
Taiwanese parents in 30s locked into ’Sandwich Generation’

Reporter Vivian Hsiao
Release time:2023/03/13 17:18
Last update time:2023/03/13 17:18
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Are you a new parent in Taiwan struggling to provide for your children while also caring for your aging parents? You're not alone.

Coined the "sandwich generation," these young adults face heightened financial burdens as the age dependency ratio continues to climb. 


Ms. Huang is one such member of the "sandwich generation," as a mother of two and with parents in their 60s.

"While they (parents) are still working, the prospect of covering their medical expenses in the event of illness weighs heavily on my mind," she remarked.

For Taipei residents, the ratio already surpassed 50% in 2022, according to data from the Ministry of Interior.

This means that there is a family dependent for every two working-age persons, either younger than 15 or older than 64. 

The pressure on these adults has led experts to call for more support from businesses and the government regarding child and elderly care.

Taiwan Association of Family Caregivers Secertary-General Chen Ching-ning pointed out that the government's current long-term care (LTC) plan 2.0 offers subsidies up to NT$36,000 per month.

However, the options are restricted. 

"Home care and daytime care services are the only choices available," she said, adding that home care services only provide 2 hours of assistance per day.

"Inadequate for elderly individuals with paralysis who require turnover and patting service every two hours," she continued.

Experts urge businesses to provide more flexible working hours to alleviate the pressures on parents so they can better balance their work and family responsibilities. 

Long-term care services and facilities also need to be updated and upgraded to work together to support the "sandwich generation" in Taiwan.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan#long-term care#dependency ratio#financial burden#aging population


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