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    healthcare 結果共68筆

  • Mid-air miracle: Woman gives birth on EVA Air flight

    A pregnant woman gave birth on an EVA Air flight from Tokyo to Taipei, with both mother and child reported safe. The Civil Aeronautics Administration confirmed the successful landing at Taipei Songshan Airport. EVA Air has specific guidelines for pregnant passengers, including restrictions on flying after 36 weeks for single pregnancies and after 32 weeks for multiple pregnancies. Pregnant women between 28 and 35 weeks must complete a medical information sheet approved by the company’s doctor before flying.
    2024/02/15 15:18
  • Senior citizens in Taiwan volunteer to combat loneliness

    Taiwan confronts the challenges of an aging society, with initiatives addressing loneliness and social support among older individuals. Volunteers play a crucial role in providing companionship and assistance in New Taipei’s Pingxi District.
    2024/02/13 12:30
  • Lai Ching-te celebrates democracy with Marshall Islands

    President-elect Lai Ching-te of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) had a virtual call with Marshall Islands President Hilda Heine, celebrating their successful elections and shared values of democracy, freedom, and human rights. President Heine praised Taiwan as a beacon of democracy and expressed hope to attend Lai’s inauguration ceremony. Both leaders highlighted the 26-year diplomatic relations between Taiwan and the Marshall Islands, emphasizing successful cooperation in various sectors such as agriculture, healthcare, renewable energy, education, climate change adaptation, and information technology. Lai expressed his intention to collaborate with the Marshall Islands in addressing climate change.
    2024/01/24 18:33
  • Taiwan expands telemedicine services to millions

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare has announced updates to its Rules of Medical Diagnosis and Treatment by Telecommunications, expanding telemedicine services to a larger population under certain conditions, effective July 1. Approximately 2.47 million individuals are expected to benefit from these changes. The updates aim to adapt to the post-COVID-19 healthcare landscape and extend the scope of telemedicine to five special situations, including chronic disease care, end-stage disease care, custody care in correctional facilities, care for the mobility challenged, and care during disasters, communicable diseases, or other significant changes. Minister of Health and Welfare Hsueh Jui-yuan clarified that not all patients can avail of telemedicine services, as evaluation by healthcare units is mandatory, and physicians who violate the rules may face a maximum fine of NT$100,000. The new process combines physical outpatient services with telemedicine to reduce costs and time for patients requiring post-acute care, offering a convenient and seamless healthcare experience. The updated rules broaden the range of medical services that physicians can provide through telecommunication. Additionally, the Ministry has stated that doctors, after evaluating the patient’s stable condition, can now electronically prescribe medication for patients with chronic mental illnesses or in end-stage care, including regulated drugs like morphine.
    2024/01/22 15:27
  • Taiwan’s NHI reaches 91.2% satisfaction rate in 2023

    Taiwan’s National Health Insurance (NHI) has achieved a satisfaction rate of 91.2% in 2023, according to the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW). This is the first time the satisfaction rate has not decreased despite an increase in insurance costs. Previous reductions in satisfaction were observed in 2002 and 2006 due to premium increases, and in 2013 following the implementation of the second-generation NHI. The highest-rated aspects of the NHI were accessibility to medical treatment and the quality of medical care, with increased insurance costs ranking third. The satisfaction rate reached its peak during times of pandemic, likely due to the introduction of home-based medical care services and improved medical accessibility. Since 2021, the satisfaction rate has consistently remained above 90% and even reached a new all-time high during the pandemic. Taiwan has been ranked number one in the global healthcare index published by NUMBEO for the past five years. The NHI budget has also seen significant growth, increasing by over 48% from NT$590.5 billion in 2015 to NT$875.5 billion in 2024. The survey involved 3,257 participants aged 18 in Taiwan, and while public satisfaction with the NHI is high, physicians generally express lower levels of satisfaction.
    2024/01/06 17:11
  • KMT’s Hou vows strict sexual harassment prevention measures

    Presidential candidate of the Kuomintang (KMT), Hou Yu-ih, pledges to enforce strict sexual harassment prevention measures and demands "zero tolerance" on financial and sexual misconduct among officials if elected. He criticizes the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for recent sexual scandals, mocking them as the "Peach Blossom Party." Hou also emphasizes plans to empower women and reduce the burden of home care, proposing to increase the proportion of women in government and corporate decision-making to at least 30%. He highlights the need for expanded healthcare for women and children. In contrast, he points out that during DPP candidate Lai Ching-te’s tenure as Premier, women constituted only 20% of cabinet members, while former Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je’s "minority cabinet" had only a quarter of women. The 2024 presidential election will feature Hou, Lai, and Taiwan People’s Party’s (TPP) Ko, each having their policy presentation meetings. Each candidate had three turns to address their policies, with each speaking opportunity lasting for 10 minutes.
    2023/12/26 17:32
  • TPP’s Wu touts legislative record ahead of VP debate

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) vice-presidential candidate Cynthia Wu highlights her legislative achievements during her 412-day tenure in the Legislative Yuan. She proposed 15 bills, hosted five public hearings, and three symposiums. Notable bills include amendments to the Central Bank Act, the Social Medical Development Act, and the Assisted Reproduction Act, reflecting her dedication to improving Taiwan’s financial stability, healthcare system, and reproductive health policies. Wu believes that her policy platform will be built upon these legislative proposals as she prepares for the upcoming televised policy presentation and debate. The vice-presidential TV policy presentation is scheduled for December 22, 2024, while the debate will take place on January 1, 2024, as the 2024 elections approach.
    2023/12/20 18:10
  • Taiwan boosts pediatrician subsidies to NT$1,000 in 2024

    Taiwan’s Minister of Health and Welfare, Hsueh Jui-yuan, has announced significant increases in subsidies for dedicated pediatricians starting in 2024. The "2023 Plan to Optimize Pediatric Medical Care" aims to improve the quality of pediatric care and attract more young practitioners to the field. The subsidy for physicians specializing in the care of each young child will double from NT$500 to NT$1,000. The optimization plan, with a total budget of NT$2.8 billion, will run from 2021 to 2024, with NT$2 billion allocated for 2024 alone. The implementation of the dedicated pediatrician system across the nation underscores the investment made in this critical healthcare sector. Currently, 22 counties and municipalities have implemented the dedicated pediatrician system for children aged 0 to 3, and since November, it has expanded to include newborns. There are currently 1,882 dedicated pediatricians serving over 184,000 young children across 1,048 medical institutions, bringing the national coverage rate to 40.5%.
    2023/12/19 16:51
  • Taiwan eyes digital innovation in healthcare assessments

    The Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) in Taiwan is planning to promote digitalization in healthcare, with a focus on incorporating digital development into healthcare quality metrics. This initiative aligns with national policy directives and aims to support the national plan for digital policy. The successful pilot of virtual National Health Insurance (NHI) cards during the COVID-19 pandemic was highlighted as part of the broader commitment to digitalization. The MOHW, with support from the Ministry of Digital Affairs (MODA), is providing technological budget support for the cloud-based transition of health insurance systems at grassroots clinics. The goals of Taiwan’s digitalization healthcare system include reducing manpower on the medical end, improving healthcare quality, and increasing convenience for patients. The future strategy of the MOHW will combine financial subsidies with policy mandates, starting with medical centers. The plan is to encourage the integration of digital development into healthcare quality assessment, with the aim of fostering innovation, reducing labor costs, and enhancing healthcare quality.
    2023/12/19 15:11
  • Taiwan’s social protection expenditure hits NT$2.53T in 2022

    Taiwan’s Social Protection Expenditure (SPE) for 2022 has reached a new high of NT$2.5342 trillion, according to the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics (DGBAS). This represents a 4.9% growth rate and an increase of NT$118.1 billion compared to the previous year. The DGBAS attributes the significant growth to factors such as increased costs related to COVID-19 vaccine procurement and vaccination efforts, higher National Health Insurance payments, and increased funding for childcare allowances and educational subsidies. Social security spending in Taiwan aims to mitigate risks or burdens associated with aging, disabilities, survivors, sickness and healthcare, childbirth, family and children, unemployment, occupational injuries, and housing, following the standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO).
    2023/12/16 13:23
  • China’s kids face rising antibiotic drug resistance

    Chinese children are increasingly experiencing antibiotic resistance when treating Mycoplasma pneumoniae, which poses a global health and economic concern. By 2050, drug-resistant diseases could result in healthcare costs of NT$31 trillion and economic losses of up to NT$106 trillion, according to the World Bank. The overuse of antibiotics has led to the rise of superbugs, diminishing the effectiveness of these medicines and compromising treatment outcomes. Azithromycin, a commonly used antibiotic in China for Mycoplasma pneumoniae, now faces an alarming resistance rate of nearly 80% to Macrolides. The World Health Organization (WHO) warns of the dangers of antibiotic overuse and refers to the situation as a "silent pandemic." WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus expresses concern that antibiotic resistance could bring us back to an era where minor infections are untreatable.
    2023/12/12 11:42
  • TPP Cynthia Wu makes brief Yilan temple visit amid criticism

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) vice-presidential candidate Cynthia Wu and legislative candidate Chen Wan-hui visited Nanfangao Nantian Temple in Yilan on Saturday morning. Wu, who has faced criticism online for allegedly having a "princess syndrome," chose to remain silent when approached by journalists. After spending less than 30 minutes at the temple, Wu left the scene in good spirits, communicating through gestures from her car window. Chen praised Wu for her friendly demeanor and support for digital healthcare and transformation initiatives. Chen also emphasized that Wu is approachable, though not as accustomed to facing the public as former mayor Ko Wen-je. The brief visit was due to subsequent scheduling commitments, with Chen promising to invite Wu back to Yilan for local delicacies in the future.
    2023/12/02 18:00
  • Taiwan cuts 2023 GDP growth to 1.42%, lowest in 14 years

    Taiwan’s 2023 GDP growth forecast has been lowered to 1.42%, the lowest in 14 years, due to weaker exports and private investment. Year-end bonuses for Taiwanese workers have also been affected, with the average amount shrinking to 1.08 months’ worth of salary, hitting a 10-year low. The financial industry leads in bonus payouts with an average of 1.83 months’ salary, followed by the semiconductor industry at 1.38 months. The healthcare services industry averages just 0.97 months of salary, while the accommodations and food services sector lags further behind at only 0.59 months. Despite the downward revision, the DGBAS remains optimistic for 2024, forecasting a GDP growth rate rebound to 3.35%. However, challenges such as the Ukraine-Russia war, the Israel-Palestine conflict, and ongoing inflation may pose risks to the global economy. Looking ahead to 2024, local job banks predict pay increases in 47.5% of companies, with an average salary hike of 3.2%, slightly lower than in 2023. Experts caution that Taiwan’s economic recovery may not be as swift as hoped.
    2023/11/29 16:04
  • Taiwan’s healthcare outweighs U.S. citizenship: Commentator

    Taipei City Hospital’s Chiang Kuan-yu commented on Lai Pei-hsia’s decision to give up her U.S. citizenship, stating that Taiwan’s lighter healthcare and tax burdens outweigh the benefits of U.S. citizenship. Lai, an entertainer, relinquished her U.S. citizenship in order to qualify as the running mate for Foxconn founder Terry Gou in Taiwan’s vice-presidential election. However, the Gou-Lai ticket failed to register for the race, leading many online users in Taiwan to describe Lai as the biggest loser in the electoral contest. Chiang highlighted that many elderly Americans choose to return to Taiwan for superior elderly care and more familial support, as incapacitated seniors in the U.S. often do not survive beyond three years. He characterized Taiwan as "a paradise for the elderly, a promised land for retirement," promoting the country as an ideal place for a comfortable and supported aging experience. Chiang questioned the significance of retaining U.S. citizenship once one’s children are independent, suggesting that Lai may not have lost much by forfeiting her American nationality.
    2023/11/26 18:29
  • Chimei Museum honors late founder with memorial wall

    The Chimei Museum in Tainan recently unveiled a memorial wall for Shi Wen-long, the late founder of the Chimei Group. Within just 15 minutes of its opening, the wall attracted a flurry of tributes from citizens expressing their thanks, blessings, and regret at his passing. Located by the museum’s main entrance, the wall served as a platform for visitors to pay tribute to Shi’s contributions to various fields including culture, education, healthcare, and the arts. The heartfelt messages left by individuals reflect the public’s high regard for the late pioneer and the profound impact of his work.
    2023/11/20 19:55
  • Premier lauds Hsiao Bi-khim’s achievements in Washington

    Premier Chen Chien-jen praises the performance of Hsiao Bi-khim, Taiwan’s representative to the U.S., emphasizing her recognized contributions by both American and Taiwanese authorities. Chen commends Hsiao’s collaboration with Democratic Progressive Party’s presidential candidate Lai Ching-te, which has led to significant progress in Taiwan-U.S. relations. Former U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi publicly praised Hsiao’s outstanding performance. Chen believes Hsiao is a suitable candidate for the upcoming elections and will respect the party’s decision on her successor. In response to the recent protest march by medical personnel, Chen assures that the government deeply cares about the rights and interests of healthcare workers and is willing to engage in dialogue. The establishment of a regular communication channel has been agreed upon, and discussions on the demands of medical personnel are underway to provide better rights protection and a safer working environment.
    2023/11/20 17:48
  • Flu case surge prompts vaccination plea from physicians

    Physicians are urging the public to get vaccinated against the flu as cold and flu cases surge in Taiwan amid cooling weather. Even healthcare providers are being impacted by the rapid spread of a virulent seasonal virus. ENT Dr. Chang Yi-Hao fell ill with gastroenteritis in late October, experiencing two days of fever. The virus has been particularly aggressive over the past few months. Chang emphasized the importance of vaccination, especially for the elderly, individuals with chronic diseases, and young children with weaker immune systems. Wearing face masks has become routine due to COVID-19, but with the easing of restrictions, there has been a rise in flu and respiratory virus infections. Physicians stress the need for vaccination, particularly for those with lower resistance to disease.
    2023/11/16 21:02
  • 健保署與美國HIMSS簽署合作備忘錄 數位升級邁向新里程

    衛生福利部中央健康保險署和美國醫療資訊暨管理系統協會(Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, HIMSS)於本(112)年11月13日共同簽署合作備忘錄,未來將深化雙方資訊交流及人員訓練,以加強我國醫療體系資訊管理系統、強化資訊安全韌性,並接軌國際醫療資訊標準,加速醫療體系成功數位轉型。
    2023/11/15 12:00
  • Lai supports adding Chinese students to healthcare system

    DPP chairman and presidential candidate Lai Ching-te has proposed including mainland Chinese students in Taiwan’s healthcare system, citing medical human rights and the strengthening of the epidemic prevention system. Lai’s plan, which treats mainland Chinese students as international students and includes them in the National Health Insurance (NHI) system, has faced objections from some party legislators. However, Lai has stated that after providing necessary clarification, fellow party members have generally accepted the idea. Lai has emphasized the human rights perspective of his proposal and distinguished it from criticism of the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) for nominating a legislator connected with China. Lai believes that including mainland Chinese students in the NHI system will make the healthcare network more comprehensive, especially after three years of pandemic prevention efforts.
    2023/11/13 12:14
  • Premier announces plans to increase salaries in healthcare

    The Taiwanese government plans to allocate at least NT$20 billion next year to raise the salaries of healthcare workers in response to recent protests by medical professionals. Premier Chen Chien-jen advocates for increased respect, appreciation, and compensation for frontline staff, stating that a health insurance system should not be built on the "sweat and tears" of healthcare professionals. Discussions are underway with President Tsai Ing-wen, National Health Insurance Administration Director-General Shih Chung-liang, and Health Minister Hsueh Jui-yuan on methods to enhance salaries through health insurance and public budget funds. The financial assistance will be directed at healthcare personnel excluding doctors, with specific details of the plan still under discussion. The Ministry of Health and Welfare has highlighted the global shortage of healthcare workers as a significant concern, and with COVID-19 still a threat, the government aims to increase healthcare investment and address the welfare of those on the medical frontline.
    2023/11/13 11:59
  • Premier Chen announces NT$20B healthcare worker subsidy

    The Taiwanese government plans to allocate at least NT$20 billion in 2024 to subsidize healthcare workers’ salaries, according to Premier Chen Chien-jen. The aim is to ensure that the health insurance system is not built on the sweat and tears of medical staff. Chen emphasized the need for healthcare workers to be respected, appreciated, and adequately compensated within the healthcare system. President Tsai Ing-wen, Minister of Health and Welfare Hsueh Jui-yuan, and National Health Insurance Administration Director Shi Chong-liang have held discussions on enhancing medical personnel’s salaries through health insurance and public budget. The proposed funds will be budgeted from public expenditures, although the details are still being planned. The budget for fiscal year 2024 has been submitted to the Legislative Yuan, and if approved, the new subsidies will officially roll out the following year. The specific manner and target of the subsidies are still being formulated.
    2023/11/12 15:10
  • Taiwan nurses struggle with low pay, high stress

    Taiwan’s nurses face a critical manpower shortage worsened by low salaries and challenging work conditions. With a high turnover rate and inadequate compensation, the call for fair wages and improved conditions is a pressing issue for Taiwan’s healthcare system.
    2023/11/10 17:48
  • Hospitals face pharmacist shortage amid low pay

    Amidst a severe salary gap and high workloads, Taiwan’s hospital pharmacists are facing a critical shortage. With a surplus of pharmacists but insufficient compensation, experts call for a re-evaluation of the National Health Insurance to prevent a looming healthcare crisis.
    2023/11/09 17:49
  • MOHW plans pay raise to tackle losses in nursing talents

    The Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) plans to raise the pay of nurses working in hospitals subordinate to the MOHW in response to a mass exodus of top nursing talents due to low-wage disputes. MOHW Minister Hsueh Jui-yuan convened a meeting to discuss a collective pay raise for 12,000 nurses working under affiliate hospitals. The low wages have led to a shortage of talent and disrupted services. By offering higher wages, hospitals hope to attract skilled nurses, expand bed capacity, and increase revenue. Taiwan has approximately 120,000 nurses, with one-tenth working in MOHW-affiliated hospitals, many of which are located in remote areas. The unequal distribution of work between private hospitals and MOHW-affiliated hospitals has been criticized, particularly in providing healthcare in rural areas.
    2023/11/06 19:06
  • Taiwan rolls new regulations to bolster public services

    Eight new regulations are taking effect in Taiwan in November, covering sectors in healthcare, public transport, and the environment. The Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) is introducing sustainable deals, offering a NT$5 discount on hot beverages to passengers who bring their own reusable cups. State-funded flu vaccines will be available for individuals aged 50 to 64, and those aged 65 and over can take shots in the second phase of the pneumococcal vaccine program.
    2023/11/01 10:49
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