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    children 結果共80筆

  • Children critical after school bus crash in Changhua County

    A tragic school bus collision in Changhua County leaves two children in intensive care and sparks a debate on seatbelt regulations for school buses. The accident, which occurred at a problematic intersection, highlights ongoing concerns about road safety and emergency response in Taiwan.
    2023/11/22 16:58
  • Flu case surge prompts vaccination plea from physicians

    Physicians are urging the public to get vaccinated against the flu as cold and flu cases surge in Taiwan amid cooling weather. Even healthcare providers are being impacted by the rapid spread of a virulent seasonal virus. ENT Dr. Chang Yi-Hao fell ill with gastroenteritis in late October, experiencing two days of fever. The virus has been particularly aggressive over the past few months. Chang emphasized the importance of vaccination, especially for the elderly, individuals with chronic diseases, and young children with weaker immune systems. Wearing face masks has become routine due to COVID-19, but with the easing of restrictions, there has been a rise in flu and respiratory virus infections. Physicians stress the need for vaccination, particularly for those with lower resistance to disease.
    2023/11/16 21:02
  • Taiwan sees rise in fathers using Parental Leave Allowance

    Over 1.01 million people have benefited from Taiwan’s "Employment Insurance Parental Leave Allowance" since its initiation in 2009. This allowance, available to parents with at least one year of cumulative employment insurance, allows them to take unpaid parental leave before their children turn three. The subsidy is calculated at 60% of the average salary for the six months preceding the leave, with an additional 20% wage subsidy provided since July 2021, bringing the total to 80%. Since January 2022, both parents can simultaneously apply for the allowance, allowing them to apply for a subsidy for 12 months within half a year if they meet the criteria and take leave together. Assuming an average monthly salary of NT$42,000, each parent can receive NT$33,600 monthly, totaling NT$403,200 for the half-year period. The program has also seen a rise in male applicants, with over 20,000 annually compared to the initial 4,000 during the inaugural year, indicating a growing willingness of men to share childcare responsibilities.
    2023/11/10 22:08
  • Pediatricians express concerns over new childcare initiative

    Taiwan’s MOHW announces "Holistic Physicians for Young Children" project, but pediatricians express concerns over workload and compensation. Learn more about the childcare initiative.
    2023/10/26 16:59
  • Newborns to be enrolled in nationwide healthcare project

    The Ministry of Health and Welfare in Taiwan has announced the enrollment of all newborn babies in the nationwide "Project of Holistic Physicians for Young Children." Parents with children under the age of three are also encouraged to participate in the project at no additional cost. The project has seen positive results since its launch, treating cases of prolonged jaundice and tracking patients for fluoride treatment and developmental delays. Enrollment numbers show that 37.6% of the nation’s population has participated, with an increase in participation from vulnerable families and groups. The project aims to identify developmental delays and provide integrated systems for health and social care services, particularly for children in high-risk families. The Ministry is working to increase accessibility by engaging hospitals at all levels and allowing parents to choose their preferred medical institutions registered for the project.
    2023/10/25 17:33
  • Historic high: 5.6% of Taiwan babies take mother’s surname

    The Ministry of the Interior reports that 5.6% of babies born in Taiwan from January to July 2021 have taken their mother’s surname, marking a historic high. Taitung County has the highest rate at 16.85%. This shift reflects a gradual increase in children adopting their mother’s surname, despite Taiwan’s predominantly patrilineal society.
    2023/10/09 19:06
  • Ko Wen-je wants 13-year compulsory education policy

    Presidential candidate Ko Wen-je of the Taiwan People’s Party has proposed a comprehensive 13-year education policy that includes expanding compulsory education to children as young as 5 and increasing the kindergarten budget by NT$15 billion annually.
    2023/09/28 19:34
  • KMT pres. candidate unveils five-pronged healthcare policy

    Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih has unveiled his "Five Arrows" healthcare policy, which includes increasing healthcare spending to 8% of GDP, improving care for children and mothers, launching a national mental health plan, advancing prevention for high-risk cancers, and ensuring transparency in vaccine and pharmaceutical purchases.
    2023/08/31 16:13
  • Taiwan parents want property in elite school areas for kids

    Taiwan’s elite school districts thrive as parents invest in housing to secure education for their children. Enrollment strategies reshape housing markets around top schools.
    2023/08/17 23:31
  • Taichung says swings for children only amid dog swing video

    A recent video depicting pet owners bringing their dog into the Hongen Park in Taichung and allowing the dog to play on the swings has sparked controversy. 
    2023/07/25 17:16
  • Kindergarten’s license restored as alleged drugs unfounded

    The New Taipei City Government withdrew on Thursday (July 13) the revocation of a kindergarten’s license after a criminal investigation concluded a day earlier that there was no evidence of improper treatment of the children.
    2023/07/13 18:04
  • School bus, taxi collide, injuring 12 kids and 1 adult

    A school bus collided with a taxi on Wednesday morning (July 12) at an intersection in Yilan City, injuring 11 children, one teacher, and a 5-year-old child in the taxi.
    2023/07/12 16:40
  • Office workers struggle to raise children for 3 reasons

    The birth rate in Taiwan has significantly decreased in recent years, resulting in negative population growth for a consecutive three-year period. A recent study has shed light on three main challenges office workers face when raising children: high living costs, stagnant wages, and an overpriced housing market.
    2023/07/12 11:33
  • MOHW: 28 preschoolers show negative drug test results

    The Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) confirmed Thursday (June 15) that 28 children have negative results when testing for barbiturate phenobarbital, while one’s testing result is still pending.
    2023/06/15 18:19
  • Outrage erupts as kindergarten accused of drugging children

    A private kindergarten in New Taipei City has ignited public outrage following allegations that a teacher administered drugs to the children. On June 5, authorities conducted a long-overdue investigation to determine the extent of the impact on the affected children.
    2023/06/07 17:33
  • Taiwan seeing increase in bilingual school enrollment

    Amid Taiwan’s push to become a bilingual nation by 2030, parents are willing to pay expensive tuition to enroll their children in bilingual schools.
    2023/05/11 18:44
  • Taiwanese parents in 30s locked into ’Sandwich Generation’

    Are you a new parent in Taiwan struggling to provide for your children while also caring for your aging parents? You’re not alone.
    2023/03/13 17:18
  • Taiwan’s birth rate hits new low amid economic slowdown

    According to the Ministry of the Interior, 138,000 newborns were born in 2022, setting a record-low number. 
    2023/01/30 19:00
  • CECC: China’s outbreak may reach its peak in 2 months

    The epidemic continues to spread in mainland China, and according to the Commander of the Central Epidemic Command Center, Victor Wang, their situation may reach its peak in 2 months. As many will be traveling back to Taiwan from the mainland for Chinese New Year, the CECC is urging children to get vaccinated or re-vaccinated. 
    2022/12/06 12:10
  • Creative running track brings joy to Taiwan school children

    KAOHSIUNG (TVBS News)  —  An elementary school in Kaohsiung, southern Taiwan, built five ice cream-shaped hills on its running track, making people think the tracks are damaged due to recent earthquakes. 
    2022/12/01 18:52
  • 乾旱渴到凍未條!非洲猴子「失常」 開始攻擊人類兒童

    東非國家衣索比亞正在經歷近年來最嚴重的乾旱,非營利機構救助兒童會(Save the Children)最新一份報告顯示,當地猴子面臨極端飢餓、口渴,竟然開始出現攻擊兒童和牲畜等不正常行為。
    2022/06/16 17:22
  • 過年開放男子「搶婚」 紀錄片揭北越赫蒙族女性悲歌

    北越的赫蒙族有個「搶婚」的習俗,男子被允許在過年期間,「綁架」心儀的單身女孩,女孩若是無法自行逃脫,就必須嫁給對方。越南青年導演何黎艷( HÀ LỆ Diễm)隻身前往北越深山,花了三年的時間拍攝,記錄下赫蒙族女性悲歌。赫蒙族女孩「琪(Di)」年僅14歲就遭遇搶婚,原先她把一切當成是家家酒遊戲,沒想到現實真的「成真」,男方大陣仗來到家中提親,琪卻感到後悔不已;如果人生可以重來,她的願望是「想再當一次小孩」,因為只有重新做回孩子,她才有機會從殘酷的「陋習」中逃離。
    2022/04/29 19:57
  • 奪走52條烏國人命!飛彈殘骸現神秘字眼 專家:是報復

    烏克蘭東部一座車站昨(8)日遭到飛彈轟炸,釀成至少52人死亡的悲劇。根據外媒報導,飛彈殘骸上用俄文寫著「za detei」,專家指出這行字的意思是「為了孩子們」(For the children),懷疑這場攻擊是一種報復行為。
    2022/04/09 17:57
  • 詹雅雯罹帕金森氏症再開唱 自卑問「我唱得很爛嗎?」

    作家兼作詞人許常德、歌手亂彈阿翔以及台語歌后詹雅雯,近日特地為南鯤鯓王爺量身訂做主題曲〈咱攏是囡仔 We Are the Children〉,許常德開心表示藉由這次機會,正好將昔日很難湊在一起的音樂人聚集起來,亂彈阿翔、詹雅雯則透露「接到任務時超害怕」。
    2021/08/31 15:33
  • 疫情打亂世代教育 近千萬孩童恐永難重返校園

    英國慈善機構「拯救兒童基金會」(Save the Children)今天警告,冠狀病毒疫情已造成「空前未有的教育緊急情況」,高達970萬孩童受學校關閉影響,恐永難重返校園求學。
    2020/07/13 11:20
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