigation and repair progress.
    2024/04/01 14:32
  • Ko Wen-je criticizes rivals’ silence on policy questions

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je criticizes Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and Kuomintang (KMT) rivals for avoiding his questions, suggesting their silence indicates a lack of confidence. Ko expresses frustration over DPP candidate Lai Ching-te and KMT candidate Hou Yu-ih not responding to his questions during a live broadcast. He boldly offers to leak debate topics in advance, giving opponents time to prepare. Ko mocks their silence, implying guilt and predicting public curiosity. Additionally, he challenges the DPP and KMT to disclose internal polling data for transparency.
    2023/12/11 21:26
  • Taichung Prosecutor indicts six in child exploitation ring

    Six men have been indicted by the Taichung District Prosecutor’s Office for alleged sexual exploitation offenses under the Child and Youth Sexual Exploitation Prevention Act. Led by Chen Tso-wei, the group imitated the infamous "South Korea’s Nth Room case" and used deceptive tactics to lure their victims, promising easy money for photos or offering iPhones. They profited over NT$8 million from their illicit activities. Authorities discovered that the syndicate blackmailed the young girls involved with explicit videos and threatened to leak their nude photos if they didn’t comply. A total of 86 girls were found to have fallen prey to this exploitation, with the youngest victim being just nine years old. Some of the victims resorted to self-harm as a result of the abuse. The Taichung District Prosecutor’s Office is seeking a substantial sentence of 30 years imprisonment for three of the accused, including Chen, who played a particularly malicious role with a severe impact on human dignity. The remaining three face sentencing recommendations of five to ten years.
    2023/12/08 17:35
  • Taiwan probes LY Corp. over 440K users’ data leak

    Taiwan’s Minister of Digital Affairs, Audrey Tang, has announced that the cyber security breach at LY Corporation, the parent company of popular messaging app LINE, is currently under investigation by the National Development Council (NDC). The breach potentially exposed the personal data of approximately 440,000 users, including information from 100 Taiwanese accounts. The incident, which follows a hack on South Korean IT giant Naver, a major shareholder in LY Corporation, has prompted the ongoing investigation in Taiwan. The leaked data primarily includes names, affiliated institutions, and email addresses of LY Corporation’s employees and business partners, as well as potentially leaked ages, genders, and purchase histories for stickers. However, no users’ messages, bank account numbers, or credit card information were compromised. Taiwan’s Digital Ministry has requested relevant entities to provide information and report the breach in accordance with the law. The affected user data includes hashed mobile phone numbers, email addresses, and LINE account details. Whether sanctions will be imposed under Taiwan’s new Personal Data Protection Act will depend on the outcome of the NDC’s investigation. Minister Tang assured the public that messages sent between LINE users are end-to-end encrypted and the server does not store message content, indicating that no message content was compromised in this breach. She emphasized the importance of having servers located in Taiwan for apps like LINE, particularly for maintaining communications during disasters. Discussions are underway with various international messaging providers, including LINE and the Signal Foundation, regarding the potential establishment of servers in Taiwan.
    2023/11/29 16:09
  • Military fuel pipeline leak causes strong odor in Kaohsiung

    A military fuel pipeline leak in Kaohsiung City’s Fengshan District has resulted in a strong, pungent smell. The Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) will impose fines for the leak, and while the leaked substance is not toxic, excessive inhalation can cause health issues.
    2023/10/04 19:46
  • Manhole cover emitting smoke raises concerns of gas leak

    A manhole cover on the intersection of Zhongzhou Road and Zhongzhen Road in Tianzhong Township, Changhua County suddenly began emitting smoke late Sunday evening (Aug. 6), drawing surprise and fear amongst locals.
    2023/08/07 19:53
  • Taiwan MND investigates suspected info leak to China

    The Ministry of National Defense (MND) in Taiwan announced plans to increase their efforts in counter-intelligence on Wednesday (Aug. 2). This decision came in response to an ongoing investigation involving six naval and air force officers currently serving and a retired air force officer with the surname Liu. 
    2023/08/02 18:58
  • 110 stranded containers await lifting amid impending typhoon

    Transportation Minister Wang Kwo-tsai visited Kaohsiung on Tuesday (July 25) to oversee the salvage mission aimed at retrieving drifting containers following the sinking of the Palau-flagged container ship "Angel" four days ago.
    2023/07/25 18:08
  • MODA investigates alleged Eslite bookstore data leak

    The Ministry of Digital Affairs (MODA) initiated an administrative investigation on Tuesday into the alleged customer data leak at Eslite bookstore amid concerns about its connection to suspected Chinese propagandists. The probe, conducted with the expertise of IT specialists, aims to shed light on an incident that has sparked national attention.
    2023/05/16 16:29
  • 只差0.1公分!公車貼臉過 女學生險被撞

    國外知名影音網站「Live Leak」貼出一段影片,台中一名女學生穿越馬路時,沒有注意來車,差點被一輛豐原客運撞上,公車幾乎是緊貼著女學生的臉前進,女學生沒站穩,身子轉了半圈,最後淡定的當做沒事離開,一名丹麥網友毒舌說,妳的扁平臉救了妳一命。
    2014/09/16 13:01
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