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    city 結果共962筆

  • Taipei mayor eyes more seats for Asian Baseball finale

    Taipei City Mayor Chiang Wan-an aims to negotiate with the Farglory Group to allow 20,000 spectators to attend the championship match of the 2023 Asian Baseball Championship. The inaugural match at the Taipei Dome saw tickets being quickly sold out, indicating high enthusiasm for the sport. Approximately 17,000 fans attended the first match, showcasing their energy and support. Mayor Chiang emphasized the need to open more seats for the championship match, expressing his belief in meeting the public’s demand and expectations. The possibility of expanding the Dome’s capacity to 40,000 seats for scheduled exchange games with the Yomiuri Giants is being considered, with the city government willing to provide assistance and aiming to conduct a full-capacity test within the year.
    2023/12/04 17:28
  • 雙12來了!超商限時優惠 茶飲買10送7、美式27元爽喝

    雙12又要來了!超商7-ELEVEN祭出優惠,「OPEN POINT行動隨時取」12月6日至12月13日限定CITY飲品優惠組合價只要1212元;且12月7日限定1天,還有CITY TEA英式紅茶/四季春青茶享買10送7。
    2023/12/04 17:24
  • Hou recalls hostage crisis, vows better mental health aid

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih and vice presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong recounted their first encounter during Taiwan’s 1998 bus hostage crisis. Hou, who was the deputy director of the Criminal Investigation Bureau at the time, was tasked with negotiating with the armed hostage-taker, Chen Neng-ping, who had schizophrenia. Hou discovered that Chen had two snipers on standby and successfully defused the situation with the assistance of Jaw and then-legislator Hau Lung-bin. Hou, who established mental health centers during his tenure in New Taipei City, pledged to prioritize mental health policies if elected president, particularly for the youth demographic.
    2023/12/04 13:58
  • Taipei launches Christmas festivities in Xinyi District

    Experience the festive spirit at the "2023 Taipei Xmas" event in Xinyi District! With a record-breaking 55 large-scale Christmas decorations and 12 pedestrian overpass illuminations, this year’s event is bigger than ever. The Taipei City Office of Commerce has collaborated with 15 major department store operators to create a dazzling display of over 80 Christmas decorations. Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an hopes that this event will become an iconic celebration in the future. Don’t miss the novel pop-up Christmas event, held every Friday through Sunday, and be sure to snap a photo with the stunning golden Christmas tree that has become a popular backdrop for photos and social media check-ins.
    2023/12/02 18:32
  • Taipei tops happiness index, Chiayi City close second

    Taipei City has been crowned the champion of happiness in Taiwan, according to the "2023 County and City Happiness Index Survey" conducted by the Economic Daily News and Cathay Life Insurance. Chiayi City secured the runner-up position, followed closely by Taichung City, Hsinchu City, and Taitung County. Taichung City also received the "Most Improved Award" for achieving the highest government satisfaction rating in Taiwan. The survey, which questioned over 15,260 Taiwanese aged 20 and up, was conducted from Aug. 24 to Oct. 16, 2023.
    2023/12/02 15:10
  • 20K join Taoyuan’s free lung scan; 63 diagnoses confirmed

    Taoyuan City has screened over 20,000 residents aged 40 and older for lung cancer through a free low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) scan program. However, only 18,000 have completed the examination, with 1,036 cases requiring further tracking and 63 confirmed lung cancer diagnoses. Taoyuan City Councilors raised concerns about the limited number of participating hospitals and the budget allocation for the program. The Taoyuan Public Health Department reported that 18 medical institutions currently provide the LDCT service, with plans to add four or five more next year. They assured that the program will continue with the same eligibility criteria and quotas, and aim to integrate smart technology to expedite the screening process. The screening service targets individuals with high-risk factors such as tobacco exposure, relevant medical and family history, occupational exposure, and air pollution. Occupational exposure includes individuals who have worked in environments with asbestos, arsenic, cadmium, nickel, or dust for over ten years.
    2023/12/02 10:55
  • Taoyuan FuturePeak Expo unites 100 youth startups

    The 2023 Taoyuan FuturePeak Expo successfully brought together 100 youth startup teams from seven cities and counties in the region, showcasing their innovative prowess. The exhibition featured programs, "Startup Lectures," and an "International Forum" aimed at fostering innovation and entrepreneurship. Taoyuan Mayor Simon Chang emphasized the importance of cross-municipality collaboration and international connections to propel Taiwanese youth startups onto the global stage. The city government is providing support for these emerging teams, including an interest subsidy on loans and cross-regional and international exchange activities. The expo was a joint initiative among the Hutoushan Innovation Hub, Taoyuan Aerotropolis Company, the Asia Silicon Valley Development Agency (ASVDA), National Central University, and Shinkong Synthetic Fibers Corporation. Notable industry veterans shared insights on entrepreneurial perspectives and industry trends during the event’s "Startup Lectures" and "International Forum" segments. This expo marks a milestone for local youth startups, providing them with exposure, insights, and opportunities to shape Taiwan’s innovative future.
    2023/11/30 22:05
  • 「外交教父」美國前國務卿季辛吉辭世 享嵩壽100歲

    曾任美國國務卿的知名地緣政治學者、外交家季辛吉(Henry Kissinger)今(30)日在美國康乃狄克州家中去世,享嵩壽100歲。他是美國最偉大的政治家之一,被美國譽為「外交教父」,還曾獲頒諾貝爾和平獎,他將在私人家庭葬禮上被安葬,稍後紐約市(New York City)將舉行追悼會。
    2023/11/30 09:56
  • GODIVA熱可可來了!小7開賣「限量50萬杯」集點再免費喝

    冬季就是要喝熱巧克力!7-ELEVEN CITY CAFE再度攜手巧克力品牌GODIVA,推出「迦納可可」,即日起限量50萬杯開賣,每杯99元,另外這次還加贈「GODIVA夫人款」與「迦納熱巧克力杯」設計造型磁鐵,且同時也推出集點活動,集滿或加價就能獲得GODIVA經典法蘭絨毛毯、免費CITY CAFE指定飲品等。 ​​​​​​
    2023/11/29 15:11
  • Cheng’s alleged hotel video eludes deepfake verification

    Taipei City Police Department’s Zhongzheng First Precinct announced that the videos allegedly showing Vice Premier Cheng Wen-tsan entering a hotel with a woman were assessed as "inconclusive" for deepfake tampering. The examination, completed on November 8 and presented on November 18, concluded that it was impossible to determine the potential of deepfake manipulation in the videos. The case is currently being investigated by the Taipei District Prosecutors Office. The allegations arose from a series of photos and videos posted on social media on October 24, claiming that Cheng had attended parties in Macau and checked into a hotel room with a young woman during his time as a Democratic Progressive Party official in Taoyuan in 2011. In response, Cheng issued a statement asserting that he was not the person depicted in the videos, stating that the footage was old and edited. On October 26, the vice premier filed a defamation lawsuit with the Zhongzheng First Precinct, requesting a forensic examination for deepfakes.
    2023/11/27 15:35
  • Taipei councilor exposes ’red infiltration’ via China trips

    Taipei City Councilor Chen Yi-chun has expressed concerns about stealthy trips organized by local community leaders to China, questioning whether they could be instances of "red infiltration." Chen highlighted a heavily subsidized trip advertised as a "Wuxi Community Exchange Study," which cost participants just NT$15,000 and included flights, hospitality, and lodging. She suggested that the trip seemed imbued with Chinese propaganda, as it included visits to historical towns, canal boat tours, and a Belt and Road Initiative silk factory, with a guide from the National People’s Congress Standing Committee of the Chinese Communist Party. Chen raised concerns about potential organized red infiltration, as local leaders covertly rallied groups and secretly canvassed like-minded community members to join the trip. She also questioned whether the Chinese Communist Party could be using these excursions to influence the votes of Taiwanese local residents in anticipation of Taiwan’s 2024 Presidential Election. Chen argued that the CCP could be engaging in a multifaceted campaign, including cognitive warfare and expansive propaganda, with the latest strategy involving ground-level infiltration to sway Taiwan’s electorate. She called for Taiwan’s national security agencies to remain vigilant and advised citizens to foster security awareness to guard against possible election meddling strategies by the CCP.
    2023/11/26 18:37
  • Taiwan’s healthcare outweighs U.S. citizenship: Commentator

    Taipei City Hospital’s Chiang Kuan-yu commented on Lai Pei-hsia’s decision to give up her U.S. citizenship, stating that Taiwan’s lighter healthcare and tax burdens outweigh the benefits of U.S. citizenship. Lai, an entertainer, relinquished her U.S. citizenship in order to qualify as the running mate for Foxconn founder Terry Gou in Taiwan’s vice-presidential election. However, the Gou-Lai ticket failed to register for the race, leading many online users in Taiwan to describe Lai as the biggest loser in the electoral contest. Chiang highlighted that many elderly Americans choose to return to Taiwan for superior elderly care and more familial support, as incapacitated seniors in the U.S. often do not survive beyond three years. He characterized Taiwan as "a paradise for the elderly, a promised land for retirement," promoting the country as an ideal place for a comfortable and supported aging experience. Chiang questioned the significance of retaining U.S. citizenship once one’s children are independent, suggesting that Lai may not have lost much by forfeiting her American nationality.
    2023/11/26 18:29
  • Northeast monsoon brings rain to Keelung, Greater Taipei

    The Central Weather Administration has issued a heavy rain advisory for Keelung City and New Taipei City due to the influence of the northeast monsoon. However, rain chances are expected to decrease as the day progresses. Meanwhile, conditions south of Hsinchu will remain mostly cloudy to sunny. Temperature variations are significant, with morning and evening lows ranging from 16 to 19 degrees Celsius, and daytime highs anticipated to reach 21 to 24 degrees in the north and Yilan, and 26 to 28 degrees in other areas. Starting Monday, a drier northeast monsoon will bring cooler air, resulting in clearer skies in the western part of the country and a halt in brief rain in the east. Stable and sunny conditions are predicted across the region, but residents should be mindful of the substantial temperature differences between day and night, with low temperatures potentially falling to around 12 degrees across the plains of Taiwan and lows near 16 degrees in Taipei.
    2023/11/26 14:41
  • 超商買咖啡爽中1千萬!小7發票中獎門市快看 8縣市超幸運

    財政部今日開出最新一期2023年9-10月統一發票中獎號碼,超商7-ELEVEN共開出10位百萬大獎得主,包含2張千萬特別獎、3張2百萬特獎、5張雲端發票專屬獎,超級福星僅花9元就中2百萬,還有幸運兒花35元購買麵包、CITY CAFE就中千萬大獎。
    2023/11/25 16:32
  • Politician replaces Ko image with Jaw’s sketch on billboard

    New Taipei City legislative candidate Yeh Yuan-chih commissioned a film poster illustrator to replace the image of Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih and Taiwan People’s Party’s (TPP) Ko Wen-je on a joint campaign billboard. The move was made after the anticipated KMT-TPP coalition fell through and each candidate registered independently. The illustrator began transforming the "Hou-Ko billboard" early in the morning, replacing Ko’s likeness with that of KMT vice-presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong. Supporters had called for Ko’s removal from the billboard due to the failed coalition. Due to time constraints, the decision was made to hand-draw Jaw’s portrait. Yeh expressed regret over the missed opportunity for cooperation but emphasized the KMT’s nomination of Jaw maintained political vigor. The billboard, popular for photographs, will initially feature a sketched outline of Jaw before a full illustration is rendered. This unconventional approach to updating campaign material has been well-received online, highlighting the use of creativity amidst political strategy shifts.
    2023/11/25 14:33
  • NBA/被爆與未成年少女發生性行為 雷霆帥哥新星:無話可說

    美國職籃(NBA)奧克拉荷馬雷霆隊(Oklahoma City Thunder)21歲新星吉迪(Josh Giddey)捲入桃色風波,他與疑似年僅15或16歲的少女發生關係,導致吉迪的職業生涯處於極大的不確定之中,NBA官方25日也正式展開調查,吉迪首度受訪時表示「目前我沒有任何話要說」,雷霆隊教練迪亞格諾(Mark Daigneault)也強調這是「私人問題」。
    2023/11/25 11:58
  • Terry Gou supporters shocked, disappointed by withdrawal

    Foxconn founder Terry Gou has withdrawn from the race for the 2024 Taiwan presidential election, surprising his supporters. Gou had previously secured enough signatures to make a bid for the presidency. The announcement came just as the registration for the presidential and legislative elections closed. Despite expressing disappointment, supporters respected Gou’s decision for the greater good. Gou’s withdrawal followed a request from Taiwan People’s Party candidate Ko Wen-je, which caused discontent among his supporters. Gou had campaigned in Chiayi City, where he had support from the "Friends of A-Ming" group. The group had successfully reached the petition threshold, but were not forewarned about Gou’s decision. In his withdrawal statement, Gou emphasized his unwavering spirit on the global business stage and his love for Taiwan’s people. He highlighted the importance of victory and regime change for Taiwan, stating that an unwillingness to compromise is unacceptable for those seeking political turnover.
    2023/11/25 10:59
  • Tainan court sentences Lin Hsin-wu to double death penalty

    The Tainan District Court has sentenced Lin Hsin-wu to death twice and deprived him of his civil rights for life for the murder of two police officers in 2022. Lin brutally killed Tainan City Police Bureau officers Tu Ming-cheng and Tsao Jui-chieh, using a spring knife and firearms while pursuing a suspected car thief. Despite defense arguments about Lin’s impaired behavioral control due to severe alcohol use disorder, the court dismissed them. Taiwan still practices capital punishment, and the issue of its abolition has become a focus of public debate. Currently, there are 38 inmates on death row in Taiwan awaiting execution.
    2023/11/24 17:29
  • Hou Yu-ih invites Jaw Shaw-kong to presidential ticket

    Kuomintang presidential hopeful Hou Yu-ih announces Jaw Shaw-kong as the vice-presidential candidate. The KMT and TPP failed to form an alliance, intensifying campaign efforts for the 2024 election against the ruling Democratic Progressive Party.
    2023/11/24 16:56
  • NBA/被爆「與嫩妹交往」還發生關係 雷霆帥哥新星親密照曝

    美國職籃(NBA)奧克拉荷馬雷霆隊(Oklahoma City Thunder)21歲新星吉迪(Josh Giddey)近日捲入桃色風波,社群媒體上出現大量他與1名少女的親密照片和影片,這名疑似年僅15或16歲的少女甚至自稱與吉迪發生關係,由於美國社會對與未成年少女交往的規定甚嚴,今年也有大聯盟(MLB)棒球員與14歲少女交往而被除名的前車之鑑,這讓吉迪的NBA生涯處於極大的不確定之中。
    2023/11/24 11:47
  • KMT candidate Hou Yu-ih’s campaign HQ opening postponed

    The grand opening of Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih’s national campaign headquarters in New Taipei City’s Banqiao District has been indefinitely postponed due to ongoing negotiations with the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP). The delay reflects the uncertainty surrounding the collaboration between the two parties, preventing the display of candidate portraits at the headquarters. As a result, most of Hou’s campaign staff will continue working from the original office on Xianmin Boulevard.
    2023/11/23 12:40
  • Kaohsiung mayor demands Taipower reform after outages

    Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai expressed dissatisfaction with Taiwan Power Company (Taipower) during an interpellation at the City Council. Three power failures occurred in Kaohsiung within three days. Chen assigned a consumer ombudsman to assess damage and investigate losses. He demanded Taipower conduct an examination, upgrade the grid, enhance safety measures, and implement thorough management.
    2023/11/22 20:30
  • Keelung Police launch raids after student’s fatal stabbing

    Keelung City Police Bureau conducted raids to combat violent crimes in hotspots like KTV bars and the Keelung Miaokou Night Market. The police force deployed 150 officers from various divisions to tackle security concerns. They successfully cracked down on criminal activities, solving one robbery, one gang assault resulting in murder, two gun law violations, and arresting two fraudsters. The police seized four modified firearms, 12 bullets, and drugs. The clampdown aimed to ensure peace and order in Keelung.
    2023/11/22 19:53
  • Retired shopper becomes local legend for claw machine skills

    Discover the heartwarming story of Chen Jung-che, a 76-year-old retired office clerk in Taipei, who has gained fame for his unique hobby of playing claw machines. Chen has spent NT$30,000 in the past three months, winning an impressive 1,450 dolls and even scoring the latest smartphone model. As part of the Chiayi City Government’s anti-aging program, Chen’s dedication to claw machine games not only enhances his concentration and dexterity but also serves a charitable cause. All the dolls he wins are donated to social welfare institutions, including orphanages, bringing joy to children in need. This activity has been recognized as more than just entertainment but also as a therapeutic exercise for seniors, stimulating their eyes, hands, feet, and brains. With just a few coins, this initiative proves that aging can be combated, providing a joyful and purposeful pastime for Taiwan’s senior residents.
    2023/11/22 19:50
  • New Taipei allocates NT$17M yearly for school volunteers

    The New Taipei City Education Department has been allocating an annual budget of NT$17 million to subsidize volunteer activities at schools, including the purchase of guide and protective equipment. The department also ensures the safety of school volunteers by coordinating the procurement of insurance for them every year. This response comes after concerns were raised by New Taipei City Councilor Huang Shu-chun about the discrepancy between the budget for volunteer equipment and the actual number of volunteers. Huang pointed out that the current budget provides equipment for over 5,000 volunteers, despite an estimated 32,000 volunteers on the roster. Huang also compared the benefits granted to school social workers with those provided for police civil defense, neighborhood chiefs, and patrol teams. While school social workers receive an average of NT$495, the others receive a volunteer reward of NT$3,840. Huang emphasized the need to review and improve the system in order to address concerns about a potential reduction in volunteers and difficulties in recruitment and retention.
    2023/11/22 17:06
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