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    climate 結果共94筆

  • Taiwan thanks allies for support at COP28 side event

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs expresses gratitude to ministers from five diplomatic allies for advocating for Taiwan at COP28. Leaders from Paraguay, Palau, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Tuvalu, and Eswatini voiced support for Taiwan at the World Climate Summit, marking another step forward for Taiwan’s international backing. Haiti’s Minister of Environment acknowledged Taiwan’s dedication to addressing climate change, while the Marshall Islands’ Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade affirmed Taiwan’s deserving of observer status in such forums. Guatemala’s Minister of Environment and Natural Resources showcased Taiwan’s contributions to climate change efforts, and Nauru’s Deputy Minister of Climate Change & National Resilience appreciated Taiwan’s support for the Just Transition fund in the Pacific. Taiwan emphasizes its eagerness to work with allies and urges the global community to support its meaningful participation in the UNFCCC.
    2023/12/11 20:19
  • Premier Chen uges green shift in Taiwan’s building sector

    Premier Chen Chien-jen of Taiwan’s Executive Yuan emphasized the critical role of building materials in the country’s transition towards a net-zero future. Speaking at the opening ceremony of the TaiPei Building Show, Premier Chen highlighted the event’s significance in boosting the international visibility of Taiwan’s building materials industry. This emphasis aligns with the National Development Council’s announcement of Taiwan’s 2050 net-zero emissions pathway, which outlines a strategy encompassing energy, industry lifestyle, and society. Premier Chen stressed the importance of developing industrially competitive, sustainable, and resilient business processes that could reduce emissions and promote circular usage. With Taiwan working towards meeting its climate commitments, the Premier expressed optimism about the collective industry effort to drive a green transition and support the country’s economic expansion.
    2023/12/07 20:54
  • Taiwan issues "Songshan Declaration" at COP28

    A civilian group from Taiwan, the Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition (TWYCC), unveiled the "Songshan Declaration" at a side event related to the upcoming 28th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP28) in Dubai. The declaration calls for fair transition strategies to combat climate change. TWYCC representative Gina Lee highlighted the controversial solar energy development in Tainan’s Qigu area, discussing its negative impact on local aquaculture fishers. The group also explored examples of just transition, such as solar development in Cigu and the electrification of scooters, expressing concern about the government’s lack of dialogue with youth. The "Songshan Declaration" was jointly initiated by stakeholders from Taiwan’s industries, government, academia, and civil society, pledging to enforce the Climate Change Response Act and engage in the global stocktake. Chen Hui-ping, Chairperson of the Taiwan Green Energy for Charity Association, shared experiences of enabling social change through the "Green Well (GW) 100+" initiative, which has installed solar power systems for underprivileged communities and conducted energy audits and equipment replacements in social welfare institutions. The association emphasized that their model of green charity fosters wider stakeholder participation and contributes positively to the energy transition.
    2023/12/07 17:02
  • G7 leaders emphasize Taiwan Strait’s role in global security

    The Group of Seven (G7) leaders convened via video conference to discuss the Taiwan Strait, affirming its importance for international security and prosperity. They reiterated their commitment to the One China policy and called for a peaceful resolution to cross-strait issues. The G7 also expressed readiness to establish a stable relationship with China and voiced opposition to China’s militarization activities in the South China Sea. Human rights concerns in Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong were also discussed. The G7 condemned North Korea’s missile testing activities and addressed various other topics such as nuclear safety in Japan, the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity, and climate change. The discussions highlighted the G7’s attention to urgent global crises, including the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine and the Gaza crisis.
    2023/12/07 09:10
  • Taiwan sees third lowest November rainfall days since 1951

    Taiwan experienced its third lowest average rainfall days for November since records began in 1951, with only 5.9 rainy days last month, according to the Central Weather Administration (CWA). The CWA’s climate review highlighted fluctuating cold and warm temperatures, with isolated showers occurring mainly on the windward sides of the eastern and northern parts of Taiwan. The average monthly temperature was normal at 23.0 degrees Celsius, slightly above the climate average of 22.7 degrees. Taiwan’s cumulative rainfall also fell well below the climatic average of 110.6 millimeters, with only Keelung reaching 90% of its climatic value for rainfall. The Taitung, Pengjia Islet, Hsinchu, and Hengchun stations all reported record lows or near-record lows for rainy days in November. This data from the CWA highlights the variability of precipitation patterns and their potential impact on the region’s climate.
    2023/12/06 20:28
  • Wang Mei-hua confirms talks with TSMC on German subsidies

    Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) may face obstacles in establishing a factory in Germany due to a shift in German subsidies. Minister of Economic Affairs Wang Mei-hua has confirmed that the German government is actively addressing the budget issues involved. The recent ruling by Germany’s Federal Constitutional Court, which deemed the diversion of pandemic funds for the "Climate and Transformation Fund" unconstitutional, has raised concerns about the fulfillment of financial promises to TSMC and other tech giants like Intel Corporation. If Germany decreases its subsidies, TSMC may need to renegotiate or even abandon its plans for the factory. The Taiwanese government is closely monitoring the situation and is prepared to provide support if necessary. This investment dispute has significant implications for the global supply chains and the semiconductor industry, as TSMC’s advanced semiconductors are in high demand worldwide.
    2023/12/06 18:51
  • Taiwan eyes future in nuclear tech, open to reactors

    Taiwan’s Minister of Economic Affairs, Wang Mei-hua, has announced that Taiwan will closely monitor the development of new nuclear technologies, such as small modular reactors and fusion power, and remain open to their adoption. Premier Chen Chien-jen has highlighted that addressing the challenges surrounding nuclear waste from fusion technology could significantly increase societal support for the technology. This declaration comes as over 20 countries, including the United States and Japan, proposed at the 28th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28) to triple global nuclear power capacity by 2050. Additionally, nearly 120 countries committed to tripling renewable energy generation internationally within the next seven years. At COP28, 22 countries advocated for nuclear energy, focusing on small modular reactors and nuclear fusion technology, as well as securing international financial support for their development. These discussions at COP28 reflect a growing interest in diverse and innovative approaches to addressing climate change and powering the future.
    2023/12/06 14:56
  • Cynthia Wu heads to COP 28, rebuffs media skepticism

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) vice-presidential candidate Cynthia Wu clarifies that her upcoming trip abroad to participate in the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 28) was planned since October, refuting claims that it was an attempt to avoid controversy surrounding her nationality. Wu, who is the convener for the health and environmental committee, emphasizes that the conference is part of her pre-determined schedule and highlights her dedication to sustainability. She hopes to represent Taiwan and foster international collaboration during COP 28.
    2023/12/04 21:09
  • 2016霸王寒流重演?「負北極振盪」發生中 鄭明典曝對台影響

    2016年1月下旬,「霸王級寒流」席捲大半個北半球,並造成少有下雪紀錄的地區降雪,此波寒流也被認為是極端天氣現象,主要因負北極振盪所致。前氣象署長鄭明典今(3)日便指出,根據緬因大學的氣候再分析儀(Climate Reanalyzer)觀測數據可見,偏暖的空氣不斷流入北極圈,使北極的冷空氣外流至中緯度,直言負北極振盪「正在發生中」。
    2023/12/03 17:19
  • Hsiao cautious about ’dark political vortex’ in Taiwan

    Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) vice-presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim expresses concerns about Taiwan’s political climate and her hesitation to return to the country for public office. She describes a "dark political vortex" and emphasizes the need to defend democracy, freedom, and basic rights. Despite the challenges, Hsiao pledges steadfast efforts alongside presidential candidate Lai Ching-te to guide Taiwan and offer its people more opportunities. She aims to concentrate on state affairs and constructive national debates, avoiding distractions and external disturbances. Hsiao’s commitment reflects the underlying tensions in Taiwan’s political landscape and her determination to maintain stability and progress for the country.
    2023/11/24 18:13
  • DPP criticized for jeopardizing Taiwan, Lai defends

    The ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is facing criticism from non-ruling parties for its failures in improving cross-strait relations, with accusations that the DPP has pushed Taiwan towards the risk of war. DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-tei has responded by outlining a four-pillar approach to maintaining cross-strait peace, which includes strengthening national defense and security, boosting Taiwan’s key industries, standing with democratic camps, and engaging in cooperative relationships with China. Lai emphasizes that the upcoming election represents a battle between democracy and autocracy and highlights Taiwan’s ongoing fight for democracy. He asserts his determination to safeguard Taiwan’s democracy and protect the nation’s security and interests.
    2023/11/16 20:54
  • Biden, Xi to discuss Taiwan at APEC meeting, says expert

    U.S. President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping are set to meet in San Francisco on November 15, with Taiwan as a key focus of their discussions, according to an expert from the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The meeting agenda includes four main issues: Taiwan, fentanyl containment, Israel-Hamas conflict, and climate change response. It is expected that Xi will seek Biden’s reiteration of the United States’ stance against Taiwan’s independence, as Beijing considers Taiwan a part of China and opposes its independence. Additionally, Xi may anticipate Biden’s affirmation that the U.S. does not favor any specific political party in the Taiwan presidential elections. This summit marks a direct face-to-face dialogue between the leaders since their talks during the G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia, in November 2022.
    2023/11/09 12:34
  • Taiwan’s e-scooter company faces battery compatibility issue

    Learn about Taiwan’s commitment to achieving 100% electric scooter sales by 2040 in the fight against climate change. Discover the transportation policies of presidential candidates and the challenges faced in the e-scooter market.
    2023/11/08 18:13
  • Ice cream industry hits production value of NT$2.8B in 2022

    Taiwan’s ice cream industry has reached a record-high production value of NT$2.8 billion in 2022, with an average year-on-year growth of 8.3% over the past five years, according to the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA). This growth is attributed to Westernized eating habits, health-conscious consumption, and the introduction of new flavors that cater to Taiwan’s hot climate. The rise of the ice cream sector has also contributed to the steady growth of Taiwanese dairy consumption, which reached a peak production value of over NT$40 billion in both 2021 and 2022. Despite this growth, Taiwan primarily relies on dairy imports, with an annual increase of 11.1%. New Zealand is the main import source, followed by the U.S., France, and Australia, accounting for 12.6%, 8.7%, and 7% respectively. These imports mainly consist of cheese, dry cheese, and dairy-based spreads.
    2023/11/07 13:11
  • Taiwan, NASA set up Asia Pacific AERONET Calibration Center

    The Ministry of Environment (MOENV) has established the Asia Pacific AERONET Calibration and Training Center (APAC) in collaboration with NASA. The center, located at the Lulin Atmospheric Background Station, aims to improve air quality monitoring data and contribute to climate change research. The project, co-run by the EPA, CWA, and TASA, will aid regional smog control and carbon reduction strategies, as well as elevate Taiwan’s global standing. The center will enhance Taiwanese scholars’ confidence in data mastery, research quality, and expert talent, increasing Taiwan’s international competitiveness and benefiting Southeast Asian nations. The calibration center is expected to enhance international cooperation and strengthen Southeast Asian countries’ capacity to use and analyze data. The data produced by AERONET will directly or indirectly contribute to global air quality and climate change research, highlighting Taiwan’s sustainable responsibility and proactive participation in environmental monitoring.
    2023/11/03 21:22
  • 台泥推低碳水泥新品 布局營建廢棄物回收再利用

    台泥今天發布全新Total Climate系列低碳水泥,其中卜特蘭石灰石水泥減碳達15.4%。台泥未來也將朝協助處理營建廢棄物布局,規劃把拆除後的預拌混凝土回收再利用。
    2023/10/30 16:12
  • Mutual gains in U.S.-Taiwan bilateral investment: Amb. Tong

    Amidst rising tensions between the U.S., China, and Taiwan, Ambassador Kurt Tong of The Asia Group highlights the overlooked yet significant mutual benefits of U.S.-Taiwan trade and investment. Tong urges policymakers and the public to focus on economic opportunities that can lead to long-term profitable relationships between the U.S. and Taiwan.
    2023/10/22 17:30
  • New Taipei City hosts youth climate forum, Future Con 2023

    New Taipei City’s "The Future Con 2023" youth climate forum brings together students and experts to address climate change, fostering environmental awareness and action. Discover how the city is taking strides towards a sustainable future.
    2023/09/27 19:20
  • Taiwan seeks creative measures to adapt to extreme weather

    As extreme weather sets to become the new normal, Taiwan sees an increased frequency of heavy rainfall. Authorities are taking creative and budget-friendly measures to improve cities’ capacity to handle sudden rain showers.
    2023/09/04 19:08
  • Extreme heat from climate change endangers flight safety

    Extreme heat due to climate change is posing new challenges for air travel, affecting flight operations, passenger loads, and take-off efficiency. Experts reveal how soaring temperatures impact engines, combustion efficiency, and lift generation, leading to delays and changes in flight schedules. As global temperatures rise, the aviation industry must adapt to ensure safe and efficient travel.
    2023/08/17 13:29
  • Ventilation corridors urged to counter urban heat island

    Office workers are grappling with extreme heat during the summer days as the urban heat island effect intensifies within the Taipei Basin.
    2023/08/13 13:21
  • Taiwan Carbon Solution Exchange kicks off in Kaohsiung

    TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Taiwan Carbon Solution Exchange, funded by the Taiwan Stock Exchange and the National Development Fund commenced operations in Kaohsiung on Monday (Aug. 7) to advance Taiwan’s carbon credits trade business and to move another step towards Taiwan’s net-zero emissions goal by 2050.
    2023/08/07 19:59
  • El Niño to bring stronger, longer-lasting typhoons: Experts

    The weather phenomenon has shifted from La Niña to El Niño, significantly impacting typhoon formation. Research by the European Union shows that typhoon probability decreases during El Niño, but their intensity increases.
    2023/07/26 16:54
  • 最熱6月!氣候變遷加上聖嬰現象 全球創紀錄高溫

    歐洲聯盟氣候監測機構「哥白尼氣候變化服務」(Copernicus Climate Change Service)今天表示,全球上個月經歷有紀錄以來最熱的6月,陸地與海洋溫度都異常地高。
    2023/07/07 09:14
  • Global temperatures to reach new records within 5 years

    Climate change is causing shorter winters and hotter summers, resulting in rising global temperatures across the globe, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). 
    2023/06/01 17:51
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